Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) I. Manganese Dioxide: LD50 oral rat >3478 mg/kg Potassium Hydroxide: LD50 oral rat 273 mg/kg Chronic Effects: The chemicals in this product are contained in a sealed can and exposure does not occur during normal handling and use. Manganese Dioxide Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 - material.It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable laws and regulations applicable to … II. Material - Safety - Data Sheet (MSDS) for Ansmann Lithium-Manganese-Dioxide (Li-metal) Batteries single cells and multi-cell batteries Repr. In the event of an incident during transport call 1-800-424-9300 (North America) or 1-703-527-3887 SAFETY DATA SHEET Creation Date 24-Nov-2010 Revision Date 19-Jan-2018 Revision Number 3 1. Identification Product Name Manganese, powder, -325 mesh Cat No. Chemical Component/Hazardous Ingredients ( )Simple ( … Repeated inhalation of manganese dioxide dust can cause manganese pneumonitis and increase Uses advised against Food, drug, pesticide or biocidal product use. Manganese Dioxide 0,5 mg/m3 TWA UK WEL 0,5 mg/m3 TWA (inhalable) DFG MAK 0,2 mg/m3 VL Belgium 0,2 mg/m3 TWA Denmark LV Zinc None established for zinc metal Potassium Hydroxide 2 mg/m3 STEL UK WEL 2 mg/m3 VCD Belgium 2 mg/m3 Ceiling Denmark LV Graphite 4 mg/m3 TWA UK WEL (respirable dust) 10 mg/m3 TWA UK WEL (inhalable dust) No chronic effects would be expected from handling a leaking battery. Material Safety Data Sheet Manganese dioxide MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Manganese dioxide Catalog Codes: SLM3895, SLM1747 CAS#: 1313-13-9 RTECS: OP0350000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Manganese dioxide CI#: Not available. Page 5 of 5 Coin/Button Lithium Manganese Dioxide Batteries January 2017 ©2017 Energizer Energizer is registered with CHEMTREC. Description and Company data . 1B 108-32-7 H302, H332, Hazard Statements H260, H314 H319 (only Photo Batteries) STOT SE3 Plastics, paper, water (only Button Cells) STOT SE3 H315, H319, H272, H315, H319, H335 (Li) Skin Corr. Chemical name Common name and synonyms CAS number % MANGANESE DIOXIDE (MNO2) 1313-13-9 90 - 100 Constituents Chemical name CAS number % CALCIUM OXIDE 1305-78-8 0 - 15 IRON 7439-89-6 1 … It is characterized by CNS effects including languor, sleepiness, weakness, a mask-like appearance of the face, emotional instability, spastic gait, and anemia. Synonym: Manganese (IV) Dioxide; Manganese Target Organs: Skin, eyes and respiratory system. Material Safety Data Sheet Manganese dioxide MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Manganese dioxide Catalog Codes: SLM3895, SLM1747 CAS#: 1313-13-9 RTECS: OP0350000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Manganese dioxide CI#: Not available. Name: Li-MnO. : AC317440000; AC317440010; AC317442500 CAS-No 7439-96-5 Synonyms No information available Recommended Use Laboratory chemicals. Cylindrical Battery (Lithium metal battery) Chemical System: Manganese Dioxide Lithium Primary Product nominal voltage: 3.0V Designated for recharge: No . Details of the supplier … Chronic exposure to manganese dioxide can lead to manganese poisoning, called manganism. Manganese Dioxide: LD50 oral rat >3478 mg/kg 1,2-Dimethoxyethane: LDLo oral rat 1000 mg/kg, LCLo inhalation rat 63 g/m3/6 hr Propylene Carbonate: LD50 oral rat 29100 uL/kg; LD50 dermal rabbit >20 mL/kg; LC50 inhalation rat 2 .
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