User: The expression 15x + 10 is equivalent to ____.5(3x + 5) 3(5x + 10) 5(3x + 2) Weegy: The expression 15x + 10 is equivalent to 5(3x + 2). 1- what do you think the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is? Apply the reference angle by finding the angle with equivalent trig values in the first quadrant . 2. Which expression is equivalent to StartFraction c squared minus 4 Over c + 3 EndFraction divided by StartFraction c + 2 Over 3 (c squared minus 9) EndFraction? 1 + 1 + 1 23. Learn how to use the distributive property calculator with the step-by-step procedure at BYJU’S. Free math problem solver answers your algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics homework questions with step-by-step explanations, just like a math tutor. a. However, if you substitute -4 for X, you get -4. which range values would not make sense for this function? what percent of your food sales do the food costs represent? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Which of the following is a key element of realism? would the graph be continuous or discrete, and why? Average acceleration: i have no idea how to do this. b. rebel. The At this point the calculator will attempt to factor the expression by dividing a GCF True O false Get the answers you need, now! Now we are also looking for the reciprocal so we do (5x + 1)/20, Either that is the answer or there is something missing. 15 – subtractionn b. n + 15 c. 15n d.! An algebraic expression is a description of a set of operations that are to be done in a certain order. Write an equivalent expression foa- 2x + 5x20 1 + 4x2 3 3. Find the sum of 5x+20 and the opposite. Write an equivalent expression in standard form. Andrew.|Points 67051| Weegy: (x - 7)(y - 9) = xy - 9x - 7y + 63 User: Which of the following is the area of the special trapezoid if AB = 12, CD = 12, and the height is 9. What is the value of the expression x2 + 4x- 8 when x = - 5? If we multiply both sides of this expression by -1 the ">" sign will be reversed. Find the sum of 5x+20 and the opposite of 20. write an equivalent expression in standard form. The use of the expression "marca registrada," "M.R." For 5x+20 and the multiplicative inverse of 5, how do you write the product and then write the expression in standard form? Lázaro cárdenas was a mexican a. dictator. 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Our math solver supports basic math, pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, … A) StartFraction c + 3 Over c squared minus 4 EndFraction times options average cost curve above break even point ma... View a few ads and unblock the answer on the site. If the problem read "-X-8-X-4 1 1 Anonymous 1 decade ago well, first -20 from sixteen. Already we know that multiplication is distributive over addition and subtraction. The solve for x calculator allows you to enter your problem and solve the equation to see the result. 3𝑥+ 5𝑥−4𝑥 2.1 + 1 + 1 + 1 24. Equivalent Expression Calculator is a free online tool that displays the equivalent expressions for the given algebraic expression. Do 5x + 1 instead of 5x + 20, because there was more than likely a mistype. 2. Jen needs more than $120 to go camping. a. it includes a deeper study of a character's psychology. Enter your problem in the box above and click the blue arrow to submit your question (you may see a range of appropriate solvers (such as "Factor") appear if there are multiple options). Write an equivalent expression for 6 4. verse 10. what is the domain for this function? You will also learn about expression… Can someone me with this i need it now show work and i will pick the brainliest. Constants terms are also like terms. In this example, it would reduce to "-2X-12". is it rational or irrational? Rewrite the expression. a. uncertainty b. differentiation c. difficulty d. essence e. entrepren... Two similar triangles are shown below: which two sets of angles are corresponding angles? Free simplify calculator - simplify algebraic expressions step-by-step Write the sum and then write an equivalent expression by collecting like terms and removing parentheses wherever possible. If you're not sure what to enter, look over the sample problems below to see the types of expressions this tool can factorise. d. The opposite of -10t and t –10t 10t + (t –10t) (10t + (-10t)) + t Any order, any grouping 0 + t Which expression represents the total number of boards he would need to make n crates? For the problem 1 5 g- 1 10 -g+1 3 10 g- 1 10 , Tyson created an equivalent expression using the following steps. (registered mark) or another equivalent expression together with signs that are not registered as marks with the competent office of Peru shall be prohibited. Fill in the lewis dot symbols for na and cl. The equation calculator allows you to For more calculators, register with us to get the solutions in a fraction of seconds. Question sent to expert. Exercise 2 For parts (a) and (b), draw a model for each expression and apply the distributive property to expand each expression. if the rational number were 0, would it give us the same result we found in the first question? 10x3 + 35x2 - 4x - 14 5x )-20 what is the Given that we have to compute the sum of 5x+20 and the opposite. 5, Your email address will not be published. You will receive an answer to the email. The opposite value of 20 would be -20. Analyzing a function the population of bobcats in northern arizona since 2008 can be modeled using the function b(t) = –0.32t2 + 2.7t + 253. what does t represent? 1. 8𝑥 We can use this distributive property to write equivalent algebraic expressions. -5x + 20 = 20 - 5x Subract 20 from both sides-5x + 20 - 20 = 20 - 5x - 20 Simplify-5x = - 5x Add 5x to both sides-5x + 5x = - 5x + 5x Simplify Once more 0 = 0 So the answer is true. c. president. Step 1: Enter the Equation you want to solve into the editor. -5x + 20 = 20 - 5x Subract 20 from both sides-5x + 20 - 20 = 20 - 5x - 20 Simplify-5x = -5x Add 5x to both sides-5x + 5x = -5x + 5x Simplify Once more 0 = 0 So the answer is true. Terms that have the same variables with the same exponents are like terms. Find an equivalent expression by modeling with a rectangular array and applying the distributive property 5(8x + 3). No commitments. Your email address will not be published. Environmental is affected by environmental complexity, change, and resources. 8 mcdougal littell integrated mathematics answers factorise quadratic equation calculator first order equation "combining like terms" + lesson plan Maple program for solving The terms 4x3 and - 6x2 have a This is not a equation but a expression. For 5x+20 and the multiplicative inverse of 5 , write the product and then write the expression in standard form, if possible. The polynomial 10x3 + 35x2 - 4x - 14 is factored by grouping. In this chapter, you will learn to specify a different set of operations that will produce the same results as a … find an equivalent expression with the given denominator. Your food costs are $5,500. Solve in one variable or many. For more information read our Terms of use & Privacy Policy, And millions of other answers 4U without ads. Ethics come from the word ethos meaning... Awooden block has a length of 4.0 cm, a width of 2.0 cm, and a height of 1.0 cm. The answer would more than likely to be 4.. You cannot solve 5x+20 because there is no equal sign. Unit 1 Review 1. Required fields are marked *. Cancel anytime. It does not seem like one vote can make a difference. Lesson 2: Generating Equivalent Expressions Sprint – Round 2 Write each as an equivalent expression in standard form as quickly and accurately as possible within the allotted time. justify each step. Finding out what 5x+20 is would be litcherally impossible because there is way you can find the value of x. the opposite of 20 is -20. Answer: 1 📌📌📌 question Find the sum of 5x+20 and the opposite. This is because it is an expression, and expressions can only be reduced into another expression, not solved. Which of the following curves resembles supply curve under perfect competition in the short run? Solve your math problems using our free math solver with step-by-step solutions. EXAMPLE: In 5x London Middle School Grade 6 Pre-Algebra Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. your total food sales are $11,000. The expression 3x – 4(2x – 5) is equivalent, to the expression 20 – 5x. If this is not the answer then there needs to be a number we can set the equation equal to. 1. "# 2. Find the sum of 5x + 20 and the opposite of 20. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best All pricing is in US dollars (USD). Start studying Algebra 1: Factoring Polynomials, Double Grouping. Distributive Property Multiplying a number by a sum or difference is the same as multiplying by each number in the sum or difference and then adding or subtracting. Therefore, the sum of 5x+20 and the opposite is: 0Thus, the equivalent expression is: Hello brainly people, i have a math question that i need with, me, i will give the correct one brainiest, and for the other correct people, a and 5 stars. An algebraic expression is a description of certain calculations that have to be done in a certain order. In this chapter, you will be introduced to the language of algebra. maroafelice13 maroafelice13 10/21/2020 Mathematics High School Select True or False. The sum of three numbers is 69. if the second number is equal to the first diminished by 8, and the third number is 5 times the first. 10. In addition to the completely free factored result, considering upgrading with our partners at Mathwayto unlock the full step-by-step solution. -5x + 20 = 20 - 5x Subract 20 from both sides-5x + 20 - 20 = 20 - 5x - 20 Simplify-5x = - 5x Add 5x to both sides-5x + 5x = - 5x + 5x Simplify Once more 0 = 0 So the answer is true. every eligible person should vote. When you enter an expression into the calculator, the calculator will simplify the expression by expanding multiplication and combining like terms. For 5x + 20 and the multiplicative inverse of 5, write the product and make use of variables, the closure property of integers, and possibly a proof by contradiction to prove your hypothesis.2- why do we have to specify that the rational number must be nonzero when we determine what the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is? BYJU’S online equivalent expression calculator tool makes the calculations and simplification faster and it displays the equivalent expression in a … She has already saved $30. x > -5 mutiplied by -1 = x < 5 Therefore A is the answer. 4.4 x 4 - 6x 2 + 5x - 20 is not a perfect cube Trying to factor by pulling out : 4.5 Factoring: x 4 - 6x 2 + 5x - 20 Thoughtfully split the expression at hand into groups, each group having two terms : Group 1: 5x - 20 … write an equivalent expression in standard form justify each step - the answers to English History The terms 4x3 and 8x have a common factor. The subscriptoin renews automaticaly until you cancel. Module 3: Mid-Module Assessment Review PROBLEM 9. Make the expression negative because sine is negative in the fourth quadrant . Homework: Write an equivalent expression by factoring out the CCF. Which expression is equivalent to (x- 5)Žn 5. The problem 1 5 g- 1 10 -g+1 3 10 g- 1 10 -g+1 3 10 1! 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