When a last name consists of only two letters, you must also enter a space and at least the first letter of the first name. Enter a minimum of 3 characters of the person's name, with the last name first (separated by a space, not a comma). In this type of care there can be seven to 12 children, ages six weeks to 12 years, plus four more school-age children. To get more information about operating a day care center in New York City, contact the New York City Group Family Day Care. The Early Childhood Education and Training Program (ECETP) is committed to providing the highest quality training and educational activities to support the development of knowledge and skills needed by child day care providers who work with our most precious and vulnerable citizens—our children. DLS licenses over 800,000 individuals and businesses. Child care licensing regulations cover many topics, including the following: The number of children one adult can care for a time (child-staff ratio) and the number of children allowed in a class (group size) Supervision of children. Group family day care programs may have up to 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years old, plus four additional school-age children. All child care programs in New York City must follow COVID-19 guidelines issued by New York State. Child Care Licensing Agency NYS OCFS Division of Child Care Services (Home Office) South Building, Room 309 52 Washington Street Rensselaer, NY 12144-2796 (518) 474-9454 Daycare Listings. These programs must … elcome to the New York Department of State's Division of Licensing Services (DLS), which oversees the licensure, registration, and regulation of 35 occupations throughout the state. A Group Child Care program provides child care to 3 or more children under the age of 6 years of age for 5 or more hours per week, for more than 30 days in a 12-month period, primarily operating in a non-residential space. Group Family Day Care offers child care in a family home on a regular basis for more than three hours per day per child. When someone watches three or more children each day for more than three hours at a time, and is compensated for doing so, he or she must follow NY's day care registration requirements. For callers from the 5 boroughs of New York City: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Staten Island Such application and attestations must include an agreement by the applicant to operate the child day care center in conformity with applicable laws and regulations. NAME OF AGENCY : According to Article 36 of the Public Health Law, a home care services agency subject to licensure is an organization engaged in arranging and/or care services agency licensure are presently being provided and will not be provided until such time as a license is received. Before deciding on a child care center or other care facility, you should ensure it is up to date on necessary licensing. The State requires child care programs to notify the NYC Health Department to report an employee or child who has a positive COVID-19 test result. COVID-19 Guidelines for Child Care Programs. Search by name within a profession: Select a profession. A primary on-site provider operates a Group Family Day Care. You can learn how to get or renew a permit to operate a standard family day care program. Babysitters in New York are not required to obtain a license, and there is no minimum age to babysit. New York requires a completed application, including required attestations, on forms furnished by the Office or approved equivalents. Licensed/Registered Child Day Care Program This overview can help you understand the process to become a licensed or registered child day care program in New York State, except for the operation of a day care center in New York City. To verify the accreditation and licensing status of a child care center near you or to see if a provider has past complaints or violations, you may visit your state’s Department of Licensing.