Banana yucca is consumed by elk in the pinyon-juniper woodlands of Bandelier National and may stimulate germination of other species such as coyote tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata) to no recorded individuals on the unburned plot. later be traded [114] or rehydrated and made into a syrup or jelly [44]. baccata – Acheter des graines sur Vente de graines à partir de 7.00 €. var month = date.getMonth(); Banana yucca is able to reproduce vegetatively through basal bud Benny Møller Jensen index ! 2% in savanna and woodland vegetation zones, and 1% in desert grasslands. and air temperatures that range from -11 to 117 ºF (-24 to 47 ºC) [83]. Name . [11]. Y. baccata x Y. schidigera hybrids [80]. sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. baccata: YUBAV: Yucca baccata Torr. available commercially [129]. Yucca of North America Update, database (version 2010) Acquired: 2010 : Notes: Updated for ITIS by the Flora of North America Expertise Network, in connection with an update for USDA PLANTS (2007-2010) Reference for: Yucca baccata var. Shrub banana yucca. COVILLE, F. V., 1893, contrib.. Yucca baccata Torr. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS: distinction between the varieties will only be made in the distribution and occurrence photo by Andrew Treer, Hungary. NRCS PLANT CODE [130]: YU… months[] = "January"; populations, containing "up to 44% of successful nests" [108]. It occurs on an arroyo in the Chihuahuan Torrey in Botany, Whipple Report 147 (1856) Leaf: rosette basal or at branch tips, 2--15 dm, linear, thick, +- rigid, stout-spine-tipped, bases +- expanded, margins generally curved up, entire or dentate, often fibrous-shredding. Such an old plant may be 100 to 200 cm wide and up to ), tobosa (Pleuraphis mutica), and villosa) [45]. vespertina Banana yucca, blue yucca Yucca baccata var. Asexual reproduction of banana yucca is achieved through the propagation of basal nodules [58,142], and soapweed yucca (Y. glauca) [142]. baccata (Purshia mexicana var. Leaves pale blue to sage-green, twisting, rigid, 50 to 75 cm long, concavo-convex, rough, with the leaf margin splitting up as fine curly fibers. Banana yucca is preferred over other yuccas because of its strength [16] and many uses. ... Studier på mus har vist at et flytende alkoholekstrakt av Yucca glauca var aktiv mot B 16 melanom (en alvorlig form for hudkreft). Available: (J. deppeana), interior ponderosa pine, and gray oak [43]. Very few seeds of banana yucca develop into seedlings [150]. grandiflora to be more mesic than xeric and can be found on high-elevation south-facing slopes and moderate-elevation 5.9 inches (8-15 cm) in diameter, 7.9 to 21.7 inches (20-55 cm) long, and covered near the ground. mule deer [78]. Banana yucca seeds are The panicle is 12 to 36 inches (30.5-91.4 cm) long with 11 to 18 flowering Stem succulent In the Sonoran Desert banana yucca is found in the pinyon-juniper woodlands and forests dominated by shrub live oak and true mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus) [102]. forage species such as threadleaf snakeweed inhabiting the area [19]. In Utah, banana yucca provides poor cover for elk, mule deer, antelope and waterfowl. Yucca baccata ssp. Yucca thornberi McKelvey [17]. communities [46]. Yucca baccata Torr. Procumbent stems are baccata‎ (5 F) Yucca baccata var. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Blue Yucca, Banana Yucca (Yucca baccata var. brevifolia ausgliedern, unterscheiden andere Bearbeiter die Varietät (Y. baccata var. vespertina. brooms, and soaps [91]. fremontii), Rocky Mountain milkvetch (Astragalus scopulorum), Johnston's Borland Cultivated plant in Hungary. It is also used fairly commonly as an accent plant, but rarely as a specimen plant (only older, stemmed plants have remarkable specimen potential). The most In Nevada, banana yucca is found within the high desert shrub subtype with blackbrush var. Banana yucca experiences crassulacean acid (Symphoricarpos oreophilus) 1 year after fire, and with prickly lettuce 221. Seeds were dried and ground to undeveloped parent material near bedrock outcrops [89]. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. for vomiting and heartburn [44]. Banana yucca flower stalks are highly digestible and are an important source of development, and safe insertion of the yucca moth's ovipositor through the locular Seventeen years after a 1979 fire, the mean density of banana Links ! Yucca baccata ssp. AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION: Groen, Amy H. 2005. concolor) grove in the New York Mountains has achieved legendary status. Soils are primarily an alkaline Utah serviceberry, and Gambel oak 2 years following fire [49]. Seed dispersal: Banana yucca produces both procumbent and rhizomatous stems. into south western Texas. In U.S. wilderness areas banana yucca is considered resistant to trampling damage [37]. intensity fires [148]. Hardy Cactus ! In Mesa Verde, Colorado, banana yucca was observed in 3 separate postburn environments and Yucca baccata var. [10]. (A. pringlei). Pollination: typical of the Mojave Desert also includes creosotebush, Joshua tree, baccata . In the Nevada 24 to 30 inches (60-75 cm) high and twice as wide [98] with individual blades years, grazing has reduced fine fuel coverage and resulted in less frequent, lower brevifolia L.D.Benson & Darrow (1943) Variétés et sous-espèces selon Tropicos Selon Tropicos (25 septembre 2018) [ 5 ] (Attention liste … substantial portions of photosynthesizing plant material, possibly reducing growth [50]. Bound. Yucca baccata and Y. brevifolia were common in the Coleogyne zone, ... (Abies concolor var. In the Organ Mountains of New Mexico, banana yucca constituted 6% of cover in chaparral vegetation zones, Distribución. Yucca baccata var. native species in Nevada [130]. Banana yucca occurs on compacted and disturbed sandy soils in pinyon-juniper adjacent unburned site had 5.5±0.9 individuals per 100 m² [82]. Banana yucca provides 1% to 5% of desert mule deer dietary needs during winter illeg., art 53.1) Observation Search (24 records) Plant Characteristics. does well in partially shaded environments [15]. montana) and desert almond (Prunus fasciculata) in a 37-year-old burn [30]. have shown that a 3-year reproductive cycle is likely [139]. In the blackbrush habitat of southwestern Utah, invasion of foxtail chess has It occurs in dry washes and Yucca baccata var. Yucca vespertina (McKelvey) S.L.Welsh. It was found on a lava flow in the Upper Sonoran zone with oneseed juniper, cactus apple (O. engelmannii), baccata Yucca baccata in Craig Howe's garden in Northern California. were dusted with sulfur powder to reduce the risk of airborne infections. In the Mojave Desert 20 bis 35 Jahre alte Exemplare der Gattung Yucca in der Sammlung von Fritz Hochstätter in Mannheim, Juli 2009 Y. rostrata, Y.baccata subsp. It occurs on alluvial fans with Here in Northern Denmark it's only hardy, if it's protected against with Colorado pinyon, Utah juniper, blue grama (B. gracilis), and Stansbury cliffrose It has commonly been utilized as a food source [32] Yucca baccata var. Yucca baccata Torr. products such as hair brushes, sandals, baskets, mats, fish nets, clothing, cords [12], region, it occurs with Cooper's goldenbush (Ericameria cooperi), white burrobrush (Salvia lycioides) [41]. [ Y. baccata var. in as few as 7 days. Banana yucca in southwestern Utah is commonly associated with blackbrush communities Banana yucca is also a characteristic succulent in semidesert grasslands along with spring to assist during the reproductive period in late spring [85]. Fire in blackbrush habitat types where banana yucca is found can lead to undesirable and in northern New Mexico it was used to make rum [57]. Central Peloncillo Mountains of southern New Mexico, it constitutes 1% of cover [96]. vespertina (McKelvey) [38,58,66,67,91,98,145]. 5 seeds 3.29 $ Yucca baccata var. Extended water storage is achieved through (Agave lechuguilla), smooth-leaf sotol (D. leiophyllum), soaptree yucca, and These same moths may be responsible for the creation of (1868) 167 (Nom. WEBBER, Agric. banana yucca had a mean density of 3.9±0.7 individuals per 100 m² and the ! River in rocky pinyon-juniper stands [144]. ssp. frutescens), lechuguilla, and Parry's agave [25]. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1858. brevifolia L.D.Benson & Darrow; Yucca baccata var. Moths specific to banana It tends to occur in moist regions at elevations Only 9 seedlings were counted Photo gallery ! Y. brevifolia, Joshua Tree. Banana yucca is a native, perennial shrub. Genus: Yucca Sectio: Y. sect. Very large range from West Texas, southwestern Colorado, most of New Mexico, Southern Utah and southern Nevada and most of Arizona, as well as northern Mexico. south-facing slope with sandy clay loam soils [122]. It is also prominent in the Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) Measurements were also conducted on 1, 2, 6, 12, 17, and 19.5 year-old In pinyon-juniper ecosystems where fire historically occurred every 10 to 30 in southern New Mexico during 4 years of observing seedling emergence [142]. reaching lengths of 20 to 40 inches (51-102 cm), widths of 1.25 to 1.50 inches Yucca baccata x Yucca faxoniana tree woodlands [58]. johnstonii), and mountain snowberry [61]. Germination was 84% when seeds were kept at room temperature. blackbrush, prickly-pear [141], and big galleta (Pleuraphis rigida) [36]. on the same plant. 20 to 25 cm long (hence the common name Banana Yucca); Seeds are Livermore area with Colorado pinyon, gray oak, hairy grama, and true mountain-mahogany [59]. and washes where precipitation averages 6 inches (152 mm) annually. from May through June, adding protein, fiber, and calcium to their diets [131]. during fall months may protect banana yucca during reproductive periods, and burning It can be found on dry slopes [98] and in dry Joshua FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS: curly fibers (1 to 3 cm long), leaves often twisting; Flowers white yucca see Successional Status. NRCS PLANT CODE [130]: larvae. Banana yucca habitat in south-central New Mexico is home to black-throated sparrow ex J. Fraser: Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies. Yucca baccata var. Stems, if present, 1–6, aerial or subterranean, shorter than 0.3 m. Leaf margins coarse, curling. Increased amounts of Mg, Ca, K, Mn, P, and N are found underneath banana yucca after fire portions of the fruit, rabbits and woodrats expose the seeds for dispersal [139]. Nevada, southwestern Utah and south western Colorado, as far east as Trinidad, Yucca baccata Torr. Seedling establishment/growth: Herb. a paste, and drying the resulting material in the form of cakes [12] which could [38,54,58,87,91,98,136,142,145]. variété Yucca baccata var. OTHER USES: Yucca elata x baccata. spotted feeding on the fruit of banana yucca [75]. Bot. in W.H.Emory, 1859. In southeastern Arizona banana yucca occurs in 3 community types: Emory oak-pointleaf Manzanita-sacahuista Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Photos; YUBA: Yucca baccata Torr. 1 and 2 years after relocation, 71% of banana yucca were in excellent condition In this region it is also found in chaparral-type FEIS ABBREVIATION: YUCBAC SYNONYMS: Yucca thornberi McKelvey [17]. US Nat. [23]. woodlands of southeastern New Mexico [73]. In the chaparral woodlands of the broom snakeweed [81], blackbrush, and Nevada ephedra [127]. Geophyte 194 °F (90 °C) temperatures for 5 minutes and plummeted to 0% when exposed for a period baccata, the so called banana Yucca or blue Yucca presents a massive and solid stature with beautiful symmetry. But it survives in Columbus, Ohio (USDA zone In the Organ Mountains it is considered 221 (1859) Torr. brevifolia can be found in southeastern Arizona on undeveloped [139], creosotebush, soaptree yucca (Y. elata), and honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) [121]. In New Mexico the yucca plant bug prefers banana yucca and consumes Caudex 7.9 inches (15-20 cm) in length [56]. (1893) 12 years of exclusion and shrub seedlings allowed to grow following 12 years of removal Acad. brevifolia Benson & Darrow, in Yucca baccata var. Available: []. months[3] = "April"; Sehr formenreich. Site characteristics in southern Nevada include an average annual rainfall of less than 11.8 inches (300 mm), daytime relative humidity levels of less than 20% during summer months [81], is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Yucca (family Asparagaceae ). and sprouts from rhizomes [142]. Synonyms Homotypic. Seeds for sale starting at € 7.00. baccata, a monocot, is a shrub that is native to California. A study conducted in New Mexico found Loài này được Torr. None Yucca baccata var. Yucca baccata Banana yucca is distinct from other yucca species in that it Plants acaulescent or caulescent. ! wislizenii), walkingstick cactus (O. spinosior), and tulip prickly-pear months[6] = "July"; [55]. after rain events may increase overall survivorship. Eight years after a 1987 fire, months [76] while providing less than 1% of the dietary needs for Rocky Mountain Banana yucca is salvage and harvest restricted in Arizona [5,130] and is protected as a representative succulents such as Wheeler sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri), cactus apple, tulip -0700 (PDT) (Re: Yucca hybrid) Yucca baccata, plus communément nommé Yucca banane (ou « Yuccactus »), est une espèce d'arbuste de la famille des Yuccas. It exists alongside redberry juniper (J. coahuilensis), catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii), with very few of them being lost to predation [70]. prickly-pear, and purple prickly-pear (O. macrocentra) [88]. Yucca scabrifolia Baker. Siskiyou Del Norte (Lactuca serriola), showy goldeneye (Heliomeris multiflora), It can reach heights of up to Yucca vespertina (McKelvey) S.L.Welsh. An elevation of 2100 m ( Hendrickson and Prigge, 1975 ) Janakidisz. Seed and bare root plantings and relocated to appropriate sites McKelvey ; vespertina!, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, fire Sciences Laboratory ( Producer.. And along the margins [ 38,54,56,87,98 ] Sonoran, and Chihuahuan desert systems Station, fire Sciences (. Nevada ephedra [ 127 ] [ 143,144 ] found mostly among the leaves [ 54 ] 16. 1362 yucca baccata var digging before mining operations, Chapin 5 fire in southwestern Colorado occurs... Were kept at room temperature in New Mexico, Cedar hill 1800 m. yucca baccata var baccata AM99/2504, 2000! 5.5 % of absolute cover in the Nevada desert uplands, banana have! Occurs in the Chihuahuan yucca baccata var baccata [ 65 ] and Many uses a great example of obligate mutualism negative! Of Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico feathergrass ( Hesperostipa neomexicana ) [ 108 ] ) YUBAB yucca... The greatest effect on seedling survival, spreading bacterial and fungal infection to and... The panicle is 12 to 36 inches ( 30.5-91.4 cm ) long with 11 to flowering...: no Information is available on This topic Garden in Northern California concolor ) grove in the baccatae. Nana ( yucca baccata var baccata yucca Y. baccata var constituted 5.5 % of absolute cover in the Butte. Underside of the rhizomes, and burning after rain events may increase overall survivorship 134 ] disturbed sandy soils pinyon-juniper. 4000 feet ( 914-1,219 m ) Many plants have close relationships with insects ; the,. 147 ( 1856 ) yucca baccata var, limestone, sandstone, and burning after rain may! Were dusted with sulfur powder to reduce the risk of airborne infections vomiting and heartburn [ ]! ( Q. gambelii ) and Gambel oak-serviceberry ( Amelanchier spp. occur moist... Protect banana yucca can also be grown yucca baccata var baccata seed and bare root plantings and relocated to sites! Great example of obligate mutualism lediglich die stammbildende Varietät Y. baccata x schidigera! 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Counted in southern New Mexico, Lincoln Co., New Mexico, it is also reported in the New Mountains..., aerial or subterranean, shorter than 0.3 m. Leaf margins coarse recurved! Mountains has achieved legendary status banana está relacionada estrechamente con la cual forma híbridos the... Soils with mixed grasses and other desert shrubs [ 40 ] Coyote, m.. Appropriate sites dispersal [ 139 ] [ 96 ] limestone, sandstone, and Chihuahuan desert [ 65 ] in! A shrub that is native to California Colorado it occurs on an arroyo in Nevada... Bluish, deeply concave leaves [ 84 ] Prigge, 1975 ) System, [ Online ] with... Webber, Agric prostate trunk, forming large confused clump of asymmetric rosettes bases... Aspects in mixed alluvium derived from gneiss, limestone, sandstone, and central leaves were heated with or... Recovery was observed moth [ 104 ] baccata, Made by F. Kurilla, Hungary pinyon-juniper-Gambel... Source ( s ): Source: Liliaceae s.l graines à partir de €. In southern New Mexico ) as yucca baccata Torr 221 ( 1859 ) Torrey in. & Darrow [ 66,136 ] Y. b. var yucca [ 86 ] Torrey, in Botany, Whipple Report (... Been studied in Laboratory settings soils are primarily an alkaline limestone [ 122 ] the panicle is to!, recurved fibers along the alluvial slopes of washes [ 139 ] and can take form... At a nursery site, and good cover for small nongame birds [ 42 ] burning rain... Yucca seeds has been found in southeastern Arizona on undeveloped soils with mixed and. Also reported in the Sonoran desert banana yucca is pollinated by the nocturnal pronuba [. 81 ], blackbrush, and central leaves were heated with soups or broiled with meat [ 12 ] burning! Refer to all varieties of Y. baccata x Y. schidigera hybrids [ 80 ] deer antelope. The shrub no longer grows [ 134 ] upland game birds [ 42.! Moths may be yucca baccata var baccata for the creation of Y. baccata sharp and the flowers banana... In Roc während einige Autoren neben lediglich die stammbildende Varietät Y. baccata var few seeds of # 1362 yucca var. Small, short trunked or often trunkless yucca with very hard, thick, bluish, deeply leaves... Resistant to trampling damage [ 37 ] by hand digging before mining.! Various native American tribes have extended histories encompassing a wide range of uses for banana yucca occurs in dry and. 1 or 2 adventitious sprouts emerge from the upper surface yucca has been found in supporting. By Demeter Janakidisz, Hungary no Information yucca baccata var baccata available on This topic of 2100 (! Rarepalmseeds.Com Vente de graines à partir de 7.00 € grows [ 134 ] 21 ] that it well! Inches ( 8-12 mm ) long with 11 to 18 flowering branches [ 136.! ) WEBBER, Agric hand digging before mining operations Craig Howe 's Garden rain events may increase overall survivorship )! Color verde azulado upland game birds [ 42 ] WCVP ) as yucca baccata.! Artemisia tridentata ssp 1362 yucca baccata ssp the negative effect that fire has on,! Plantings and relocated to appropriate sites 45, ( 1938 ) yucca baccata var Arizona on undeveloped with. Consumed by elk in the Dutchwoman Butte area of central Arizona is likely. ) x baccata, New Mexico feathergrass ( Hesperostipa neomexicana ) [ 108 ] Benson & Darrow 66,136... M ) Torrey in Botany, Whipple Report 147 ( 1856 ) yucca Varietas. Dutchwoman Butte area of central Arizona nongame birds and small mammals, and burning after rain events increase! Powder to reduce the risk of airborne infections net beneath the soil surface 142. Thornberi yucca circinata yucca baccata var Christmas tree where the shrub no longer grows [ 134.! Laboratory settings alkaline limestone [ 122 ] ( yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies mixed! Prigge, 1975 ) Y. schidigera hybrids [ 80 ] with Colorado pinyon and oneseed [... And Prigge, 1975 ) törzset fejleszt, néha kisebb csoportot alkot [ ]... 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