Centra Ruins (Odin Side Quest) - FF8 Guide The Centra Ruins is located on the southern most continent and can be easily reached once you gain control of the Balamb Garden during Disc 2. In all versions of the game, it is possible to take a shortcut to Odin from the ruins' entrance by entering the Centra Ruins while holding the button to challenge others to card games ( in the PS). Proceeding up into the ruins, there are two gargoyles: one at the entrance leading to Odin, and one on top of the ruins. – Speaking of which, the Auto-Potion ability will cause the user to “use recovery items automatically when hit”. As soon as you enter, you'll notice a 20-minute timer that starts counting down. It is a dimly lit, circular, dark room with a glowing blue sphere. (right). They’re worth getting, however, as the shop-related abilities collectively will allow you to acquire as much Gil as you could ever want more effortlessly, not to mention the ability to refine some store-purchased goods into some very interesting items, like stat-boosting items. Background information This critter is interesting enough, and you’ll have to fight enough of them, that it’s worth going over a bit. Some devices work as if controlled by magic. The fight with Tonberry King starts immediately after defeating the Tonberry, so you’ll need to be wary of the potential to be ambushed by this foe. There are also several worn pillars, as the floor has been eroded over time. The ruins look old, but are riddled with technology. Throughout the structure there are blue and red wires, which power the apparatus inside. The control room is reached after taking a lift up to the second level and climbing two flights of ladders. The Centra Ruins will appear on Selphie's Sir Laguna's Page after the player visits the area. C'est une tour au centre d'une grande plaine. Finally, the Tonberry King also has a physical attack, although his Strength is only slightly higher than a normal Tonberry. The ruins are the home of Tonberries as well as the Guardian Force Odin. In addition the guide will cover all side quests and will also include in-depth mini-guides for Chocobo World and Triple Triad. From the screen you start out in head up one screen to reach some ruins, including an arched doorway behind a “My Blue Heaven” sign. The Tonberry King is larger, but he’d not necessarily much more powerful than normal Tonberrys. Centra Ruins Side Quests. Well, you need to kill around twenty Tonberrys to lure out the Tonberry King, which is the entire point of this trip. (1 of 3) Find the Centra Ruins in the Centra Crater region. After taking a stone lift up, the player comes to a screen with ladders leading up to the top of a tall tower. The statue, found on the outside of the tower, after taking the stairs up from the ladders has only one eye when the player reaches the screen the first time. They walk slowly forward, being incapable of quickly closing the distance between you, and when they are adjacent the the party they’ll go to work with their Chef’s Knife attack, which can grow to be fairly painful. As for the Tonberry King’s attacks, he’s got his own variant of Everyone’s Grudge, called “It’s Sharp!”, which will deal damage equal to the number of enemies defeated x30… which will quite likely be a death sentence for your more combat-hardened characters. The Centra Ruins are a tall, diamond- shaped building on (surprise, surprise) the Centra continent. There's a statue of a sorceress and knight. Items and draw points Odin is not a normal Guardian Force like the others you have obtained throughout your travels. BlobraBombBuelForbidden A bit dubious, honestly, unless you know roughly how much damage will be done, which items to have equipped to counter said damage, and enough stock to blow. Centra Ruins Even Ultima junctioned to Evade only boosts you up by 24%, meaning Evade+30% might increase your Evade score by a whopping… 7%? Defeating Tonberrys is one thing, but what’s the point? The battle being timed alludes to Final Fantasy V whose Odin was faced under similar conditions. Location of the code to enter Odin's chamber. When you enter you’ll see a counter pop-up, and some being - Odin - will communicate with you. Other than that, the only Location of note is Edea's House. The Centra Ruins is located on the large island-continent north of the the main Centra (southern-most) continent. It will reset if you leave and return. Selphie's description of the ruins at Sir Laguna's Page. Sir Laguna's page entryCompleting the ruins within time limitDefeating Odin Centra Ruins (optional) Rare Cards N/A Draw Points N/A GFs Tonberry King Magazines N/A Enemies N/A Blue Magic N/A Head northeast from Edea’s Orphanage to the Centra Ruins (where you fought Odin). You need not kill them all in one go - you can return to the world map, even rest in Balamb Garden if you need to. The player does not need to kill all Tonberries in one go; they can exit the ruins to save or do other things to return later. They’re immune to almost every status effect in the game and have no elemental weaknesses, leaving you with two realistic options - gravity, and brute force. Tonberries drop Chef's Knives that refine into AP Ammo. Centra Ruins. – Sell-High can be learned after you acquire Haggle, which sets the value of items you sell to 150% the normal rate. He cannot be junctioned, but will appear randomly to vanquish random opponents. Quite a handy time-saver, really. You do not equip and junction him like a regular Guardian Force. Centra Ruins的完全地图: 走上楼梯,来到这个大平台上,过一会你可能要在这个场景停留不少时间的。在中央的塑像后面隐藏着一个一次性的Drain抽取点。从平台前面那个Y字型的楼梯上去,径直向前走入祭室,可以看到祭室中央有一个石祭坛。左右有楼梯 Players may want to face Tonberry King once the party is on average above Lv30 to be able to draw the valuable Full-life from him. Ladders It is unknown what purpose the ruins once served. Even then, limits only outright killed a Tonberry roughly half the time, so the odd Phoenix Down/Life spell was needed to bring back characters felled by Everyone’s Grudge. Encounters In any event, you’re done with Tonberry, and really, that’s all you need to do in the Centra ruins for now. They are incredibly easy to kill. He appears randomly in fights (though not boss fights) at the very beginning and kills all enemies in one hit! Region – Eva+30% is a rare enough ability that’ll increase your Evade stat by 30%. Tonberry King (Boss) Quests Its only remaining features are Edea's Orphanage and the Centra Ruins, the temple of the GF Odin. If the timer runs out before the party encounters Odin, he seemingly kills the party (The heavens hath decreed thy fate. If you’re a sufficient level, consider drawing full stocks of Full-Life from Tonberry King, as it’s a rare opportunity to fill up on a rare and potent spell. Gameplay details It's located in the continent just south … Luck does have an effect on Hit%, Evade% and critical hit rate, however, so it may be worth equipping on every character not named Squall - his accuracy is already max and he lands a critical hit whenever you pull the trigger on his attacks. Specifically, the northern collection of these landmasses look as if they were sundered by some impact, and fittingly enough it’s known as the “Centra Crater” on your map. It is dominated by an octahedral frame and is a remaining structure from the ancient Centra civilization. Two obvious uses for this are to make enemies weaker, which is its own reward, but you can also use this to level up a monster so they have better spells to draw or items to drop. This being the case, you might want to exit to the world map when the timer hits 10:00 or so, just to prevent any complications. Otherwise, Tonberry King is very similar to other Tonberrys, being immune to almost every status effect (functionally all of them if you don’t have Selphie) while being weak nor resistant to no elements. Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Centra_Ruins?oldid=3351780, Section needed (Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade), Section needed (Final Fantasy Record Keeper). This ruin is known as the Centra Ruins, the remnants of a once great civilization. First floor Odin has many good spells to draw. This includes the following items: Potion, Potion+, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion+, X-Potion, and they’ll be used in the order in which they are found in the item screen, not in proportion to damage dealt. The Centra Ruins, located within the destroyed continent of Centra, is near Mount Yorn to the south-east of the Centra Crater. On this website we recommend many images about Centra Ruins Ff8 Map Edea On World Images Reverse Search Throughout Besttabletfor Me At Random 2 that we have collected from various sites from many image inspiration, and of course what we recommend is the most excellent of image for Centra Ruins Ff8 Map Edea On World Images Reverse Search Throughout Besttabletfor Me At … BlobraBombBuelForbidden Collectively the four shop abilities take quite a bit of AP, far more than you’re going to want to grind Fastitocalon-Fs for… but we’ll deal with that issue shortly. Putting in the eye collected from the level below displays a code that opens the door to Odin's chamber. Built with prominent white stone, intricate murals and stone pillars were abundant, particularly seen in the example of Edea's House. BlobraBombBuelForbiddenTonberryTonberry King (boss)Odin (boss) ファイナルファンタジー8 完全攻略 Windows for PC版対応 完全攻略シリーズ エリア セントラ遺跡 よくぞたどり着いた。覚悟を決めよ。容赦はせぬ。 南の大陸のほぼ中央の荒野(セントラクレーター)にあ … Don’t worry, you’ll get to Odin eventually, just… not right now. First floorLaddersControl roomStatueDomeOdin's Chamber You can also leave your HP low and spam limit breaks - Squall, Zell and Irvine all work wonders, especially if Squall has his Lionheart. Encounters Encounters If you re- enter the ruins though, the timer will start counting from 20 minutes again, so no need to worry. You see me in the picture? You’ll find the Centra Ruins on the western part of this Centra Crater landmass. Just for comparison, a low-level party junctioned with Str+60% and Tornado junctioned to Strength could boast around 120~ Strength. Like the lesser Tonberrys, the Tonberry King has a healthy amount of HP, but unlike the lesser Tonberrys, Tonberry King’s HP scale more as he levels up. Aero (hidden, never refills) Map The entrance to Odin is unlocked by inputting a five-digit code. This guide will cover the main quest-line chronologically, giving advice on leveling (and how to avoid it), where to find the best spells, how to acquire all GFs and defeat all bosses. 最终幻想8(Final Fantasy VIII)(FF8) 敌人资料 跳到内容(C) 跳到导航(N) 日文名称 トンベリ 英文名称 Tonberry 中文译名 ... 生活在地洞里的神秘生物。缓慢接近敌人,然后把敌人用菜刀杀死。 出现地点 英文 日文 Centra Ruins Ultimecia Castle Centra Ruins. A quick way to kill the Tonberries is to bring Irvine on critical health and use his Armor Shot to kill the Tonberry in one turn; other Limit Breaks can also be used, but Irvine's is faster than most others', as Quistis's Degenerator has no effect on Tonberries. In fact, he starts out with no stat-junctions, meaning he won’t help anybody… but he can be junctioned to any character. Tonberry is not your average GF - he’s so, so much more than merely a junction monster. This place is home to two GFs, although Odin isn’t a GF in the traditional sense, and you’re not really here for him. This large, barren continent is located in the south of the world map. – Move-HP Up will restore you HP as you walk, which is… fine, but not game-breaking. DrainAeroPain Note: You can make use of Tonberry’s LV UP ability to score some Dragon Skins more easily from Anacondaurs - you’ll find them in the forests around Timber. Centra Ruins的完全地图: 走上楼梯,来到这个大平台上,过一会你可能要在这个场景停留不少时间的。在中央的塑像后面隐藏着一个一次性的Drain抽取点。从平台前面那个Y字型的楼梯上去,径直向前走入祭室,可以看到祭室中央有一个石祭坛。左右有楼梯 Take Squall and Quistis along, and have one or both at critical status in order to use limit breaks. – Luck+50% is much like Evade+30% in that most characters have a terrible base Luck score, so much so that this ability will probably only give them roughly a +10 point boost. Teleport to Odin directly by pressing square key. Just run around the second screen in the Centra Ruins and if the timer runs out, pick “Try Again” to return to the world map. Esta Ocupación secundaria de Centra Ruins es único y difícil, aunque en la ahora, el desafío que encuentres dependerá en gran medida de la traducción de FF8 que estés jugando. Now its time to kick 18+ Tonberries' asses in order to get to the Tonberry King. Dome Although there are tons of monsters! Make your way down the path until you reach the draw point for some free Sleep magic. You can access the Centra Ruins as soon as you have the ability to drive Balamb Garden around the world map. – His Initiative ability will start a character with a full ATB bar - useful for hunting Cactuars, or for any other actions you’d rather do quickly and not leave up to chance. The Centra Ruins is an optional location on the Centra continent in Final Fantasy VIII first accessible by the mobile Balamb Garden. Odin Demi works well, as will Diablos (if you leveled him, not so much if not). You can visit the Centra Ruins any time after Balamb Garden becomes mobile. If that character has defeated 100 foes, they’ll take 2,000 damage - no blocking, reductions or complications. Yikes. Statue Why not join us today? This area is full of Tonberries, making a good area to fight in to get the Tonberry Guardian Force. You’ll keep your Tonberry kill progress, and Odin’s timer and taunts are irrelevant to your goal of killing Tonberrys. Prérequis: avoir passé Horizon et pouvoir se ... Pour dénichez l'endroit, reportez-vous à la carte du monde du site (noté sous l'appellation anglophone "Centra Ruins"). The left one leads to the control room, and the ladder on the right allows access to a hidden Aero draw point. How effective this attack is against characters will obviously vary, and you can check each character’s kill count via the Battle Meter. A minor nuisance, at worst, but your mileage may vary depending on what you’ve accomplished thus far. This is something extra. Once you enter, you have 20 minutes for solving the riddles. This section about a location in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. The Centra continent is a shattered collection of landmasses on the south-central part of the world map. However, if the player has not opened the stairs in the previous area, they cannot leave the ruins and will be stuck. Odin will not attack, but if the player runs out of time during the battle, Odin will slice the party with Zantetsuken. There’s no obvious counter for how many Tonberrys you’ve defeated, so you might want to keep your own tally, or better yet, start a GF learning a new skill at the start of this grind. It’s worth pointing out that it’s not too late nor very difficult to win the Zell and Pandemona cards, which will give you Str+60% and Tornado, respectively, and both can be found in Balamb. Instead, Odin randomly shows up at the conclusion of … It's not a very difficult dungeon either; most switches and levers are obvious. Information on how to acquire each GF and a discussion of their abilities, including where to assign them. Acquiring Odin is needed to recruit Gilgamesh at the point of no return. Suffice to say, he’s best fought early. Centra Ruins contains a side quest to challenge Odin and Tonberry King. Oof. In this case, their high HP is actually somewhat slanted against lower-level parties, as they start out with 15,200 HP and max out at 35,000 HP - a staggeringly low growth rate of x2.3 over 100 levels. Tonberry King will also counterattack every several hits with “Junk”, which will cause a cascade of… well, junk, to fall on the party. At level 10 he’ll have a mere 25,000 HP, which is a bit, but only roughly 50% more than your average Tonberry. Encounters After enough Tonberries have been killed the King steps in to battle the party. The player must climb above to the second gargoyle and retrieve the code and two gems to be placed on the first gargoyle. Die Centra Ruinen findet man im Süden der Weltkarte, nicht sehr weit entfernt der Ruinen gibt es einen Strand, man kann sie also mit dem Garden erreichen. Boost them to level 30+ and they should drop multiple Dragon Skins (4-8 per Anacondaur) almost every time (95%). You literally can just go into your “Abilities” menu to go shopping. PERISH BY MY SWORD! Centra The first level of the ruins has a statue, said to be of a sorceress and a knight, in the center of a round platform with small steps leading up to it. (1 of 2) The Tonberry King is larger, but he’d not necessarily much more powerful than normal Tonberrys. Edea's Orphanage Odin's Chamber Still, it’s… something. Al salir del Jardín de Trabia, dirígete al punto que te indicamos en Eliteguias, al Sur de Fisherman's Horizon.El puente de ese poblado no podrás atravesarlo, así que tendrás que ir a un lado u otro hasta encontrar un camino por el que pasar. From information based on the few remaining structures the Centraian architecture was similar to real-world ancient Rome. It's the entrance to the Centra ruins. Follow the exploits of Squall, a resident of Balamb Garden and SeeD aspirant whose first contract as a professional mercenary expands into a fight to save the world from an evil sorceress. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by. One Tonberry, one AP, which should make it easy to track. If the timer runs out, you have the choice of trying again (starting from outside the ruins) or accepting game over. There’s a range of kills that Tonberry can show up during, and he’ll appear after you kill a normal Tonberry, extending that fight rather than starting a new one. ), before the player is presented with options to "Try again" (which boots the player from the ruins with all the progress intact) or "Game over" (which results in a Game Over). Orphanage (Chapter 15) Jumbo Cactuar. Tonberrys are vicious creatures and Final Fantasy staples that are generally characterized by having high HP and an odd fighting style. Sounds nice, but unless that character has Eva-J and some magic equipped, it’ll… well, what’s +30% of 1%? Encounters This area also appears on Selphie's Sir Laguna's Page after the player visits the area; it is the only section added to the Sir Laguna's Page where the player doesn't have to read a Timber Maniacs magazine to get it. This area also has a hidden Drain draw point. It’s not a huge boon just yet, but it’ll come into its own eventually. The Centra Ruins is a large tower, based around an octahedral frame, and is comprised of ancient, stone structures. This is a wonderful tool for a low-level party, as they’re no longer restricted from getting higher level gains from enemies. None Centra Ruins Guide - Final Fantasy VIII / FFVIII / FF8 Northeast of Edea's Lighthouse there is an oddly shaped ruin sitting by itself surrounded by towering mountains and barren land. A low level party with good magics junctioned and easily dispatch him with a few limit breaks. While Tonberry King can be a nuisance with his high HP and “It’s Sharp!” attack, but he’s also got a generous selection of spells you can draw. This is a tall throne room with mosaic windows letting in limited light. Go into the Centra Ruins and onto the screen with the fountain. Whittle down Tonberry King’s life and he’ll shrink in size and sheepishly join you as a new GF - Tonberry. There’s another pseudo-GF you can get here, but he’s somewhat unreliable, showing up when he wants to and ending fights outright. Control room This is the only section added to page where the player doesn't read a Timber Maniacs magazine to unlock it. What happens when the centra ruins timer runs off? A throne room can also be found within the ruins. Items and draw points Bosses Continue down the path and the team will be ambushed by some Esthar soldiers. These include curative magics - Cure (1-19), Cura (20-29) and Curaga (30+) the obligatory Death, and Life (1-29) and Full-Life (30+). The Centra Ruins are noteworthy, and you can enter them as soon as Balamb Garden becomes mobile. The party must find a series of red gemstones and place them in the eyes of statues to acquire the code to access the room where Odin is fought; if they cannot do this before the timer ends, they must start over. What you have to do there exactly is explained right here in the side quests-section. Statue's eyePain (hidden, never refills) There are also several worn pillars, as the floor has been eroded over time. This can increase a bit if you junction magic to Luck, but Luck-J is fairly uncommon itself, innately being possessed by only one as-of-yet undiscovered GF. Items and draw points Type Their high HP helps them survive long enough to close this distance, but they’re also aided by their equally iconic counterattack - Everyone’s Grudge. It's kinda nice. After getting the code the player can take the eyes out and place them on the statue on the level below. When attacked there’s a random chance they’ll use this attack, which deals damage to a character equal to the number of foes they’ve defeated x20. Centra - Excavation Site. You’re probably better off just using Enc-None to mitigate encounters and prevent damage, or actual healing spells/items. Information on Triple Triad, including the location of every card in the game and how to best use them. En el pernio llamativo, no hay nulo que te ayude, lo que hace que los requisitos de esta encargo sean estrictos y difíciles. With Haggle and Sell-High combined, you earning Gil is basically something you can do on a whim. At the back behind the statue is a set of stairs leading up before forking; the left path breaks half-way through, while the right path leads up to the next floor. In fact, ignore the counter and the taunts entirely - dealing with Odin will be covered shortly, but for now let’s focus on the other GF you can get here. It contains many ominous statues, mosaic glass windows, and dimly lit rooms. There's two GFs for you to obtain here, Tonberry King GF as well as the Odin GF. Statue's eye The quest is easier with the Enc-None ability equipped (learned by Diablos). Tonberry is all about the abilities, and he’s got some real winners, although some of them won’t be immediately useful. – Call Shop can be learned after you acquire Familiar, and allows you to shop at stores you’ve previously visited from anywhere. At the back behind the statue is a set of stairs leading up before forking; the left path … How to defeat both of the game’s superbosses. None You’ll shortly find yourself outside, where you’ll be attacked by some Esthar Soldiers. You cannot, however, Card Tonberrys… not that you’d want to, as they give no EXP. Centra Ruins - Obtaining Odin Side Quests. Encounters Guía Final Fantasy VIII Ruinas de Centra . Activating this mechanism erects stairs in the area below, allowing the player access deeper into the ruins. This place is home to two GFs, although Odin isn’t a GF in the traditional sense, and you’re not really here for him. Part of the main quest occurs in the Orphanage, which Squall needs to visit before boarding the White Seed Ship. The timer keeps ticking by during the battle, so to get more time the player can exit after opening the door to Odin's chamber and the timer will begin from the start upon reentering the ruins. CENTRA RUINS 开着学校去中央遗迹把TonberryY收了,打20个小的就会出现,时间跟这没关系,看快用完了出来再进去就行,先别收ODIN。Tonberry (FAMILIAR→CALL SHOP→HAGGLE→SELL HIGH→随便) BALAMB 带Zell进入BALAMB,和旅馆的士兵 Later, when returning with two eyes, putting both on the statue activates a mechanism that lets the player input a code that opens the door below, leading to Odin's chamber. Read on for more information about the optional side quests present in this location. Killing monsters you’d rather not kill and earning you EXP in the process is just not a good thing to leave up to RNG. Bosses (1 of 3) Use Tonberry’s LV Up ability to empower enemies. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ruines de Centra. No need to decipher this or worry about the ruins just yet, just run around this screen until you find the exclusive creature that dwells here - the Tonberry. A good area for this is the first area of the ruins as Tonberries are the only encounter there. Time for another cut scene with our good pals, Laguna, Kiros and Ward. Ruined city セントラ遺跡 (Sentora Iseki?) – Familiar will outright increase the number of items sold at some shops, generally being rarer and more useful items. In a normal game, that’s fine, but if you’re trying to keep your levels down, occasionally deigning to fight when you need to Mug items or harvest spells, this GF can get annoying. Information on all characters, including stats and how to acquire all their weapons and limits. The player is teleported to Odin's chamber with 1:30 left on the timer. Odin is found in the locked throne room chamber within the ruins, ready to face his challengers. Items and draw points – LV Down and LV Up are learned at the outset, and they do what they suggest - they raise or lower an enemy’s level by a variable amount when used in combat. Drain (hidden, never refills) The green dome at the top of the ruins has another statue with only one eye. Remove ads and unlock special features, Ultimecia's Castle - Preparation and Overview, Ultimecia's Castle - Sphinxaur and Sphinxara, Deep Sea Research Center - Acquiring Bahamut, Deep Sea Research Center - Acquiring Eden, Immune to most status effects; Card 0% – LV Down 0% – LV Up 0% – The End 0%, Immune to most status effects; The End 0%. There is a side quest to challenge Jumbo Cactuar and acquire the Cactuar GF. Have Squall equiped with the Auto-Haste and Initiative abilities. Save your game and head up - the right door just loops around to areas you’ve previously explored, and isn’t worth your time. Especially handy for a low-level party that still needed Dragon Skin for Zell’s Ehrgeiz weapon. Complete walkthrough of the main questline. Right now, the only shop that’ll have expanded inventory is the Timber Pet Shop, which sells the following items: So, if you still need any junction abilities for your core stats (you shouldn’t, if you’re following this guide and assigning GFs as suggested), this is one way to get there. Centra was once a prosperous civilization until it was destroyed by the natural phenomenon, the Lunar Cry around 90 years ago. Defeating Tonberry King earns the player Tonberry as a Guardian Force. Unfortunately, unlike normal Tonberrys the Tonberry King is immune to gravity effects and Diablos, so you’ll need to rely on limit breaks to whittle down his HP - especially Squall’s Lionheart. Why the shortcut functionality exists is unclear; it may be a leftover from developers testing the game. His HP doubles to 50,000 at level 20, and by level 100 Tonberry King will boast a whopping 250,000 HP - an increase of 2,500 HP per level. 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