68. In addition to the information below there is a ton more on my Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) Walkthrough page. Guardian Forces. The NPCs do appear onboard the Ragnarok on disc 4, but that's only if you first beat them in Balamb Garden. Final Fantasy VIII Wiki Guide. To start challenging the CC Group, you must first build up your reputation in … Also, on Disc 4 you can win any rare card in the game from them that is not created by the Queen of Cards Side Quest! As a reminder, no one (not even the Disc 4 CC Group or Queen of Cards) can play the PuPu Card. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game. The only catch is there's not much to do on the ground. Time Compression. Furthermore, each represents a different region, meaning each will inherit the rules in force in his or her region at the end of Disc 3 (you can still change card rules on Disc 4 through the normal methods, though the guaranteed methods may or may not work aboard the Ragnarok). This information is laid out in the table below: *Left Diamond (that is, the Diamond girl on the left) is an exception to the normal rules. She can play any Rare Card so long as it's not in your inventory (even those only the Queen can normally play), and she ignores the shuffle process entirely (even though she still claims to be shuffling), normally just playing the first Rare Card missing from your list. Lunatic Pandora - Part 3. I don't want friends who won't be around tomorrow. 2. Here is where you can find and challenge each of the CC Group Members: The CC Group Quest is completable on Discs 2-3. Club near the Dormitory entrance Once you've done so, and you're on Disc 2 or 3, you can begin the quest. King has the Gilgamesh Card which you will want to grab from her before officially saying you've completed this quest. The Chocobo Forests. More importantly, you can effectively win infinite amounts of any given Rare Card by Card Modding it, then winning it back from the CC Group, even though you can still only carry one copy of each Rare Card at a time. On Disc 4, if you completed the CC Group Quest, the CC Group members will all be aboard the Ragnarok. We continue the CC Group Quest in Final Fantasy 8 Remastered today with our next card battle. 70. Disc 2 Balamb Garden - After missiles incident CC Group Quest This sidequest has the prerequisite of … To find Joker, head to Balamb Garden's Training Center, and he will randomly appear on the bridge going right from the first screen (if he doesn't show up, keep leaving and re-entering the screen until he does). Home; Characters; Cheats; Guardian Forces; Items; Limit Breaks; Side Quests; Tips and Tricks; Triple Triad; Walkthrough; Weapons; Walkthrough: Disc 4. [FF8] How to play cards with Quistis in Ragnarok disc 4? Final Fantasy VIII Rare Card Locations: rare cards in order, plus the CC group & card queen quest. To perform its agile maneuvers, the Ragnarok'sfuselage is equipped with an array of jet propulsion nozzles. Ultimecia's Castle - Tri-Point. Much like with Jack there's a chance you enter this area and Joker isn't here. You can win them back from the CC Group in Disc 4 (if you cleared the CC Group quest previously). However, this side quest can NOT be completed from Disc 4 onwards, so it has to be BEFORE you fly the Ragnarok into the Lunatic Pandora. Doing so will allow you to get any card (except PuPu) as many times as you like (though you may only hold one of each rare card at at time) on Disc 4. In all other respects (region, Common Cards, etc. Guess not ;) .. In the back portion of the 1F circle (where the exit to the Dormitory is), look for a SeeD walking around. This section of the guide covers the Card Club Group onboard the Ragnarok during Disc 4. This guide contains all achievement from Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered Disc 2. CC Group Quest. In Disc 4, the Card Queen will be staying at the Lunar Crash Site, This area is located south of Tears' Point near the tip of the peninsula. Disc Four: A. We continue the CC Group Quest in Final Fantasy 8 Remastered today with our next card battle. Ultimecia's Castle - Sphinxaur and Sphinxara . Assuming you completed the CC-Group side quest prior to moving on to Disc 4 (click on the link for more information) you can now regain any of your refined cards from the CC-Group. Diamond where you played Jack in the main hall Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy Series. Getting to the Ragnarok from here is tricky. In the 2F Hallway, look for a guy sitting near the elevator. We continue the CC Group Quest in Final Fantasy 8 Remastered today with our next card battle. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I need help with the CC group at disk 4. 5. Top Contributors: Mogg18, ... You can win them back from the CC Group in Disc 4 (if you cleared the CC Group quest previously). Navigation. Just be sure that your cards are good enough. Before I get into all of the Card Mods and Item Refinements you can do, first let's go over how the CC Group works onboard the Ragnarok. This is the main menu of the Jegged.com strategy guide for Final Fantasy VIII. Ultimecia's Castle - Catoblepas. The Card Club, also known as CC Group, is a school-based club of skilled Triple Triad players in Final Fantasy VIII.. Made up of Balamb Garden's students and staff members, the club members' identities are not publicly known, and the player must scour the Garden to find them. Final Fantasy VIII Achievements. Find guides to this achievement here. Walkthrough. Ultimecia's Castle - Preparation and Overview. Disc 2 Balamb Garden - After missiles incident CC Group Quest This sidequest has the prerequisite of … CC Group The CC Group is a group of seven elite card players in Balamb Garden. On Disc 4, if you completed the CC Group Quest, the CC Group members will all be aboard the Ragnarok. To start this sidequest you must win 15 triple triad games in Balamb garden (Cafeteria, Library or Classroom 2F doesn't count) once you've done so , you can start playing against the members of CC group. FINAL FANTASY VIII. Walkthrough: Disc 4. Each card has four numbers (known as ranks) placed in top left corner; each number corresponds to one of the four sides of the card. Before you leave the Training Center area where you found Joker you can also pick up Weapons Monthly July Issue. CARD: Chances at all, except PuPu: Beat the CC Group sidequest before finishing Disc 3. All Discussions ... CC Group Quest. Ultimecia's Castle - Gargantua. Obel Lake Secret achievement; Final Fantasy VIII. Here's where the true reward for the quest is. Press Circle while flying to enter the Ragnarok and … These side quests are generally listed in the order that they can be completed during a regular play through. Side Quest Details. Such as Card Mods and Item Refinements that you can do with the Rare Cards you win. If you're looking for a specific Card, play whomever plays the fewest Card Levels but does play your card. If you can beat them all, you can get your hands on some good cards. *spoilers*". If a player wins a GF card from a battle when they already had it, the second card never gets added to the inventory. The ranks range from one to nine, the letter A representing ten. Go up on the next screen, then heal your party and use the Save Point. Forget it. Obel Lake Secret achievement; Final Fantasy VIII. FINAL FANTASY VIII – REMASTERED is a remaster of FINAL FANTASY VIII, featuring multiple enhancements including additional options to customise your gameplay experience and difficulty.A lot of achievements from the original Steam release were removed from this version. On this page, you can see all of the details about the CC Group in Balamb Garden. When junctioning magic, press left two times to see the status /elemental screens. She has the Carbuncle Card. Talking to Jack and winning enough games within Balamb Garden can be done b… Next up is Diamond, who is in the same location as Jack in the entrance of Balamb Garden (pictured below). Shumi Village. Check out section {OPT-8} in Absolute Steve's guide. Obel Lake Secret. Map Obel Lake is a location in Final Fantasy VIII north of Timber.It is a horseshoe-shaped lake with a small ledge, and a river flowing northwards through Vaulny Canyon. Disc 2. Disc 4. Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) Walkthrough. After that, keep resting in your Dormitory (it isn't necessary to dismiss your other party members, in spite of what some guides say) until King challenges you (carries the Gilgamesh Card). After Joker there's Club who you can find outside the Dormitory in the northern portion of Balamb Garden. For this reason, it's easily the most rewarding quest in the game, since it gives you an unlimited source of Rare Cards, and thus of many of the game's rarest items. After winning, he'll list off the other members and give tidbits about the CC Group. REMINDER: DO NOT refine your cards if you want to get the "Collector" achievement. You can find him inside of the Training Center; just go right immedaitely after entering and use Enc-None if you have it. Complete the Obel Lake side quest. FF8 Ten Steps or Less Guides: TS0 Squall Minimum Level ("Contrived Finish"achievement) TS1 Card Club (CC) Group (sidequest/"Cards Club Master" achievement) TS2 Queen of Cards (QoC) (sidequest/"Collector" achievement) TS3 Obel Lake (sidequest/"Obel Lake" achievement) TS4 Level/Stat Maxing (Island Closest to Heaven/Hell) TS5 Deep Sea Research Center (sidequest/"Bahamut" and … Return to Balamb Town (Disc 2) Walkthrough, Return to The Beginning of the End (Disc 3) Walkthrough, Return to Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) Walkthrough. Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers. This guide contains all achievement from Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered Disc 2. To begin this quest you will need to win 15 Triple Triad games in Balamb Garden. 869 45. This is the main menu of the Jegged.com strategy guide for Final Fantasy VIII. Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers. Basic Rules, Game Strategy, and Triple Triad Players. All CC Group members can play any Rare Card in the game that isn't created in the Queen of Cards Quest (even if you Card Mod them or you missed them on Discs 1-3). This becomes available in Disc 2 after Fisherman's Horizon. Each is in a different room aboard the Ragnarok, and the Card Levels they play differ from those on Discs 2-3 (since there are very few Triple Triad players available on Disc 4 and Perfect Games require you to win huge numbers of Common Cards, they are listed in the table). I've completed the CC Group Quest. How to unlock the Obel Lake Secret achievement. The first opponent that you will challenge for the CC Group is Jack. This becomes available in Disc 2 after Fisherman's Horizon. He'll tell you if he's ready to play you. Not everything can be completed on disc 4. You will have to challenge the weakest member first, then slowly make your way to the top. She will tell you that she used to be King but has handed it off to some other girl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. The player should travel to the lake's inlet and press . 6. In Final Fantasy VIII, you have to do this manually using the junction system. All Discussions ... TS1 Card Club (CC) Group (sidequest/"Cards Club Master" and "Collector" achievements) NOTE: This quest is easiest done on disc 2 after the Garden becomes mobile. For those of you out there who like the succinct run downs for each quest, below is each step of the CC Quest with little additional info. One such example is the Card Club quest. You will not be able to challenge all players without the Garden being mobile. One such example is the Card Club quest. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game. He's found in the lobby of Balamb Garden, wait a little bit and he will walk up along with two girls who are involved later in this quest. CARD: Chances at all, except PuPu: Beat the CC Group sidequest before finishing Disc 3. Joker in the Training Center Scroll down if you're having trouble locating any of the card members mentioned. 4.46 1,684 155 (9%) 100-120h. Ultimecia's Castle - Red Giant. The Cards. Most people say you should start this quest around Disc 3, I finished it at the end of Disc 1 or beginning of Disc 2 (don't really remember). Additionally, Joker has the Leviathan Card which he sometimes plays that you can win from him. ABILITY ITEM SOURCE HP-J Obel Lake Secret achievement in Final Fantasy VIII . Also, on Disc 4 you can win any rare card in the game from them that is not created by the Queen of Cards Side Quest! If you can beat them all, you can get your hands on some good cards. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Disc 3. The player can start the quest after defeating BGH251F2 in Fishermans Horizon as long as they have talked to Jack in the Balamb Garden lobby and won enough games after; Squall must gain some skill by winning at least 15 Triple Triad games in Balamb Garden (games played in the Cafeteria, Library and 2F Classroom do not count—presumably because there are no CC members around to observe Squall's success at the game). 67. … defeat them in order. Final Fantasy VIII Achievements. However, before you play them, they will "shuffle their cards," meaning that any Rare Cards missing from your list will reside with one of them, and not necessarily with the person you're playing (except for Left Diamond, who ignores the shuffle process and usually just plays the first missing Rare Card in your list). Last Edited: 30 Sep 2019 12:20 pm. If you do not, you will lose them for good. King will play all types of Common Cards, meaning that the most efficient method of farming Common Cards in the long run is to send the Queen of Cards to Lunar on Disc 3, then change her Trade Rule to All. 66. FINAL FANTASY VIII > General Discussions > Topic Details.