It’s a FREE download which works great whether you’re a teacher or activity leader running an outdoor education session, or you’re a parent who wants to spice up a walk in the woods with their kids. What will happen if a bird does not hide its nest carefully. We have four amazing activities; mud faces, bats and moths, magic wands and a nature scavenger hunt too. To celebrate Easter with a traditional Easter Activity. Resources are linked to the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, but they're suitable for Scotland and Northern Ireland too. They use mini-hacksaws or are supported with secateurs (adult use) to cut two pieces of willow to make a single cross (3 crosses if they are fast and able!). Bag of air-drying clay. Identifying how the wind and weight pressures are transferred to the ground via poles and guy ropes. 3. Forces – understanding how structures work – Identifying how the wind and weight pressures are transferred to the ground via poles and guy ropes. This site uses cookies to deliver our services, analyse site usage, show you ads that might interest you, and provide social media features. Advise on tapping action and not swinging mallet above the head. Forest school is a brilliant way for kids to connect with nature. 3 pairs of scissors. The wing is tested by being pulled /flown across the field. Scissors. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office … Say that you liked about the activity and the product you made. The group is split into 2. Ex. Ensure children dig far enough away from each other not to cause accidental injury with any digging process. Aim. Year 6 have been designing shelters for our intrepid forest school explorers Barbie, Ken and Action man. Were the shelters successful? Warn of the hazards of kite flying and ensure the wind is mild and children are pulling into the wind. Last year I put together a fantastic selection of 40 Autumn activities for kids which were all so varied and exciting. Why are mums special? Warn about safely carrying sticks and poles to avoid injury to face and eyes and demonstrate correct method. Possibly cup cake holders to make them in or similar. Materials: Willow sticks of various lengths. Leaf Activities. To develop structure building techniques. c) Set the challenge – to build a free-standing rain and windproof shelter capable of sheltering the group building it. Forest School / Outdoor Planning & Activities (EYFS, KS1) A collection of Forest School activities, ideas and lesson plans. Provide guidance on the use of mallets and steel tent pegs. Warn about not running whilst carrying sticks. If complete, children can make a second owl – this can be a daddy and a baby owl to make a family group. Divide the group into teams of 3 to 4. Hazards. Take down structures, pack up and leave the field and the materials as you found them. Children gather moss, tiny flowers, very small stones for their Easter Garden. Hazards. Reflection . Health benefits. Bag of fine gravel. My spouse and i still can not quite believe I could possibly be one of those reading the important guidelines found on this blog. In Brief. d) Children assemble the main form of their mobile with string or green sisal – and decorate sticks with colour pens, wools and tapes. An activity such as building a bug hotel will help kids to recognise the common insects in their gardens, what they like to eat and how they live. These cookies do not store any personal information. Materials: Provide extra grass and moss in case of shortage on the ground. In Brief. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Hazards. Here some Forest School Activities to get you started! Children make mini- Easter Gardens to take home. a) Children explore two exemplars. Children move confidently and are able to make simple nest and clay eggs. These educational resources are designed to be used by teachers and other educators and leaders, with school groups, kids clubs, scouts groups, girlguiding groups etc. Required fields are marked *, "Virtually the only book of its kind, offering well developed, tried and tested activities that will be a boon to any individual school or church looking for accessible tools for learning, spiritual growth and well-being"Available from Publications, "A unique fusion of academic, physical and spiritual development covering English, Maths, Art, Technology and Forest School"Available from Publications, © 2021 The Somerset Natural Learning Academy   •   Privacy & Cookies. Ex 2. Watch our video to find out how. Ask your class to explore their local natural areas - school grounds, or just … What is Mothering Sunday for? Two buckets per group and trowel per child. One group makes the mini – Easter Gardens whilst the second group makes the big Easter Garden. Did we help each other? 5 mini-hacksaws and spare blades. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. Tools & Materials: Buckets containing pebbles of different sizes. Reflection. Children are given a collecting back and collect long dry grasses, very thin twigs, moss for making a nest. Reflection. Bale of string. To find out about the functions of earthworms relative to the ecology of soil. Children supervised at 1:4 for hacksaw use. Demonstrate how the sticks can be attached to the twine by untwisting a section of twine and inserting the stick into the resultant loop and then re-twisting closed. Buying online is much easier than the traditional way, and offers several advantages as well. Potato peeler whittling. Children follow the sequence of instructions in respect of the activities and seek support in a way that is relevant to the activity. KS1 – Recognizing and handling 2D shapes. The tomb is carefully made with tiny stones pushed into the clay. The demonstration shelter frame consists of a 3 metre hazel pole supported by two ‘A’ frames made with 1.2 metre poles. Art & Design. Reflection. Aim. Chocolate Eggs!! Our Forest School Games KS1 pack contains a variety of 15 tasks that help children to embrace the great outdoors. Nature Clay Snails. Your email address will not be published. Warn about placing soil in the bucket and not flicking or throwing such as to risk injury to eyes. Team-building/ problem solving activity – Tower-building Challenge using sticks, masking tape, twine, and steel tent pegs. Trays to store finished products. It will … KS2 Forest School. Remind about not putting hands in mouth. I am currently working with an illustrator to develop the materials. We're excited to partner with educator and founder of Your Natural Learner, Leah McDermott, to bring you this 12 week STEAM-focused program (adaptable to any timeframe over spring and summer). Children pretend to be baby birds. Give very clear instructions about working away from the body and not towards it. Reflection. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. To utilize natural materials to suggest form and shape. Have they worked successfully as teams with everyone having a function and the group having a mechanism for making decisions? Use grasses, leaves and any other materials of their choice to decorate the wing. Forest School / Outdoors. Hazards. Aim. The tomb is made first, including a stone to cover the entrance. How do they keep them safe. Aims. kids activities, art and craft, play dough recipes and more, 10/08/2018 by Cathy James Leave a Comment. Warn about not moving any stone or log stump that are too heavy to move safely. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Parts of the worm – describe what they see. What would happen if there were no worms? How many monster and creepy-crawly creatures can we name? Warm Weather Forest Discoverers, 12 Week Curriculum. Find out how: How to make a bug hotel Build a bird box Each card has a photograph and clear instructions. The detailing is completed, including adding ‘Mum’ to the design. This is then strengthened with a cross-member that runs from top to bottom of the kite. The crosses are positioned in the ground. Hazards. To discuss the role of shelters in moderating the environment to facilitate human activity. Keep a basket of leaves, twigs, acorns, and fir cones handy, and you can quickly and easily set up one of these activities anytime you like. Our free outdoor learning ideas and outdoor lesson plans are below, ideal for curricular led outdoor learning or forest school type activities.. Years 3 to 6 – but popular with older kids. My family and I are seriously thankful for your generosity When the hawks appear the children must return to the nest and be very still. They ‘fly’ freely on the lower half of the field looking for food until the ‘hawks’ appear (2 children flying a red piece of fabric). Tools & Materials: Peg out worm find areas for 4 small groups – string, pegs, rubber mallets. Aims. Jul 4, 2016 - by Dale Rutherford (San Diego, California - USA) Even though you can buy contact lenses through local stores and your optician's office, most people choose to buy their contact lenses online. Aims. Children will be asked to ‘theme’ their mobile and explain the connections between the items used (shape, colour, season, trees etc..). Children can also use the cards independently, reading the cards as a challenge card or prompt to play, discover, and explore. 1) Make a leaf tile, bowl or decoration out of salt dough or clay - the perfect gift! Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. and for providing me the chance to pursue my personal chosen profession path. Children collect natural materials to make a mobile. Ensure that all steel pegs are collected in at the end of the activity. They are prepared to take turns and play with consideration. Newpapers must be taped at all joins for strength. Birds and Worms Game – can the birds pull the worm out of the whole (birds versus worms tug-of-war) Stages for Worm Hunt. In Brief – Working in teams, children build shelters hazel poles, guy ropes, tarpaulins, with an emphasis on using the skills acquiring during the course to date. Many of the outdoor nature activities for kids listed are also useful for nature school preschools, and forest school kindergartens. Children are able to identify aspects of the environment that might be important to birds and their safety. Children are told a story about nasty trolls. 5 grooved blocks. Children gather the materials to make 3 crosses, stones for the tomb etc.. and flowers. Tools & Materials: Fine willow. 9. 30 Forest school activities printables . These are marked with tyres. Starter – Hawks and Birds Game. 8833 Harmony Grove Road Escondido, CA 92029. KS1 Spoken Language. Warn about not running with tools, including steel tent pegs. The activities are aimed at PDF download Bring the outside in! What did you like best about making up your story? ... KS2, KS3. Tynker is offering free premium coding courses during school closures. Check structures as they are built to avoid collapse that may result in injury. Activity – To make a free-standing shelter per group of 4 that is wind and rain proof.. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Materials: Simplified rules to pin to shed. Ensure all children are adequately clothed for the wet conditions. This section contains a list of early years (EYFS) and key stage 1 (KS1) planning and activity documents intended to promote a healthy disposition to outdoor learning. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Download this fantastic set of Forest School Activities print-and-play cards and you’ll have lots of instant ideas for easy and engaging forest school lessons. The challenge is to build a tower with sticks taller than anyone else’s. Bowl of exemplar ‘finds’ – odd sticks, bits of moss, small pebbles, raw wool, feathers etc.. c) Make a maze for your troll family out of pebbles that is so confusing they will not be able to escape. These forest school activity cards perfect for ‘invitations to play’ and as adaptable lessons, indoors or outside. How does it help us? In Brief. Hazards. Provide terracotta and stone coloured clay for egg-making. Reflection. Challenge to make one set of kite-like wings per group of 3. Over the past year or so I have been working regularly in primary schools, mainly with Reception to Year 3. Mini-hacksaws and secateurs to cut. A golf ball size piece of clay is flattened on one side to make a small mound. Using a tiny stick , mosses and tiny flowers are inserted into the mound. Forest School – School based Resources for KS1 and KS2 – 10 Free Lesson Plans. What stops it falling down? Simple Leaf Faces. At forest school, the activities take place in a woodland or a natural environment as a way to connect the learner with the natural world. Over time a body of new lessons has emerged that should offer new ways of embedding Forest School with the broader curriculum. Whatever the weather, whatever you want to explore, you can pick a card and play. Aims. Reflection. Children make monsters out of clay and found items. To find out about the diet and behaviour of earthworms. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. They swap over after the Easter Chocolate break. Speaking about outdoor activities and children, have you ever heard about forest schools? Your email address will not be published. We’re giving you our Nature Scavenger Hunt that we’ve had loads of success with at our outdoor kids sessions. The photographs help children easily understand what the activity is about and then they can use the idea and natural materials to explore the activity themselves. Discuss peoples and parts of the world where portable shelters are still used as primary living space. Supervise at one adult to 3 mini-hacksaws in use. To provide an opportunity to utilize learnt skills in a creative task. This is a fun idea for kids of all ages. To develop fine motor skills in manipulating clay through a series of pre-defined stages, with children working together and supporting each other. f) Children explain their mobiles to the rest of the group. Brace and bit in case children wish to drill holes through thicker sticks. Observe kite action and stop activity if flight patterns become unpredictable. Clay Nature Art. Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria. Remind children about the usual hedgerow hazards of fungi, brambles and nettles. To improve their skills in applying their knowledge of basic measurement and 2D shapes. Remind them to look carefully before picking up ‘found’ objects to make sure there are no hazards. Share how tall structures may be pre-assembled on the ground before being raised up and supported by guy ropes. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Use spoken language to express their imagination. Spare ‘found’ sticks. Children can examine, evaluate and copy or make a design of their own. What are mobiles for? Newspapers, strips of fabric to act as a tail. Forest visits: unavailable during national lockdown. Each week centers around a particular theme and offers … How important are worms to us? 34. The most straightforward way to make a kite frame is to tape two pieces of willow of 1 metre length together at both ends and then stretch them apart with a third piece of willow (like inserting an arrow between two bows) that is around 40cm in length. These outdoor learning activity cards are adaptable to suit your needs whether you are a forest school teacher, outdoor club leader, or a parent who loves to get their kids off screens and outdoors to connect with nature. Aim. Show and tell – we worked well as a team because….. Materials: 4 Bundles of 15  one metre long willow sticks , 6 rubber mallets, 40 tent pegs, ball of parcel twine, scissors), 4 rolls of masking tape. During the warmer months of the year, let's dive deeper to discover the outdoors. It will be stressed that the activity is time limited. Willow is cut with mini-hacksaws and then tied to make 3 crosses. To enable children to enjoy their creativity. Hazards. Texture walk and report. They can get physically active in the fresh and use all their senses as they learn in the great outdoors. Khan Academy offers free daily schedules for kids and teens ages 4-18 to keep stability and routine during this time. Here are some wild activity ideas that you can do with your children at home, or at school. Discuss how we might make a pair of wings. In Brief. Children begin work on a worm farm. To allow children to experiment with a range of materials to make a strong structure. Children engage in making a decorative item and engage creatively with the making process. Create a small number of ‘safe’ places or nests on the school field. by School Staff | posted in: School Events, School Trips & Visits, Whole School News | 0 . The sessions usually involve a mixture of self-directed play, Forest School skills-based activities, observationRead More Once each group was happy with the results, they became estate agents tasked with viewings and creating a sales pitch. c) Children are given demonstrations on how to assemble their mobiles. Clay, very thin willow (thin enough to cut with scissors) but pre-cut a bucket of small pieces. Make an exemplar troll figure and pebble maze. The clay is folded carefully in the required sequence. By using this site, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. Found worms are stored in the containers provided. I anticipate publication Spring 2017. Bring your class together with 2 simple activities that encourage students to discuss their dreams and hopes for the future. Forest school activities at Bradley Green Primary School in Hyde. Children develop their ability to use colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. There were so many to choose from! You can keep it really simple for little … Children give well-structured explanations and narratives for different purposes. Thanks for the important information I acquired from your web-site. They should look like wings (bird/plane/kite). Your email address will not be published. They should have a covering, such as newspaper, to provide the lift surface (aerofoil). Small quantity rotten vegetable food waste or other garden waste. 1 large plastic coke bottle per group, insulating tape. These are great, thanks for sharing! The outdoor learning activities and nature craft ideas listed can be used by homeschoolers, educators, or anyone seeking to enhance their child’s understanding of, or connection to, the natural world. Opposing forces providing strength. In Brief. But before we get stuck into the types of activities you might explore with your class, I have a quick recommendation for teachers who might not be completely at home in the outdoor classroom – take a one-day forest school induction training course. Speaking. Reflection. Design & Technology – use a range of tools and materials to cut their wood to the desired size, and assemble and join their selected components to achieve the product as described. Children talk about dragons and other monsters as well as creepy-crawlies and other unpleasant creatures. Masking Tape. Tools & Materials: Clay, 7 rolling pins, 10 pens with tops, trays to store finished product. b) Discuss the functions of temporary shelters and their characteristics if they are to work properly – ability to shed rain, withstand wind forces, provide sufficient covered space. Children work cooperatively and with consideration in the making activities. Decorate the wing. Hazards. Children make a nest and eggs. They are able to identify the environmental factors that will influence bird behaviour in selecting a nest site. You win if it looks fantastic even if it doesn’t fly. e) additional items, such as feathers, leaves or small, decorative sticks are threaded through the string. Children are given a selected area within the Forest School Area to search for worms. How well did your teams work today? To develop skills in the use of guy ropes. All the children have made a great start to their new year of regular Forest School activities. Below are a few examples of where Forest School supports the National Curriculum and some possible activities that may be done. This day and age, buying online is Bag of sand (B & Q). Aim. There are thirty activity cards included in our Autumn set which explore: These print and play forest school activity cards are part of our autumn printables and you can download them here. 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