Competition is a rivalry between two or more persons or groups for an object desired in common, usually resulting in a victor and a loser. Competitive. E games are considered the fastest-growing game. In all the times and societies, it was very beneficial for playing sports. Overall, the cons of competitive sports being played by young children outweigh than the pros. As well as improving cardiovascular health and fitness, exercising is also good for the musculoskeletal system, making muscles more supple and toned, and improving the strength of bones and joints. Children mature at different ages and may or may not be ready to play in a healthy competition. Being an activity that is good for both body and mind, it is often favored by teachers who delight in assigning essays on sport in its various aspects: sport and youth, sport and its problems, sport and its values. In addition, children may not be physically ready for the demands of training and hard play. Moreover, when competing with opponents, it is easier to gain proper organizational, decision-making and strategy building skills. A sport is defined as an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature. Is putting a child into a competitive sport beneficial for them? Even for ballet dance, you have to concentrate by yourself and create and express your own world, you have to fight for pressure and fight against your competitor. A characteristic of competitive sports, regardless of the level of achievement, is the strong proclivity for participants to exert themselves physically until their limits and improve performance. Competitive sports is also a great way to improve social and leadership skills. Teens who have positive influences and friends feel less of a need to participate in risky behaviors. Sports activities for both, men and women are needed to be promoted as it enhances the physical, mental, financial health of the person. It’s hard on their bodies, they tend to put sports before education, and it puts a great deal of pressure on the child to win and if not it can lower the child’s self-esteem. Conclusion. We have the Competitive Sports Argumentative Essay solutions to your Academic problems.. At we have a team of MA and PhD qualified experts working tirelessly to provide high quality customized writing solutions to all your assignments including essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, coursework and projects. Often on the school level many types of competition are nurtured and encouraged. Conclusion . Competitive sports can improve low self esteem, social and communication skills, responsibility, and teach... Cricket is Killing All Other Types of Sports The physical aspect has some constructive benefits, but also deadly consequences, such as long term injuries. Many kids are playing sports, whether it’s football, Martial Arts, Cross Country, or Baseball, the outcome of these sports can be all the same. One needs have the skill to play this sports as it requires eye coordination, competitive mindset, and right-hand ability .it is indeed the sports which have the maximum number of audience. Especially among children, it helps develop a habit and a lifestyle which will help them throughout their life. These two characteristics are not built through competitive sports, but are revealed in a competition. The character traits that competitive sports build are mostly negative because the sports make you focus more on yourself. Playing competitive sports, you meet people with the same interests and you can develop long lasting friendships. In this day and age, many people have earned themselves titles and awards owing from their performance in different levels of international sports.Some of the famous sporting activities include football, athletics, tennis, hockey, cricket and many more. 1st Jan 1970 Sports Reference this ... As a conclusion, Basketball is an outstanding game where people all around the world can enjoy regardless of whether they are poor or rich, … As teens engage in competitive events and team sports, their exposure to peer-pressure and anxiety may increase with the need to win. In conclusion, Competitive Sport provides us many useful lessons of life though its own advantage and disadvantage. Competitive Sports Beneficial. Even when we don't realize we are doing it, we all try our hardest at what we do often trying to rise above everyone else. Although learning the importance of focus can benefit players of competitive sports, this lesson can take a negative turn in children who become unwilling to participate in activities other than their sport of choice. “Competitive athletes are consistently involved in situations where they are challenged. You make so many new friendships and create closer bonds between friends and family just by participating in a sport. Competition is a great way of pushing yourself to be the best that you can, and provide positive motivation for you to excel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, taking account of existing surveillance systems and relevant federal data collection efforts, should establish and oversee a national surveillance system to accurately determine the incidence of sports-related concussions, including those in youth ages 5 to 21. Organized sports places such a high level of stress on a child that many simply give up most competitive sports by age 12. Competitive sports such as soccer, track, basketball and swimming can also help kids learn important life lessons about teamwork and fair play. They also learn discipline, how to set goals and how to achieve those goals. Sports and games give needed competitive nature and a strong desire to win. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Understand Children and Young Person’s Development. Sport is a topic of great interest throughout generations. Conclusion. This not only occurs on the competitive field of play but in the practice gym as well. 1265 words (5 pages) Essay. Conclusion. Growing up playing sports you meet many new and different people, which helps you learn how to adapt and get to know new people more quickly. Recommendation 1. Sport is a great motivator for people to get into shape and is also a business that generates millions for our country. According to Linda Ray’s article, “Should Children Play Competitive Sports” the key to successful competitive play for children depends on a healthy balance of parental involvement, social and team pressure, physical conditioning and time. Depends on your thesis, but if generally conclusions are supposed to briefly summarize the paper and come to a final thought. These two characteristics are not built through competitive sports, but are revealed in a competition. We'll not send Conclusion. People who do sports will be stronger and more able to lift and carry heavy things, which is also always useful, and they are less likely to become really weak and frail as they get older because their bodies are strong. One psychological benefit of sport is that they can boost the self esteem of the people participating. In conclusion, teens should play competitive sports. Competitive Sports Competition is the act of competing, as for profit or a prize, rivalry. The hope is that you learn to do the right thing and make the right choices, which is character and integrity at its finest. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Social and communication skills can be learned and developed through sport. Girls who play sports are also less likely to become pregnant” (McEntire). The Conclusion shows that the 19th-century idea of fair play and sportsmanship still shapes the way in which sport is thought about. Should Competitive Sports Be Required While some argue that competition is damaging to young people, it can be significant because it can develop good habits so kids can continue into adulthood. The sports industries are basically selling their athletes to the spectators. I simply imagine In boxing and judo for the word “competitive sports”, these require you need a fighting spirit, even though, in my opinion, this is required for all the sports. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Transferring that natural energy to competitive sports can help keep kids active and healthy as the grow, and other distractions increase that may lead to a more sedentary lifestyle. Some parents believe it is too much too soon, and that there is a misplaced emphasis on the “wrong” things such as winning at all costs. 3. Retrieved from Sports are a good thing because they help to stop violence and help people come together in harmony. The Conclusion shows that the 19th-century idea of fair play and sportsmanship still shapes the way in which sport is thought about. In a perfect competitive market, marginal productivity relies on the profit maximisation. Also, school was pushed to the back burner in order to utilize the hours in the day for training. Communication skills can really be honed, as they are at the center of any team’s success, and a lack of them leads to failure. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Overall, the cons of competitive sports being played by young children outweigh than the pros. When she was 9 years old, she was preparing for the Olympics. Children learn to participate as a team not just as an individual; this will be needed throughout someone’s life through jobs, relationships, and much more. The benefits greatly outweigh the very few and two dimensional reasons that oppose this. With these combinations and good coaches it is extremely beneficial for children to play competitive sports. Sports also allow people to develop personally. Tori finally had enough and dropped down a level and started training a different path. From ver In conclusion, Competitive Sport provides us many useful lessons of life though its own advantage and disadvantage. The Conclusion Opposing Position “There is no guarantee that placing a child in a youth sports program will help build character, just as there is no certainty that a competitive youth sports experience will damage a child,” child psychologist Shane Murphy, and author of the book The Cheers and the Tears: a healthy alternative to the dark side of youth sports today says. Throughout my life, I have competed in many different sports and excelled. (2017, Jan 26). Find paragraph, long and short essay on Sports for your Kids, Children and Students. But at the core, much of the practice and business of sport is rotten, and does not conform to the ethical and moral ideals that it was founded on. In adults, sports can prolong their physical well-being as well as enhance their mental health. When this happens, their level of perseverance and determination will be tested. 1265 words (5 pages) Essay. What are some of the psychological benefits of sports? Because of the dedication and time required to perfect the skills that contribute to winning, players may lose the desire to do anything else because it pales in comparison to practicing and playing. 1st Jan 1970 Sports Reference this ... As a conclusion, Basketball is an outstanding game where people all around the world can enjoy regardless of whether they are poor or rich, … In conclusion, the implementation determines the type of experience an athlete will have with competitive sports.The mindset coaches, parents, athletes and peers also has huge impacts on the effectiveness and usefulness of competitive sports in a school system. And to achieve this, the parents must recognize that their beliefs about the value of competition are founded on myths – competitive sports are not good for children before 7. Repetitive motion injuries, muscle injuries and accidents can be detrimental to children’s developing bodies. Votes Select rating Give it 1/10 Give it 2/10 Give it 3/10 Give it 4/10 Give it 5/10 Give it 6/10 Give it 7/10 Give it 8/10 Give it … At the age of 12, she had a stress fracture in her back and was forced to compete with broken ankles and other injuries. Instead, to avoid disadvantage of that, before performing that sport, you have to realize deeply and carefully that it will cause the problem for you or not. Instead, to avoid disadvantage of that, before performing that sport, you have to realize deeply and carefully that it will cause the problem for you or not. At the elite level, sport is a multi-billion dollar global business. Sports; Technology; The Environment; More than 10,000 primary schools had fewer than half their pupils competing against other schools, this must be acknowledged in some way. Request PDF | Conclusion: The Future of eSports: Management in the World of Competitive Gaming | The eSports industry is a highly complex environment that is … Such extreme levels of exclusivity can be detrimental because they limit sports players' abilities to pract… This is a problem because there is always a chance of getting injured or burning out. The physical aspect has some constructive benefits, but also deadly consequences, such as long term injuries. The sports change into electronic games since 2010, and it got into the top of any sports. However, a large number of children will still place themselves in competitive situations, regardless of the degree of failure. As a child, I had the best of both worlds when it came to sports and competition. Tori Kellet, the gymnast, is a prime example of why competitive sports don't work out when young children play them. The Competitive Sport Of Nba Basketball Sports Essay. No More Stress! Get a verified expert to help you with Competitive Sports Beneficial, Are You on a Short Deadline? Sport is a physical activity still enjoyed as a natural expression of athleticism and energy, in many different forms and settings, by millions of people around the globe. While any physical activity and sport can provide teens with incredible benefits and opportunities, parents and teenage athletes must also be aware of the potential downfalls of competition and athleticism. Participation in sports brings on many physical and psychological benefits. Teamwork, for example, is naturally learned through participating in team sports and games. Let a Professional Expert Help You, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the terms and conditions of our service. Competitive sports are negative to younger kids and older kids who play sports, whether its contact or non-contact sports. Competitive sports help children not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Sports Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Conclusion On Sports. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. In conclusion, competitive sports have so many benefits on kids, so they have an important place in the school curriculum although they have some disadvantages. In conclusion, teens should play competitive sports. In order to come to a conclusion about the positive or negative experiences children have with competitive sports, we must take a number of factors into account. Recommendation 1. The government’s aim is to for all schools to take part of the school games which is a very important part of the encouragement of competitive sports. Playing competitive sports allows you to be prepared for life and be ready to rebound yourself from failure to become the best you possibly can, knowing how many people are competing to steal your spot in whatever career you embark on or sports … At the elite level, sport is a multi-billion dollar global business. Yes, like everything in life, it has its negatives, but its positives outweigh its negatives by a numerous amount. Sports are a very important part of our life. The character traits that competitive sports build are mostly negative because the sports make you focus more on yourself. Request PDF | Conclusion: The Future of eSports: Management in the World of Competitive Gaming | The eSports industry is a highly complex environment that is … Competitive sports will be a permanent part of the new primary school curriculum which will require every child in primary school to join competitive team sport. Competition essay essays Competition is a part of life that can't be avoided. 3. According to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, youth sports can help deter negative behavior, such as joining a gang, because competitive sports provide an outlet for expression, friendship and controlled aggression. Sports can have a great impact on a child’s life and can help them grow not only as an athlete, but as a person. It is in fact the most technical part in giving us our identity. The benefits greatly outweigh the very few and two dimensional reasons that oppose this. The hope is that you learn to do the right thing and make the right choices, which is character and integrity at its finest. Generally two or more groups compete against each other for the entertainment or win the prize. Sports help us to release our competitive urges and help us get more exercise. Sports and games are physical activities involves in skill development of competitive nature. Are sports beneficial to those who participate? Some people believe competitive sports to have a negative impact on children. Looking for more essays about sport – read more samples of argumentative essays. Participation in sports is aimed at utilizing or maintaining, as well as improving one’s physical capabilities, as well as the skills of the game. The Competitive Sport Of Nba Basketball Sports Essay. I will start explaining the structure of the sport labour market by looking at the perfect competitive market. “Kids involved in sports are less likes to take drugs or smoke because they realize the impacts that these destructive activities can have upon their performance. Conclusion – Sports have many benefits for a person, irrespective of his/her age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, taking account of existing surveillance systems and relevant federal data collection efforts, should establish and oversee a national surveillance system to accurately determine the incidence of sports-related concussions, including those in youth ages 5 to 21. Yes, sports in general are very beneficial to those who participate. ‘Sports’ is a broad term that basically refers to diverse forms of physical activities that are competitive in nature. A characteristic of competitive sports, regardless of the level of achievement, is the strong proclivity for participants to exert themselves physically until their limits and improve performance. Conclusion. Sports are an essential and important aspect of American society; they are indispensible when it comes to their impact on a plethora of public arenas, including economics and the mass media. you From the budget aspect, it is very hard on the parents of the athlete to pay for everything and to have enough time for everything that they have to do. Furthermore, doing sports can improve mental health as well as physical health, with exercise being hel… The hope is that they become stronger within over time” (Mango). Character and integrity are associated with competitive sports. “Competitive athletes are consistently involved in situations where they are challenged. Even though, competitive sports can positively affect your future and lead to you have great success, some athletes think that they should skip college to play professionally. Surely, the people of this generation need to raise kids who are happy, active, healthy and productive to create a better world to live in. The child has to learn how to lose gracefully and often the costs of the lesson outweighs the types of lessons learned, especially when children are placed under too much stress to win. Competitive sports typically require strategic planning and other more complex cognitive abilities however, they don’t perform as well under the pressures of competition until they are closer to twelve” (Ray). Those who participate its negatives by a numerous amount was preparing for the entertainment or the!, is naturally learned through participating in a healthy competition that ca n't be avoided sports industries are selling. Child into a competitive sport provides us many useful lessons of life that ca n't be avoided are you a... Demands of training and hard play on various topics, top-notch essay and term paper samples various... Give needed competitive nature n't be avoided Conclusion, competitive sport provides us many useful lessons life! 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