Consider within the same week a PSA 10 sold for $565 and a BGS 9.5 sold for $440. Of the many grading options available, PSA, BGS, and SGC are three of the best and most reputable, but which is better, and what are the differences between the three? GMA Grading has been in business for over 15 years. Card grading is the practice of submitting a trading card to a third-party service. I must say.. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Gem Mint 10. This card is pretty rare but finding a Joey Belle auto is tough and pretty odd if I don't say. COVID-19 Update. Reddit is testing a way to surface comments in popular and home feeds while in card view by pausing on a post for one second. Share sports (and relevant non-sports) cards and collectibles, pulls, news, memorabilia, funny stories, case and box breaks, and absolutely no ebay auctions. Their cards basically sell for the price of an ungraded card, meaning there is no return on investment. I’m on the bubble on whether to get some cards graded, let alone who to grade through, so this helps. Trading Card Grading. 0 0. tuxman. Fill out, securely sign, print or email your New SGC Grading Form - sgccardcom instantly with SignNow. 0 0. tuxman. What we got back is surprising! PSA, BGS, or SGC are the only companies at this time that are worth sending cards into for grading. GMA Grading has been in business since 2000 serving all types of sports card collectors and dealers. If you like the GMA graded cards because they’re more affordable and have super fast turnaround times then go with them. GMA may also be pretty consistent in their grading - considerably softer than the big 3 in my opinion, but they may be pretty consistent in their interpretation of condition. 6 years ago. Providing authentication is challenging and not guaranteed due to improved computerized printing. Graded cards are VERY hard to get a solid value as well due to finding a proper paper trail and proper buyers. All of our slabs are of the highest quality and one of the few (if not only) made in North America ensuring piece of mind that … Now this does not mean that if your card was graded a 10 with GMA that you can submit the same card to PSA or Becket and receive the same grade. Share sports (and relevant non-sports) cards and collectibles, pulls, news, memorabilia, funny stories, case and box breaks, and absolutely no ebay auctions. Source(s): Gma is up and coming, and @ 2.00$ per card there going to redefine the grading cost in the industry "which someone has needed to do for a long time. REGULAR CARDS $ 8 PER. They were actually pretty stringent, as they knocked some of my cards harder than I thought. Gma is up and coming, and @ 2.00$ per card there going to redefine the grading cost in the industry "which someone has needed to do for a long time. They dont just hand out 9's and 10's like candy. It seems like their grades cards don't go for as high a price but for stuff I want to just hold onto in my collection do you think it's worth the price? For a $500 card, a plus or less $20 on a card is a detail, but to get a great copy of an unexpensive rookie card the grading fees are a huge barrier. Does anyone have any experience grading with them? Submitting your trading cards to PSA is the first step towards getting the most from your trading card collection. SUBMIT NOW; JERSEY CARDS $ 8 Per. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Gmagrading. Be sure to determine the declared value of your card, as this is a key factor in selecting the appropriate PSA service level. Before grading was introduced, the buyer and seller would have to argue over whether a card was “very good/VG" or “Excellent/EX.” Today, for example, PSA grades cards on a 1-10 scale. Welcome to Sports Cards Grading, LLC Welcome to Sports Cards Grading, LLC Welcome to Sports Cards Grading, LLC. Sent my cards in and got them back in 7 days rather than a years wait at PSA. A PSA 10 Venusaur – Sold for $50,000 in 2020. This is a sure reason as to why this card received a grade of 5 “excellent”. I was really into card collecting until around 1999 and now I have an 11, 9 and 7 year old boys I want to get them into card collecting. KSA Certification is a Canadian owned and operated card & coin grading, autograph authentication and memorabilia appraisal company. Problem is a GMA 10 won’t sell anywhere close to a PSA 10. If you have a 52 Mantle Alan would tell you send it to PSA, because of the value would demand more for a PSA grade. I have 3 sons I am getting them into the hobby. Just a thought.. Jersey Cards / Thicker Cards. Sports and Non-Sports Cards. A slight printing imperfection or surface scracth is allowable if it does not detract from the aesthetics of the card. GMA busted the big boys grading prices . I am only looking to give them as gifts. I've used most grading services over the years; PSA, SGC, Beckett, as well as the smaller grading services such as USA, Pro Cards, and GMA. The card is inspected for authenticity and ranked, usually on a 10-point scale, for the condition. We specialize in PSA graded sports cards and providing PSA Card Grading Submission Services. GMA Grading, Home of the $5 sports card grading service. I would not use their services. Things are very very different than when I stopped collecting. ... Have used GMA for recent grading and find them to be fair and accurate. ( $3.00 a card) Watercooler Talk- ALL sports talk : Welcome to This can include serial numbers, a website, card details, and grade. Still Swamped. Each card is evaluated by consistent application of rigid standards. From what I hear they give 10s out that BGS or PSA wouldn’t give a 10 to. You submit your cards to GMA Grading and we do the work for you. The whitening is evidence of frequent play time and use of the card. I think your both wrong. Same goes for BCCG. GMA Grading is a baseball card and sports card authentication company based in Odessa, Florida. They came back quick and looks pretty accurate. GMA Grading is better than PSA, Beckett and SGC combined. Baseball Cards | GMA Grading | Baseball Card Grading. SGC vs. PSA vs. BVG for card grading Postwar Baseball Cards Forum (Pre-1980) Welcome to Trusted in the hobby since 1996, KSA provides collectors with consistent & quality service at reasonable prices. An unbiased comparison of four sports card grading options (BGS, PSA, BCCG and GMA). Sports Card Grading. PSA is the largest and most trusted card grading service in the world. They were actually pretty stringent, as they knocked some of my cards harder than I thought. Whether you just want to get your one prized card submitted or have a whole collection you want to get graded and authenticated GMA is willing to do Good work but the problem with this analysis is if I have a card graded 7 by GMA, I can get more for it raw than in the slab, so I think that people will just bust the slab and sell raw. I say "they" but I picture 1 guy or gal (maybe 2?) Currently on a 25-30 day turnaround time if not sooner. We specialize in PSA graded sports cards and providing PSA Card Grading Submission Services. I sent in 55 cards for grading to GMA , wrote every card grade I thought the card should get, when receiving my cards back within 5 business days just as promised , they were dead on. Hey MCAT students, stop driving yourself crazy searching Reddit question-by-question for explanations to the AAMC full-length practice tests!We’ve put together something special just for you. His competitors charge $8 to $10 per card and have tiers of up to $50 per card based on time frame. Page 2- GMA Grading.. -opinions? PSA's prices for grading a card depends on the card's anticipated value and the turn-around time you seek. These forums are devoted to both Pre- and Post- war baseball cards and vintage memorabilia, as well as other sports. GMA Grading, Home of the $8 sports card grading service, $6 in bulk of 100+. I feel all of my cards received the grade they were deserving of. I cracked it to submit to Beckett (my plan all along hoping someone else’s 10 would mayyyybe translate to a BGS 9.5) but upon cracking it the edges were maybe an 8 sub. Modern baseball card collecting erupted in the 1990s when companies began grading cards’ condition and assigning them a mark from 1 to 10 that helped set a collectible’s market price. Learn more about the different types of grading services and the benefits of PSA grading. Card Grading Defined. As went through all of the major graders of course as a lifetime CHEAPSKATE I immediately noticed the services of GMA Grading services at $2.00 bucks a card. Yes i have used them for years . Inaccurate Grading – If you’re sending a card to a grading company.You want an accurate grade. Now this does not mean that if your card was graded a 10 with GMA that you can submit the same card to PSA or Becket and receive the same grade. Yes i have used them for years . What marketing strategies does Gmagrading use? Please review our Testimonials page for more information. You can expect my 2000 cards a month to be shipped direct to GMA … Available for PC, iOS and Android. Pojo Note: This article was updated November 2020 – A graded Pokémon Card is a card that has been sent to a Professional Grading Company and graded for its condition. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the baseballcards community. Our guide is here to help. I recently done a GMA submission.. As most of you know, he didn't like it and I'm always confused when I see a Joey Belle auto. GMA Grading’s rate is $2 per card, and bulk prices are available. World Class Grading, Inc. (WCG) main purpose is to serve sports card enthusiasts with grading services, which offer fair and reasonable pricing, a simple submission process, and a quality product. I have read some negative stuff about their service, but I dont think there is enough positive. This one is REALLY clean and then it's on this rare pre-rookie card. Patrick February 12, 2020 At 7:00 am. You will have to watch the video to find out.. If the cards fit this criterion, they will be graded. Here’s the best part, my customers have embraced the GMA label and are happy that I provide GMA graded cards for them to purchase. Card Grading. Also I think people don't send older cards to GMA and older cards are more likely to get lower grades. We do all the labeling for you in-house with your grades and your information on the label. The GMA prices are $3.50 per card to get graded, or $3 per card if you submit over 100 cards in bulk. After coming across 1,00'0's of ungraded Baseball cards I had to learn the world of Sports Cards grading rather quickly. GMA Has been known to give Gem MT 10 scores to cards that definitely don’t deserve it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Beckett and PSA prices are not worth getting for 7, 9 and 11 year olds. You have revolutionized not only the card grading industry but my business as well. They provide the holders and labels and you provide the equipment. Is GMA on the same level or better than PSA? Gma Card Grading. A professional grader will slab your card and give it a a fairly accurate grade for only $3.50/$3. For 3 bucks it makes a pretty good case and looks better than getting a bunch of top loaders. Consider within the same week a PSA 10 sold for $565 and a BGS 9.5 sold for $440. When you can, you can see it’s GMA Grading. Card Sizes and Thicknesses that We Grade. The test is currently Android-only, with plans to add iOS soon. So you can imagine I was quite surprised to see that GMA grading charges two dollars per card. I’m sure in the next 10-15 years PSA and Beckett will not hold their value because look at how the values of old PSA, Beckett graded cards.. there will probably be some digital service that will come out taking all of the human subjective grading out of it. We are a PSA authorized dealer. Instead of paying 30 bucks a card, I paid 5, Awesome service! Learn more about the different types of grading services and the benefits of PSA grading. Sports cards are graded by knowledgeable, third-party experts according to a grading system which is generally agreed upon by the top-spot card grading companies, such as Professional Sports Authentication, Sports Guaranty and GMA Sports Authentication. You grade your own cards and we create a logo for your company for your label. Below, you’ll find a complete list of questions from AAMC full-length test 2 (or AAMC FL2 as it’s referred to on Reddit) and embedded links to available explanation threads from Reddit. PSA charges me $35 per card, while Beckett charges $21 per card. not looking to resale. I think they have former PSA employee's. A GMA 10 is sometimes closer to a PSA 7. Most auction houses also do not accept cards graded by GMA due to their loose grading standards. PSA is the largest and most trusted card grading service in the world. Learn More. Vintage cards graded by PSA typically command a higher market value compared to those graded by a competing company at the same grade (i.e. Only $8 Per Card. A Gem Mint 10 card’s attributes include 55/45 or better centering, sharp focus, four sharp corners, free of stains, no breaks in surface gloss, and no visible wear. The most secure digital platform to get legally binding, electronically signed documents in just a few seconds. Source(s): I contacted your office and spoke with a customer service representative who assured me that the two-dollar per card price was accurate and he guaranteed my satisfaction. I have some auto cards I need to send off, has anyone used their service? Thoughts, experiencing? The time turnaround was the biggest factor for me because PSA and Beckett said they could not guarantee return before Christmas. I must say.. I sent some cards to be graded to give as gifts. Since they have three labels for the best condition card on their grading scale they need to clarify what separates a 9.5 from a 10 other than claiming the corners have a .5 grade higher. 6 years ago. On top of that doing a quick search shows GMA isnt on the same level as say PSA. Modern baseball card collecting erupted in the 1990s when companies began grading cards’ condition and assigning them a mark from 1 to 10 that helped set a collectible’s market price. 1 was here. These forums are devoted to both Pre- and Post- war baseball cards and vintage memorabilia, as well as other sports. For example, they graded a 2011 Trout Update a 10 and it sold for $320. 3.50 per card and 7 day turn around. Baseball Cards | GMA Grading | Baseball Card Grading. GMA Grading, Home of the $5 sports card grading service. I gave my honest review.. Will i do another submission to GMA?? So you want to know more about grading cards, but don't know where to start? On many of his listings you can’t see the grading company. Why Pay More? I have read some negative stuff about their service, but I dont think there is enough positive. GMA Grading is better than PSA, Beckett and SGC combined. Whether you are looking to have your cards authenticated and graded for the first time, or looking to submit a graded card for crossover or review, PSA offers a wide variety of service levels. I would appreciate any insight. I feel all of my cards received the grade they were deserving of. 1 was here. GMA Grading is a baseball card and sports card authentication company based in Odessa, Florida. Why Choose MNT Grading We are the modern choice for the modern collector, striving to go above and beyond to meet all of our customer’s needs. Best Card Investment Ever? GMA 10 does not equal up to a PSA 10. GMA optionally offers a service to sell you holders and labels so you can grade cards yourself for $1 apiece. Whether you just want to get your one prized card submitted or have a whole collection you want to get graded and authenticated GMA is willing to do What are Graded Pokemon Cards? Seal the box shut and send the cards in for grading. The Grading Companies. Good info. Thanks! Start a … Card Authentication & Grading. GMA Grading, Home of the $8 sports card grading service, $6 in bulk of 100+. Sgc Grading. 1 was here. The resell value will be no where close to the other two but if you are just looking to get something protected and not concerned with that then they are fine. GMA can encapsulate 99% of the cards that are produced, but the figure at the bottom will give more detail on the sizes that we do and do not grade. Running a special for $2 bucks per card. We are a PSA authorized dealer. 1 was here. GMA Grading has been in business since 2000 serving all types of sports card collectors and dealers. Professional sports card grading has become a cornerstone of the card collecting industry. With grading fees ever rising for these graders, normally only Gem 9.5’s and 10’s create a positive valuation for modern card resale. I got 20 cards graded and I couldn't be happier about the results. Gma Card Grading. The Grading Company has a team of Professional Graders that grade Pokemon Cards, Sports Cards and other Collectible Cards. No. If you have a 52 Mantle Alan would tell you send it to PSA, because of the value would demand more for a PSA grade. Belle didn't sign Joey ever. We understand that you want your cards back in a safe and timely fashion. As such, even the most popular rookie cards from Topps, Panini, Leaf, Upper Deck, Sage, Press Pass and Sports Illustrated for Kids are often sold ungraded in … I sent in 55 cards for grading to GMA , wrote every card grade I thought the card should get, when receiving my cards back within 5 business days just as promised , they were dead on. For low a value card it's not worth it to use the big three. PO Box 1000 Brampton Bramptop, ON, L6V 2L8. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. MNT GRADING INC. Mon-Fri: 11AM - 5PM [email protected] 519.888.8333. at GMA being the receiving office, … Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. There … Our main office is located in Kitchener, Ontario with an additional office in Vancouver. Trading Card Grading. Instead of paying 30 bucks a card, I paid 5, Awesome service! WHY US. Press J to jump to the feed. PSA Card Grading Locations: ... ReddIt. I think they have former PSA employee's. GMA busted the big boys grading prices . Could be damage from them slabbing it as the card … I realize that e-bay is not the only indicator of a company's success, however, I did a quick search of PGS grading cards and there are over 3,000 of them on e-bay. Top-Rated Michael Jordan Rookie Cards. Beckett is cheaper. Baker Mayfield Rated Rookie GMA 10 Recent Pricing (May 2019) The Bad. The card is then assigned an overall grade, sealed in a tamper-proof holder and, … We sent off 34 basketball cards to be graded by GMA. Their cards basically sell for the price of an ungraded card, meaning there is no return on investment. A professional grader will slab your card and give it a a fairly accurate grade for only $3.50/$3. As of 2018, the costs for grading a card range from $7 to $1,500 (not a typo) per card. Without even zooming in on the image above, you notice all that white on the borders. My apology if this has been bantered about before, I did try to search but the search came up with nothing. So I’ve heard that GMA Grading isn’t the best and that they may grade a card a 10 that Becket or PSA has given a 9 or even an 8.5. yea, don't bother with anything besides PSA, BGS, or SGC, You are almost correct. I guess if you are selling today it might be worth the 20 bucks a card, but I’m not looking to sell, Mag holders are $1.50 each & look better than GMA graded cards and half the price, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the baseballcards community. Now this should be taken with a grain of salt as the majority of the cards are mid-grade (5-7) commons and semi-stars from the 1970s, what some may consider garbage. I have an Ullmark that I picked up for $8 that was a GMA 10. GMA is a low-tier service who grades cards for $2.50 apiece. Affordable Grading Speedy Turnaround, Thanks GMA… Sports Card Grading 101 Guide Sports Card Grading Guide. The modern card market is dominated by marvels like online auctions and virtual collections, but the process of getting an item graded is the same as ever. For example, they graded a 2011 Trout Update a 10 and it sold for $320. Custom Sports Card Grading. Sent my cards in and got them back in 7 days rather than a years wait at PSA. Beckett Grading Services (BGS), PSA and SGC are the main companies used to grade a card. “We grade the card based on its condition, not on the bulk that a customer sends. 50 COMMENTS. GMA Grading grades the quality of a cards paper stock. The GMA prices are $3.50 per card to get graded, or $3 per card if you submit over 100 cards in bulk. Submitting your trading cards to PSA is the first step towards getting the most from your trading card collection. Collectors with consistent & quality service at reasonable prices give it a a fairly accurate grade for only $ $! Lower grades sports cards and other Collectible cards has become a cornerstone of the $ 5 sports card authentication based. Or better than PSA, Beckett and PSA prices are available box 1000 Brampton Bramptop, on, L6V.. Selecting the appropriate PSA service level minus 2.5 mm gma card grading reddit aesthetics of the card pretty! 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