It satisfies an important urges of employee to known what is happening other parts of the organisation. In their absence, employees find ways to adapt to non-existent or inadequate upward communication channels, as evidenced by the emergence of underground employee publications in many large organisations. When a person has no interest or there is no ambiguity in his mind, there is little cause for rumour. (ii) The Allegation – It is the rumour’s point about the target. A rumour can be defined as an unverified belief that is in general circulation inside the organisation (an internal rumour) or in the organisation’s external environment (an external rumour). It may take the shape of discussing problems, venting out personal issues, seeking and giving suggestions, having fun together, etc. Here in informal organization communication is done through the grapevine. Each manager perceives the world in terms of his background, experiences, personality, frame of reference, and attitude. The grapevine is used to spread information bypassing the formal communication structure. It follows a particular path and is structured in a pre-defined manner. The message should contains facts and not opinions. Grapevine is an integral part of the communication system in an organization. Thus, in case of any problem, it becomes very easy to identify the source and control the issue. Another major disadvantage of informal communication is that it leads to conflicts among employees. It also tends to distort people from core functioning by opening up avenues for satisfying social needs. It gives the employees a sense of belonging through participation in management. Grapevine communication is a metaphor for a communication system that began in the 1860s during the Civil War in America as a description for telegraph lines that were strung through trees, resembling grapevines. A grapevine is structure less and information passes through it in all directions. Communication means ............................. information, feeling and thoughts, with others, 32. 3. These things influence the motivation and performance of employees but they are often reluctant to talk freely and frankly to their superiors. It may be moulded any time and by any one according to their desires and wishes. Based on Social Relations – The very origin of informal communication is that it is an outcome of craving to have social informal group to talk freely. Upward Communication 3. (vi) Grapevine functions partly in a predictable manner which offers managers a chance to influence it. Therefore, management must deal with rumours effectively. Upper-level managers often do not respond to messages sent from lower-level employees. (iii) Its speed is very fast because it is free from all barriers. The Grapevine 2. (Points : 25) Introduction: Grapevine communication is an informal form of communication in an organization. (1) Single Standard: It … Effective upward communication means getting messages from employees to management. UGC NET Study materiel on Communication Topics for NET Exam has been covered entirely based on topics provided in syllabus. Downward Communication 2. Informal or Grapevine communication is an indispensable part of entire communication system. Thus, it is developed and built upon social associations among people free from their hierarchical positions and status. Entertaining rumours stay because people find them interesting. Keeping of documentary evidence of such interactions is not possible and thus onus of spreading a rumour cannot be placed on anybody. Unofficial and informal communication system, people gossiping, and bad or embarrassing news travels fast. Spontaneous – Informal communication may take place at any time, between any members of organisation instantaneously. It can easily be maintained because it derives support from authority relationships. Interpersonal communications travel from individual to individual in face-to-face and group settings and the forms vary from direct verbal orders to casual, nonverbal expression. So get the facts across before misconceptions gain a foothold. Upward communication has certain limitations also. It is also known as horizontal communication. 4. (ii) Responsibility cannot be fixed – In the absence of a proper channel of command, responsibility of an action or of erratic information cannot be fixed and therefore, any action taken on the basis of such communication may be erratic and may lead the organisation in difficulty. (ii) It helps to develop better understanding between subordinates and his immediate superior. It is grapevine information which is communicated without the presence of authentic standards of evidence. Employees typically receive such tremendous amounts of downward communication that they selectively decide which messages to fully receive, which to partially receive, and which to disregard. In the 5 Parts series which can be referred using below , the first four parts contains important short study notes useful for your paper 1 preparation while the 5th part contains solved question papers of last almost 12 years MCQ Question. For example, before an interview, giving few advices. In this form of communication, information converges a long way by passing from one person to another person leaving no indication from which point it started. (ii) It may give rise to rumors and gossips in the organization. This is the highly sensitive channel as … Grapevine communication is a form of informal communications in business that develops within an organisation. Rumour is generally incorrect through it may by change be correct. Such communication is helpful in coordinating the activities of different departments or divisions of the enterprise. Regardless of their validity, rumours tend to flourish if their content is entertaining, important, and ambiguous. When a roumour is repeated people may assume that it has been confirmed. Falsified facts travelling through the rumour mill can be corrected by feeding accurate information to primary communicators or liaison individuals. iii. Deliberate, planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and these agencies (public) is known as public relations. The subordinates use upward communication to convey their problems and performances to their superiors. On the other hand, horizontal or lateral communication implies exchange of ideas and information among people working at the same level of authority. v. It gives opportunity to employees to form social group and communicate with each other. Sometimes managers also use informal communication when they find it difficult to collect information from the workers. It is purely structure less, directionless and boundless. Large organisations, where there are many people who are working closely, create certain unofficial or informal communication channels. Considerable details are added to it. According to Bovee and his associates, “informal communication is a flow of information without regard for the formal organisational structure, hierarchical or reporting relationship.”. It is free from all formally delegated lines of authority. The purpose of this research is to review literature concerning factors associated with the operation of the grapevine, which is the informal communication network that exists within organizations. Formal channels are the paths of communication which are institutionally determined and which are associated with status or position of the sender and the receiver. Current problems can be corrected and future difficulties can be headed off. 4 managing the grapevine and communications generally: Studies have suggested that approximately 80% of Grapevine communication concerns business‐ related topics rather than personal gossip and that the majority of these communications are accurate. Share Your Word File When the supervisor of the accounting department communicates with the director of marketing concerning advertising budget expenditures, the flow of communication is horizontal. A lot of information flows horizontally in an organization. The following important advantages of formal communication: (i) It helps to maintain the line of authority of executive. (iv) The confidential information often leaks out through informal communication. Grapevine communication is associated with ............................. communication, 34. So get the facts across before misconceptions gain a foothold. For horizontal communication managers can appoint committees of representatives from the departments. Developed by, Business Communication Objective Questions and Answer. This type of information communication goes up, sideways, down, and diagonally in an organization, and it spreads the information by using separate means from the formal channels of communication. An executive can know the outcome of his decisions and instructions from reliable information from the employees. Employee handbook, organization manual, house journal, annual reports, notices memos and committee meetings are the main media of downward communication. Formal communications are generally in writing. A manager cannot eliminate the grapevine. Formal communication works like watertight compartments without giving any flexibility to people to develop bondings and affiliations. 3. Thus, in overall, informal communication is a source for building healthy interpersonal relationships and bonding among employees. The more interdependent the work of the departments, the greater is the need to formalise horizontal communication. Informal communication, being deliberately initiated by people, has the following advantages: This medium of communication which is purely informal and unofficial is initiated as and when desired by the communicators. Rumour largely depends on the interest and ambiguity which members of the organization perceive. Informal communications are inevitable and they should be fully used by management to serve the objectives of the enterprise. Communication can Grapevine Communication Essay given. Better Monitoring and Control – As formal communication follows a scalar chain of command to transfer information, there is absolute clarity as to what information has been sent by whom and to whom. Thus, even if people are communicating, there is no personal touch or friendliness in it. When managers attempt to communicate with other people the problems that can arise can be traced to perceptual and interpersonal style differences. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Economics. 4. Oral downward communication may take place by means of instructions, meetings, the telephone, loudspeakers and even the grapevine. Interpersonal Communication : Interpersonal communications travel from individual to individual in face-to-face and group settings and the forms vary from direct verbal orders to casual, nonverbal expression. Grapevine. Upward communication performs the following important functions: i. There may be two types of communication networks in the organisation: The formal communication are associated with the formal organisation structure. Rumours are an everyday part of business and management. When a roumour is repeated people may assume that it has been confirmed. Following formal communication for official purposes make information more structured, systematic and relevant. Informal channels have their sanction in the social groups that develop within the organisation and messages are communicated freely with each other, it is free from all formally delegated lines of authority. From such small seeds the rumour grows to immense size. Lack of Cordiality – Formal communication is basically a communication between positions and not people holding those positions. In other words, it refers to information moving from subordinates to superiors. It is used to issue orders and instructions to employees. a. Grapevine communication b. There is a saying – “nothing comes like a free lunch.” That is one has to pay for everything. The message acquires its own head, tail and wings on the journey. A manager cannot exercise effective control without do a complete such information and he cannot do a complete job of managing without controlling. As grapevines, rumours, and gossip are deeply ingrained in organisational life. Rumour may also be used by employees to put pressure upon management. If downward communication lacks clear instructions and guidelines to do the work, then it may not only be proved to be futile but would also hamper the employee morale. Tells management when to be firm and when to yield. It is framed at the desire of people and they only control it. Upward communication also fetches both advantages and disadvantages to the organisation. Thus informal communication promotes co­operation on sound lines. Therefore, it spreads very fast and with wide coverage. It is not subject to any permissions, notices or approvals. The cluster pattern of grapevine in which only select individuals repeat what they hear, is the pattern most commonly found in organisations. That is, they must communicate the plan to members of the organization. A major outbreak of rumbour can be very dangerous for the organization. These informations may be misused or may lure somebody to take undue advantage of it, leading to conflicts. Important rumours have staying power because their information concerns people. Informal communication or grapevine has the following characteristics: (i) It arises from social interactions among people, (ii) It is a natural and normal activity due to desire of people to talk to one another, (iii) It generally operates like a cluster chain as every person tells in turn many other persons, (iv) Only a few persons are active communicators in it. (i) Misinforming and Misleading – It very often carries half-truths, rumours and distorted information with an alarming rate of speed. It cuts across departmental lines. It is also difficult to find out the beginning and the end of the grapevine. ............................ communication is the most popular means of transmitting message. In it, members of a group or unit are asked about the other members with whom they communicate. Filled up forms as required by the organisation. The sociogram also singles out a liaison person, who is at the centre of information flow. Points : 25 Introduction: Grapevine communication is an informal form of communication in an organization. is called _____. It is often both inadequate and inaccurate. Messages that were difficult to decipher were said to have come through “the grapevine”. Formal communication flows on a pre-determined path of organisational hierarchy without any haphazard movements. It is difficult to erase a rumour from the minds of the people. A grapevine effect is highly beneficial for the company. Once the source of a rumour becomes known, it should be removed as early as possible. Management does not control it, and it is very difficult for management to stop it. It is difficult to achieve, especially in larger organisations. It flows from individuals in higher levels of the organisation to those at lower levels. Today’s grapevine cuts across formal channels of communication. It is difficult to erase a rumour from the minds of the people. 6. 38. The later is a supplement to the former. (iv) It may result in leakage of confidential information. Employees in turn use this information for performing their jobs as per the expectations of their superiors. Professional Atmosphere – An organisation characterised with good formal communication reflects a professional atmosphere. It is normally said that informal information spreads as fast as fire in the forest. It works faster than formal communication. (ii) The personal motives are other dominant it transmitting information through the grapevine. It may be a potential problem, a creative idea, a feeling of personal satisfaction. Same is true for informal communication also. It allows for the flow of essential information. Addressing the factors associated with grapevine chatter can minimize but never totally eliminate the amount of informal communication occurring. It may go to any extent. With organisations growing in size and complexities, formal communication becomes further more necessary for hassle-free communication. This preview shows page 11 - 18 out of 21 pages. -Managers negative feelings -More prevalent lower levels -Likely more influential large organizations -Usually accurate - helps managers learn how employees feel about policies - programs. These can provide valuable insight into the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of employees to which managers can respond. This is an unofficial channel of communication and thus is not a part of formal structure. It provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning. Such rumours may disturb the smooth functioning of an organisation, may create conflicts and misunderstanding among employees and may lead to a turbulent organisational environment. Therefore, he should learn to use it for the benefit to the organization. (iii) Source – The rumour has a source, the communicator of the rumour. As per an analysis, around 80% of the rumors in grapevine communication are … Here in informal organization communication is done. Moreover, such communication helps in bringing coordination between activities of various departments and tries to maintain balance between personnel of various departments as it may enable employee repositioning and shuffling. Organizational distance, screening at various points and narrow route are the main bottlenecks in the flow of formal communication. The inside address is typed ............... MCQ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Business Communication, Business Communication Trivia Questions and Answers PDF, Business Communication Question and Answer. Effective organisations need horizontal communication. Such communication enables the management to know what is happening throughout the organization. Most common forms of downward communication are job instructions, official memos, policy statements, procedures, posters, manuals, and company publications. Grapevine is an informal channel of business communication. It may be defined as that information which is circulated through grapevine without any authentic evidence of its existence. (i) Faster Speed – Communications are transmitted at a faster speed. Formal communication is compared to arteries of a living being, whereas, grapevine or informal communication are like veins. This type of communication are mostly in black and white. Grapevine Communication. Time-Consuming – Formal communication is bound to follow organisational structure which causes delays. Everyone is free to communicate with anyone and everyone in the organisation. He can also use the grapevine to make certain facts known about which he does not like to make an official statement. (iv) Supplement – At times, informal communication may supplement the formal channel. For example, rumours run rampant in a company shortly after it has been acquired by another firm. Managers are better able to understand behaviour and core capabilities of their employees and may make use of it for better performance. The best approach in dealing with a rumour is to identify and remove its cause rather than try to kill it after has begun. There are four key variables associated with communication: control, motivation, emotional, and expression. Where formal communication fails to operate, grapevine or informal communication is used. One, it may be used to spread information rapidly, which otherwise would not have been possible. Unlike internal communication, external communication flows outward. Informal communication has the following features: 1. The major disadvantage of circular network is that communication is very slow. Newstrom and K. Davis said, “Grapevine is an informal system that arises spontaneously from the social interaction of the organization.” Business Communication. horizontal; formal; informal; vertical 33. Therefore, it is found in all organizations. (ii) Dynamic and Quick – Informal communication is dynamic and reacts quickly. In the absence of a mechanism for authentication of the news and views, the members of the organisation are likely to be misinformed and misled by informal organisation. It does not follow any prescribed or predetermined rule and spreads any information quickly. (iii) It helps to find out better solution of any problem. Members of an informal groups pass on informal and opinions to each other as well as to other informal groups. To avoid the challenges associated with grapevine communication, empirical studies Content Guidelines 2. They are governed by pre-determined rules and regulations leaving no scope for exercising their creativity or innovation. Besides being job-centric, upward communication also provides a vent to employees to share their problems and grievances with their superiors. Employees seek information to reduce their uncertainty and anxiety about their jobs and the future of the company. Grapevine is the formal flow of communication in organizations. Grapevine is a channel through which the actual communication between various troops of the organization takes place and gives out the desired outcome. Being a network of networks, grapevine communication conglomerates gossip, rumors, and official information. This communication stream is used by the top level managers to convey work-related information to the employees at lower levels. Rumour tends to change as it passes from one person to another. These can be called liaison individuals. Each person can communicate with his two neighborhood colleagues. Written downward communication involves the use of memorandums, letters, handbooks, pamphlets, policy statements, procedures, and electronic news displays. 3. Formal Communication 2. It is called so because it stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of … Some rumours that travel through the company grapevine or outside the organisation are true. With informal communication, they may clear out any misunderstanding or grudges and regain cordiality. (iii) Multi-Dimensional – There is no channel of command in informal communication. Just like the grapevine plant: it spreads in random ways and it goes where it can. Until and unless work done by subordinates is reported back to superiors, it has no meaning. Discussion may be made on any topic of interest to the group and with any person irrespective of his position in the organisation chart. Diagonal communication is the least used channel of communication. The information flows in any order i.e. Such communications include comments, suggestions or any other informal reaction. When communication flows between manager and outside groups like suppliers, creditors, banks, etc. On the other hand, the lower-level employees often are reluctant to communicate upward especially when the message contains bad news. Formal communication flows through the hierarchical positions as laid down in the organisational chart. This type of communication is based on the informal relationship between parties. Share Your PDF File A proper balance should be struck between the various flows of communication. The most important benefit of upward communication is bringing meaning to the work done. (iii) The action taken on the basis of such communication may be erratic and may lead the organisation in difficulty. Along the organisational hierarchy, it may flow in the following three directions: Downward communication may be defined as a flow of communication from a higher level in an organisation to the lower level. These channels exist with or without authorised patronage. It is not required to be designed and planned in advance. Regular provision of such information to employees helps to create a sense of belonging, a feeling of loyalty to the organization and an active interest in the work. The most central advantage and the main purpose for informal communication is that it is a source of social need fulfillment and affiliations. It provides for close contact between members of the organization. 9. Inflexible – Formal communication is rigid in nature. External communication c. Horizontal communication d. Upward communication View Answer / Hide Answer Physical Barriers to communication are. It may be disadvantageous if downward communication is used as a tool to exercise authority. A good formal communication channel is reflective of a sound organisational functioning as it offers the following advantages: 1. Information gathered through informal communication channel cannot be relied upon. 4. May distort official channels of communication. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The oral message used to remove a rumour should be confirmed in writing and it should be circulated quickly. Grapevine Communication: It is a form of informal communication in business that develops within an organisation. Informal communication, generally associated with interpersonal, horizontal communication, was primarily seen as a potential hindrance to effective organizational performance. Horizontal communication is also known as lateral communication. Horizontal Communication 4. It takes place in informal and inter-personal contacts among employees. (c) Circular Communication Network – In case of circular network, the message moves in a circle. 4. Rumors. Rumours may exist as an outcome of malicious intention or just due to lack of knowledge. Means of Expression – People may feel suffocated while obeying organisational rules and regulations and following formal structures. Through it passes an assortment of facts, opinions, suspicions, and rumours that typically do not move through the formal channels. There are four forms of formal communication as it flows in three directions: Downward and upward flows are two types of vertical communication: Downward communication refers to the flow of information from a superior (high level) to a subordinate (lower level). USA - United States of America  Canada  United Kingdom  Australia  New Zealand  South America  Brazil  Portugal  Netherland  South Africa  Ethiopia  Zambia  Singapore  Malaysia  India  China  UAE - Saudi Arabia  Qatar  Oman  Kuwait  Bahrain  Dubai  Israil  England  Scotland  Norway  Ireland  Denmark  France  Spain  Poland  and many more.... © 2019 Copyright Quiz Forum. It generally takes place when members cannot communicate effectively through other channels. What is Grapevine Communication? Top management must depend on subordinates for vital information received from suggestion systems, open-door discussions, attitude surveys, and participative decision meetings. Explaining company rules, policies and procedures, iii. It exists outside the official network but continually interacts with the formal communication. Share Your PPT File, Channels of Communication: Formal and Informal Communication, Channels of Communication – Formal and Informal Communication. Grapevine Definition in Business Communication. 2. Some differences in interpersonal communication styles may also be due to gender. Due to informal linkages, people may disclose some vital information at the wrong time which may create confusions and conflicts or in front of wrong people who may misuse such information. From employee’s point of view, he may gather information on what are the expectations of management from him and whether he is able to meet those expectations, what manager thinks about him, etc. All limits as to direction and degree of communication are self- imposed. Large organisations, where there are many people who are working closely, create certain unofficial or informal communication channels. So, grapevine is an informal, unofficial and personal communication channel or system that takes place within the organization as a result of rumor and gossip. It is very useful when information is required to be communicated very quickly. Communication flowing through formal channels are downward, horizontal and upward whereas communication through informal channels are generally termed as grapevine. (iii) It increases the chance of transmission errors and reducer the accuracy of the message. This gap is filled by informal communication. It enables executive to exchange information and understanding. Such network might be appropriate for simple operations requiring little intuition among the members of group. Such communications are carried out for ensuring coordination, sharing of mutual information and overall organisational development. It mainly depends upon the nature of channels of communication and the number of persons involved in the communication process. For example, the production and marketing departments should be well informed of each other’s functioning as marketing schedule and production schedule are interdependent. External Communication. He can counteract rumours or half-truths by presenting correct facts. Second, through informal channel, a manager may pass on information which the formal structure does not permit. Since it is unstructured and not under complete control of management, it moves through the organization in every direction. Management, Functions, Communication, Channels of Communication. The patterns of informal communications can be graphically represented by constructing sociograms. Make it possible to receive genuine and quick feedbacks exercising their Creativity or.. Authentic standards of grapevine communication is associated with which communication refute and dismiss the rumour oral message used spread. Be heard like watertight compartments without giving any flexibility to people to …... Stretches throughout the organization advertising budget expenditures, the message moves in circle. 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