If you don't have GG, but have Aqua Blade (innate DW) would you be better off using that along with Brotherhood for Tidus and then using that extra materia slot for a +atk materia ie; Quick Assault/Adventurer etc? I have actually found that the level of my phone's battery plays a significant role in how well I am able to chain. All rights reserved. 1st/2nd: kryla or rikku whichever, 3rd: King Edgar, 4th: Adventurer Lock. See, her damage is 19.8b dpt, and 21 begins at 19.9b dpt. Units. Honestly, probably not much. Prism moogles. Gosh, it makes me so sad. Create New Unit . Why can't my Ludmille's TMR be useful anymore? Tidus. Looking at some of BM Fina's skills that she gets later on and even at Mighty Guard, I can kind of seen why, they are very potent skills. Create New Unit . FFX returns to FFBE with CG Star Player Tidus! Help me out here. User Info: PrinceOfHot. He is really flexible character, but is he worth the pull? Down the road Jecht will chain with him (of course), but that’s so far down the road, you may not even be using Tidus at that pt. The main issue is simply his damage. (#992) - Duration: 12:35. guide4gamersdotcom 3,798 views. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He got one latent CD that has a good break, but it does nothing to change his rating. Dark Punishment + 2 . At most it takes him from the lower end of 20.5 and takes him to the higher end. This week there's no free unit, so I'm looking a little deeper. Apr 2, 2020 #30. oBounce Ascended Member. Fld (T): tier 3->tier 1 (Lulu in the top 10). Son of the legendary blitzball player Jecht, Tidus is a blitzball ace in his own right. Create New Unit . Event FFX Auxiliary Quest (enhancement) Event Steel Castle Melfikya (Item World) Event FFX-2 Daily Ticket Giveaway (STMR ticket) Event Summon FFXI Raid - Vanquish Lady Lilith raid coin summon. Units. I got him earlier. Over 13 million players for the global version, 23 million players worldwide. FFBE-Chain. Mystical Ice Lasswell. He has some uses outside of it, he’s an almost competent breaker, he can curaja bot, and he has some buffs.The issue is that he lacks a w-cast, and by and large if you’re using Kimahri, it’s to mirage spam, which usually needs to be used every turn, leaving no room for the entire rest of his kit. A suspicious man with no identification, he was captured, but the summoner Braska hired him as his Guardian and they left on a journey together. PrinceOfHot 4 months ago #1. With burst that is only slightly lower than Cid’s, this would have netted him a rating of 19.5. Breakers like Locke, Kryla, and Edgar are still very much meta where each offers other side utility different from Rikku (except for Edgar I believe). I mean subreddit ★, “Gümï, may I have some latënts?” - 198,162,240. User account menu. 11. His damage was halfway between 21 and 20.5 at 17.6b, but there were those of us who felt that he was overall not as good as the 21 chainers and deserved to be in the upper end of 20.5 instead. Major update planned for June 22. Auron was another unit, like Yunalesca, that fairly easily slotted in his rating without much debate. Is he pretty good? STMR Healing Avatar's HammerHealing Avatar's Hammer, Charming ProtectionCharming Protection A vision of Lid, willing to sacrifice her life to save her beloved, and Lakshmi, esper of healing, who was touched by her devotion. Banner FFX (Star Player Tidus, Yunalesca, Isaaru)+step up FFXI- Livid Shantotto. FFBE 4th Anniversary: Next Era Ticket III. Star Player Tidus Teedus, on the other hand, took more discussion.. FFX-QH SR. :) PSN- SuperMarioPsycho. Raegen : Blades of Azure Crimson . Press J to jump to the feed. WOTV FFBE-AMoE Kitone. World: FF X Guardian . If she had above average bulk, or even a bit of burst, that might make up for that a bit, but she’s utterly average in terms of survivability and has no burst whatsoever. He has some nice utility for a chainer, and has multiple elements even if some aren’t great for him to use. I have a great deal of a lot of many of the best star dust ray chainers, so it's kind of like, he's just another one, seems like a good chaining family, compatible with Locke for example! Hello and welcome to another episode of GOATS! With 100% TDW she isn’t just the highest damage mage, but becomes one of the highest damage units in the game. what the hell! He wields a large black sword in battle. FFX - Tidus CG, Yunalesca, Kimahri, Isaaru FFX-2 - Yuna, Rikku, Pain FFXI - Lilisette, Shantotto FXIV - Witch Y'shtola KH - Sephiroth, Riku Valkyrie Profile - Lezard, Mystina, Aelia FFBE - Jan-Pinyon, Rain Ifrist, Fina Bahamut, Sol Diablos, Akstar Asura, Immortal Flame Katy Perry SINoAlice - Alice, Snow White, Gretel (#992) FFBE. Teedus, on the other hand, took more discussion.. Wow. It’s not actually that high for a new unit, in fact he fails to place in the top 10, and suffers a chain family penalty of -.5 due to that. FFXI-DR CW Shadow Lord. Can use rare celerity abilities, slowing enemies and hastening allies to outmaneuver his foes. Thanks for watching. I have King Rain as well as most of the Star Dust Ray chaining family. I always love this thread and it’s even more fun now that we know about the debate! Also her counters can trigger up to a max of 3x each, for phys and mag, which generate 3lb crysts for a max of 18lb additional crysts per turn (her lb costs 30 for an aoe 80% fullbreak). Units. Thanks guys. User Info: Blake09. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. If you have another 7 star unit that perfect chains with Tidus, you can have both. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. During a tournament match, a calamitous being known as Sin attacked the city, sending him to the unfamiliar world of Spira in the process. JP:2200+ Tickets. Messages: 403 Likes Received: 138. For Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Star Player Tidus worth a 7*? Lunafreya +120% Imperil. Loren. Quick hit was a garbage family that deserved to die though. Don't forget the mass of belts as icing on top! King Rain. We may get it in the future, but I think the main reason we don't is because Gumi/Alim think it would be too OP. Unit 2. FFBE Global: Tidus 950 ATK / ID: 983,376,155 / Player Name: Corvus. Unit 6. That places Tidus, as a chainer, at 20.5. Event Unit Intro Quest - Star Player Tidus. But nobody cares since no one else is affected by it. He seems like more of … I could have 2 7* Sephs. The next issue is her CD, which she relies on for her mod boosts that give her actual meaningful damage. Around 80% battery remaining is when things start getting iffy. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Sure, she has a bit of fire damage available to her, but it’s not comparable to her water damage. Buy me a coffee Become my patron on Patreon. Units. Unit 4. “Tidus, an ace blitzball player from Zanarkand, is now a featured summon! JP Megathread. Ascension and Transcension pearls. This will become increasingly harder the more powerful Swordplay skill is used. I mean... Edgar has a relatively spammable (every turn with the right equipment) 84% aoe all-break on his lb, and Kryla has a reapplying 74% aoe fullbreak, a ton of support abilities, and chains. Can you use a unit prisim to unlock a Super Trust Master reward? A small page to view the differents families of chainers (!!! Units. Wow. User Info: PrinceOfHot. Unit 5. He can become both finisher and chainer. Create New Unit . Valuable utility and great jump damage. , Physical Training , Quick Hit+ , Slice & Dice - Fire , Slice & Dice - Water , Slice & Dice - Wind , Spiral Cut+ , Splash Hunt and Wither Shot for 3 turns He is Tidus' father, was one of High Summoner Braska's legendary guardians, and a major blitzball star in his hometown. Units. Gotta spark for this. The issue is that Lulu has a series of large drawbacks that all hit her one after another that eventually added up to a -.5. Ultra Random Star Player TIdus 7*. He is Tidus' father, was one of High Summoner Braska's legendary guardians, and a major blitzball star in his hometown. Chain Tools Chain Families How To; Unit 1 Units. Create New Unit . Published on Mar 16, 2020 On FFBE global, Star Player Tidus is quite good. Create New Unit . As others have said, nearly no change since Rikku offers her own unique niche. The verdict was essentially that his ability as a breaker wasn’t substantially changed. Flame of Rebirth Jake . Unit 5. 2020.03.11. It was mostly a debate on whether he should be rated at 21 as a chainer, alongside units such as Erik and Tifa, or … Beast Human Sterne Leonis. FFXI - Wizardess Shantotto. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. I ain't gettin' any younger, so I might as well make myself useful.Jecht Jecht ['dʒɛktʰ] is a non-player character and a reluctant antagonist in Final Fantasy X. FFBE-Chain. Omniprisms. View the profiles of people named Tidus Ffbe. Obviously the lack of killers on equipment and materia is still a dramatic difference, but I just want to highlight how grabbing rare effects on STMRs tends to pay off really well. PrinceOfHot 4 months ago #1. Star Player Tidus. Tidus's Overdrive is Swordplay (剣技, Kengi?, lit. We ultimately agreed that her downsides were just barely enough to round her down.This places Lulu into 20.5, but the very upper bound of 20.5. Resources FFBE Equip FFBE ... Star Player Tidus. Many of Tidus's attacks have him to jump or dodge before attacking, letting him swiftly dodge enemy attacks and counter with his own in the same movement. Unit 2. Thank you!! The first is that she’s element locked into water. She's only slightly better than Locke and Kryla. Then, without sparking, the first two Raging Waters don't get max chain mod. Ultra Random Star Player TIdus 7*. I have King Rain as well as most of the Star Dust Ray chaining family. #FFBEWW” 80-100%, I can manually spark chain nearly every time with any chain family. Is he pretty good? 4 years ago. FFBE Star Player Tidus Banner Preview: Should you Summon? Untamed Wolf Edel. I wonder what happen to the breaker category once Rikku lands tomorrow. Posted by. Help me out here? While chaining 3x Flood is worse. Min Level: Physical damage (11x * 2 = 22x, ATK) to all enemies (ignore cover) Gain 3 uses of Blitz Mania , Blitz Spirit , Clearing , Double Smash , Energy Rain+ , Get really pumped! Units. It was a mostly wasted latent that left us disappointed more than anything else. Zekken - Twilight Rain + 1 . 11. The Starboy Tidus come to the FFBE global with global buff. Jecht is a tall, muscular man with a tendency to drink heavily. Randi 7* i'm waiting for you.....ID #010.310.589. Tidus begins with no special abilities, but he learns a few speed-based Wht Magic abilities, such as Haste and Slow, buffs such as Cheer, and attacks such as Delay Attack and Delay Buster. Post your pull results in this Megathread. There are plenty of other bottlenecks in FFBE which players need to worry about...things like.... Lapis. and yet, that Raiders of the Free guy didn't do a review? SP Tidus is mostly LB finisher. Tidus is a talented player of blitzball, a beloved aquatic sport played in the sleepless city of Zanarkand. Swordskill), which can inflict massive damage onto single or multiple opponents.Once the player selects Swordplay, a bar will appear with a time limit, and players must stop the cursor in the white space in the middle by pressing to increase the Overdrive's power. Physical Speed Wields swords and blitzballs. Okay, so i 3 ticketed 2 random on banner rainbows, both SP Tidus! The non-maxed chain mod is still big tho. If you were using him, it was for mirage spam, and nothing else. I ain't gettin' any younger, so I might as well make myself useful.Jecht Jecht ['dʒɛktʰ] is a non-player character and a reluctant antagonist in Final Fantasy X. Kimahri is the best free unit thus far hands down. Lightning : Endless Army . Four Winds Physalis. © 2021 - FFBESearch - Privacy Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Close. Brave Insignias for each NV unit. If you like mages or hybrid damage dealers, then those offensive STMRs make the biggest difference than any other offensive STMR save Upgrade Package or Sabin’s Coin. Click to expand... Ah yeah, I forgot about him lol william98chandra, Apr 2, 2020. william98chandra, Apr 2, 2020 #29. Or is he stronger. Wow. Create New Unit . Note that due to how chaining family tiers work, this means that Tidus could rise to 21.0 in the future, if we get a T-cast SR chainer in the top 10… but he will never go below 20.5, because even if T-cast SR drops out of the top 20, he would revert to his 20.5 finisher rating instead of dropping to 20.0 as a chainer. Enter Star Player Tidus, Star Player of the Zanarkand Abes. The free unit. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. FFBE Star Player Tidus Banner Preview: Should you Summon? FFBE 4th Anniversary: Next Era Ticket II. Units. Unit 3. Units. These have use(s) that are not eclipsed in any way by Rikku. It was decided that his value was almost entirely in his mirage. Tidus 6★ Right hand: Save the Queen (FFIX) ATK+135 Left hand: Brotherhood ATK+135 Head: Prishe's Hairpin HP+10%, MP+10%, ATK+45 Body: Demon Mail ATK+10, DEF+55 Accessory 1: Clan Master's Headband ATK+30%, DEF+12, MAG+30% Accessory 2: Desch's Earring ATK+45 Materia 1: Awesome Swordsman ATK+30% Materia 2: Sworn Six's Pride - Dark ATK+60% Materia 3: Large Sword Mastery … Blossomed Mage Lexa. NV and NVA unit shards. WOTV FFBE-SR. Twitter Facebook はてブ Pocket LINE. They can be obtained from Daily Login Bonus and Giveaway based on the total number of login days for each player until the start of maintenance, Thursday, 6/25.. His latents focused mostly on his damage, which clocks in at only 11.7b dpt, or 20.0. Queen is one. Believe it or not, this was the unit that had the most debate and contention out of all the units this update. Blake09 3 years ago #4. 0 frame tolerance. Players can summon characters from other Final Fantasy titles, which can use to build a party of five to fight the forces of darkness. So I haven't played through much of the storyline yet. STMR High Class DaggerHigh Class Dagger An Al Bhed girl who appears in the tales of another world where its people are trapped in a spiral of death. Last updated : 2020/12/29 10:00. Tidus. Version 2.2.0 - community feature, expeditions!, exclusive global feature also. Queen is usually ranked ahead of Tidus in 7 star, and you’ve got your 10 man covered. Tidus's battle style is Spry Striker, a style based on his standard characteristics in Final Fantasy X where his section of the Sphere Grid corresponds to that of a Warrior, but one who trades some Strength for Agility and Evasion. In Final Fantasy X Tidus is the main playable character who functions as a Warrior, wielding swords and shields. Chain Tools Chain Families How To; Unit 1 Units. Archived. Help me out here? Home; Characters; Equipment; Materia; More Rankings Chaining Elements. The only top&niche breaker besides these that Rikku truly beats out of the top three spots is maybe A.Locke since he NEEDS his hp to hit under 21% HP for an 84% ST fullbreak on his LB (unlike Edgar who just has the option for an extended, 2T 84% aoe fullbreak), average damage, and maybe has some utility with his water imperil. We all agreed she was a square fit into 21 the first day and didn’t revisit her past that point. Join Facebook to connect with Tidus Ffbe and others you may know. Yunalesca is a prime example of how big a splash the magic TDW STMRs would have. Well, the imaginary reflection of the Star Player of imaginary reflection of the Zanarkand Abes. Anniversary is shown, June 30. Long delayed but in the end here is it! Create New Unit . I'm interested to see what they are. It was mostly a debate on whether he should be rated at 21 as a chainer, alongside units such as Erik and Tifa, or at 20.5 alongside Ardyn and Krain. While generally upbeat and gung-ho, he has a sentimental side as well. From there we split into two camps, a group of people who thought his large spread of support, his large 180% DEF/SPR buffs, his Curaja tier heal, and obviously his mirage, warranted +1 and gave him 20.5. It didn’t take long, however, before we agreed on 21.0. Ms. Belt Fetish was a unit that saw a lot of debate the very first day, with the argument being whether she was 21.0, or 20.5. Zekken - Sudden Downpour . Select summon tickets . Kimahri’s rating began with us calcing out his jump damage. Alhena. GLEX Podcast. Star Player Tidus has arrived with a far better step up than JP (still gives me nightmares) and he gets MEGA buffs! Made with by Bismark. Tidus's Overdrive is Swordplay (剣技, Kengi?, lit. edited 10 days ago. I think there is one more downside to Lulu.Chaining Flood > 2x Raging Water is not easy. Made with by Bismark. FL: Chirstine with BS unlocked and Machine Killer, ATTN: don't forget to do the daily fragment challenge. FFBE is a fantastic RPG with characters in pixel art style, an interesting story and exploration mechanics that centers around one thing – its heroes, which are the heart and soul of how you play the game. ". His Bravery attacks consist of fast-paced sword combos and blitzball throws, and his HP attacks are his Swordplay Overdriv… He wields a large black sword in battle. Jecht is a tall, muscular man with a tendency to drink heavily. Which Unit to Choose for 5* Select Summon? Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a free-to-play role-playing game developed by Alim and published by Square Enix for iOS and Android devices. With sparking, only the first Raging Water doesn't get max chain mod. Anyway, we're gonna go ahead with Tidus 2.0. The two are firmly connected by their will to protect those they care about. Superb STMR as well. Overall, she was a unit that wasn’t discussed overly much. Holy Explosion / Divine Ruination (70-7-5-7-7-7-7) Veritas of the Dark : Dark Punishment . If I use Tidus’ STMR on a unit equipped with Shiva would they get a total of only 50% base stat increase from the STMR, giving an effective 90% over base (40% grid + 50% base STMR); or will it be 50% of the 40% as well, netting a total 110% over base (40% grid + 20% grid from STMR + 50% base STMR)? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Due to her clearly having the best sprite of this update and a perfect LB animation, we have decided on rating Yunalesca at 21, also the highest of this update. User Info: FionZyles. Blue mages severely suffer from the fact that blue magic is not included on dualcast. User Info: PrinceOfHot. Role. Regular ability awakening materials. His SR chaining turns do pathetic damage in comparison. FFBE Search. Log In Sign Up. But yeah, without having the ability to DC those skills, it's very hard to justify bringing any of the blue mages (future BM's included) into battle over a 'regular' unit, Probably never, at least as a generic "can cast any 2 blue magic spells", because one of Kimahri's is a jump, and the game can't handle such things (see the never-fixed issues with Tsukiko's multi-castable hide). There are three types: FFBE 4th Anniversary: Next Era Ticket. User Info: whonoez. Zekken - Sudden Downpour + 1 . Kurasame : Zekken - Twilight Rain + 1 . Rikku brings way more utility, better dps, and comparable aoe breaks that really sets her apart from him, bringing an aoe lightning imbue/imperil/lb fill-in-one, an aoe 50% hp/mp heal, and an 80% aoe fullbreak/80% aoe reraise-in-one - all of which can really save your team in a pinch. The other group of people thought we were going about it entirely wrong, and that Kimahri’s damage was entirely irrelevant, as was most of his kit. whonoez 3 years ago #5. , Get super pumped! Interested or play the JP version of ffbe? Expedition - send off units to retrieve items, send off while the app is closed too. Create New Unit . Okay, so i 3 ticketed 2 random on banner rainbows, both SP Tidus! Swordskill), which can inflict massive damage onto single or multiple opponents.Once the player selects Swordplay, a bar will appear with a time limit, and players must stop the cursor in the white space in the middle by pressing to increase the Overdrive's power. 12:35. Unit 4. For any normal chain they would have been rounded up without any hesitation, that’s basically at 21 already. Healing Avatar Lid. FFXI- ... Gilgamesh (WOTV FFBE) WOTV FFBE-CWA AMoE Mont Leonis. JP - FFBE+Tidus Pickup (8/1~) - Megathread. Beast Prishe. Interested or play the JP version of ffbe? Not always successful. It’s a 7 turn CD, and she has no other way of replacing those boosts if she dies, she’s just dead in the water for however many turns it takes until the CD is back. Loren. King Mog currency. The mirage spam was then valued, netting him his final rating. this means that Tidus could rise to 21.0 in the future, if we get a T-cast SR chainer in the top 10. JP - FFBE+Tidus … Create New Unit . There was some experimenting, Sinzar proved a point by beating Braska with Kimahri being his healer and only miraging every 3 turns, but it eventually came to a vote that was a landslide victory to 20.0. As a finisher he was rated the same, 20.5, so that ended up being his final rating. FFBE Pickup + Tidus (FFX) Duration: 8/1 17:00 ~ 8/10 11:59 JST 8/1 04:00 ~ 8/0 … Press J to jump to the feed. Joined: Dec 3, 2017 Global ID: 989624645 Leads: Varies Rank: 141. i pulled 4 star player tidus and i refuse to use him. Send me a message on reddit Chat on FFBE Equip discord server See code on GitHub. Dark Punishment + 1 . Unit 3. 6 Star Tidus Rem Wilhelm Ayaka Fryevia Olive Gilga Elza Noctis WKN Orlandu Paladin Cecil Chizuru Bartz Kefka Terra Firion Setzer Ariana Snow Nine Yshtola Rain Lasswell Ling Cupid Artemios ... Im a new player to FFBE, and I've only been playing for a few days. Yuraisha. Create New Unit . Star Player Tidus : Quick Hit+ . Rikku was one of Yuna's Guardians, but later turned into a sphere hunter after co-founding the Gullwings with her older brother. Unit 6. Should you summon on this banner? I use star player Titus. MY BOY IS HERE AND HE LOOKS OH SO GOOD! Only has 1 frame tolerance. FFBE PRODUCERS ANNOUNCEMENT RECAP - 6/15. Umbral Dragon Dark Fina. At most he would warrant 20. So, here we are. Create New Unit . Thanks for all your hard work, hopefully we didn't spend too much at this banner. She has so much magical HP that she only needs minimal gearing adjustments to survive moon, and won’t need to worry about magical eHP vs most other fights. Brave ability awakening materials. Her high dpt of 19.8b alongside a massive pool of SPR also contributed to this high rating. Queen : Armor Piercing . His path on the Sphere Grid leads towards high Agility, Evasion, and Accuracy growth, and while his Strength growth is strong, it lags behind Auron. Units. ... Once the star blitzball player of the sleepless city of Zanarkand, one day while training in the sea, he found himself lost in the foreign land of Spira. He seems like more of the same? Ultra Random Star Player TIdus 7*. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FFBraveExvius community. 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A mostly wasted latent that left us disappointed more than anything else any! Yet, that ’ s not comparable to her water damage of How big a splash the TDW! Wonder what happen to the breaker category once Rikku lands tomorrow to our use of cookies is her CD which! And votes can not be cast, more posts from the lower end 20.5... Enix for iOS and Android devices and contention out of all the units this.. King Rain as well a significant role in How well i am able to chain HERE is it hard... N'T spend too much at this banner tall, muscular man with a far better step up than JP still! Some ffbe star player tidus ’ t discussed overly much ( s ) that are not eclipsed in any way Rikku... Value was almost entirely in his hometown 4th: Adventurer Lock chain family # 992 ) - Megathread you ID. Agreed she was a mostly wasted latent that left us disappointed more than anything.... As icing on top a message on reddit Chat on FFBE Equip discord See. Rankings chaining Elements massive pool of SPR also contributed to this High rating using him, it was a fit! His jump damage over 13 million players worldwide also contributed to this rating. Lower than Cid ’ s not comparable to her water damage of Summoner. Chain mod that ended up being his final rating and it ’ s, this would have netted him rating. The Starboy Tidus come to the breaker category once Rikku lands tomorrow up JP! If you were using him, it was for mirage spam was then,. Water does n't get max chain mod # 30. oBounce Ascended Member use a unit that wasn t... Mar 16, 2020 on FFBE global, Star Player Tidus first day and didn ’ t long... Is really flexible character, but it does nothing to change his rating Star, you. Would have netted him a rating of 19.5 a tendency to drink heavily at 19.9b.. In final Fantasy X Tidus is a prime example of How big a splash the magic TDW STMRs have.