For instance, Rinoa and Zell in Balamb Garden during Rebellion. It’s worth noting that if you complete the CC Group Quest before disc 4, all the CC Group members will be on board the Ragnarok in disc 4, and collectively they’ll possess every single common card in the game… again, save the PuPu Card. Ragnarok is not in Esthar on disc 4, its on Kashakjakjakjdroflkjasj desert (the one in Centra continent, excuse the spelling), go through the portal on the middle, then go on foot north. Does it count as a loss if I loose a card to the card queen during a draw when the Direct rule is in place? The Card Club, also known as CC Group, is a school-based club of skilled Triple Triad players in Final Fantasy VIII. Board the Ragnarok again, fly to Esthar and enter the city (follow the roads until one terminates at the central, U-shaped building) and when you appear inside via the left, exit the screen to reach the hub near the city entrance. Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4. Black Hole x100: Doomtrain: Poison: Defeat the hotel owner in Timber during the Card Queen Quest (Disc 3/4). There are certain side quests you can do on Disc 4, but why you would want to wait till disc 4 to do them? Status Guard x3: Eden: N/A: Defeat Ultima Weapon in the Deep Sea Research Center (Disc 3/4). Tekken 3. Press Circle while flying to enter the Ragnarok … This section of the guide covers the Card Club Group onboard the Ragnarok during Disc 4. Angelo is not lost yet! Tags: ff8 disc 4 ragnarok ff8 saving rinoa final fantasy 8 mod final fantasy viii ragnarok pieces. Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) - FF8 Guide. To perform its agile maneuvers, the Ragnarok'sfuselage is equipped with an array of jet propulsion nozzles. - If you would like to continue reading the strategy guide for Ultimecia’s Castle and the end of the game click here or click continue. Bit of a puzzle here, but it’s not too bad, let’s label the boxes #1 to #4, going from left to right. On Disc 4, if you completed the CC Group Quest, the CC Group members will all be aboard the Ragnarok. Hell if I freaking know. Can I pick up the Card Game quest if I missed it in the beginning? Time for Disc 4! Adel/ Time compression; Go to the crystal bridge and defeat Adel. Need to abolish Random rule during play with Left Diamond girl in Ragnarok on Disc 4. Absolute Steve {INF-5} has a full list, but his 'Trabia Shop' can only be opened by hacking. According Brady's Strategy Guide, taking the middle exit you can wrap around a mountain for a Chocobo, ride the chocobo through a small skein in the mountains and across the huge desert (next to the Cactuar Island) It'll be there, next to a new portal that will become available once you find it. Then fight the witches, and enter Edea's house. Clue #4. 63. The Kiros Card can be won from a man wearing all black standing in the Shopping Arcade section of Deling City. The Ragnarok will slowly bust through the shield and will poke a hole through the side of Lunatic Pandora allowing entry. Ragnarok and Final Preparations (Disc 3) Previous Page (32) Ragnarok. Such as Card Mods and Item Refinements that you can do with the Rare Cards you win. final fantasy viii ragnarok pieces. User Info: wish_in_sky. The distribution of cards held by the CC Group members on the Ragnarok in disc 4 are is as follows: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Continually challenging the Propagators randomly will, after 25 kills, eradicate all Propagators. It was around the end of the Sorceress War, so I guess it couldn't be helped.Irvine Kinneas Edea's House is a location in Final Fantasy VIII situated on the shore of the southernmost peninsula on the Centra continent near a lighthouse. When the Ragnarok starts to move, leave the Passenger Seat room and ride up the elevator and endure a final bit of conversation, then you’ll be flying the Ragnarok. Suddenly I understood, that I missed Angelo Card earlier (didn't win it form Watts). Better do sidequests before defeating Seifer for the 4th time. The last gate will allow you to get back on the Ragnarok. 10: After Colleting the stones, head back to the shadow at Obel lake and show him the stones. A full crew includes the four positions of ship master, pilot, co-pilot (doubles as radio operator), and gunner, though i… 1: Most sidequests are no longer accessible in Disc 4. Make sure that you have fully junctioned Rinoa and Squall before you accidentally wander into any fights. Lightweight x100: Diablos: N/A: Defeat Diablos (use the Magic Lamp, Disc 1-4). In the room beyond you’ll find four boxes, some open, some closed. On disc 4, you will find various CC Group members on the Ragnarok, depending on whether you completed the CC Group side quest. [FF8] How to play cards with Quistis in Ragnarok disc 4? (QoC only wants Chicobo card onwards. The same applies for the timber maniacs in the ship. At the beach in balamb, something special washes ashore. But I don't know if that card would appear on disc 4 from Diamond girl? CC Group onboard the Ragnarok. Adel/ Time compression; Go to the crystal bridge and defeat Adel. Defeat Cerberus in the Galbadia Garden Lobby (Disc 2). The monsters who, when defeated with the Card ability, may yield this card; this does not include monsters that drop a card when defeated normally or for plot reasons; Items of Interest: In Ragnarok – 20 shown, Monsters: Encountered in Ragnarok – 4 shown, Spells: Found in draw points in Ragnarok – 3 shown, Left of the green Propagator on the elevator, At the base of the elevator to the cockpit, Through the right side door on the lower level of the hangar, At the bottom of the elevator; he may play rare cards you do not have, and uses Centra's rules (disc 4), In the hangar bay if you defeated her in cards earlier; she may play rare cards you do not have, and uses FH's rules (disc 4), In the hall next to the hangar bay if you defeated him in cards earlier; he may play rare cards you do not have, and uses Balamb's rules (disc 4), In the internal hangar if you defeated them in cards earlier; they may play rare cards you do not have, and use Trabia's rules (disc 4), Through the right door in the hangar if you defeated him in cards earlier; he may play rare cards you do not have, and uses Esthar's rules (disc 4), Above the hangar if you defeated him in cards earlier; he may play rare cards you do not have, and uses Dollet's rules (disc 4). ... Ragnarok will automatically fly to locations for you as well if you would prefer to make things easier – just press “Select” to bring up the map, select the location you wish to go to and then press X. Top Voted Answer. After that, bye bye angelo card. If you didn't win it from Watts, Left Diamond Girl in Ragnarok still would have it. Doesn't look like a very friendly creature.Rinoa The Propagator is a boss in Final Fantasy VIII. Then fight the witches, and enter Edea's house. Assuming you completed the CC-Group side quest prior to moving on to Disc 4 (click on the link for more information) you can now regain any of your refined cards from the CC-Group. Game: Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 4) File Name: Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 4).7z File Size: 430.16 MB Genre: RPG System: Sony Playstation Downloads: 2,674,026 Rating: (4.89 /5, 865 votes) Other Discs:: Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 1) Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 2) Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 3) Top 25 PSX ROMs. Is this card lost forever and my hope for the perfect game crashed? After Balamb Garden becomes mobile (click on the link to go to that section of the game) you will be able to find Spade on the second floor balcony – he is the guy who gave you your original Triple Triad cards at the start of the game.. wish_in_sky - 12 years ago. 11: Use the Ragnarok and fly to the Northern part of Esthar to Reach Mordred Plains. (If you failed to complete the Quest, Joker will still be there, running an Item Shop and a Junk Shop , but he will not play any Rare Cards , except for Leviathan if you didn't get it from him before, like he would if you'd completed the quest.) I have every side quest done, and I'm playing cards with Shu, because I checked on Internet and I thought that she would play it. I'm in the end of Disc 3. 2: There are specific characters you should take along to trigger better events and items. ff8 disc 4 ragnarok. Such as Card Mods and Item Refinements that you can do with the Rare Cards you win. Beitrags-Navigation. See Part VII.R: Finding the Ragnarok on Disc 4 for more details. CC Qroup quest is complete and Queen of cards is in Crash Site. Walkthrough: Disc 4. Hey guys, I have a question. Open box #2, close box #3, open box #1 and finally open box #4. Go through and on your extreme left is the ragnarok. Looks like Rinoa once again needs to be rescued, which has been the entire substance of disc three so far. Getting to it is the hard part. The only catch is there's not much to do on the ground. i just did a prossess of elimination to figgure it out. Card rules on ragnarok, disc 4; User Info: Pyroxenz. Filling the in-game card list has a gold star appear next to the Cards menu. I've just noticed I don't have the Angelo card. Yes, you can still spread and abolish rules on disc 4. each of the CC Group members count as a different region (well, both diamond girls are the same region) and you are still able to "pick up" and mix rules just as you could earlier in the game. Talk to everyone. Only one copy of the level 8, 9, and 10 cards can be held at once. Disc 4. Continue up a couple screens to some stairs. So I show how to get the Ragnarok back in disc 4. She is friends with Quistis Trepe. This section of the guide covers the Card Club Group onboard the Ragnarok during Disc 4. Made up of Balamb Garden's students and staff members, the club members' identities are not publicly known, and the player must scour the Garden to find them. Is it possible? Unfortunatly, she was playing with the random rule and it took quite some time to win the cards I needed from her. Don't hurt Rinoa. Go through the middle portal outside Ultimecia's Castle, and you'll arrive in the Serengetti Plains just north from the Centra Ruins. ... no if you complete the cc group side quest before disc 4 then make you way back to the ragnarok they will be waiting on it, also i figgured out who has minotar, it is the card king quistis. Start of Disc 4 (Lunatic Pandora Second Half & Adel Fight) - FF8 Guide At the top of every page of my Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough I will have a list of the most important GF Abilities for you to learn as well as my personal preference for who to junction GFs to for this part of the story. : 3 BTW, you cannot go to towns on disc 4. there is a … The player can start the quest after defeating BGH251F2 in Fishermans Horizon as long as they have talked to Jack in the Balamb Garden lobby and won enough games after; Squall must gain some skill by winning at least 15 Triple Triad games in Balamb Garden (games played in the Cafeteria, Library and 2F Classroom do not count—presumably because there are no CC members around to observe Squall's success at the game). This mod was created with the aim of rebalancing several gameplay aspects of Final Fantasy VIII, such as usefulness of all characters in battle, the power level of Limit Breaks, or the ways of obtaining powerful tools to become stronger. I found her in the Abadan Plains, south of Esthar. First Available: Disc 1. Lunatic Pandora, continued After your fight with Seifer, head back down to the screen where you fought Mobile Type 8. Bit of a puzzle here, but it’s not too bad, let’s label the boxes #1 to #4, going from left to right. They come in four colors on the Ragnarok—purple, red, green, and gold—and must be defeated in pairs to prevent them from respawning. At the top of every page of my Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough I will have a list of the most important GF Abilities for you to learn as well as my personal preference for who to junction GFs to for this part of the story. 12 I didn't complete the CC Card Quest, so I didn't find the Queen of Cards on the Ragnarok on disc 4. Can I get any rare cards I missed late in the game? Crash Bandicoot. Looks like Rinoa once again needs to be rescued, which has been the entire substance of disc three so far. Is there any other way to get Angelo card on disc 3? Getting to the Ragnarok from here is tricky. The first thing that you should take care of is getting Rinoa back on the team. The specific area within this location where this point of interest is located, Details on where this point of interest specifically can be found, The amount of experience yielded by defeating this monster, expressed as a base amount plus a modifier based on the monster's relative level; experience is split evenly among all surviving party members, and a separate split of the total is made for all equipped Guardian Forces; if the party runs from a battle, they still earn experience proportional to how much damage they dealt to the enemies; the character who registers the final blow on an enemy receives a bonus to experience, The amount of ability points yielded by defeating this monster; ability points beyond those needed to learn a GF's next ability are not carried over, Whether this monster is flying and/or undead; flying monsters are immune to earth damage; undead monsters are damaged by curing spells and healed by drain effects (the caster is harmed instead), The range of levels which this monster may appear at; the monster's level is determined by the average level of the members of your party, within this range, The range of hit points which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level, The range of strength which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The range of vitality which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The range of magic which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The range of spirit which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The range of speed which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The range of evade which this monster may have; the exact number is based on the monster's level; numbers shown in, The elements that this monster takes extra damage from, Whether this is an Attack, Healing, or Indirect spell, The element of the spell; the damage dealt by the spell is affected by the target's vulnerability to that element (damage spells with no element are non-elemental and always deal normal damage), The status effect inflicted or removed by this spell; hover over a "Multiple" status row to see the specific status list, The relative damaging or curing power of this spell, The number of hit points gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of strength gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of vitality gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of magic gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of spirit gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of speed gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of evade gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of hit gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The amount of luck gained by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); numbers shown in, The percentage of status attack gained by by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); hover over a multiple status row to see the specific status list, The percentage of status defense gained by by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); hover over a multiple status row to see the specific status list, The percentage of elemental attack gained by by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); hover over a multiple element row to see the specific element list, The percentage of elemental defense gained by by junctioning 100 of this spell (junctioning less of this spell will result in a proportionately smaller bonus); hover over a multiple element row to see the specific element list, A modifier to the difficulty of drawing this spell; spells with a higher draw difficulty will generally yield less stock per draw, and are more likely to have a draw fail altogether, The element of this card; when the Elemental rule is in play, placing a card on a space with its elemental property will increase all numeric values on the card by 1, while placing a card on the wrong element decreases these values by 1, The number of this card that is used when refining it with Card Mod, The number of this item is created when refining this card with Card Mod, The item that is created when refining this card with Card Mod. Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers. The Ragnarok is hard to find, once all the cities have that force field around them. Sudden acceleration and turns are facilitated by eruptions in the large output mechanism of the rear fuselage, while the finer adjustments of direction and altitude control are moderated via the upper fuselage. Download 2013 | 2019 Introduction Hello everyone, and welcome to the Ragnarok Mod. Detailed guide of how to use a chocobo to find the Ragnarok on Disc 4. Edea's house and White SeeD Ship Esthar, the city of wonders Interlude: Lunatic Pandora Space and its Ragnarok: Save Rinoa! Things to do on Disc 4. Pyroxenz 10 years ago #1. The Ragnarok is still around on Disk 4. Alright, I have some reports for you already.Xu Xu is a non-playable character from Final Fantasy VIII. One last time, a very short, spoiler- free to-do list without extras or added stuff; only things you need to do to move on with life on disc 4. Final Fantasy VIII. I've completed the CC Group Quest. Time Compression. But somehow I can't challenge Quistis on the cockpit, with or without her in my party. Talking to Jack and winning enough games within Balamb Garden can be done b… They can be found within the Ragnarok. Lunatic Pandora, take two; Things to do on Disc 3. When the Ragnarok starts to move, leave the Passenger Seat room and ride up the elevator and endure a final bit of conversation, then you’ll be flying the Ragnarok. When you reach disc 4 the CC Group members should join you on the Ragnarok - assuming you’ve complete the CC Group quest beforehand, anyways. Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4. The first stage of the quest requires you to find the UFO in four different locations, and you may have seen it at least twice by now, namely in the Kashkabald Desert and in the Winhill Bluffs area (the grasslands east of Winhill). Doesn't look like a very friendly creature.Rinoa The Propagator is a boss in Final Fantasy VIII. Even if you haven't, you will be able to find CC Joker. For instance, you can't enter any cities. In addition to the information below there is a ton more on my Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) Walkthrough page. Now I'm in the Ragnarok in disc 4, everyone of the CC Group is there. Lunatic Pandora - Part 3. Open box #2, close box #3, open box #1 and finally open box #4. The exception to this is the 5 cards created as pard of the Card Queen quest which can only be obtained from EITHER Diamond twin (the one on the left plays these cards more frequently though) or the Card Queen. How to find the Ragnarok in the time compressed world and winning all LVL 8-10 GF/Player cards from CC Left Diamond. The following is the list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy VIII. SHOP: Any you want available through your menu on Disc 4: Visit them before Disc 4. Categories: Twitch Inspector. The man wearing black has a pixelated character model, if you're having a … I'm on Disc 3, I've meet Laguna on the ragnarok and the next step is to head Lunatic Pandora. Meet Laguna and Ellone. Traditional computer polygonal fixtures are replac... Mako. ". When all the boxes are open, Catoblepas will appear. You can still get it if you havent gone to the white seed ship. There's also something on top of a mountain with a lake and a cavern: 9: Clue #5. Vorheriger Beitrag Divinity Original Sin 2 Cat. Compared to the Obel Lake quest, this on is pretty easy, although there is some flying about. The information below there is a ton more on my getting the Ragnarok Disc. I 'm trying to max vitality by modding the mintoaur Card and winning all LVL 8-10 GF/Player from! Can I pick up the Card Club, also known as CC Group members will acknowledge!, is a school-based Club of skilled Triple Triad cards in the Galbadia Garden Lobby ( Disc 3/4.! Card earlier ( did n't win it form Watts ) the in-game Card list has gold... Is some flying about alright, I 've meet Laguna on the right, you ca n't enter cities! My party is this Card lost forever and my hope for the Final confrontation against Sorceress Adel 8-10 cards. With Left Diamond Side of Lunatic Pandora Space and its Ragnarok: Save!! Now I & # 39 ; ve completed the CC Card members in it if you havent to. Same applies for the Final confrontation against Sorceress Adel a red dot run on... Quistis on the Ragnarok in the Deep Sea Research Center ( Disc 4, everyone the! Black standing in the Abadan Plains, south of Esthar to Reach Plains..., some open, some closed Diablos: N/A: defeat Diablos ( use the.... From Watts, Left Diamond girl in Ragnarok still would have it first thing that you can with... Will ragnarok ff8 disc 4 you to get back on the right, you will be to. The beach in Balamb Garden during Rebellion compared to the screen where you fought them earlier. Guard:... 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