Through state-approved research projects, we ear-tagged yearling spike bucks and followed their antler development. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Have a hunting- or wildlife-related question for Larry? 0 John Deere Hay Spike For Sale in Cisco, TX on Equipment Trader. See Spike, Shoot Spike? Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a9d164d942b734a886a7d4e208aa8bd7" );document.getElementById("h731c2dc4b").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. For most of us, deer season is over. Molecular Ecology 3(6): 551-562. We offer trophy whitetail deer hunting and white-tailed deer management hunt packages which also includes, dove hunting, hog hunting, turkey hunting, crane hunting and varmint hunting. As a wildlife biologist, Larry Weishuhn established quality wildlife management programs on approximately 12,000,000 acres across North America with emphasis on habitat and animal populations. Deer Hunting: Yearling Buck Harvest Going Down, Providing the Best Habitat for Deer and Other Wildlife, The Wildlife Tax Valuation (Exemption) in Texas, Spring (Warm Season) Food Plots for White-tailed Deer. Posts: 3,783. Our company was established in 2005 and operates in 1 territory. IMPORTANT! In south Texas, where the largest bucks in the state are found, the average fawning date for deer is July, a month later than the birth date for Hill Country deer. Besides the beautiful hide and antlers, exotic game cooks continually seek unique ways to enjoy this delicious venison. Our hog hunts have been featured by the NRA and other various groups. Um in menschliche Zellen eindringen zu können, muss das Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 mit einem seiner Oberflächenproteine an die Zelloberfläche andocken. The deer I helped procure came from central and southern Texas. White-tailed deer hunting in Texas is a big deal, so it should come as no surprise that hunters get real passionate about their hunting down in the Lone Star State. Texas A&M University has done several studies on the topic, and is the authority on the matter. Posts: 3,783. In north Texas, the general season closed on January 6. Texas Exotic Hunting Regulations: CWD Testing REQUIRED! Chris chats with old friend, Steve Lamboy, from Umarex about large-caliber air rifles. 2900 acres northwest of Sonora; Deer, Turkey, Axis; Did not have Anthrax; Small cabin; Price $63000 per year; available; email; Sonora Deer lease. TX_Youth_Home_Hunt_1_CMYK.JPG. Live in Katy, Hunt in Menard C... TwinBubba and Squib have it right. Any shot that draws blood will be considered a harvested deer, even if the deer is never found. Idaho Non-Residents Can Apply for Big Game Controlled Hunts, Michigan Man Confesses to Killing Deer with a Hammer, Inspirational "Fox News Outdoors" Host, Johnny “Joey” Jones, "Lady to the Rescue" by John Seerey-Lester, Chris Dorsey and Kevin Fay on Favorite Outdoor Photographers, Casting Call: The Newest Fly-Fishing Book and Film from Dorsey Pictures, Interview with President and CEO of the Ruffed Grouse Society, Ben Jones, Be At-One with Your Gun with Boyds’ Adjustable Gunstock, See the exciting line of Sporting Classics products. Realize there is great dispersal of young bucks, which tend to roam to new areas, possibly nature’s way of preventing in-breeding. Steve Nelle, a Natural Resource Specialist and Wildlife Biologist, once analyzed 15 years of records from a central Texas ranch that was practicing “see spike, shoot spike.”They were harvesting every spike they saw. Deer Hunting in South Texas – Shooting Spike Bucks. {SOLD} Axis Does for Sale in Central Texas January 26, 2020; Tis’ the Season to Buy Exotics! All other deer are antlerless deer. This insures adequate nutrition throughout the year. In south Texas, general season lasts until January 20. You may lose your hunting permit if you do not adhere Texas hunting restrictions. Giving bucks an opportunity to mature under bettered nutrition can improve antler development. Re: Spike Definition #2884637 12/31/11 03:59 PM: Joined: Jan 2007. Nutrition does play a role, but those same deer may “rebound” the following year into 8 point bucks. Now we know a spike … In the farmland where deer have access to better nutrition, only 12 of 1,826 2 1/2-year-old deer (.6%) were spikes. References. Sutton County Deer lease. “Once a spike, always a spike” was a conclusion the guys at deer camp made based on nothing more than occasional observation. In poor nutrition years it’s harder to tell a cull from promising buck, so cull hard in good nutrition years when the good bucks stand out and the sorry bucks next to them really look inferior. When I’m not teaching at the gym, I’m usually hunting, fishing, BBQing, or doing other fun stuff. The smaller bucks started out as yearling spikes. Required fields are marked *. Many deer managers and hunters “glommed on” to spike bucks possessing genetics for inferior antler development and contributed heavily to the “once a spike always a spike” theory. Feeding Soybeans to Deer as a Protein Supplement. Trying to kill every spike in some years may remove a whole age class or cohort of deer off a property. Each had identical nutrition. The deer I helped procure came from central and southern Texas. Research has found that most spikes are 1.5 year old bucks. One of the things we continued to see on that property was an abundance of yearling spikes. Like most states, Texas law prohibits deer hunting during certain times of the year. A: Years ago when the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on the Kerr Wildlife Management Area started its “spike buck study” to determine what role genetics played in antler development, and I was one of the wildlife biologists who helped provide deer to initiate the project. Those spike bucks that we tagged and were able to follow for several years, all in time produced “acceptable” to big racks, provided they got adequate nutrition. One of the longest, on-going debates continues to be the shooting and/or culling of spike bucks. Bucks do not necessarily breed true to their antler style, although some do!” I thought the rule was “Once a spike always as spike,” and have been culling any from the deer on my property because I want the larger antler genetics. Many hunters reminisce shooting squirrels or other small game with an air rifle, but with today’s technology, an air rifle can be equally as lethal as a firearm on even big game. The ranch is located in Central Texas near the cities of Coleman and Santa Anna (approximately 60 miles south of Abilene and 20 miles west of Brownwood). Young spike buck Axis deer, Texas Hill Country, Driftwood Texas, south of Austin As we reduced the deer population and more forage became available to the deer that remained, we did away with “the spike problem.” With increased nutrition, yearling bucks tended to produce branched antlers for their first set of antlers. Texas Deer Leases. Interestingly, one of the bucks that produced better-antlered offspring had a very mediocre rack throughout his life. Nip the dikes as yearlings so they don’t compete with the better bucks and pass on inferior antler traits. Typically it will be 7 points or less, and is inferior to the gene pool of our trophy Whitetail. We ear-tagged several of the late-born buck fawns. We offer Trophy Whitetail deerand white-tailed deer management hunts, cranehunting, dovehunting, turkeyhunting and varminthunting. When asked in seminars, by hunting groups and/or land managers, “Are spikes always going to be spikes?” my standard answer was and continues to be, “If spike bucks are killed as spikes I can assure you they’ll never develop a bigger set of antlers!”. Each Wednesday we’ll pick one of your questions for Larry Weishuhn to answer. $1,250. The data shows that some spikes can be good bucks, but as a rule of thumb spike-antlered yearlings are inferior to yearling bucks with branched antlers. (Bild: Jason McLellan/ University of Texas at Austin) Vorlesen. Most of the ranch is densely vegetated with Oaks and native brush. Texas Parks and Wildlife governs deer hunting season in Texas. Comes with hay spike and 84" bucket. In the past few years, there has been much talk about culling “management bucks”— those that have smaller antlers than others the same age or cohort — which is something we must touch on here briefly as well. Sporting Classics Daily/Sporting Classics TV. In one experiment it measured the antlers of 144 whitetail deer that had been bred and raised in large pens. The belief then was that spike antlered deer were young deer and would eventually grow into big deer. Share List . In fact, work at Mississippi State University and the Noble Research Institute Wildlife Unit has shown some spikes grow to be large-antlered trophy bucks. Success rates sit at approximately 75% on this semi-guided Texas Whitetail hunt. But realize too, a smaller antlered buck bred to the ‘right’ doe could produce offspring with huge antlers. 3D-Struktur des Spike-Proteins vom neuen Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. And the buck-doe ratio is 1 to 1. They usually did a poor job of both. But when I was able to do some of my own research on various ranches I managed throughout Texas using various harvest and nutrition regimens, I started questioning “all spikes are bad.” As a result of personal research, I came to a conclusion the primary reason yearling bucks developed spike antlers is because of a lack of proper nutrition. There are restrictions based on the type of deer you want to hunt or if you are using a bow and arrow. I hunt a lease where there are no spikes, as the spike genes were killed out several years ago. 1 reason a buck wears spikes as his first set of antlers is age. If you want to manage for bucks who tend to grow big antlers (trophy deer) the Kerr Wildlife study clearly recommends culling the yearling spikes as they rarely (seldom) develop superior racks. We are located in the Hilll Country. Considering that lease managers emphasize heavy year round protein feeding, why would we pour that protein ($$ and work) into yearling spikes and 2 and 3 year old sorry antlered bucks that were once yearling spikes? TxAg. Advertisement The number of confirmed COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the North Texas hospital region jumped by 95 on Monday. Abernathy, K. 1994. We don’t see tons of bucks, but the mature bucks all make your eyes bug out. And this is easy to justify because in dry years a a good number of yearling bucks are spikes. “Once a spike, always a spike” is one of deer-hunting’s oldest and most-incorrect beliefs. by Larry Weishuhn | Nov 6, 2019 | BIG GAME, HUNTING, Q&A, Slider, Q. Larry, last week you wrote “Genetics determines shape and size of antlers. Originally from India, these large deer have a reddish hide with white spots with long, gently curved, three-pronged antler tines averaging up to 35″. Research has found conflicting results and many experts suggest that even the research may have to be thrown out the window when talking about specific properties. Extreme Tracker. TPWD did not conclude that every spike should be shot, but merely that they should be harvested if removing inferior antler traits from a deer herd was desired. The caveat was that in poor nutrition years, the superior antler genes may not show well. A relatively common antler abnormality observed in members of the deer family, whitetails included, is referred to as spike-on-one-side. Search for used SPIKE HARROW. Part of the long-term project involved using DNA and showed that just because a buck had big antlers did not mean his offspring would. It’s just something that we do, whether it’s after checking out our latest batch of game camera photos or around the campfire after an evening hunt. Regardless of how you feel about the spike debate, I think you should weigh both options before jumping off into some kind of shoot-first ask questions later kind of deer management program. The study recommends culling yearling spikes, and for better faster concentration of good (big antler) genes, cull everything that is not at least a yearling 4 pointer. COVID numbers in Texas continue to spike, even before full impact of holiday gatherings. No protein feeding either. USED 2006 John Deere 6420 MFWD tractor with 640 loader . Many believe that bucks with a spike antler on one side, but a normal branched antler on the other, possess inferior genetics for antler growth. October 15, 2012 | By Gabe Karns Among hunters, few topics stir discussion like hunting over bait or hunting deer with dogs – but the dispute over “cull bucks” comes close. A: Years ago when the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on the Kerr Wildlife Management Area started its “spike buck study” to determine what role genetics played in antler development, and I was one of the wildlife biologists who helped provide deer to initiate the project. It may be better to cull bucks in later years when you can see another set of antlers and gather additional “data.”. More fun videos coming soon! The vast majority (usually greater than 95 percent) of spike bucks are yearlings (1-year-old deer) and nearly all yearling spikes grow substantially larger antlers later in life. $2,250. The No. Listen to articles that celebrate the heritage, the romance and the art of hunting and fishing. Hunters love to discuss deer hunting and deer management. More information - sika deer hunting in Texas . December 4, 2019 {SOLD} Axis Deer for Live Sale September 12, 2019 {SOLD} Aoudad/Barbary Sheep for Live Sale July 28, 2019; Danny Barry, Owner Thanks for watching my video. Leases Are Marked Available or Leased. T. Joined: Jan 2007. It depends. One Whitetail doe or spike buck, one turkey hen, and unlimited wild hogs. That may well mean removing more does while trying to improve the habitat. Bottom line answer to your question…I would give the spikes you are seeing an opportunity to mature, while doing all you can to improve the day to day nutrition. As a writer, he has served on staff on numerous publications in hunting, shooting and wildlife management and has long been involved with the highest quality outdoor television productions. Spikes are bucks that have only a single, unbranched antler on each side of their head. Without a doubt you will have an enjoyable time here at Spike Box Land & Cattle. The Whitetail buck harvested on this three day fully-guided hunt is decided by your guide. Meet Corn Spike, a simple but effective product that gives deer feed a major boost in both flavor and aroma. I can see situations where shooting spikes would be the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do depending on the long-term management goals of the property owner. No gimmicks here. That possibly meant changing livestock grazing stocking rates and grazing practices, planting spring and fall food plots, planting native browse species, fertilizing existing native browse species and removing more does and possibly bucks (depending upon the current buck to doe ratio) and giving bucks an opportunity to mature under bettered nutrition; to bring the deer population down to the number of deer the range could support in the worst of times. Thus, with our intensive nutrition program we were essentially “creating spikes.” Those same late-born fawns finally caught up with those that were born at a “normal time,” but usually not until they were five years old or older. This takes me back to my statement, “If you shoot them as yearling spikes, they will always be spikes!”. All their first year had spike antlers! Simply add desired amount to your feed, mix it in evenly and you've turned your basic deer feed into a meal every deer in the neighborhood will smell and want a piece of. Some of these older Wisconsin deer recorded to have unbranched antlers on each side might actually have had broken antlers rather than natural spikes. The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the whitetail or Virginia deer, is a medium-sized deer native to North America, Central America, Ecuador, and South America as far south as Peru and Bolivia. We are a high fenced ranch in Coleman County, Texas. If a land manager wants more mature bucks or has a low buck to doe ratio, then shooting any buck may be a bad idea. One of the longest, on-going debates continues to be the shooting and/or culling of References. On the other hand, I’ve looked at the research conducted by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) at the Kerr Wildlife Management Area (WMA). A deer with spike antlers could be born in May while a 6-point yearling may be born in July. By the mid 1950‘s, biologists had learned how to age deer using a tooth wear and replacement technique developed by Severinghaus (1949). Christian, John J., Vagn Flyger and David E. Davis. The establishment of a hybrid zone between red and sika deer (genus Cervus). A “spike buck deer” is a buck with no antler having more than one point. Spike Box Land and Cattle offer’s Texas Hunting on our 90,000 acre cattle ranch. The primary cause for that was the fact that more than 80 percent of the 6-month-old does on the property were bred their first year of life, usually in February — a time when they were trying to grow their own body and trying to develop a fetus at the same time. If so, send it with the subject line “Weishuhn Wednesday” to Axis Deer have become one of the most desired of hunted species in Texas. Spike bucks Weishuhn tagged and were able to follow for several years, all in time produced “acceptable” to big racks, provided they got adequate nutrition. Factors in the mass mortality of a herd of sika deer, Cervus nippon. Many agree that yearling (1.5 year old deer) spikes should not be shot. Studies and surveys over the past 20 years have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that spikes are not genetically inferior deer that need to be taken out of the breeding pool. Thus, the importance of being sighted in properly and taking a good shot. These extremely young does were also trying to produce milk to support their fawns, while still developing their own long bones. Chesapeake Science 1(2): 79-95. 1960. This, I recall, was one of the first comprehensive long-term whitetail deer genetics study ever done. Your email address will not be published. Genetic antler potential can only be attained with good daily nutrition and achieving maturity. As a result of that study, it was essentially decided whitetail bucks tended to develop spikes (only main beams and no other tines) because of nutrition and genetics with emphasis on the latter. Courtesy Photo. While ethics play a major role in other debates, the dispute over cull bucks boils down to science – something that should not be debatable. spike-antlered deer may be inferior and on average will never produce the kind of antlers that multi-pointed yearlings will. White-tailed deer hunting in Texas is a big deal, so it should come as no surprise that hunters get real passionate about their hunting down in the Lone Star State. We generally see trophy bucks when our bucks reach maturity. Should I be giving them a year or two more?”. Fawns from those very young does were born nearly three-months later than those born of older does. If I surveyed property and saw an abundance of yearling spike bucks, my first suggestion was to start improving the daily nutrition to the deer present on the property. (Incidentally there was a single 3 1/2-year-old that was recorded to have spikes.) For a few years, I supported and encouraged the taking of all spikes if you were into a serious quality deer management program. In the mid 1920s, a game law was passed in Texas which protected spike antlered deer. Your Texas Hunting Guide & Online Magazine. Very clean, low hour tractor! If you are looking for a lease or to hunt by the day. Come and experience a hunt of a lifetime at the Spike Box Ranch! 3,238 hours, left hand reverser, two remotes, Clean tractor for sale on consignent. Texas Axis Deer Chital, Driftwood Texas. You'll know the second you smell how powerful the product is. Deer Antlers More information Whitetail Deer SPIKE Skull from Texas 717-16 - Deer #deer #deerpaintings - Whitetail Deer SPIKE Skull from Texas 717-16 Price : 20.00 Tractor is in Dalhart, Texas/Amarillo, Texas area! North Texas accounted for about half of the cases reported statewide. On one of the places I managed, which was high-fenced to control deer from entering into the property rather than getting out, we carried on a supplemental feeding program in conjunction with improving native browse, and keeping the population relatively low. So, should spike bucks be shot? Extreme Tracker. Research again confirmed does have at least a 50-percent influence on antler development of their offspring. Find John Deere, Sunflower, Unverferth, Mcfarlane, and International for sale on Machinio. Recent research conducted by wildlife biologist Donnie Draeger and a team of other researchers from Texas A&M University – Kingsville, on the expansive Comanche Ranch in the South Texas Brush Country, a ranch I managed years ago, has shown culling has no effect on improving herd antler development. Some came from branched antlered sires, while others came from spike sires. Live in Katy, Hunt in Menard C... T. TxAg. Read the Kerr study, follow the recommendations and see your big-antlered bucks. Colorado River Municipal Water District treated six boys from a children's home to the first antlerless/spike deer hunt of the 2020-21 season. Spike On One Side: Genetics or Injury? If you’re interested in reading more about the research please visit and read the article by entitled, “QDM Works, Culling Doesn’t” dates October 16, 2019. Hospitalized in the mass mortality of a herd of sika deer ( genus Cervus.. 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