The Bargello, also known as the Palazzo del Bargello, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, or Palazzo del Popolo (Palace of the People), is a former barracks and prison, now an art museum, in Florence. A Bargello, más néven Palazzo del Podestà, egyike Firenze palotáinak. Born as the seat of the Captain of the people, Palazzo del Bargello was the first public palace in Florence and later home to the Chief of Police and city prison. The museum was established in 1865 and is especially famous for its collection of Renaissance sculpture, including works by Donatello, Michelangelo, Antonio del Bargello Museum, art museum housed in the Palazzo del Bargello (or del Podestà), Florence, which dates from the 13th and 14th centuries. In 1574, the Medici dispensed with the function of the Podestà and housed the bargello, the police chief of Florence, in this building, hence its name. The Museo Nazionale del Bargello gathers together the largest collection of Italian sculptures dating from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century.It also houses weapons, armour, Medici medals and other objects made of bronze and ivory. This Palazzo del Podestà, as it was originally called, is the oldest public building in Florence. This austere crenellated building served as model for the construction of the Palazzo Vecchio. Established in 1255, the Palazzo del Bargello is shaped like a fortress with crenellated walls. Questo video tratta della struttura e delle numerose opere esposte nel cortile. The official at the Palazzo del Bargello was so helpful showing us where the other museums and churches your ticket covered were on the map and telling us about them. A duecento idején kezdték el építeni, 1255-ben. Visita del Museo Nazionale del Bargello il 28/11/2019. The Bargello Museum is located in the impressive Palazzo del Bargello, a fortress with powerful embattlements which surround the austere facade. Die Bargello is geleë in Florence, Italië The museum also has a fine collection of ceramics (maiolica), textile, tapestries, ivory, silver, armour and coins. The Bargello Museum, located in the historic center of Florence, is located in the imposing Palazzo del Bargello whose construction began in 1255. Palazzo del Bargello 1502-1858 The office of the podesta was abolished in 1502, and by the middle of the 16th century the palazzo became the city’s prison, where the “bargello” or “chief” of police, along with his agents and spies interrogated, tortured and tried traitors against the Grand Duke. Begun in 1255, the building was the headquarters of the Capitano del Popolo and later of the Podestà and Council of Justice. I think this is a very good tourist initiative as it encourages you to explore this wonderful city. Die Bargello, ook bekend as die Palazzo del Bargello, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, of Palazzo del Popolo (Paleis van die Mense), was voorheen polisiebarakke en 'n tronk, maar is nou ingerig as 'n kunsmuseum. The museum houses masterpieces by Michelangelo and Donatello. Bargello (Palazzo del Bargello ili Palazzo del Podest) je gotička građevina u Firenci iz 13. st. u kojoj je smješten Nacionalni muzej Bargella (Museo nazionale del Bargello) posvećen skulpturi.. Naziv mu potječe od latinske riječi bargillus, što znači „utvrđeni toranj”.Tijekom vremena građevina je mijenjala namjene, pa je izvorno, 1255. The Bargello’s severe building has had many functions over the centuries: from Palazzo del Podestà to prison and finally to its modern role as a museum of sculpture and of the minor arts..