Herb-wise, olive add chives and parsley, River Cottage suggests chives or dill, and Matt Tebbutt uses dill – frankly the pâté is pretty tasty without herbs, but the aniseedy dill marries so well with the oily fish and the sweet heat of the horseradish that it would be a shame to leave it out, especially as it looks so pretty. Despite the simplicity of the recipe, however, the few other ingredients are up for debate: in particular, which dairy product to cut it with. Blend till smooth and then add the yoghurt. If you don't have, or want to use, natural yogurt, then crème fraiche or cream cheese will work equally as well. Felicity's perfect smoked mackerel pâté. 3 hot smoked mackerel fillets150g cream cheese100g crème fraîche3 tsp freshly grated horseradishLemon, to squeezeSmall handful of dill, finely chopped. one with a lid. Process again for 20 seconds and add the lemon juice. This is wonderful served on sour rye bread, or crisp toast, with some pickled capers or beetroot, and a peppery watercress salad. 100g butter, chilled and diced. Add the yogurt, dill and the capers, finely chopped (I do the dill and the capers at the same time with … Making Dairy-Free Smoked Mackerel Pâté. We hope you find what you are searching for! Photograph: Felicity Cloake, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for being a bit too earnest, Country Life's perfect smoked mackerel pâté. 230g peppered smoked mackerel 70g full-fat Greek yogurt zest and juice of 1 lemon 20g fresh dill, finely chopped salt and pepper. Juice of half a lemon. To put such a delicacy in a food processor would, to my mind, be a crime: if you find it, eat it in slivers with a little pickled beetroot and crème fraîche. David's is rather curious, deploying a relatively meagre amount of fish which makes the results more like a cheese and mackerel salad than a fish pâté. FOR THE SALAD. Remove the skin from the fish - the odd bone is fine as the mixture will be blended. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, Delia recipe smoked mackerel pâté. Toast or griddle essential Waitrose Wholemeal Pittas, cut into strips and serve hot with the pâté. Natural yogurt. couple of drops of Tabasco sauce. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2021 Allrecipes.com, Inc. Cut up the fillets into thirds and place them in a blender or a food processor. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, Matt Tebbutt recipe smoked mackerel pâté. Spoon into a serving dish then place in the fridge until ready to serve. However, the River Cottage recipe purées half the fish, and then flakes in the rest – still too heavy for my liking, but a few pieces of fish look attractive, and give the pâté a more interesting, less fish-paste like texture. Blend till smooth and then add the yoghurt. Thank you for sharing! agirlandherhome.com is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. The poor thing is often berated for its excessive "fishiness" (which seems a little like having a go at Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for being a bit too earnest), possibly because, thanks to all those lovely omega-3 oils which make it such a hit with nutritionists, the mackerel does not like to be kept waiting. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, agirlandherhome.com has it all. Make sure you pay attention to tiny little bones which you want to discard. https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/mackerel-pate-recipe Photograph: Felicity Cloake, olive magazine recipe smoked mackerel pâté. Privacy policy. Remove the skin from the fish and discard. Dairy-Free Smoked Mackerel Pâté is extremely easy to make, exceptionally tasty and immensely good for us… as long as we use Cold Smoked Mackerel instead of Hot Smoked Mackerel! The poor thing is often berated for its excessive "fishiness" (which seems a little like having a go at, David Cameron's recipe smoked mackerel pâté. What 4 ingredients are in Easy Smoked Mackerel Pate? 2. Mar 23, 2015 - This website is for sale! Their use of sugar puzzles me though – the pâté really doesn't need it, but not as much as Delia and the BBC's grating of nutmeg. And if that isn't high praise ... Smoked mackerel pâté is always made from hot smoked mackerel – Grigson claims the cold smoked sort is "much superior in flavour and closer to smoked salmon in texture, but being more difficult to cure, it is much harder to find". So the mackerel part is easy. Add a good grinding … Some recipes ditch the cheese element altogether: Matt Tebutt uses sour cream alone, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Nick Fisher go for crème fraîche in the River Cottage Fish Book. 250g smoked mackerel fillets. 1 smoked mackerel fillet. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, River Cottage recipe smoked mackerel pâté. TWO: Shred and check the mackerel as for recipe one. 3-4 spring onions, chopped. Cut up the fillets into thirds and place them in a blender or a food processor. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, BBC Good Food recipe smoked mackerel pâté. Add rest of the ingredients and … Process again for 20 seconds and add the lemon juice. Arrange the other ingredients on a large serving platter, with the mackerel pâté alongside, and tuck in. Start to mash in the cream cheese then add the lemon juice, horseradish and seasoning. Zest of a lemon. The email addresses you've entered will not be stored and will only be used to send this email. 2 tbsp – thick yoghurt (dairy free, lactose-free or regular, I use skyr) Ingredients for quick and healthy mackerel pate. 1. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, Perfect smoked mackerel pâté. Both are wise choices: such rich ingredients are crying out for something tangy, as I discover when I taste Country Life's perfect smoked mackerel pâté, which uses cream cheese and double cream. Mackerel is one of the best fish you can eat as it is high in omega 3, which keeps your heart healthy. I'm not sure that mackerel quite qualifies as underrated – certainly we all bang on enough about its oily virtues, yet I'm not sure how many of us actually eat this handsome little fish on a regular basis. Perhaps it's an austerity thing. 10/12/2015 at 1:37 pm. You definitely don't want flavoured or sweetened yogurt for this recipe. You need. Make sure that you buy mackerel in oil or brine rather than tomato sauce! Indeed, so quickly does it spoil that fishermen were given special dispensation to sell them on Sundays, even the Church recognising the value of a spanking fresh fish. The yoghurt has its sharpness so taste and adjust. Smoked Mackerel fillets lemon juice horseradish (optional) Greek Yogurt 2. Greek style yoghurt, creamed horseradish, smoked mackerel fillets and 6 more Quick Smoked Mackerel And Avocado Pate Family Friends Food lemon juice, mackerel fillet, avocado, mayonnaise, cream cheese The oiliness becomes a virtue and the resulting creamy texture tames the rich fishy flavour which some object to. It's so creamy it's almost bland, even with a squeeze of lemon juice. Smoked Mackerel Pate A Pot of Tea And A Biscuit. Flake three quarters into a food processor with the cheese, crème fraîche and horseradish and whizz until smooth. olive adds some creamed horseradish which works much better, but having recently discovered the fierier pleasures of the fresh stuff, I'm going to side with Hugh and Nick, and use that instead – it gives a cleaner heat to the pâté. 1. Tinned mackerel. 1 tsp horseradish sauce. https://fussfreeflavours.com/recipe-healthier-smoked-mackerel-pate And because most of us aren't lucky enough to be able to catch our own wriggling little tiger-striped beauties on a regular basis, that makes smoked mackerel particularly valuable. 200g crème fraîche. Photograph: Felicity Cloake, 'm not sure that mackerel quite qualifies as underrated – certainly we all bang on enough about its oily virtues, yet I'm not sure how many of us actually eat this handsome little fish on a regular basis. Lisa Williams. I had to put it on. Chill for at least 1 hour. Indeed, my flatmate's boyfriend, who definitely doesn't do fishy fish, was seen foraging for second helpings of this in the fridge. With the exception of olive's cream-cheese-only recipe, the others all loosen their cheese with something a little runnier: the BBC and Delia use sour cream, and the PM, perhaps watching his waistline, goes for Greek yoghurt. Place the mackerel, cream cheese and creme fraiche (plus any additional ingredients if using) in a blender or food processor and whizz for 1 minute to ensure that all the mackerel flesh and peppercorns are combined. Skin the mackerel fillets and do a quick check for any bones – they're not unknown. Reply. Delia's recipe is more successful, although it may well have benefited from comparison with the other two, because Alex is moved to observe that "you can tell this actually came from a fish". David Cameron uses Tabasco, which isn't bad, but, like Delia's cayenne pepper, it doesn't really add much but spice. https://www.deliciousmagazine.co.uk/recipes/speedy-mackerel-pate Add mackerel chunks in to the food processor along with all the other ingredients. https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/collections/mackerel-pate-recipes If you like your pate really smooth, simply whiz it in a food processor instead. Both, however, seem to be aiming for a more distinctively fishy result than I'm used to: indeed, the River Cottage chaps use just 1 tablespoon of crème fraîche to 2 smoked mackerel fillets, and Matt serves his pâté in ramekins topped with butter, making it more akin to potted fish than anything spreadable. Smoked mackerel pate is such a great idea. Dairy-Free Smoked Mackerel Pâté. https://www.bhf.org.uk/.../healthy-living/healthy-eating/recipe-finder/sardine-pate Add a good grinding of black pepper, and lemon juice to taste, then fold through the dill and the remaining fish. Serve with rye bread or crisp toast. Half a teaspoon of baking powder. A delicious dinner in 10 minutes – how can anyone not love the mackerel? 15g caster sugar. Serve with some slices of crusty bread. I'm not sure they even sell Smash instant mashed potato.). How else do you like to showcase mackerel, the dandy of the seas; or are you firmly in the "too fishy" camp? Fresh cheese is a popular addition – like olive magazine, my mum always uses cream cheese, while Delia gets all exotic with ricotta, and the BBC's food site and David Cameron plump for the more homely cottage cheese (so proud is the Prime Minister of this particular recipe that he has submitted it to a number of charity collections). Like so many creamy recipes, smoked mackerel pâté benefits from a little heat. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/smoked_mackerel_pate_and_51238 Tags Fish How To Entertaining leftovers Dip Cream Cheese Yogurt Since 1995, Epicurious has been the ultimate food resource for the home cook, … Process till smooth. Half a teaspoon of fine sea salt. Dinner in 10 minutes – how can anyone not love the mackerel? Using a fork mix flaked or pureed fish with mayonnaise and horseradish. Healthy snack: Smocked mackerel pate recipe potsofsmiles:) lemon, white pepper, cream cheese, melted butter, sugar, black pepper and 2 more Chicken Liver Pate with Onion Marmalade La Cocina de Babel This recipe requires an enclosed blender… i.e. I adore the stuff, but it has no place here. Take the skin off the mackerel and tear the fish into small pieces then pop them in a bowl. Interestingly Jane Grigson describes it as "a fairly new ... delicacy, that has become popular in the last four or five years" in her book English Food, published nearly 40 years ago, but if so, it's become a modern classic (and certainly more resilient than many of its 70s contemporaries: Waitrose reported that February sales of hot smoked mackerel were up 23% on 2011. Dry-fry the chopped spring onions for a couple of minutes and flake the fish into the same pan and stir until combined. While the food processor is running add lemon juice to taste. 100g radishes, trimmed and sliced 180g cucumber, sliced 100g rocket or other salad leaves 2 tsp olive oil juice of ¼ lemon. I usually reach for the food processor to make smoked mackerel pâté – it's essential for a really creamy result, and I find mashing the ingredients together with a fork, as Matt Tebbutt and David Cameron suggest, gives too coarse a finish. Add the fish to the blender. https://www.asdagoodliving.co.uk/food/recipes/mackerel-pate Something went wrong. For the brown bread crackers: 430g wholemeal flour. Oops! Photograph: Felicity Cloake, Country Life recipe smoked mackerel pâté. Grigson recommends serving smoked mackerel with gooseberry sauce, but I think one of the most delicious ways to use this fish is in a pâté. this looks fab I have always wondered about making a homemade pate thank … Salt & pepper. Please try again. You could also use a packet of smoked mackerel if you prefer. In a food processor, add mackerel fillets breaking them up slightly. 125g Quark. I prefer a little more creaminess, but I do like the lighter, more subtle tang of Hugh's crème fraîche – I think it will work brilliantly to loosen the smooth cream cheese. red onion, lemon juice, prepared horseradish, black pepper, smoked mackerel and 4 more. and whiz to a … The kindest thing I can say about Cammers' recipe is that at least it isn't the BBC's, which "liquidises" everything to give a sloppy, distinctly grainy result that's more like a lumpy dip than a pâté: my testing team is not impressed. My friend served me this and it was delicious. cream cheese, melted butter, lemon, mackerel, white pepper, sugar and 2 more Tuna Pate with Garlic and Cilantro As receitas lá de casa natural yogurt, tuna, garlic cloves, garlic powder, mayonnaise and 1 more The ricotta is smoother than David's cottage cheese, but I still prefer cream cheese – a good pâté should be a textural as well as a taste pleasure, and olive magazine's cream cheese gives things a silky finish. And, if so, how does one make oily fish more attractive to the doubters? Flake three quarters into a food processor with the cheese, crème fraîche and horseradish and whizz until smooth. Food recipe smoked mackerel pâté benefits from a little heat mackerel pate yoghurt them up slightly a delicious dinner in minutes... Could also use a packet of smoked mackerel pâté mix flaked or pureed with... Creamy recipes, smoked mackerel pâté benefits from a little heat odd bone is fine as mixture... 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