1) Humid 2) Dry 3) High rainfall 4) None of these. If the answer is not available please wait for a while and a community member will probably answer this soon. Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients, allowing water to drip slowly to plant roots, from the ground or below the surface. The irrigation efficiency of sprinklers depend upon the of water application (A) Degree of uniformity (B) Quality (C) Size (D) Quantity . b) Extensive irrigation should be adopted in areas susceptible to water logging. Drip irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. Answer: Option B 30. 9. Microirrigation systems use 20 to 50 percent less water than conventional sprinkler systems. Answer: Option B In which of the following states is the bamboo-drip irrigation system prevalent? The water is then fed to fields via a canal. 13. Question 4. Answer. Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions on “Types of Irrigation”. Sc., agriculture, Ph. Home Civil MCQ MCQ Practice Test on Irrigation Engineering MCQ Practice Test on Irrigation Engineering Civil MCQ Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 09. At Study Path, you can download PDF of Multiple Choice Questions for Class 8 Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Answers. These include spray irrigation, flood irrigation, furrow irrigation and drip irrigation. 1) Rice-Wheat 2) Groundnut-Wheat 3) Pearlmillet-Wheat 4) Sorghum-Wheat. The cutting of crop after mature is called _____ (a) Sowing (b) Weed (c) Harvesting (d) None of these. It is also sometimes known as trickle irrigation. Which type of rolling ... MCQ Practice Test on Irrigation Engineering, Departmental Interview Questions Practice Tests, Objective Mechanical Engineering & Technical Interview E-book, Civil Engineering MCQ with Interview Questions and Answers, Objective Electrical Engineering with Interview Questions and Answers, SSC JE Previous Years Solved Papers (FREE), Mechanical Engineering Springs MCQ Test - Set 02, Multiple Choice Questions with Answers on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning - Set 07, Shafts & Keys Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 02, Estimating and Costing Objective Questions and Answers - Set 01, Sliding Contact Bearings MCQ Practice Test - Set 01, Shafts, Keys & Couplings Objective Questions - Set 01, Strength of Materials Objective Questions with Answers - Set 10, Bearings Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 02, Engineering Drawing MCQ Practice Test - Set 01, Rolling Contact Bearings MCQ Test - Set 01. All States and Union Territories and all horticultural as well as agricultural crops are covered under the scheme. Practice Test: Question Set - 02 1. “Drip irrigation puts it there at the plant where it can go into the ground where the roots can take it up. Water is distributed and sprayed over the field from a central location. 06. As we all know that water is life. Answer. Drip Irrigation Seminar and PPT with pdf report: Irrigation is the operation of providing water to the land by artificial means for the intention of cultivation.Normally the land gets the water through the natural source like rain but the amount of water that the land gets … For drip irrigation, Field leveling isn’t vital. These are then discharged into the fields. Quiz on Indian Economy. True. These questions are always included in various competitive exams e.g., Pre Agriculture Test, B. 01. Drip Irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. Quiz & Worksheet Goals. Answer: Option D Drip irrigation delivers water to individual plants under very low pressure by means of plastic tubing. Inundation irrigation system is functional all through the year. Only if rivers are flooded (rainy season), these are functional. False. 3. Current Affairs MCQs PDF - December, 2020 ₹ 150.00: Add to cart. These parts, controlled by emitters and pumps, allow water to be focused in a particular area. The field water efficiency is determined by:a) Water transpired by crop – water applied to a fieldb) (Water absorbed by crop ÷ water applied to a field) x 100%c) Water absorbed by crop – water applied to a fieldd) (Water transpired by crop ÷ water applied to a field) x 100%Answer: dClarification: The field water efficiency is the way to determine if the method of irrigation is efficient. (A) Flood irrigation (B) Sprinkler (C) Drip (D) All of the above . It is determined by using the formula (water transpired by crop ÷ water applied to a field) x 100%. It is observed that crop yield increase up to 230%. Log in. Agronomy/Agriculture Multiple Choice Objective Questions and Answers- Agronomy Questions and Answers are one of the most important set of Multiple Choice Objective Questions asked in different agriculture competition exams. Sprinkler, drip or subsurface drip irrigation systems require pumps and some high tech-components and if used for large surfaces skilled operators are also required. Current Affairs, GK & News related notes on Drip irrigation topic for UPSC, Civil Services, Banking and other Competitive Examinations of India. A . 10. a. I only b. II only c. Both d. None View Answer / Hide Answer All major entrance exams such as JRF, SRF, NET, CET and RAS include MCQ's from Entomology. Related Categories. A . The efficiency of drip irrigation is 85%. Generally only high value crops are considered because of the high capital costs of installing a drip system. Jan 24,2021 - What is drip irrigation system ? Drip irrigation: In this type of irrigation, a precise amount of water is applied in the form of water droplets at frequent intervals through perforations in plastic pipes or through nozzles attached to tubes. Drip irrigation (or trickle irrigation) is a modern irrigation method in which water is delivered directly into the root zone of the plant. If this system is managed correctly, the field water efficiency can be as high as 80-90%. Bamboo drip irrigation is prevalent in which of the following states? It is a very important branch of agriculture. i.e., drop by drop Drip irrigation is based on the basic concept of irrigation only the roots zone of crop , rather than … Microirrigation is a low-pressure, low-flow-rate form of irrigation that can reduce the likelihood of overwatering a landscape. Protray are related to _____ (A) Post harvest (B) Nursery (C) Processing (D) Transport . Micro-irrigation is also called:a) Nano-irrigationb) Petite irrigationc) Localized irrigationd) Flood irrigationAnswer: cClarification: It is a system where water is distributed under low pressure through the piped network in a pre-determined pattern and applied to each plant. Ans. Practice Test: Question Set - 02 1. 10. Answer: Option B In _____ irrigation system water is spread into the air and is allowed to fall on the ground somewhat resembling like rainfall (A) Drip (B) Subsurface drip (C) Sprinkler (D) Pulse . 216. A deep tube well, worked by electricity can irrigate a large area. Practice Test: Question Set - 07 1. I. Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of the plants. 6.1.2 Suitable slopes. The water trickles from strategically spaced openings in the tubing. A: Instead of spraying a planted area above ground, drip irrigation soaks the ground with tubes that are weaved around the leaf canopy of the plants. It helps in releasing water drop by drop into the soil near the roots of plants. Tube well can be installed near agricultural land. What is drip irrigation? (a) Rajendra Prasad (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Patel (d) Mahatma Gandhi . Drip irrigation is most suitable for row crops (vegetables, soft fruit), tree and vine crops where one or more emitters can be provided for each plant. Answer: Option C We have provided Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. Answer: Option C Drip irrigation is delivered to plant roots through a series of pipes, tubes, and valves. During the assessments, you will be tested on: Surface irrigation Sub-irrigation In an application, the bearing is subjected to radial as well as axial loads. 04. Which of the following structures are known as ‘tankas’? Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Answers Pdf free download. Water for irrigation can come from ____________ sources.a) 3b) 2c) 4d) 5Answer: aClarification: The sources of water for irrigation can be ground water, surface water and non-conventional sources. Drip irrigation is a type of irrigation system where a line of tubes is placed around your gardening area. Water harvesting is very important in low rainfall area. Here are top 50 Irrigation Engineering Interview questions and answers are given just below to them. Anyone can prepare from here for different jobs test. Q. Solution: Drip irrigation is a technique in which water flows through a filter into special drip pipes. 10. MONTHLY This Page is Updated Last Updated: 06/11/2020, at 12:20 pm IST. Drip irrigation,also known as trickle irrigation or microirrigation is one of the sub-surface irrigation method of applying water or frequent application of water to crops through small emitters in the vicinity of the root zone, wetting a limited amount of surface area and depth of soil. B . A major difference between drip system and most other systems is that the balance between crop evapotranspiration and applied w… Short Answer and Essay Questions. MCQs based on NCERT Chapter. By delivering water at or near the plants’ root zones, Rain Bird Xerigation® products offer targeted watering with greater efficiency for healthier plants and outstanding water savings. A . Along with groundwater engineering, surface irrigation methods, high-efficiency irrigation systems, and drainage engineering also discussed. Drip irrigation is the most advanced and the most efficient of all irrigation methods. ... Terraced irrigation d) Drip irrigation Answer: a Clarification: In centre pivot irrigation, steel/Al pipes are joined together, supported by trusses and mounted on wheeled towers. 2. The field water efficiency of trickle irrigation is:a) 50-55%b) 55-85%c) 80-90%d) 60-70%Answer: cClarification: Drip irrigation is also called trickle irrigation. Multiple Choice Quiz. | EduRev Class 10 Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 125 Class 10 Students. Wells and tube-wells irrigation is a significant type of irrigation in the areas adjacent to the Satluj-Ganga plain. In water saving to the tune of _____ % is possible in drip irrigation system (A) 30-70 (B) 80-90 (C) 20-40 (D) 10-30 . The goal is to put water directly into the root area and minimize evaporation. 250+ TOP MCQs on Types of Irrigation and Answers. Tank water irrigation system is common in:a) Madhya Pradeshb) Uttar Pradeshc) Himachal Pradeshd) Andhra PradeshAnswer: dClarification: In Southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu; rain water harvesting and storage of water is done using tanks. 2. जल है तो कल है image credits: openclipart: Q1: Tubewells and Springs are the examples of (a) surface water (b) underground water (c) potable water (d) all of these Q2: Which of the following will not help in conservation of water? Compression drip fittings are the lowest-cost fittings. Fertigation is a process in ___________ irrigation.a) Sprinklerb) Surfacec) Dripd) Centre pivotAnswer: cClarification: In drip irrigation nowadays, a plastic mulch is incorporated which reduces evaporation and is a means of delivering fertilizers. Answer: Option A Drip Irrigation System is a type of micro-irrigation method, which allows slow application of water to the soil consistently over a longer period of time.Using this technique there is even application of water under low pressure to all the plants in the field. 11. Ans. Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers. 8. 02. Ans. The Basics of Drip Irrigation What is the most efficient way to water your landscaping beds, vegetable garden and container plants? => Drip irrigation developed from :- Israel => Highest irrigation efficiency achieved by drip irrigation is :- 80 – 90% => Annual rainfall required for Bajra crop :- 400-600 mm => Alkaloid found in Bajra :-Durin => Striga weed is associated with :- Jowar => Orobanche found in :- … The Easy Loc Fittings are the most common and easiest drip irrigation fittings to use. Q.5. Ans. Overflowing of water tank should be avoided. a) True b) False. Chapter 11. What is the best rated drip irrigation product? Can drip irrigation be returned? Drip irrigation (sometimes called trickle irrigation) works by applying water slowly, directly to the soil, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep. Sc., agriculture, M. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. 9. In this case, water is diverted to normally dry river beds using a network of dams, gates and channels and are spread over large areas. Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. Entomology Multiple Choice Objective Questions are very important for all major competitive Exams. It is also used in commercial greenhouse production. CHOOSING A SMART WAY: Smart irrigation systems such as drip, sprinklers and efficient water management should be made a priority and allocated across the country where needed. Learn Irrigation Engineering MCQ questions & answers are available for a Civil Engineering students to clear GATE exams, various technical interview, competitive examination, and another entrance exam. Index to the Guidelines: Drip Irrigation Design Guidelines (this page) The Basic Parts of a Drip System Drip Irrigation Emitters Drip Emitter Spacing Drip Irrigation Valves Irrigation Backflow Preventers How to Find the Size of a Pipe Drip Systems for Slopes and Hillsides Gravity Flow Drip Systems Drip System Sample Detail Drawings If you wish … _________ is a form of overhead irrigation.a) Centre Pivot irrigationb) Sprinkler irrigationc) Terraced irrigationd) Drip irrigationAnswer: aClarification: In centre pivot irrigation, steel/Al pipes are joined together, supported by trusses and mounted on wheeled towers. micro- or drip irrigation: none of the above because field water efficiency depends on the type of soil, not the irrigation system +If the total water potential in the soil around a plant root were –50 kPa, water would move from the soil into the root if the water potential inside the root cells were ___ kPa. d) all of the above Ans: c. 112. Answer. There are valves attached all along these tubes which emit water to your plants directly at the roots from the water source of your choosing. Very important for all soil Types & GK article on drip irrigation mcqs on drip irrigation the Home Depot Test b. Covered with water being asked in the exams easiest drip irrigation is to put directly. Well as axial loads above the bottom of the following states research on trees and shrubs only! Fittings are the most efficient method of irrigating MCQ ’ s, click below link ; 2... C ) Karnataka ( d ) all of the above Ans: c. 112 a large area it helps releasing... To individual plants under very low and without any pressure from here for different Test! Water... get Free irrigation Engineering MCQ question is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for crops... Of water application is very low and without any pressure and tube-wells is... 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