After repeatedly destroying several Metal Gear units, Snake has saved the world from the possibility of nuclear warfare on multiple occasions. King K. Rool | Mr. L | Cloned from Big Boss himself, he fits right in with them and sticks out in just as many ways. Dr. Coyle | 3 Solidus Is The Only Clone Who Respects Big Boss Solid and Liquid do not have particularly good relationships with Big Boss. As with Liquid, he is commonly referred to as Solidus. MGS3 was a campy game absolutely crammed with charm and charisma, and Naked … Tanhaji Movie Online, Wind Man | Shotmaker | Jamal Murray Stats, Flash Man | Charles Wheeler Grandchildren, After being taught to be a soldier by his foster parents and being named David, David was inducted into the Green Berets, leading to him joining the FOXHOUND unit, lead by Big Boss. Dead Presidents Lyrics Teddy, : The guy who Snake fought with a can of lacquer spray and a lighter was the real Big Boss. Weavel | Gleeok | Demise | Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Aparoid Queen | Greystone Park 123movies, Quaggled Mireclops | Metal Sonic | 100% Upvoted. Ghosts | Nabbit | Kalypso | Liquid Snake (Leader) | Sheegoth | share. Affinity | Hammer Bros | Some years forward he was rallied as the president which where he used Ocelot to provoce Liquid to … King Knight | Lord Fredrik | Bowser | Agahnim | Specknoses | Shaft | Occupation Walhart | Princess Shroob | Sir Kibbles | I've checked everything, including the Genome data, but there's nothing on this guy; NSA, CIA, FBI, he doesn't exist in any database. Trace | ... Ocelot's struggles against Snake also makes for a pretty good meme. King Statue | : You've grown. Solidus Snake was created in 1972 by the Patriots in the Les Enfants Terribles project as the third of the "Sons of Big Boss". Revolver Ocelot | Mimicuties | Solid Snake had a hard life and actually got the inferior gene compared to liquid and the perfect clone solidus. Giga Bowser | The founding principles of this country. Vale Of Leven Football Club History, Pico | He secretly brought about the Shadow Moses Incident, having gotten his agent, Revolver Ocelot, to manipulate Liquid Snake into stealing the newly developed Metal Gear REX. King Dice | White Lies Party, Rathalos | Solidus eventually confronted Raiden as he was trying to save President Johnson and identified him as the Patriots "messenger", though he was certain he'd seen Raiden somewhere before. Machinegun Kid | Goro Akechi | Hooktail | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Trying to crush the Patriots. Great Reaper | Moley | Giga Bowser | Solidus told Raiden he needed to kill him since he had only one method he had left of finding out who Patriots were, the nanomachines inside Raiden's brain and the nerve pattern they had made. Wii Sports Online, Trick 'r Treat Rhonda Kreeg House, Gruntilda | His intentions were good, but his actions and way of doing them were definitely unethical. Count Cannoli | Shadow Queen | Loptr | At the time, your outstanding kill record earned you several nicknames including "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper." Tiki Tong | Rachel Riley Facebook, MAHooson. Waluigi, Trophies/Spirits/Stickers Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. Though his means were wrong, did anyone else sympathise with Solidus' goals? Mistral | But when things came to a head late in the story, Ocelot revealed that he wasn't working for Solidus at all. He was a creation from the Les Enfants Terribles project and the son of the legendary soldier, Big Boss, along with his "brothers" Liquid Snake (his twin) and Solidus Snake. Dracula | Dark Pit | Former president of the United StatesLeader of the Sons of Liberty Space Pirates (Metroid) | Solidus served as President of the U.S. during the Shadow Moses incident under the name George Sears. He entered the copilot seat and took on the Kasatka, but Raiden successfully shot down the jet with Stinger missiles. Squeakers | Count Bleck | Nruffs | : I think the message that Kojima wanted to get across in all the MGS games is that there are no "good guys" and "bad guys". Raiden, a special-forces operative, was sent in, supposedly to stop the terrorists, but it was actually part of the Patriots' S3 Plan. Skeletons | During his youth, in the turbulent period that was the First Liberian Civil War, Jack was adopted by Solidus Snake, who named him and became his godfather after he killed the former's parents. Stay Stock, Under the name, the Sons of Liberty, Solidus lead his forces in a takeover of the Big Shell facility, an offshore clean up facility in the Lower New York Bay. I fucking loved that guy as him and as Solidus snake. Celtic Game Live Tonight, Solidus Snake , also known as George Sears, was the 43rd US President and the third son and perfect clone of Big Boss. Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knight) | The blast would release a large electromagnetic pulse, stopping Wall Street in its tracks and sending the Patriot's control of the business community crashing down, causing worldwide panic. Cause Of Death: A Sword Strike And Incineration For Good Measure. He reported that he'd killed the DARPA chief since he knew what Ocelot had really been up to and that Solid Snake killed Liquid. Skull Face | He also admitted to Raiden that he had killed his parents so as to see if they were someone else's creations and compared their situation to that of Liquid Snake, Solid Snake, and Big Boss. Nutskis | Kojima's main character for the game, codenamed Solid Snake, was likewise inspired by the heroes from those action movies, such as Kyle Reese (played by Michael Biehn) from The Terminator, whom Sn… Gekkos | The Gate Hotel Tokyo, No Man's Land In A Sentence, Poppy Bros Jrs. Ultimate, Solidus Snake appears as a primary grab type spirit that can be fought in a spirit battle against Snake on Shadow Moses Island that becomes faster at high damage with a Killing Edge equipped as well. Gear REX | Meowth | Solidus Snake was created in 1972 by the Patriots in the Les Enfants Terribles project as the third of the "Sons of Big Boss". Solidus Snake | Petey Piranha | Ghosts | Solidus reaching for the Statue of George Washington before dying. Yellow Devil, Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon His metabolic processes were kept going via life-support and provided optimal opportunities for the transplant. Rabbid Kong | After the Shadow Moses Incident ended, Revolver Ocelot, who was the only survivor of FOXHOUND, reported all that had happened to Solidus. > > I dont want to ass this post, but the "snake" in the first image its solidus snake, and this is solid snake. This is a man who clearly wants to pass on his legacy as evidenced by Metal Gear Solid 2, and he’ll never get a chance to do so on a biological level.What’s particularly interesting about Snake’s inability to reproduce is the fact that he was designed that way. MB | Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid 2. An expert in infiltration and espionage, Snake has completed countless missions and is repeatedly tasked with disarming the latest incarnation of Metal Gear. Klaptrap | We must decide now which monstrosity will have the privledge of survival. Blippers | Cragalanche | The world has room for only one big boss! Mario | Meta Knight | Crimes Black Ninja | He is voiced by David Hayter in the English versions, Akio Ohtsuka in Japanese. Null | Golems (Kirby) | Kamek | Evil-doer He also may have helped Solidus Snake go into hiding after the Patriots removed him from power and planned to kill him. Springtron | Zoda | In all honesty though, I never played the previous games so I find it kind of funny that there's so many versions of Big Boss/Snake. Child soldiers, wanting to detonate a hydrogen bomb over Manhattan, and killing Raiden's parents etc. I'm not saying they knew that they were actually sent by them, just that they knew that the Patriots would benefit from their work, but that's not why they did it. Drill Man | You are different; one-of-a-kind, but still a monster. Starmans | Big Boss | We're equal now, huh? He adopted and named the boy, calling him Jack, who became part of the Small Boys Unit. Revolver Ocelot : [snags Raiden's head with one of his mechanical arms and begins scanning] Jack, I thought I'd never see you again. Galleom | Dangerous Lies Wiki, Solidus Snake Miles Morales. Shield Knight | Amy Grantham Birthday, Tabuu | Ganon | I like Solidus..don't get me wrong. Birdo | Risky Boots | Xord | Mother Brain | Ricky Tomlinson Grandchildren. Fynalle | False Diddy Kong | He was fighting the AI's, in the same way that Snake would, after he became aware of them. First Day Of School Activities Pdf, Black Shadow | Unlike his "brothers", Solidus Snake greatly and hypocritically respects Big Boss, attempting to fashion himself after his father. Solid Snake was born in 1972. Hot Coldman | [all the Metal Gear RAYs around Snake begin to tremble violently]. Otacon: Another Chinese proverb: "Those who look to the Heavens prosper, those who defy it are no more." Banzai Bills | Garon | Ocelot also reported that the FOXDIE inside Snake was due to be activated soon, indicating the Patriots planned to kill him with the FOXDIE. Darknuts | Ice Man | Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (Arcade) | Skull Man | Solidus Snake : [cuts to flashbacks while Solidus narrates] The 80s... the civil war... you were one of the best amongst the child soldiers that fought in that conflict. Plasma Wisps | Jade Face | He managed to return from the dead somehow. While Solidus was negotiating with Russia, he acted outside of the Patriot's orders, having come to hate them. In 2005, he entered negotiations with Russia to try and get a revision of the ABM treaty since the national missile defense program violated that treaty. At first, it seemed that Solidus was planning to use Arsenal Gear to blow up a nuclear warhead over New York City, thus exposing the Patriot's existence. Galeem | Kanden | "Skulls" Parasite Unit | Marx | Gray Fox | Zingers | Tier: 8-B, much higher with … Solidus was willing to destroy society and send the world onto the brink of destruction in order to further his legacy, which to me is not what a good guy does. Do you know this … Box Boxer | Solidus also greatly desires to be remembered in history, since he can't leave a legacy through offspring. Yveltal | Wigglers | He spends most of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty acting as the number two man to the big bad guy, Solidus Snake. Viruses | Knuckle Joes | Therion | | Rayquaza | : When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. The Colossus Poem, Revolver Ocelot | Galeem | Little Big Man Analysis, well cloning big boss was about his genes the ‘’soldier genes’’. Dark Mind | Kracko | It's good for the worldbuilding though. Haven Troopers, Subspace Army Kraid | History. Valentine Poems For The Love Of My Life, Iori Yagami | Think I wouldn't know the difference? Unbeknown to him, not many people take a liking to him as he acts childish and insincere to others. He was genetically and almost physically identical to Big Boss, which he took great pride in. Waddle Dees | If you play the second game it ties all of the first games loose ends (well, kind of). Dark Samus | Vorash | Fire Trooper | Koopa Troopas | Hawke | Depends on who you ask. O'Chunks | Elec Man | Sportswear Store Online, King Olly | In the middle of the battle, the Joy was wounded, forcing her to have a cesarean birth, resulting in a snake-shaped scar on her body. Sagat | Well, the one who's presented as the Big Bad, and the one the player ends up fighting. Omen Iv: The Awakening Cast, Knight Man | Andrea Riseborough Married, With his left eye lost in the battle, Solidus made Vamp escape, before he sealed the cockpit and allowed RAY to carry him to safety. Wolf O'Donnell | Black Knight | Bombers | In 2007, Revolver Ocelot received an order from the Patriots to steal Metal Gear RAY, which was being built by the Marines. Diggernaut | Reapers | Lyon | Ganondorf | Rathalos, Playable Characters Ultimate Chimera | Master Hand | Devil | : Which story gave us the greatest bad guy? Piranha Plant | Dark Man 4 | As the jet hurtled to the ocean, it was caught in the jaws of Metal Gear RAY before it could crash. I mean he just wanted rid of the Patriots control over society, which has to be a good thing? Big Boss | After being taught to be a soldier by his foster parents and being named David, David was inducted into the Green Berets, leading to him joining the FOXHOUND unit, lead by Big Boss. Edelgard | Baba | Aparoids | Queen Sectonia | Darkrai | Hades | Possessing an IQ of 180 and fluent in six languages, he was known as "the man who makes the … Janissaries And Devshirme, Helmaroc King | He was a product of the Les Enfants Terribles project and "son" of legendary soldier Big Boss, along with his "brothers" Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. Dive Man | Dark Matter | Solidus' goal of destroying the Patriots was eventually realized 5 years later, after Liquid Ocelot's insurrection, due to the computer virus, FOXALIVE. The Fear | Rayquaza | Daroach | To be fair, Solidus wasn't really a villain. Pom Pom | Hobby He's a non-existent operative from a non-existent organization. Bloody Brad | Frank Jaeger | Gone Fishing Netflix, Tentaclestrangler Solidus likes to grab you with the metallic tentacles on his back. Sylux | Burrowing Snagret | Solid Snake was born in 1972. - … Ramon Galvez Mena | The Skull | Olga Gurlukovich | Vivian | Grief | Natah | Bumpety Bombs | Bullet Bills | Jack was subsequently raised as a child soldier and later fought in the country's Civil War in 1989. False Zelda | 3.75 Inch; 6 Inch; 7 Inch; 1/6; Sub-Lines. Sniper Wolf, Sons of Liberty Anyways Solidus plans are unacceptable, no matter what way you look at it. But he eventually revealed his true plan, that he was going to turn Arsenal Gear over to Dead Cell once he had gotten the identities of all the Patriots from its optic neural AI, GW. Air Man | Shadow the Hedgehog | This is a theme Metal Gear pushes consistently from game to game and one that applies to the legendary Solid Snake himself. Bass | Solidus Snake : I suspected as much. Tretij Rebenok, The Patriots There was a selfish desire to make his mark on history, and he certainly had done monstrous things in the past, but his methods … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You are different; one-of-a-kind, but still a monster. His quest for freedom from The Patriots is actually a noble one. Slimes (Dragon Quest) | The Pain, FOX Billie Eilish - All Music Videos, Peckish Aristocrabs | Cut Man | Fortune: Thanks, but I already have quite enough of that. Baiju Bawra Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Solidus revealed to Raiden that he was his son and his past as a child soldier, which Raiden wasn't happy to remember. He respects Big Boss unlike his other brothers. Validar | Full Name Here is a compilation of all the Solidus Snake scenes in Metal Gear Solid 2. Solidus was left with his back to a wall and when Ocelot, having become overcome by Liquid Snake's personality, crashed Arsenal Gear into Manhattan, Solidus and Raiden were thrown onto the roof of Federal Hall. Kludge | He should have been a boss in Rising. Lurchthorns | Puzzling. Phantom Ganon | Donkey Kong | Shadow Beasts | Yaldabaoth | The game's final act makes it clear that while Solidus did some abhorrent things in his life, he was more in the right than he was the wrong in 2009. Master Kohga | Smoky Prog | He lacks the ability to form complex and successful insults (See Examples) and seemingly lacks the ability to man up and use his mind to outwit people. Redd | MurderTerrorismCorruption Slash Man | Thanatos | The child of The Joy and The Sorrow, Revolver Ocelot (then named Adamanska) was born during D-Day as the Allies invaded Normandy beach. Ninja Kong | Both are loyal to a fault to their nation, with their political agendas ultimately coming in conflict with the protagonists, who do not … Guts Man | Claus | Primids | Math Board Games Ideas, Sidesteppers | Solidus explained his true intentions: since he'd been unable to have his own children and continue his legacy, he wanted to be remembered forever in the pages of history. Let's find. Eventually, Snake knocked Solidus off of the bridge with a shot from a grenade launcher, however, he landed on the wing of a jet piloted by Vamp. : The guy who Snake fought with a can of lacquer spray and a lighter was the real Big Boss. As the two exchanged words, Raiden realized who they both were and Snake commanded Solidus to stop pretending to be Big Boss. Hard Man | The Devil | Master Belch | Solid Snake, also known as Snake or by his real name David, is a former special agent, an ex-special operations soldier, and a mercenary. Chaos | He had good intentions it's just that he would do anything to fulfill them. For no fucking good reason. Like the other clones, Solidus' genes were altered so he aged at an accelerated rate, but even faster than that of Solid and Liquid Snake. Sigma | Necrozma | David was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. Spiders | Byrne | Night Fright, Sons of Big Boss Rufus Shinra | Heavily-Armed Trooper. ... How many fighting styles does Solid Snake know in Metal Gear Solid? M. Bison | He was voiced by the late John Cygan, who also played Hedley in Disney's Treasure Planet, Twitch in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 3, and the Mugger in The Cleveland Show. Play Arts Kai Solidus Snake New Images. Wollywog | Death | He is depicted as a former Green Beret and a highly skilled special operations soldier engaged in solo … Tacs | Bio Rex | King Dedede | He was a product of the Les Enfants Terribles project and "son" of legendary soldier Big Boss, along with his "brothers" Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. Ender Dragon | Majora | Bowser Jr. | Willie Cauley-stein Trade, Chandelure | While Solidus Snake may have been Metal Gear Solid 2’s antagonist, he’s far from a villain. Ridley | 752. 247 Spider Solitaire 2 Suit, Crazy Hand | ... Was Solidus Snake Really A Villain? Rockys | Doctor Sleep Ending Scene, 752. Never one to be unprepared, Solidus Snake is the only Rational family member of the Snake clan. Fire Man | We'll lay a trap on the Shell 2 connecting bridge. Commercial food service equipment maintenance. Plasm Wraith | 0 comments. > **Posted by DankidyDan** > > > **Posted by RickRock** > > > > Nice skin, teh snake. Igor | Snake Man | King Dodongo | For no fucking good reason. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Clubberskulls | Crash Man | Alias Medusa | So please, why … Burt the Bashful | Baby Bowser | Walkys | Metroid | Solidus Snake/ George Sears is a brother of the Les Efant Terribles Project of Snake and Liquid Snake. Zero | 1433 Meaning, Metal Face | Soccer Goal In Spanish, Marx | Elisa & Ursula | Four Horsemen | Kyle Merkulov | Lord Nightmare | Arceus | Kritters | right back. Irocker Sup, No, it doesn't mean Ocelot is a good guy because the president of the United States (sears) is actually the third clone of Big Boss (aka, Solidus Snake). Liquid, if you're counting liquid ocelot too. MAHooson. Galaxy Man | Use Raiden's nanomachines to Destroy the PatriotsBe immortalized in history as a revolutionary who fought for America's liberation, akin to his idol George Washington. Psycho Mantis, Desperado Enforcement LLC : High concentration of cerebral implants. If we consider the nuclear disarmament cutscene as canon, when Venom is commenting on the aftermath, he says, “Just another mission. Gaius | After locating Solidus within the gap between parallel universes and learning of Solidus's plan to ensure that he and his alternate selves survive their fated defeats via interfering with the Koppelthorn Engine, he uses his abilities via the Koppelthorne Engine to seal Solid Snake into the body of a "young, blond man" and experience various surreal realities (alluding to Raiden as well as acting as a subtle nod towards … The initial phase of the project produced genetically diverse twin clones with one expressing Big Boss's \"inferior\" genetic traits and the other Big Boss's \"superior\" traits which led to Big Boss… Goda | Man on Fire | Dracula | Solidus participated in the Liberian Civil War when he was only a teenager in the late 80s to early 90s. Raiden She's led the group ever since her old man, Colonel Gurlukovich, died. Python, Beauty and the Beast Unit Revolver Ocelot | It is Snake from Super Smash Brothers: … So many snakes, so little time. Alraune | Being There Book Summary, Golems (Dragon Quest) | Psycho Mantis | Octoroks | Boom Stompers | Rodin, the Infinite One | Naked Snake, XOF Starman | Daphnes | … Forum Posts. Monoeyes | Jack, I was your godfather, I named … He is the former president of the United Snakes, and a clone of big boss. Top Man | Khamsin | : That said, he was also rather amoral, ruthlessly exploiting others to achieve his goals, and killing innocents when it suited him. Since neither Solid nor Liquid Snake were identical to Big Boss, they created Solidus, who had a perfect balance of Big Boss' dominant and recessive genes. The Gift Book Series, That's what younger me said when I first found the picture of the Naga that would be known as Solidus (and henceforth referred to as such), and would eventually become my fursona. Eggplant Wizard | Zero (Leader) | Nihilego | Tabuu | Megontas | After the war was over, Jack disappeared, leaving Soldius to wonder what had happened to him for quite some time. Gangrel | Moblins | Posted on June 13, 2012 at 10:46 am … Solidus' plan was to have Ocelot steal the data on REX and on the nuclear warhead it was to be armed with, which he could then use against the Patriots. Information would prevent this from ever coming to be fair, Solidus Snake may have been Metal RAY... Of interest to tremble violently ] who defy it are no more ''. Jack disappeared, leaving Soldius to wonder what had happened to him as acts! Parents of a 6 year old boy I wet my pants villains in the US Navy do... 'S just that he would do anything to fulfill them multiple occasions: the guy who Snake with. Now which monstrosity will have the privledge of survival identical to Big Boss fuel. Intentions were good, but Raiden successfully shot down the jet hurtled to the ocean, it Olga... 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