There have been a number of bear attacks that I’ve read about that could have been avoided if the situation hadn’t been misread. Friend Bear has peach-colored fur and her Belly badgedepicts two intertwined smiling yellow daisies. Travel in groups (the larger the better) and make lots of noise by talking or singing. When wildlife feels threatened by people, they typically try to tell us to back off in their own way. If you encounter a bear on the trail, or in your campsite, stop what you are doing and evaluate the situation. bear safety at work; and managing bears (for wildlife officials). Posted: Jul 25, 2020 / 09:27 PM EDT / … Bear encounters often happen very quickly, but the bear will likely be showing cues that communicate its intentions. Now that you know what you’re dealing with …. The closer you are to the bear when it becomes aware of you, the more likely it is to react defensively: it may pop its jaws or swat the ground with its front paw while blowing and snorting, and/or it may lunge or “bluff charge” toward you in an attempt to get you to leave. When you encounter a bear always stop, remain calm, and assess the situation. Soon you too will have more composure when sighting a bear because you will know what to do. The ignorant animal curiously investigates his human friend, but soon decides it is uninterested, and decides to leave! It was a black bear – and, fortunately, a friendly one – with an apparent interest in what Henley was reading. Look it straight in the eyes and let it know you will fight if attacked. By David Peck, Lovell Chronicle Ilene Henley was enjoying a good book at her family campsite on the Big Horn Mountains on July 12 when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Do not play dead and do not act aggressively. Defensive responses that result in physical contact almost always involve grizzly bears surprised at close range, on a carcass or protecting young. Do not approach [bears]. Speak to the bear in a low, calm voice, and slowly raise your arms up above your head. If you are in your campsite or other place bears shouldn’t be, and you are sure the bear is a black bear, consider trying to move it out of the area. Concentrate your attack on the face, eyes and nose. A bear encounter can be an incredible experience or a life-threatening one. Here is how you should react to a bear encounter. That should be enough to discourage it and send it in the other direction. If a bear charges you after a surprise encounter, stay still and stand your ground. Perhaps it’s a young adult bear that is simply testing its dominance. Stop right there, and don't move. Close encounters of the bear kind. Most grizzly bear charges are bluff charges. This is often the case with a mother bear with cubs, a bear defending a food source, or a surprise encounter. If you encounter a bear that’s aware of you: don’t run; running may trigger a chase response. If the encounter was a surprise or it involves a mother grizzly bear with cubs, and the bear makes physical contact, fall to the ground and “play dead.” Roll over onto your stomach and cover your neck and the back of your head with your hands. When the attack stops, remain still and wait for the bear to leave. If you do encounter a bear in your neighborhood, contact MassWildlife:. Travel through several enclosures on the three-mile drive through the park and see black bears, elk, reindeer, cougars, bobcats, bighorn sheep, buffalo, and more. If the bear attacks, use your deterrent and fight for your life. Defensive Grizzly Bear Encounters. THIS is the heart-stopping moment a black bear approaches a group of fearless hikers, whilst they snap a selfie with the animal. Ensure the bear has a clear and safe escape route with no people or obstacles in its way. The very few defensive attacks by black bears have been females protecting cubs (but these are very rare). As you will see below, grizzly bears and black bears tend to behave differently in a given situation, so it helps to know which species you’re dealing with. In this incredibly close encounter, a black bear appears out of the woods and slowly approaches a friendly man sitting in the porch. "A Bear Encounter's" spacious and lavish master suite contains a king-sized log bed, a corner jacuzzi tub, a stone fireplace, flat-screen television, and a sitting area, creating the perfect environment to enjoy a romantic mountain getaway. Never try to move a grizzly bear! Don’t scream or yell at the bear. Stand your ground and talk to the grizzly bear in a low, monotone voice, allowing it to identify you as human. and you are sure the bear is a black bear. Remain as composed as possible and follow these simple guidelines whenever you are in bear country. During business hours contact the Northeast District Office (978) 772-2145 or MassWildlife Field Headquarters at (508) 389-6322 to report sightings and get advice. A bear that is initially curious or testing you may become predatory if you do not stand up to it. For more information on how to deter black bears, click here. Get out of its way if you can, which may be all it wants. The best way to prevent an unpleasant bear encounter is to avoid them all together. ), It’s the escalation of fear that leads to bad decisions. If possible, try to determine whether there are cubs present or whether the bear is defending an animal carcass or other food source. What they witnessed was unthinkable. Every bear encounter must be met with caution. Back away slowly in the opposite direction and wait for the bear to leave. National parks in Alaska created a safety sticker to share steps for avoiding an unwelcome encounter with a bear. By Yucatan Times on July 21, 2020 . To ensure a surprise or unpleasant encounter with a bear doesn’t occur, avoid moving through bear habitat silently and alone. If you see a bear in the distance, respect its need for personal space. Be Careful Not to Startle It: Shouting at a brown bear that is not aware of you may incite a … ~Steve Herrero in Bear Attacks: Their Causes & Avoidance (pg 5), Walking with polar bears – a dangerous trend. Females with cubs or bears defending food sources may appear to act aggressively as they defend their cubs and/or food. According to one bear researcher, you are more likely to be killed by a domestic dog, bees, or lightning than you are a black bear. #8, 3 Ways to Deal With the Anxiety of a New Situation – Those FFTs of Life (‘Effing First Times), Interview with the Amazing Emmanuel Kelly, Plus the Top Good News of the Week (Ep.#6) – GNN Podcast, The GNN Paperback Book: “And Now, The Good News”, The Heartwarming Feel-Good Book We All Need. Yell at the bear and firmly tell it to leave: “Get out of here, bear!” Keep a can of pepper spray ready (with the safety removed) in case the bear approaches too closely. Or they are used to hanging around peopled areas in order to access food. If a bear that is behaving defensively is intent on making contact, your first line of defence is always your bear spray. Small parties generally make less noise to alert a grizzly of their presence at a distance, and small parties are less intimidating to a grizzly. RELATED: When Man Discovers Sea Lion Loves to Fetch, He Plays With the Critter For Two Hours. Friend Bear's palms and paw pads are a very dark orange. Leave the area immediately. The Bear Archery Encounter Eccentric System (cams) This compound bow comes with the Bear E2-Cam, which is a single cam eccentric system. If you must continue, take a detour and give the bear a wide berth. If you see a bear before it notices you: stand still, don’t approach and enjoy the moment. The bear, however, was apparently only looking for a playmate – and the dog was more than happy to oblige. Fight any bear that attacks you in your building or tent. Anyone interested in safety around bears should remember that the power to seriously injure or even kill is always there.” – Steve Herrero in Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance (pg 217). Bears can cover large distances in a relatively short period of time, so if you are camping, be sure to store your food well out of reach of any bears in the area. Identify yourself by speaking in a calm, appeasing tone. Stand tall and look it directly in the eye. There's plenty of other opportunities to rest and relax in your cabin as well. On August 6, Kaitlyn Nesbit and her family were enjoying a picnic at Deep Creek in Maryland, when a black bear meandered right up and started helping herself to the group's snacks on the table—just like she was a part of the fam. It is simply trying to communicate that you are too close. Occasionally, a bear will approach you in a non-defensive manner. Bears like thick brush, berry patches and parsnip thickets, but also regularly use hiking trails. Consider turning around and leaving the way you came. Kick, punch or hit the bear with whatever weapon is available. Polar bears are also renowned for being aggressive predators. Share. If the bear follows you and its attention is clearly directed at you, then stand your ground and prepare to use your deterrent. If you end up inside that defensive perimeter, which may be anywhere from ten to fifty feet wide, you are likely to experience a combination of highly intimidating behaviors, including: the squared-off lip or long face; jaw popping; huffing; swatting; and false-charging. One such animal is the black bear for which we don’t know if and when they might attack. This article’s purpose is to keep you safe during a bear encounter. Make yourself look as big as possible. We Can’t Bear How Sweet This Is: Click To Share The Pawesome Video With Your Friends – Photo by Nat Geo, Watch This Friendly Encounter Between a Polar Bear and Sled Dog, NJ Congressman Andy Kim Began Cleaning Up Litter Inside the Capitol at 1:00 in the Morning: ‘I‘m honored…’, COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Tracker Lets You See Where U.S. Doses Are Going, Family Farm in Maine Couldn’t Make it After Restaurants Close – Until the Neighbors Showed Up, UK Opens its First Geothermal Plant Using Heat From the Earth to Power 10,000 Homes, Watch Teen’s Graduation Advice For The Class of 2020 That Won 1st Prize in Global Competition: ‘We got this!’, Tim Shriver Debuts 24-Hour Streaming Show to Unite the World – Good News Gurus Ep. When two wildlife photographers saw a polar bear approaching a chained up sled dog, they were frozen stiff with horror – but the encounter actually turned out to be more heartwarming than anticipated. There is greater safety in large parties. Try to appear non-threatening by remaining still and calm. Most often, bear run-ins occur when people decide to trek out into bear territory. Bears do have a strong sense of personal space – a distance that varies from bear to bear from which they won’t back down. [My data shows] there were no attacks on parties of six people or more. If you have bear spray, this is the time to use it. The Get Bear Smart Society works hard to ensure people and bears safely and respectfully coexist. For example, a rattlesnake rattles its tail and an alligator opens its mouth and hisses. Keeping your distance and not surprising bears are some of the most important things you can do. A defensive confrontation almost always happens during a surprise grizzly bear encounter. Very rarely, it may see you as potential prey. 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Avoiding an Encounter. – Ben Kilham in Among the Bears (pg 243). Remember, most bears prefer to avoid contact with humans, and any bear you do see is probably just as frightened as you are! Following viewing etiquette is the first step to avoiding an encounter with a bear that could escalate into an attack. Even then, Yellowstone National Park officials say your chance of being attacked by a bear is extremely low. However, please check out Part 1 of Bear Safety: How to Prevent a Bear Encounter to learn tactics and techniques to … High quality Friendly Bear gifts and merchandise. Try to figure out whether the bear is a grizzly or a black bear. If you run, you're likely to trigger a chase response from the bear. Act aggressively. Most of the time, the bear is likely to break off the charge or veer away. In a campground Does Your Nutrition Company Feed Hungry Kids at the Same Time? This private 2 bedroom Sevierville cabin rental with wireless Internet access, hot tub, game room, BBQ grill, fireplace, jacuzzi, pool table, and more provides everything needed for your Great Smoky Mountains vacation getaway! Friendly black bear plays with Virginia fishermen - YouTube Remain calm and do not run. by: Jordan Brown. Threaten the bear with whatever is handy (stick, pole, bear spray). Do NOT get up until you are absolutely certain the bear is no longer in the area – even if you have to wait 30 minutes or longer. Remain calm and ready your bear spray (or other deterrent). She also has blue eyes and a darker orange head tuft. Then move away quietly in the opposite direction. (Click here to learn how to tell the difference.). Identify yourself by speaking in a calm, appeasing tone. ‘This bear seemed a bit different’ — Gatlinburg man recounts close encounter with large bear News. Stay together if you are in a group; you will appear larger and more intimidating if you stick together. "A Bear Encounter," is a custom-designed cabin rental near Pigeon Forge, is located in Sky Harbor just a short trip away from all the action of Pigeon Forge Parkway, Gatlinburg, and the … Holding their breath, bear spray on hand and ready for the worst, the Montana Grizzly Encounter family stood by as they allowed Lucy to join Brutus out in the yard for the very first time. Single (or solo) cam systems come with an idler wheel at the top and a power cam on the bottom. Watch a short clip of Steven Herrero, author of Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance, on black bear attacks. Bears usually avoid people, and most people don’t even know when they’ve come close to a bear. (CNN) Wildlife officials say they were forced to euthanize a friendly young black bear after it grew too familiar with people who regularly fed and took selfies with it. (Click here to learn more about how to deploy bear pepper spray. If the bear is about to make contact, use your bear spray. The photographers had been exploring the Churchill region of Canada’s Hudson Bay, which is known to be the polar bear capital of the world. Listen to this CBC podcast interview with bear attack expert, Steve Herrero, author of Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance. Shout! We have helped create a paradigm shift in people's attitudes toward bears and other wildlife by replacing fear and misunderstanding with respect and understanding. Walk, don’t run, and keep your eye on the bear so you can see how it will react. And put the iPod away and pay attention to your surroundings. Okay, so you've spotted a bear, and the bear has spotted you. Do not approach it, even to get a photo, and give it as much room as possible. A Bear Encounter | 2 Bedroom Cabin | Pigeon Forge | Cabins USA Everything known of bear biology was put aside that day by both bears in the name of love and friendship. But as bear habitats shrink, they may wander into suburban areas. Human/Bear Encounters. It may just be curious. This makes you appear larger.Humans and animals can share the great outdoors if everyone behaves accordingly. In most cases, the bear will flee. Back away slowly, preferably in the direction you came. If an attack is prolonged or the bear starts eating you, it is no longer being defensive and it is time to fight back (see next section). A black bear was feeling particularly friendly when it appeared to smooth out a woman’s hair during what was a very… curious encounter at a Mexican park. Sometimes a bear that feels threatened will ‘act’ aggressively to defend against a perceived threat. According to the New York Post, most of the picnickers retreated to the deck and filmed the encounter, while four remained at the table, taking selfies and not making any sudden movements. So when they saw one of the massive mammals meandering up to a the sled dog, they expected the worst. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Speak in an appeasing voice and back away, increasing your distance from the bear. The reality is that most encounters with bears rarely lead to aggressive behaviour and attacks are even rarer. Bear Country USA offers visitors a chance to view wildlife from the comfort of their own car. – Ben Kilham in Among the Bears (pg 244). The best way to handle a bear encounter is never to have one. When constructing strategy for a small credit union, be prepared for the day when they too encounter a “bear!” A menacing creature we should all fear: competition, and the unknown. If you encounter a bear on the trail, or in your campsite, stop what you are doing and evaluate the situation. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. If a bear feels threatened, they may clack their teeth together, moan, blow, huff, or stomp the ground. Stamp your feet and take a step or two toward the bear. The more the bear persists, the more aggressive your response should be. It’s normal to be frightened when you encounter a bear. Her face is white with three freckles on each cheek. Learn about living with bears; creating bear smart communities; recreating in bear country;
Walk, don’t run, and keep your eye on the bear … In this situation, the bear doesn’t want to fight any more than you do. Hikers’ encounter with black bear in Monterrey caught on video. From 1900 to 2015, only 64 people were killed by black bears in all of North America, mostly in Canada and Alaska. The hikers kept their cool when the curious bear … In any event, talk to the bear in a firm voice. If you encounter a bear on a carcass, get as far away from the bear’s cache as possible; leaving the area quickly and quietly preferably in the same direction you came in. Get as far away from the food cache as possible. Keep your legs and elbows wide so the bear can’t flip you over. , monotone voice, and give the bear has a clear and safe escape route with no or... It directly in the other direction, He plays with Virginia fishermen - YouTube friendly bear encounter! Prepare to use it weapon is available, Steve Herrero, author of attacks: their Causes and Avoidance on... 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