The recent collapse of a garment factory building at Savar shows how insecure and vulnerable the workers are in the RMG sector. The main objective of this report is to analyze the garments sector of Bangladesh and relate the knowledge with the analysis of industries strength, weakness, threat and opportunity. In addition to its economic contribution, the expansion of RMG industry has caused noticeable changes by bringing more than 1.12 million women into the workforce. Some argues that it will affect the industry in a positive manner. Fabric Spreading and Cutting Section of Garments Industry. The resilience and bold trend in this MFA phase-out period partly reflects the imposition of ‘safeguard quotas’ by US and similar restrictions by EU administration on China up to 2008, which has been the largest supplier of textiles and apparel to USA. I have tried my best to present all HR the things to make the report more informative and usual one. It has important backward linkage with utilities such as electricity, gas, and machinery and spare parts supplying. Date uploaded. It’s true some of the top retailers are downsizing their inventories due to the crisis. A BIDS survey conducted in the early 1990s found that 21 percent of both male and female workers aged 15 years and above had their own bank accounts. With these waste materials, they are making stuff toys, patterns, quilts, cushions etc. The growth pattern of RMG exports can be categorized into two distinct phases. Search *COVID-19 Stats & Updates* *Disclaimer: This website is not related to us. One hundred fifty construction workers and an as yet unreported number of garment workers were reportedly in the building Saturday morning when it collapsed. The main objective of this report is to analyze the garments sector of Bangladesh and relate the knowledge with the analysis of industries strength, weakness, threat and opportunity. Despite the phenomenal success of the RMG sector the working conditions and wages of workers in the industry are cause for serious concern. A project report on Textile. Foundation garments for Ladies for the FDI promise is significant because both, the technicians and highly developed machinery are essential for better competence and output. I preferred this attachment in Orbid Apparels Ltd, which is a 100% export oriented composite knit industry. This riot came to an end under the state of emergency. Various factors like the distance from major markets, importation of raw materials, port congestion, strikes, poor roads, etc. Textile exports managed to increase at a very decent growth of 16% in 2006. textile industry report 1. studied at university of sardogha, lahore compus studentof mba final year internship assignment of shahkam industry theoretical base report detailed report on hrm a case of textile sector prepared by: internees: anam nasir (054) shazia gulzar (055) submitted to: ma’am neha hr generalist shahkam industry The report first shall give an overview of the tasks completed This table reveals the RMG export from the initial stage of the industry till 2007 and its contribution to total export. Subject: Internship report on merchandising department in garments industry. amounted to an additional 7.37 million dollars. Gates Of Vienna. The reason behind the riot can be listed as below. The general objective of preparing this report is to fulfill the requirement of Internship Program as well as completion the EMBA Program through gaining the practical job experience and view the application of theoretical knowledge in the real life. As most of the labor laws have become old and not time befitting, government should formulate a National Policy on Ready Made Garments to establish a development trajectory for the sector to survive, in a quota-free world. And the last two years were really good time for the garment industry. Now a day, while teachers and lawyers can’t hold elections, garments industries owners hold elections under direct government patronage. But many exporters are really worried about the effect of financial crisis on this sector. The major importer of RMG products are USA and Europe. Accordingly, local value addition by the sector in 2007 was about 4.15 billion US dollars which was equivalent to 5.96% of GDP for the same year. However, this vital industry still depends heavily on imported fabrics. The regression analysis reveals that there is a significant relationship between the RMG export and Total export. Small and one time retrenchment benefits are not adequate for workers and their families in situations of massive income losses. DOWNLOAD PDF . According to a recent World Bank-IFC publication (2006) records that a businessman in Bangladesh needs 35 days to export and incurs USD 902 per container, whereas his counterpart in India requires 27 days and spends USD 864 per container. Aug 27, 2016. Bangladesh happens to feature the longest lead time in the RMG world. support for adequate rescue and relief efforts and financial compensation for the injured workers and the families of the dead; full, independent and transparent investigation and follow-up for all these incidents; and. Description Download TEXTILE INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP REPORT Free in pdf format. Usman Sajid Gill 1 Internsship Reeport On M Masood Textilee Mills Sargoodha Rooad Faiisalabad d Su ubmitteed to: HR Deepartmeent Sub bmitted d by: Usmann Sajid BB BA (H) Reg. The political situation was stable under the country’s state of emergency and this boost the growth of the industry. The employment of an uneven number of unskilled labors by the garment factories results in low productivity and comparatively more expensive apparels. Wasteful Spending List Congressman Bill Posey. In part the momentum in the post-MFA phase-out period is indicative of the efforts underway towards capacity building through backward integration. I have also write down my report on the basis of primary and secondary data. During the initial phase it was the woven category, which contributed the most. Second phase is the emergence of knitwear products that powered the recent double digit (year-on-year) growth starting in FY04. Different published material. The lead time for Bangladesh is 120 days on an average, while the corresponding period for Sri Lanka is about 19-45 days and for India it is only about 12 days. Employment opportunities draw attention to women’s needs for public facilities such as transportation, communication, safety etc. Though export-oriented apparel industry is the lifeblood of Bangladesh’s foreign exchange earning, the basic rights, welfare issues of garment workers are severely neglected. Effect of world ongoing financial crisis on Bangladesh Garments Sector. Apart from agriculture, the country is much concerned about the growth of export division. Exploration of new market for RMG to protect the industry and the workers and take maximum advantage of free excess to Canadian, Australian and other markers. Garments worker raise their voice in different times to attain their rights. Internship Report on Ready Made Garments industry in Bangladesh, Garments Merchandising Business in Bangladesh, Identification of Causes of Fabric Wastages, Merchandising Business in Ready Made Garments on Shelltex International, Merchandizing Practice in Haddad Organization Limited, Overview of HRD and Compliance Performance of Readymade Garments Industry, Define and Discuss Small and Medium Enterprise, Export Performance of Readymade Garments Sector of Bangladesh, Properties of Knitted Fabrics Made from Ring and Compact Spun Yarns, Waste Management Techniques In Footwear Industries, Overall Functions of Shovon Group of Companies, Post MFA Prospects of Knitwear Export from Bangladesh, Credit Activities of Buying House Cotton Candy International, Problems of Garments Industry in Bangladesh, Management Practices of Textile Industries in Bangladesh, Project and Industrial Placement in RMG Sector. In FY 2007 the banking sector earned about 72.77 million dollars from business with the RMG sector in the form of interest and charges and L/C charges. Textile industry plays a very crucial role in the export scenario of Bangladesh. At the global level, campaigns have drawn attention to abuses of workers’ rights in global supply chains and put pressure on international corporations to take greater responsibility for employees through corporate codes of conduct. Women workers are particularly deprived of their special legal rights (e. g. maternity benefits) and remain more exposed to exploitation within their particular spheres of work. swansoftcncsimulator. So the protest started again. The Phoenix Building in the Tejgaon industrial area collapsed following unauthorized renovations to convert the upper stories of the building that housed various offices and factories, including a garment factory, into a 500-bed private hospital. Workers investments on family pension schemes etc. As a matter of fact in the 1990s a large part of the incremental labor force in the manufacturing sector was absorbed by the RMG sector. The workers at the garment sector lives under a terrible socio-economic condition with unstable and temporary employment, poor working conditions, long working hours, forced overtime & sexual harassment. A “decent employment” means rising productivity and real wages by ensuring rights to work, employment, social protection, freedom of association and social dialogue in an integrated approach. The industry was trying to be in a matured stage from last ten years but the unrest political situation was the main obstacle. However this not only limited workers skill, but also contributed to loss of production through lose of production time, low labor productivity, re-working, quality inconsistence, materials wastage, etc. From analyzing different news it can be viewed that the bursting riots of 2006 has not created in a day. The apprehension regarding the post-MFA also discouraged the employers to arrange further training programs for their work force. But the demand was not fulfilled. Who really cooperated with me and provide me their complete guidance. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat of Garments sector of Bangladesh at a glance. Employers associations may works as the watchdog of such initiative. The RMG sector enjoys a continuous growth from the beginning of the industry but the initial level was tough. Improved working conditions can help to increase productivity level. The work lays emphasis on the basic concepts of…, 91% found this document useful (11 votes), 91% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 9% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. Expat Dating in Germany chatting and dating Front page DE. RMG is highly fashion oriented and constant market research is necessary to become successful in the business. It is plausible that domestic entrepreneurs alone may not be able to develop the textile industry by establishing modern mills with adequate capacity to meet the growing RMG demand. It also reduces the possibility of domestic violence against women. Expansion of women’s employment has contributed positively to the improvement of the savings behavior of the poor people since women tend to be better savers. This is evident in the pace of lending to the RMG sector and in the rising import share of RMG related machinery. Bangladesh garments industry is now matured. The contribution to GDP increases at 13.25% in 2007. The country’s RMG industry grew by more than 15 per cent per annum on average during the last 15 years. Garment companies in Bangladesh form formal or informal groups. Around 2.2 million people are employed in the garments sector and around 70% of whom is woman. Home Fashion Institute of Technology. It is a way for your adviser to assess the effectiveness of such program to a student’s growth. INTERNSHIP REPORT USE OF IEC 61850 FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT IN LOW VOLTAGE MICROGRIDS T.G. Despite the fact that they have lower incomes, the female garment workers were spending the same amount as the male workers on the studies of their family members. RMG industry contribution to different sector. The investment outlook in this sector is encouraging, although the uncertainties before the MFA phase-out period caused a sluggish investment scenario. Police arrested 13 garment workers from Mohakhali area for their alleged involvement in demanding the factories. Then Government took some initiatives to sort out the problem and made some promise about the demand to the garments worker. 5035 Words 21 Pages. Sitara Textiles refuses to . It is important to have significant flow of investment both in terms of finance and technology. In July 4, 2001 the national strike took place throughout the garment industry. The purpose of the report is to present the company profile of Gul Ahmed textile industry. This internship report is not the result of individual effort. SUBMITTED TO - DR. JSR RAO. Agriculture has been the backbone of economy and chief source of income for the people of Bangladesh, the country made of villages. If Bangladesh wants to enjoy increased market access created by the global open market economy it has no alternative but to produce textile items competitively at home through the establishment of backward linkage with the RMG industry. They are: The broad project objective is to analyze the garments sector of Bangladesh and relate the knowledge with the practical experience. Regular earning enables a large number of the garment workers to go for some savings. I am highly thank full to the staff member of Masood Textile Mills limited. The Bangladesh RMG sector set a unique example through collective efforts which eventually led to the development of a safety-net program for the child labors. Growth of RMG sector has spawned a whole new set of linkage industries and facilitated expansion of many service sector activities. At this time of free economy everyone may be interested to know about the largest export industry and the mechanism of doing business here. The Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers Association (BKMEA) reported a ten per cent drop in knitted items such as T-shirts and pullovers. And DS must also speak well of the teammates. Exports have been growing at an impressive rate in recent years. Moderately open Economy, particularly in the Export Promotion Zones, GSP under EBA (Everything But Arms) for Least Developed Country applicable (Duty-free to EU), Improved GSP advantages under Regional Cumulative, Looking forward to Duty-Free Excess to the US, talks are on and appear to be on hopeful track, Investment assured under Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980 which secures all foreign investments in Bangladesh, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, USA insurance and finance agendas operable, Bangladesh is a member of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) under which protection and safety measures are available. These women were generally unaware of their rights and grateful for jobs that paid far more than they could hope to earn elsewhere. The sector has also played a significant role in the socio-economic development of the country. The economy-wide reverberations of failure would be disastrous. here find out garments industry is the largest export industry for our country and it contributes 75% of total export. From the time series analysis it is found that RMG export will be increased by US$ 519.15 million per year. Payment of Electricity bill by the RMG industry is estimated to be 29.47 million dollars in FY2002. It is a result of wonderful team-work. Industry, along with public authorities (at the local and international levels) must commit to launch an immediate initiative to take on the safety issues that plague the garment industry in Bangladesh, including a structural review of multi-story buildings and facilities inspection mechanisms, explained Zeldenrust. Unconditional and quick implementation of core labor standards and labor laws at workplace of all RMGs. I am really thankful of Venerated Mr. Mohsin Cheema who is the Director of MSC Textiles Pvt. It has important backward linkage with utilities such as electricity, gas, and machinery and spare parts supplying. BGMEA has already established an institute which offers bachelor’s degree in fashion designing and BKMEA is planning on setting up a research and training institute. A facilitating public sector role can be very relevant here. And there is a controversy about the future effect of this financial crisis on RMG sector. Separate industrial zones for the garments industry. It also has created a demand for education and health. The report also mentions some opportunities the company has. A real and effective national consensus should be the prime concern to get prepared for post MFA Bangladesh needs to prepare a time bound national action plan to minimize the potential risks. It is well recognized that women’s participation in income generation activities lends them a better status within the family and provides them with considerable freedom. From the beginning of the industry the rights of the worker is violating. So, Bangladeshi exporters have to be careful. Rights and welfare of the employees working in the subcontracting garments factories of the multinational companies should be ensured under corporate social responsibility. The female workers tend to be underpaid and exposed to physical assault by both fellow colleagues and employers. The existence of sound infrastructural facilities is a prerequisite for economic development. The concept of decent work has significant gender implications in Bangladesh RMG sector since women constitute a vast majority of the labor force, and women and the worst victims of violations of decent work conditions. Bangladesh has about 4,000 garment factories with up to 10 million livelihoods dependent on it directly or indirectly. PHAM (s1164163) MSc Telematics, EEMCS 01-11-2012 to 28-02-2013 Alliander Utrechtseweg 68 6812 AH Arnhem The Netherlands Supervisor Frans Campfens Senior Innovative Manager University of Twente PO Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands … Just days after the KTS fire, 19 people were reported dead and 50 injured when a five-story building collapsed in Bangladesh’s capital city of Dhaka. Back in 1996-97, Bangladesh was the 7th and 5th largest apparel exporter to the USA and European Union respectively. We believe it is in everybody’s interest to sustain this industry – an industry which changed the lives of so many people, particularly women, in Bangladesh. The minimum wage is Tk 1650. It is clear that value addition accrues mostly in the designer items, and the sooner local entrepreneurs can catch on to this trend the brighter be the RMG future. They have also become increasingly visible in collective actions in support of their rights, which have linked local and global movements. The RMG sector has also contributed to the growth of the country’s insurance sector. The RMG industry not only propelled the growth of spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing industries, production of accessories and spare parts, but also rendered large externalities by contributing to other economic activities in such areas as banking, insurance, real estate, packaging, hotels and tourism, recycling, consumer goods utility services and transportation. The grouping helps to share manufacturing activities, to diversify risks; horizontal as well as vertical coordination can be easily found in such group activities. The contribution to GDP increases at 13.25% in 2007. The RMG sector extensively uses professional services from CA firms, legal agencies, and business consultants. It is also used as a report form of evidence to prove that you have successfully completed your internship. The work lays emphasis on the basic concepts of Textile manufacturing for commercial purpose. Register. The sector has created employment opportunities for about two million people of which 70 percent are women who mostly come from rural areas. The document contains information about the organization and … The quota came to an end at 2004 but it continued to show robust performance, competitive strength and, of no less importance, social commitment. The basic problem of the ordinary workers and labor movement in garments sector are low scope of operation, non-recognition of legally registered unions at the factory level, long working hours and practically no weekly holiday that left hardly anytime for workers to participate union activities, non-compliance of existing labor laws, high occupational accidents etc. Continuous training program to sensitize the workers about their rights and interest should be undertaken in cooperation with and financial assistance from the fraternal organizational abroad. In fact Indian textile industry is the second largest in the world, second Only to China. Working adolescent girls tend to avoid early marriage as they have their own source of income and are self-dependent. In order to reach the broad objective, some specific objectives are identified. At present the fashion seasons are becoming short with a changing trend, it would not be possible to compete if the lead time extends beyond 30-40 days. And this rate was continued till 2006. The Ready Made Garments sector has more potential than any other sector to contribute to the reduction of poverty. A Report on Internship Trainning in Spinning Mills; A Report on Internship Trainning in Spinning Mills . The growth and development of inland transport services to a considerable extent owe to the growth of the RMG industry. The productive efficiency of labor is more important determinant for gaining comparative advantage than the physical abundance of labor. The fact is that the export of garments product has increased after the withdrawn of this quota. This purchasing power contributed significantly to the growth of the economy through its multiplier impact in terms of consumption expenditure and savings. The failure to implement safety measures in these sectors in Bangladesh has resulted in a conditions where the death and injury of workers has become alarmingly routine: in 2000 53 workers died at Choudury Knitwear, 24 died in 2001 at Maico Sweater, nine died in 2004 at the Misco Supermarket building, and 23 died at Shan Knitting and 64 died at the Spectrum-Shahriyar factory in 2005. This facility reportedly produced for US companies Uni Hosiery, Mermaid International, ATT Enterprise, and VIDA Enterprise Corp. A regular source of earning increases the basic consumption needs such as improved diet, better healthcare, improvements in family utensils and housing conditions etc. The concept of covered van emerged in Bangladesh for safe transportation of the RMG products in particular. Table-4: Growth Pattern of Woven and Knitwear Categories. Findings showed that women are on average better savers than men and save about 7.6 percent of their otherwise small income. Tribhuvan University, Faculty Of Management Eighth Semester MGT 350: Internship 6 Credit Hours Shirts, T-shirts and trousers are the main woven products and undergarments, socks, stockings, T-shirts, sweaters and other casual and soft garments are the main knit products. Bangladesh RMG firms vary in size. This is an optimistic indication that a well equipped and modern backward linkage industry may well prove cost effective and thus helping Bangladesh to meet the challenges in the post-MFA era. Employment opportunities especially for women created positive impact on family planning and population control in the country. The sector has created an increasing demand for consumption of low cost commodities, cosmetics items, dresses, footwear, fast food and other products. Dear Madam, With great pleasure, here I submit my internship report on “Merchandising in Garments Iindustry (BEXIMCO GROUP)” that you have approved & assigned as a compulsory requirement of BUS-400 course. Other discussions are to know the different aspect of garments industry, its prospects, and problems and analyze the statistical data related to RMG industry. Such as books and articles. : R 2012-G GCUF-002942 MT TM Regg. Therefore, bringing down the ‘lead time’ to about 30-40 days is a major challenge for the country’s RMG sector. BGMEA has so far spent over 600,000 US dollars for the project. The share of knit garment products has been increasing since the early 1990s; such products currently account for more than 40 per cent of the country’s total RMG export earnings (BGMEA website). A job ensures equitable access to household resources (nutrition) and larger investment on female human capital (health and education). Closer cooperation between employers and employees are important to ensure the sustainability of an industry. The RMG industries paid approximately 52.50 million dollars as factory, office and garage rent in FY 2007. A brief Textile Internship Report developed from a two week exposure in the Textile Industry "Jaya Shree Textiles_A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo. The exporters have to prepare themselves to harvest the advantages offered by the opportunities. Internship report should be about 10 pages in length, not including the appendix but, in the case of a two-day internship, reports should be at least five pages in length (not including appendix). To protect the rights and interests of livelihood security of RMG workers, it is necessary to set up a Social Safety Net programs (contributory provident fund, gratuity, retrenchment fund) and compulsory Workers Insurance. One of the key advantages of the RMG industry is its cheap labor force, which provides a competitive edge over its competitors. Internships – Internship Search And Intern Jobs. The worker’s demand for wage was not fulfilled. Evidently, wage work at the garment industry has empowered women and improved their status. Woven garment products still dominate the garment export earnings of the country. After that, focus has been shifted to the function of production sector, especially in garment industry. The growth of RMG sector was facilitated by the supply of low cost labor and since the female workers could easily learn the sewing techniques, the management took very limited or no effort for any further development of its workers. But there is other country that has a contribution to the total RMG export. The cumulative foreign currency earnings by the sector, since 1978, when first export was registered, is estimated at 70.56 billion US dollars. Nearly four million workers are directly and more than twelve million inhabitants are indirectly associated with the industry. The strike, planned months in advance, was called by the NGWF and six other union federations. Apply to Intern, Fashion Intern, Apparel Associate and more! I have presented my experience and finding by using different chart and tables in the analysis part. Ramij Howlader Lecturer Department of Textile Engineering BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology By Noorul Islam Saiful ID: 132-071-0-155 Batch: 132 TE-2 September 2017 Worker raise their voice in different parts of Bangladesh ’ s insurance sector for workers and experts that... Consumed by the opportunities in markets away from EU and US and health form formal or groups! Earning stood at 9.21 billion US dollars in FY2002 renegotiating prices and delaying orders citing the ongoing financial.! National minimum wage is Tk.1650 exports have been growing at an impressive rate recent. Bangladesh and relate the knowledge with the subject please advise me the possibility of domestic violence against.! Industrialization in the analysis part between employers and employees are important to have a greater share household! 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