I want you guys to compile your various Miracle Enchantments from Ordinator in the comments. ... - A major overhaul of the staff/weapon half of the tree, which was a complete mess and probably the … Avrie 24. des. For example if I'm using a staff of flames, will I have more damage if I level up destruction? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Coming to Skyrim in search of Grail of Betony (from Imperious mod), planning to earn money by curing people. I will use heavy armor and Dwarven based playthrough if that helps. Dual staff obviously. If not, is there any mod for classic that scales staff damage with Magic school damage? Do the other enchantment perks affect the staff itself? Ordinator opens up a lot of builds and oddly enough this is perhaps one of the first build topics i've seen in a long time. "Thumbnail: Dragon Hunter by … They are elemental "effects" and benefit from perks that benefit spells and effects. I want this topic to be a discussion of ordinator based builds. Anything is viable in Skyrim. This guide is just a quick look into the Ordinator perks that deal with One-Handed Axes or War-Axes. This also includes the staff itself right? What I'm essentially looking for is staves that would behave with regards to scaling as if I have cast the spell itself. Which, incidentally, is the main design mistake in vanilla Skyrim that keeps me from ever using staves. There are a few good calculators out there for planning vanilla builds but since there wasn’t anything for Ordinator (aside … Skyrim Build: The Monk – Ordinator Edition – Mod List April 8, 2017 pcoutcast 0 Comments. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Will using a flame staff contribute to destruction skill? There are many more combinations you can try, like a Druid or Pacifist build. But with so many amazing perks to choose more important than ever to plan your character prior to play.. (ie Staff of Flames uses less charge with higher destruction level). I don't remember exactly what vanilla functionality is any more - I think it just doesn't scale. What I'm essentially looking for is staves that would behave with regards to scaling as if I have cast the spell itself. These can be for any item like clothes, jewelry, armor, or weapons. Elder Scrolls and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions and more. So you can get a bit of both worlds by going 2-handed in your non-wolf form. Both … 2 - To complement my above point, will staves contribute towards leveling? I am looking to play a pure staff playthrough. On top of that, when in Werewolf form both of your hands are very much weapons in their own right. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. ... Ordinator - Characters that rely specifically on the Ordinator mod. For example if I'm using a staff of flames, will I have more damage if I level up destruction? Although I haven't checked if it works on staves. If not, is there a mod that adds this? :), Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I am looking to play a pure staff playthrough. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I wonder if there's some underlying technical reason that prevents perks from buffing staves, hence Enai had to design his way around it. Use Shouts whenever you can to CC and build more Speed. Do the Altmer Imperious racial affect staffs? Roleplaying - Any build that you consider to be 'Roleplaying Focused' can have this tag ... Staff … THE DRAGON WIZARD is the answer to the question: "What if an old Nord mage discovered he was the last dragonborn? Timed Blocks are a fairly simple concept that pop up in a lot of different mods since...well I guess as soon as it was possible to script it into the game. It's meant as more of a bonus for staff + weap. On this page all of the group's character builds can be navigated to quickly through our tag network. It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting. Staff channeller - weapons drain 25% leave charge. Staff Channeler's bonus for less charge cost applies only to enchanted weapons. It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting. 4 - Is a dual cast staff mage a viable playthrough for endgame? Neat build idea but i think i'm going to go red mage on my next spellsword build. < > Viser 1-5 av 5 kommentarer . If you're doing a pure staff playthrough I'd recomend this. Both make being a … This is a guide on how to get a decent character early in the game with some tricks and tips. Staff Channeler's bonus for less charge cost applies only to enchanted weapons. Unlike the other magic focused builds we’ve covered so far, the True Mage relies on magic and magic alone. Ordinator has perks to allow staffs to grant enchantment xp, but I'm not aware of any mods which have staffs grant xp of the spell school of their effect. Mods used in my playthrough of The Grave Robber – Darkest Dungeon Ordinator Build 3D Paper World Map AddItemMenu Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 Bandolier – Bags & Pouches Brighter Torches with Bigger Radius That is does the mod treat the staff as enchanted weapon? That is does the mod treat the staff as enchanted weapon? 3 - Can someone explain the staff buffs in ordinator enchantment perk tree? For example Bard: a traveling performer whos song … If not, is there any mod for classic that scales staff damage with Magic school damage? Do the other enchantment perks affect the staff itself? My idea was to raise Alteration for resistances, Destruction for main magic damage and of course, one handed for the sword. I have some questions. Just describe which item, the three enchantments (Summermyst or Vanilla), your overall build, and why you think that this Miracle Enchantment is optimal for it. Mods used in my playthrough of The Plague Doctor – Ordinator Edition 3D Paper World Map Alchemists Have Ingredients Alternate Start – Live Another Life Ordinator Perks of Skyrim by Enai Siaion greatly expands on the types of character builds we can make.. That is does the mod treat the staff as enchanted weapon? These five builds are just a few. This also includes the staff itself right? Elder Scrolls and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions and more. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. These mods allow for vastly more interesting character builds and more exciting, rewarding combat. Kinda unrelated, but I'm also going to start using staffs. This might not be as in-depth as some of my other guides because I feel like Axes are a bit more standard, what works with Vanilla Axes is … skyrim ordinator conjurer build, SKYRIM Ordinator Conjuration Playthrough Part 1. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! No, but it will level enchanting skill, which is where the damage perks are. It’s definitely worth keeping a staff on you during your travels, they offer so much. Ordinator does not treat staves like enchanted weapons. It uncaps level limits, and lengthens skill progression. 4 - Is a dual cast staff mage a viable playthrough for endgame? It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting. Please see the list / guide here for full details. Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. Most of these are available on PC (both LE and SE) as well as XBox 1 - sorry, PS4 and legacy console players. Spellsword Ordinator/Apocalypse build Hi guys, basically I need opinions on my spellsword build, I'm using Ordinator and Apocalypse, like I said in the title. Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. I will use heavy armor and Dwarven based … Staves use less charge at higher magic school skill levels instead. 47:29. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim ... Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim. The best thing about Skyrim: Special Edition is the sheer number of possibilities available. I use a mod called Aetherial Veins - Magic Enhancements (link is for SE, but there is also an LE version), and one of things it does is make staves use the destr/illu/conj/resto skill tree's perk benefits. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. This video is part of a project to restore all 21 Oblivion classes in Skyrim using the Ordinator perk mod (plus other build-specific mods). 1 - Do staves scale with the respective tree of Magick? Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. I'm currently working on a light armor unarmed Khajiit and a no sneak archer. Ordinator builds suggestions and ideas - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: With the release of the expansive ordinator perk system, the ability to make specific and interesting builds has really opened up in skyrim. The values contained within the configuration file have been fine tuned for use with Enai Siaion's excellent Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim overhaul. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 4 - Is a dual cast staff mage a viable playthrough for endgame? Just tell me if these are correct. Skyrim is back on Switch and VR, so what better time to explore a new build? SWG Legends Crafting Livestream! Also, will the perks put into destruction increase my staff damage? Having a high skill level in Alteration reduces the usage costs of these staves. I have some questions. Welcome to The Skyrim Character Building Archives! IMO the Summermyst "Recharge Weapons" enchantment would be great for a staff build because it means you don't have to keep chugging soul gems, especially as staves tend to run out of charge super-fast. Disclaimer: This build is intended to be played with a small suite of essential gameplay enhancing mods. Also, will the perks put into destruction increase my staff damage? There are a number of options for damage amp on certain swings and and execution at specific % enemy health. It's meant as more of a bonus for staff + weap. Dual staff obviously. Lots of new things to explore here: Undead Skeevers Bone Alters Skyrim Build Gameplay - The Beckoner of RetributionKruger. If it feels too easy, increase the difficulty, add more mods, or impose a self-nerf (ie don't allow yourself to use sneak = no more defaulting to sneak archer). The breton is no warrior, so I didn't perk any warrior trees and wore robes only, making them a pure mage. You can use the mod Staves of Skyrim to get a nice Staff-Shield to play more defensively and have use to the block tree Two-Handed is insane with Ordinator. Since they're not spells, they don't benefit from perks that only benefit spells. 2 - To complement my above point, will staves contribute towards leveling? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. (ie Staff of Flames uses less charge with higher destruction … Skyrim Build: The Grave Robber – Ordinator Build – Mod List January 19, 2018 pcoutcast 0 Comments. 1 - Do staves scale with the respective tree of Magick? The Fortify Alteration enchantmentfurther reduces the costs, making it possible to achieve a 100% reduction. This is a subreddit dedicated to discussion of Skyrim mods created by EnaiSiaion, such as Ordinator, Apocalypse, Sacrosanct, and many more amazing mods. The one that makes weapons and armors weaker but enchants stronger? I will use heavy armor and Dwarven based playthrough if that helps. Avrie Dec 24, 2016 @ 9:36am ... You may already have it, but I might suggest to you the Phendrix Magic Evolved mod and the Apocalypse-Magic of Skyrim mod. I don't believe staff use conveys any skill XP, so you're either going to have to do some natural spellcasting or spend a lot at trainers. Hey. This also includes the staff itself right? That's a big gap and it makes staff builds a non-starter as far as I'm concerned. After this you will be wondering how you could have played Skyrim … I'm currently working on a light armor unarmed Khajiit and a no sneak archer. Skyrim Build: The Plague Doctor – Ordinator Build – Mod List August 13, 2017 August 16, 2017 pcoutcast 0 Comments. < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . Requirements Whatever you choose to do, good luck and have fun in Skyrim! If it feels too hard, lower the difficulty, or give yourself a buff through various means. What's y'all's favorite build with Ordinator? Restoration was the primary school, Alteration is the secondary one, as I believe Ordinator's Alteration is … Will using a flame staff contribute to destruction skill? If not, is there a mod that adds this? Nap takes a look at the Conjuration skill tree for the Ordinator perks overhaul. Or are staffs something in between? Staff channeller - weapons drain 25% leave charge. Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. Staves do not contribute to leveling their spell school, and I'm not aware of a mod that adds this. Mods used in my playthrough of The Monk – Ordinator Edition 3D Paper World Map Alchemists Have Ingredients Alternate Start – Live Another Life Athletics Training Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 Bandolier Bags & Pouches 3 - Can someone explain the staff buffs in ordinator enchantment perk tree? At melee you should use normal hits to build your speed with Rushing Tide and finish with the Triple Power Attack. Staff channeller - weapons drain 25% leave charge. Become the wisest mage in all of Skyrim by mastering all of the schools of magic. Elemental Destruction magic + ordinator - elemental destruction magic patch These add alot more magic spells and the patch integrates them into ordinator, elemental destruction magic also adds new enchantments And Thunderchild + Imperious races of Skyrim. Additionally, this build … There was another post about this exact same question within the last day, and someone else pointed to Aetherium Veins. Although this is a list of the best staves in Skyrim, every single staff is useful so feel free to use the best one you have, even if … Do the other enchantment perks affect the staff itself? Ordinator does not treat staves like enchanted weapons. The idea is to reward the 'turtle playstyle' (crouching behind a shield for 16 years) less … Staves use less charge at higher magic school skill levels instead. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim> Workshop > Enai Siaion's Workshop . It is designed to balance the leveling system for both skills and character level progression. What's y'all's favorite build with Ordinator? Staves in this category wield spells from the school of Alteration. It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting. For the stat buffs, you’ll probably want to choose an Altmer or a Breton for this build. 2016 kl. Just tell me if these are correct. Also, as for any magic-based build Apocalypse is highly recommended since it gives a lot more choice in spells. 9:36 ... You may already have it, but I might suggest to you the Phendrix Magic Evolved mod and the Apocalypse-Magic of Skyrim mod. One of the most challenging build types in Skyrim is the True Mage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts are Reddit 's primary hub all. Perks of Skyrim by Enai Siaion 's Workshop the True mage use Shouts you. School damage execution at specific % enemy health playthrough I 'd recomend this I have more damage if level! Level limits, and I 'm currently working on a light armor unarmed and! A flame staff contribute to leveling their spell school, and I 'm essentially looking for staves... Is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting n't! 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