She often feels that she is unable to be as effective as she would like related to the extensive needs of so many students. There are several stages in the process of developing a sound emergency preparedness plan. A fire broke out in the Neighborhood community and the soon after the residents developed respiratory complications related to smoke from the fire. American Red Cross, (2010) writes, “The American Red Cross is where people mobilize to help their neighbors-across the street, across the country, and across the world in emergencies” (pg.1 para.1). Similarly, floods leave behind dirt and mud. After a flood, it is not uncommon to see an outbreak of communicable diseases in that particular area. She has provided health screenings and education to the centerâs clients for the last five years. All of these federal resources are ones that might be accessed by a local community experiencing a disaster, which is overtaxing local resources. The fair has not been cancelled in spite of the recommendation from City Officials. The Medical Reserve Corps of North Idaho, (2010, explain how the corps … recruit healthcare professionals (active and retired) throughout all five counties of the Districtâ physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, social workers, EMS, veterinarians and medical/health students. The nearby middle school has been scheduled over the weekend, as the site of the annual science fair. By having proper resources available and being prepared for emergencies, along with a well develop plan of action, can potentially help prevent loss of life, while moving towards a fast recovery. Per USFAâs annual report, (2010) The United States Fire Administration (USFA) recognizes the challenges presented by the Nationâs fire problem, and continues its efforts to contribute to the safety of not only the residents of this Nation, but our firefighters and emergency responders and allied professionals as well. Elderly and disabled persons may need assistance with evacuation. The Neighborhood is a small town located near a forest and along the bank of a river with a population of 64,200 residents, one-third of which are elderly. Since the creation of the USFA and its programs of public education and awareness initiatives, training, research, technology development, data collection and analysis, and partnering with other fire safety interests, the non-fire-service death and injury rates have improved steadily. One of the keys to public safety is proactive preparation and education regarding approaches to minimize the risks from disasters. For the past five days, a wildfire has been burning out of control and approaching the town, it has destroyed numerous acres of land. FEMA employs more than 7474 people throughout the United States (FEMA, 2011). An emergency necessitating evacuation of both people and pets may include floods, fires, chemical spills, industrial accidents, gas leaks, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. 61, Para. Disaster Preparedness Saves Lives Essay Phd Emergency preparedness requires a partnership among all levels of government local, State, and Federal and the private sector business and industry, voluntary organizations, and the public. Cecilia, on the other hand, suffers from osteoarthritis, which she says is “an annoyance”. By having proper resources, being prepared for emergencies and having a plan, a local community can prevent the loss of life, while moving toward recovery faster. How about receiving a customized one? Next, we will identify other types of public health agencies (local, state, and national) that could be called upon to respond to this type of emergency and discuss how public health care teams can enhance personal preparedness for this type of emergency and similar community emergencies. USFA offers advance training and education in many areas for emergency preparedness, and according to the 2010 annual report, â¦continued to provide career and volunteer fire service education and training at the National Fire Academy (NFA) through a vast amount of courses and programs to include, but not limited to, fire prevention and suppression technologies, incident management, leadership and advanced managerial skillsâ¦. After the assessment she calls the student’s mother to request that she come and pick up her daughter from school to be seen at the doctor’s office. References Work with the Red Cross. The targets of most roadmap policies in a country are two major and vital parties that ensure efficient execution of t⦠A wise person plans for the worse, and hopes for the best. The nurses are kept busy with discharges and admissions, and are feeling overwhelmed and under-staffed. Jimmy knows that he needs to go to the hardware store to purchase the parts and repair the dryer. However, the growing threat of bioterrorism has highlighted the importance of a strong public health infrastructure to the nationâs homeland security and has focused increased attention on the preparedness of the public health system (Frist, 2011). These are calamitous events that bring ⦠Violet assessed the student who had an increased respiratory rate, coughing and wheezing. Cecelia wants the dryer fixed, but Jimmy knows that he needs to wait until the air quality improves before he goes outdoors. Because of these alliances, communities are better equipped to respond to an emergency. Stanhope and Lancaster, (2008) discuss local community health’s responsibility in a disaster, In case of an event, state and local health departments in the affected area will be expected to collect data and accurately report the situation, to respond appropriately to any type of emergency, and to ensure the safety of the residents of the immediate area, while protecting those just outside the danger zone. She has informed seniors to stay inside, away from the smoke irritants in the air, after noting their increased oxygen use and coughing. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Emergencies and natural disasters can occur at anytime when least expected. A communityâs ability to recover faster, depends upon the proactive planning by public health when assisting the community. Emergency response involves a mixture of plans, procedures, and improvization. Many seniors have been using their oxygen more frequently. More than fifty children from the school plan to participate in the fair. Both the hospital and outpatient clinics are filled to capacity with patients. Disaster management refers to the organization and management of resources to deal with emergencies in ⦠Through education, the public will help produce response in an organized manner and decreasing mass confusion and panic. All of these federal resources are one that might be accessed by a local community experiencing a disaster. The USFA offers advance training and education in many areas for emergency preparedness, and according to the 2010 annual report, it continues to provide career and volunteer fire service education and training at the National Fire Academy (NFA) through immense amount of courses and programs to include, but not limited to, fire prevention and suppression technologies, incident management, leadership and advanced managerial skills. Retrieved from FEMA. Emergency Preparedness Essay Outline. Emergency Medical Treatment and Preparedness Essay. Both are Native Americans, in their mid-70s and they both have have health issues. Emergency Preparedness is known to be the discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and man-made disasters. One role is to provide education for communities to help people prepare individual plans, thereby minimizing risk from disasters. Emergency Preparedness. Prevention and disaster preparedness is key to ensure public safety and eliminate chances of unwanted deaths. Public health emergency preparedness and response focus on prevention against spread of diseases, epidemics and injuries as well as protect individuals against environmental hazards such as fire. Retrieved from It is situated along a river and located west of a forest. Risk for disasters is a part of life; emergency situations occur more frequently than many people believe. Part of this is conducting a mock emergency drill, prior to a real emergency occurring. Community Emergency Preparedness and Response. The staff morale is low because they all feel the stress related to the pressure of early discharge for patients to make beds available. Public Health Care Teams in Emergency Preparedness. Essay Emergency Preparedness and Management in Florida and 90,000+ more term papers written by professionals and your peers. The focus of this paper is the threat of hurricanes in the city of Miami, and an assessment of the emergency preparedness and disaster response among health care practitioners and nurses in particular. The group called for state regulators to pass laws barring nurses from working more than 12 hours a day and 60 hours a weekâeven if by choice. The geriatric nurse, Karen, who works at the center has advised many seniors to stay indoors and away from the irritants in the air. A wise person plans for the worse, and hopes for the best. Another important aspect is to understand one’s limits, and plan emergency staffing resources appropriately. To better understand preparation for emergencies, we will examine and summarize an emergency event and the actions of health care workers in response to specific key charactersâ health concerns. The hospital would be serving their patients better if they requested assistance rom the local medical reserve corps; setting up a triage area to better determine the needs of the patients. The poor air quality is impacting all of the townâs population; especially those with lung disease. Emergency Preparedness Essay. The nurse who runs the center has thirty-plus years of geriatric experience. Public health nursing population-centerd health care in the community (7th ed.). Clearing ten to thirty feet of brush space around the home is the best defense according to FEMA, (2012), as well as having an outside water source. After a disaster, how well a community can recover will greatly depend on how well they have been prepared in advance. MISSION: To improve the health of the served veteran population by providing primary care, specialty care, extended care and related social support services through an integrated healthcare delivery system. One last suggestion, to help minimize risk would be to cancel the science fair event; this would serve to keep more people from venturing outdoors and breathing the smoke-filled air. Actions at the School The school nurse, Violet provides coverage for the elementary, middle school and high school in the town. At the Senior Center, seniors have been advised by Karen, a geriatric nurse, not to go out doors and to stay away from irritants in the air. American Red Cross, (2010) writes, âThe American Red Cross is where people mobilize to help their neighbors-across the street, across the country, and across the world in emergenciesâ (Pg. Cecelia suffers from osteoarthritis that she says is âan annoyanceâ. Besides, it concentrates in accessibility of quality health care services as well as promotes healthy behaviors. The staff is under pressure to discharge patients early to help keep the flow of the emergency room going, they also begin to feel the sense of defeat and inadequate staffing. This day, Violet, assess a young student who was brought in by her teacher, due to increased respiratory rate, coughing and wheezing. This essay on Emergency Preparedness and Future Career was written and submitted by your fellow student. Excerpt from Essay : Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes offer a small window for immediate, acute emergency preparedness that can help members of the public at least get their families to safety.Hurricane Sandy was no different, but while the media did provide ample warnings that the hurricane was coming and to be prepared, the during and after stages of the event were not handled as ⦠Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. In most cases, emergency situations are a result from disasters. Summary of Events and People The Neighborhood is a town with a population of 64,200 people, one-third of which are elderly. City officials have urged citizens in the Neighborhood not to go outside, unless absolutely necessary. Actions at the Senior Center. Last, we will offer suggestions to enhance personal preparedness for this type of emergency and similar community emergencies. Essay on Disaster preparedness Critical Analysis During disasters such as an earthquake, storm, floods or a terrorist attack, response coordination is usually overwhelmed. Public health nurses can also participate by providing education regarding specific ways for individuals and communities to prepare for emergency situations. A well-developed plan needs to be in place, avoiding panic and remaining calm will ensure a well-organized execution of emergency plan. Get a verified expert to help you with Community Emergency Preparedness, Are You on a Short Deadline? The school nurse has assessed one student, in particular, for breathing problems; increased respiratory rate, a cough and wheezing during this week. Conclusion Emergencies and disasters happen when we least expect it; although some events are not controllable, we can predict risk, and then prepare for potential emergencies. More than fifty children from the school are going to this science fair. ( pg iii, para. ) How Public Health Care Teams Can Enhance Personal Preparedness Public health care teams have partnerships with volunteer agencies, as well as law enforcement and government agencies for safety and disaster assistance. Individuals should have ready access to the following in case of an emergency; important documents such as insurance policies, home deeds, current medication lists, enough medications on hand for at least 10-to14 days, cell phones, battery operated radios, food, and water ( American Red Cross , 2012). Stanhope and Lancaster,(2008) remind us of the invaluable resources from Homeland Security, ” The DHS orks with first responders throughout the United States and through the development of programs such as the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), trains people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities”( pg. Hire a Professional to Get Your 100% Plagiarism Free Paper. The incidents of mass casualty can happen without warning. Introduction Of the four phases of emergency management, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, perhaps the place that individuals can make the biggest difference in their own state of resiliency and survival of a disaster is in the preparedness phase. Stanhope and Lancaster, (2008) discuss local community health’s responsibility in disaster. Retrieved from Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. 60, para. Jimmy has smoked for most of his life, and has no intention of stopping. Proactive organization of resources and people to respond to emergencies can mean the difference between a communityâs ability to regroup and recover, and the loss of life. Who we are. Firefighters have been battling to obtain control of the forest fire and health care workers have been struggling to deal with their patients and their respiratory issues. ... We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn more. (2008). (2010). The middle school is scheduled, over the weekend, as the site of the annual science fair. The purpose of this paper is to study emergency preparedness and response to flooding in Hawaii, and the role of the professional nurse in such a disaster. The clinical knowledge of disaster management in healthcare can serve as a critical role in emergency preparedness. Nurse Violet has been providing coverage for the elementary, middle school and high school. The plan needs to be carried out in a swift, calm manner avoiding any panic. He knows that if he ‘pushes’ himself, he can suffer exhaustion and be ill for days. Preemptive organization of resources and the responsiveness to emergencies can mean the difference between a community’s ability to regroup and recover, and the loss of life. you Public health can help people prepare by conducting mock drills, as well as assisting people put together a personal disaster plan. Essay On Emergency Preparedness. For animal welfare organizations, preparedness means having emergency evacuation plans for their sheltered residents. An evacuation plan should be well thought out and each family should be familiar with the strategies. This fire, spread by an earlier-than-expected windy season, is destroying numerous acres of land. emergency preparedness Essay Examples Top Tagâs minimum wage friends obesity in america things fall apart creative essay gun violence friend freedom of speech slavery writing music what it means to be an american hacks concept jane eyre family iii, para. Cecelia alerts Jimmy to the fact that the dryer needs to be fixed. Retrieved January 7, 2021, from, Save Time On Research and Writing. Emergency situations are unforeseen occurrences of circumstances that necessitate immediate counter actions in order to ensure that normalcy is attained. Jimmy knows that he needs to go out to the hardware store in order to fix the dryer, however, the poor air quality and the warning from the City officials have kept him from venturing out doors. The public health care agencies, posses the ability to provide information regarding emergency shelters in the surrounding areas and escape routes in the event of an emergency. 5, para 4) These volunteers can assist an over-taxed medical system to help triage patients and support medical or other staff. Jimmy suffers hearing loss and moderate emphysema, which he says âitâs not that badâ, yet he frequently is short of breath. The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization which helps people after a disaster by providing immediate needs such as food, water, clothing and shelter. (2017, Jan 15). Another role is to organize and manage a response to emergencies, while effecting collaboration with other agencies and organizations. Jimmy has been a smoker for most of his life and has no intention of stopping. Crisis preparedness is critical for the safety and secureness of the average person. United States Fire Administration. Suggestions to Enhance Personal Preparedness There are many things that a person can do to enhance personal emergency preparedness. Above all, when it comes to emergency preparedness there are agencies that work together to ensure a plan is place when the time comes. (2010). Firefighters are trying to control this wildfire in the forest, as health care workers are working to help patients with restrictive and obstructive lung disease, experiencing difficulty with breathing. In addition to the shortage the hospital has instituted a mandatory overtime for its staff. The plan addresses four phases of emergency management activities: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Fiscal year 2009. The Neighborhood also has a senior center, which offers activities, as well as health screening for the geriatric population. Officials of over emergency management functions are classically entrusted by the state and regional government. ...Emergency preparedness is the ability of individuals, organizations, and communities to respond to public health emergencies, such as natural disasters, bad weather, bioterrorism, outbreak of diseases, accidents casualties, and chemical or radiation emergencies. Prevention and Preparedness of Emergency situations Emergency Management 4 Pages According to Forgione (2008) calamities are classified into two distinct categories they are natural disasters, which consists earthquake, floods and hurricanes; and manmade disasters, such as ⦠We'll not send Ensuring the community is safe in times of a disaster is a joint effort between community, state and national agencies. The hospitalâs emergency department calls for in-patient beds but there are no beds available. Neighborhood’s hospital is impacted with patients who are experiencing an exacerbation of asthma and emphysema related to the poor air quality and smoke. She often feels that she is unable to be as effective as she would like to be due to the extensive needs of many students. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The general overview of the plan, so that the employees know what is in the plan, what actually is a disaster/emergency and how to proceed step by step at the time of a disaster or emergency. Another local resource to assist during times of crisis, is a local medical reserve corps. Let a Professional Writer Help You, © New York Essays 2021. Home Ignition Zone. 1012 Words5 Pages. Natural disasters are a part of life and emergency situation occur more frequently than most people believe. American Red Cross. Pubic health can also help citizens prepare by conducting mock drills, as well as assisting them put together a personal disaster plan. Actions of Health Care Workers Actions at the Emergency Room and Hospital Neighborhoodâs hospital is filled with patients who are ill with exacerbations of asthma and emphysema related to the poor air quality and smoke. Successful preparedness requires detailed planning and cooperation. There are more patients needing beds than there are beds available. Risk for disasters is a part of life; emergency situations occur more frequently than many people believe. Fire prevention been using their oxygen emergency preparedness essay frequently than most people believe “ an annoyance ” help. Person plans for the geriatric population Free paper event the situation is dangerous. 2004 ), in their mid-70s and both have have health issues proactive preparation education. Smoke blown by the winds, in the event has not been cancelled in spite of the from. 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