Duchess Satin – A close, firm satin fabric of high luster. Also for dresses, shirts, aprons, housecoats, lingerie, children’s’ clothing. Armure – Stiff, firm rayon or silk fabric. At last she can dress to suit her personality, for fashion says ‘This season, frocks must be rich in colour and pattern.” She made her choice from the Wemco collection – that glorious array of lovely dress materials. Dreaming up Past Perfect Clothing and Accessories, At the beginning of the 20th century, fabrics still contained natural fibers like silk, wool, linen and cotton. Matelassé – Raised woven designs in wool, cotton, silk, or rayon fabric. Used for dresses, blouses, lingerie, linings. Our aim is to supply costume professionals with authentic printed fabrics that are becoming increasingly difficult […] Monk’s Cloth – Rough, loosely woven cotton fabric in basket weave. Used for dresses, blouses, suits, millinery, slips, draperies, upholstery. Used for dresses, neckwear, curtains, bedspreads. Used for shirts, nightgowns, dresses, skirts, lingerie, pajamas, infants’ and children’s clothing. By 1911, the first man-made fiber began to be manufactured in the United States. Used for dresses, suits, trimmings. Alternating yarns of different twists form ribbed effect. Sometimes it comes in variegated colors, which material is called tartan plaid. 105 E Fourth Street, Suite 205, Northfield, MN 55057 USA, ph: 507-664-1447 Order-Line (within USA & Canada): 1-800-380-4611, email: staff@reproductionfabrics.com website: http://www.reproductionfabrics.com, Copyright 1999-2016 ReproductionFabrics.com, Order-Line (within USA & Canada): 1-800-380-4611. Light on the purse, because ‘Viyella’ stands up to wonderfully well to any amount of wear and washing. Used for dresses, blouses, linings for lace yokes and collars. Venetian – Wool similar to broadcloth, but not so glossy nor so satisfactory. Used for dresses ad light-weight suits. Used for neckwear, handkerchiefs, and lingerie dresses. Used here is the shade of red as seen in mid to early 19th century Turkey Red dyed fabric. Canton Crêpe – Silk or rayon fabric with a slight cross ribbed effect. Plain weave. Wear taffeta, then, in the evening; and if you would be all that there is of the most chic, wear it in white…” – Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal, 1933. This time, however, things will be different; this is the summer to believe the stylists.” – Delineator Magazine, 1933. Warp thread is usually composed of a two-ply yarn which has two colors, giving a soft tone to the fabric. Jean – A twilled, undressed cloth with cotton warp and woolen weft, or sometimes in all cotton, and referred to in the ;plural, as jeans. Does not muss easily and drapes well, making it a very desirable material for evening wraps, scarfs, and millinery. Excellent fabric for dresses and suits. It is bleached and lightly sized. Used for infants’ wear, dresses, blouses, neckwear, underwear. A rough, plain, washable fabric of natural color. Frequently silver and gold threads are introduced into filling threads. A sheer, crisp linen. Though rayon is derived from natural materials, it requires certain chemicals, so itâs considered to be a semi-synthetic fabric. Kaiki – A heavy, all-silk Japanese fabric. Crinkle-Crêpe – Silk or rayon crêpe with a crinkled appearance. In order to understand these differences, there are certain textile terms that should be understood. Swiss, Dotted – Fine, transparent, crisp cotton fabric in plain weave. Satin appearance on one side and crêpe on the other. Used more for wraps and as a trimming than for dresses. Flannel – Plain, soft, loosely woven material with warp and weft threads of equal size. Excellent for women’s dresses. Merino – Fine French all-wool dress fabric; twilled on both sides. In the 1910’s, it was a lightweight wool material with even warp and weft in plain colors; sometimes called. This beautiful antique floral was printed on cotton in France during the early 20th Century. There were silks and wools and cottons, and everything was just what it appeared to be on the surface. Oxford Shirting – Mercerized cotton fabric in a basket weave. Used for skirts and suits. Used for outing suits and men’s clothes. Chiffon – A very soft, flimsy, transparent silk material. Sheeting – Linen fabric used for pillow cases, sheets, towels, wash dresses, and suits. This early 1900s cradleboard is one… Plain weave. Early on it was manufactured in white and black only. Georgette is made in solid colors and prints and is used for dresses, blouses, evening gowns and trimmings. Used for dresses, coats, suits, children’s dresses, draperies, upholstery. Butcher’s Linen – Made in cotton to represent linen, which is very inexpensive, and in linen, which is much more expensive than cotton. Muslin – Durable, firm, plain weave cotton cloth bleached or unbleached. Global shipping available. The fabric has a plain weave and a luster on one side. Used for dresses and evening wraps. Woven with single and double face. Used for Neckties, dresses and blouses. Firm, soft cotton cloth. Cotton, silk or rayon fabric in plain weave with heavy ribbed effect. Used for overdrapes and evening gowns. Crash – A coarse linen weave with even weft threads. Albatross – Soft, loosely woven material in black, white, and colors; also made in fancy weaves. Plush – A rich fabric with a pile face and a coarse, woven back. Drap d’Alma, Duvetene, or duvtyn – Soft, double-diagonal twill. Velveteen – Cotton fabric with a soft, thick, short pile on face and a plain or twill back. Used for skirts and suits. Used for dresses, coat linings, and trimmings. In this series, the use and manipulation of old printed fabrics comes about through successive printings, that is, by making print upon print, yielding an end image that depends on the original designs of the fabric. “Fabric news for the evening can be compressed into a single word – taffeta. Astrakhan, or astrachan – A woolen or silk material with a long, closely curled pile in imitation of real astrakhan. Nun’s Veiling – Soft, light-weight fabric, in plain weave. 100% Upvoted. Used for infants’ wear, blouses, lingerie, children’s dresses. Used for dresses, blouses, curtains, lingerie. It is usually used in combinations with wool, cotton or rayon and can be treated to resemble any of of them. This beautiful 18,19, and 20th Century French ticking, stripes, 18th Century ikat, and printed fabrics are a wonderful collection. Hang in the shade or roll in a towel? Does not need to be ironed. Nylon – A synthetic fiber made from derivatives of coal, air, and water. Frequently mercerized cotton is substituted for silk mull. Warp threads are of fine yarn giving a corded effect on crosswise grain. Solid surface with loose weave. Used for tailored dresses and trimming. In cheaper grades it is usually heavily sized. Used for suits and overcoats. Terry Cloth – Cotton pile fabric with raised uncut loops on both sides of fabric. Used for towels and fancy work. Tartan – Material with hard-twisted warp and weft threads, with stripes running at right angles to each other. Used for shirts, pajamas, sports clothes. Used for men’s shirts, women’s dresses. A pair from this period having such style and flair are certainly not going to be seen anywhere else but your home. The differences in weaving processes cause differences in appearance. Used as trimming and for elaborate evening gowns and wraps, housecoats, hostess dresses, upholstery. Used for dresses. Clay Worsted – Soft twilled wool fabric similar to serge. Used for Dresses, lingerie, glass curtains, draperies. Our beautiful wallpapers & fabrics are made in England, in a centuries old mill. Wonderful for pillows or for designers. Used the same as cashmere. Chambray – Smooth, soft, durable, cotton cloth of plain weave, having colored warp threads, and weft and selvages of white threads. A very graphic quilt created only in red and white becoming an optical illusion piece of art due to the pattern and the strong contrast with the white and wonderfully strong red. Every fabric has its own personal quirks, and if you don’t want your clothes to shrink or fade or shrivel or die untimely deaths, you’d better learn every fabric in your wardrobe by its first name and exactly how to keep its feelings soothed.” – The New Encyclopedia of Modern Sewing, 1943. It is usually used in combinations with wool, cotton or rayon and can be treated to resemble any of of them. Used for skirts, suits, men’s and boys’ wear, draperies, upholstery. This beautiful Collection Of 13 French and American early to mid 20th Century wallpapers and paintings are a wonderful grouping of geometric, florals, scrolls/prints, mini frames, and kilim designs. silk or rayon fabric in figure weave. At the beginning of the 20th century, fabrics still contained natural fibers like silk, wool, linen and cotton. Used for linings, neckwear, trimmings, skirts, suits, upholstery, draperies. China Silk – A thin, transparent fabric with a luster. Originally used for butchers’ aprons, fancy work, and for dresses and suits. Used for coats, dresses, suits, and trimmings. Used for dresses, aprons, children’s clothes, playclothes, housecoats, draperies. , which are typically created from wood pulp. Hot or cold water? Though rayon is derived from natural materials, it requires certain chemicals, so itâs considered to be a semi-synthetic fabric. Used for underwear, sleeping garments. Mistral – Twisted warp-and-weft threads woven to give a crêpe effect. fiber made from the casein of milk. ... For example, the long slits in the arms of the jacket refer to the 16th- and 17th-century fashion for slashed fabric. Canvas – A coarse, firm, even weave fabric in linen or cotton. Used for dresses, suits, coats, skirts, children’s clothes. Used for dresses, suits, coats, negligees and trimmings; extensively used for millinery purposes. Karakul Cloth – Made in imitation of Persian lamb skin, which has short hair tightly curled to the body. Used for trimmings, overdrapes, and waists and as a foundation under lace dresses, etc. Used for bath towels, bath robes, beach robes, wash cloths. Thick, corded silk. More often made of Irish linen. Yarn is dyed before it is woven. This beautiful collection of French late 19th Century early 20th Century of 7 ticking stripes and 1 printed fabric. Cretonne – Strong cotton fabric in plain or figured weaves. One of the more durable sheer cloths. Crêpe de Meteor – A lustrous silk crêpe with a fine twilled face. Somewhat like velvet. Used for dresses, children’s clothes, men’s suits, playclothes, underwear. Wool – Soft, closely woven, lustrous, napped fabric with a satin appearance. Gossamer – A very soft, cobwebby silk gauze. Cotton – soft, closely woven, firm fabric in plain weave with warp threads more closely spaced than filling threads. Comfortable, because ‘Viyella’ is so soothing to the skin, so light yet so protective, so soft and yet so strong” Advertisement in Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal, 1933. Used for draperies and bows, for which is seems especially adapted. Qty: #PT813R $11.50/yd. Fabrics of the same fiber may differ in construction. Zibeline – Material of plain weave filled with glossy hair, which gives a nap 1/8 to 1/4-inch long. Used for Men’s shirts, pajamas, shorts; women’s blouses, tailored dresses, uniforms, children’s suits, dresses. We like the combination. Used for dresses and suits. Novelty weave. Panama – Hard twisted yarn, in plain weave. Cheviot – Wool. CONDITION … Faille – Silk or rayon and cotton fabric of plain weave with cross ribbing made by heavy filling yarns. Bedford Cord – Material with lengthwise cord, raised surface with plain stripes between; made in cotton and wool. Wool – Same weave as cotton poplin. Print on 19th and early 20th century fabrics. Holland – Coarse, firm weave. Used for dresses and blouses. Used for blouses, summer dresses, and kimonos. Sometimes in very simple patterns but more often in large, elaborate figures. Used for skirts and suits. Used for collars, cuffs, blouses, vestees, dresses, playclothes, children’s clothes. Percale – closely woven firm cotton fabric made in a plain weave in solid colors or prints. One 2010 study found that 40–90% of particles in the 20–1000 nm range penetrated a cloth mask and other fabric materials. Lamé – Plainly woven or brocaded silk or rayon fabric. That was before nylon and aralac and the rayon family came to live with us. Cheesecloth – Thin, soft cotton fabric with a very low thread count, and little or no sizing. The soft, even warp and weft threads lend themselves to tailoring. “She is sure of herself -sure of her frock. Used for coats, suits, and wraps. Individual pieces from our 1900-1930 shelves! Ticking – Firm, durable cotton cloth in twill weave with yarn-dyed blue and white stripes running lengthwise. Cashmere – A soft, twilled wool weave in beautiful shades and sometimes woven-in figures. Used for tailored blouses and men’s negligee shirts. It is the material par excellence for this new line which so much pleases us; it has dignity, grace and beauty. Images by Stijn Bollaert. Silk – Closely woven lustrous fabric in plain weave. In the 1910’s, wool-and-silk material with a heavy, filled crosswise cord of wool that is covered with threads of silk and wool. Waterfall – A silk fabric with a thin, slightly open foundation, which is ribbed with velvet pile so woven as to form stripes. Gaberdine – Firm twilled cotton or wool fabric which has a raised diagonal rib effect on right side. Georgette, Silk – A sheer, lightweight, dull-finished crêpe fabric named after the early 20th century French dressmaker Georgette de la Plante. How were early 20th century fabrics printed? Resembles velvet. By the 1940s it was used for infants’ wear, negligees and linings. Completed in 2017 in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. For interlining or stiffening used in clothing, leather goods or millinery. Yes, we know that you’ve heard this before. Used for fancy dress wear, experimental draping, curtains, dust cloths. Most research had been performed in the early 20th century, before disposable surgical masks became prevalent. Vestings – Heavy, fancy silk materials usually highly colored and in Persian and corded effects. Per page: , per page Used for women’s suits and men’s coats. Mohair – Similar to brilliantine, but woven of finer yarn in watered or grosgrain effect. Very satisfactory for shirred dresses, as it drapes well. Peau de Cygne – A silk fabric of soft, lustrous finish in diagonal weave with a prominent cross-thread; sometimes called Peau de Soie. Used for coats for men, women, and children; also for caps, muffs and scarfs. In cheaper grades, cow hair is used, when the material is called camel’s-hair back. In the 1910’s also available in wool with designs woven in by means of an irregular weaving of the warp and weft. Used chiefly for linings. Sheer, soft, smooth cotton, linen, or wool fabric made in plain weave. There were silks and wools and cottons, and everything was just what it appeared to be on the surface. Huckaback – Irregular weave, absorbs water readily; weft threads very prominent, warp threads often of cotton. Shop early-20th-century-a fabric at the world's largest marketplace supporting indie designers. Designs are woven in contrasting colors from the background and are raised. Used for trimmings and veiling. The cheaper qualities rough up and soon appear shabby. Velvet, Nacre – Silk. Its characteristic crisp finish may be of a permanent nature or may wash out after a few launderings, according to the manner in which the fabric has been treated. Used as a substitute for silk in covering umbrellas. Plain weave. Longcloth – Fine, soft, closely woven cotton cloth made in a plain weave. A soft, crinkled, washable material, sometimes called. Georgette is made with highly twisted yarns. A mercerized finish further increases luster. Doeskin – A compact, twilled woolen with a texture that is pliable without being flimsy. Finished with sizing. When slightly stiffened, is sometimes called Pineapple Cloth. Heavier and coarser weave than China Silk. The stripes are usually 1/8-inch wide and have one to three warp threads showing between. Fabric us usually striped or has small figures which are woven into cloth. Gloria – A diagonal twilled fabric of silk, wool and cotton; also called Zanella Cloth. Corded Silk – Similar to grosgrain, except that the cord is rounded and varies in thickness from a very fine to a very coarse thread. Maline – Fine net silk fabric characterized by hexagonal open mesh. Scrim – Light, transparent cotton fabric in open mesh, plain weave. Also for interlinings and suit lapels. Used for shirts, dresses, aprons. Rayon sometimes made to look like this. Used for mattress and pillow covering, upholstery, playclothes. The back and sides with an ebony velour. Plain weave. Period: Early 20th Century Condition: Good- Wear is consistent with age and use. Linen – comes in satin weaves; sometimes in brocaded figures. Mull – Material having a cotton warp and a cheap quality of silk for weft. 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