Exempt to the extent of expenditure incurred. 10(7) Washing allowance is calculated based on the number of Uniform sets provided. Such gazetted allowance is not wage for the purpose of Sec.2(9) of the ESI Act. Conveyance Allowance (CA) Conveyance allowance, also called Transport Allowance. The Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana, which is run by ESIC and provides for the unemployment allowance, has been extended by one more year to June 30, 2021, the release said, adding that the scheme will be available with original eligibility … 3. Helper/Assistant Allowance. Wages for ESIC & exempt allowances. Children education allowance (not being reimbursement for actual tuition fee) NOT to be included in Gross Salary Contribution paid by the employer to any … Area allowance - given to employees living in a particular area to meet the high cost of living in that area. Generally companies provide group medical insurance facilities to their employees who are getting more than 21000/- per month. 12. It is calculated on the basis of gross salary/wages/pay per month and the maximum limit is up to ₹ 21,000/- per month (earlier it was ₹ 15,000 per month). All allowances are includible for ESI purpose. The ESIC Act definition of wages under section 2(22) as follows in 4 parts. As you are aware, the current limit is Rs 15,000 – in other words, employees who draw an ESI wage of more than Rs 15,000 cannot come under ESI currently. The Allowance Received From United Nations Organization (UNO) – Any allowance granted by UNO to its employees is non-taxable. Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC): Scheme has been formulated to provide security in the form of financial protection to an employee for any health-related issues.ESIC features include maternity benefits, medical benefits, disability benefits, and so on.. 15000 will not be applicable under ESIC. Exemption available to. 5,000. Minimum 20 eligible employees are required to get registered under ESIC. Under 7th Pay Commission Uniform allowance is a special kind of allowance given to the employees who are ordered to wear a prescribed dress at the time of their work. That’s paid by the company towards cost of travel from home to work and back and is exempt from Income tax. # The allowances (subject matter of the SC ruling) formed a part of basic wage and are camouflaged as allowances to avoid deduction and contribution to … It excludes dearness allowance, houserent allowance, overtime allowance, bonus, commission or any other similar allowance payable to the employee in respect of … January 1, 2021, CASH PAYMENT LIMIT REDUCED TO Rs 10000/- FROM Rs 20000/- EARLIER .RULES ALSO APPLICABLE ON CAPITAL EXPENSES, Chnages In GST applicable from 01.01.2021, DOWNLOAD 89(1) RELIEF CALCULATOR FREE FY 2019-20, CALCULATION SALARY TO PARTNERS AND BOOK PROFIT SECTION 40(b). The appropriate Government may grant exemption to such factory or establishment for a period of one year at a time prospectively in consultation with ESI Corporation. – Allowances to Judges of High Court/Supreme Court: Exempt, subject to certain conditions. endstream
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Employees are allowed the lowest of the declared amount one-fifth of basic salary, actual amount received as allowance or Rs. And annual payout will exempted from ESI (Like, Diwali bonus, Attendance bonus, if LTA paid 2 yearly etc) Drawing more than Rs. 2,600/- per month in some cases. 1. Entire Amount. Actual HRA Received or; 40% (50% for metros) of (Basic + Dearness Allowance) or; Rent paid (-) 10% of (Basic + Dearness Allowance) If you pay rent of more than Rs 1 Lakh, you need to give PAN Card number of landlord to your employer. what is limit of Washing Allowance for exemption of ESIC Read more at https www caclubindia com experts ask query asp This Fund is held and administered by the ESI Corporation. The scheme provides for numerous benefits and also covers a large number of employees. Income tax exemption to Employees State Insurance (ESI) Fund [Section 10(25A)] : The contributions paid under ESI Act, 1948 and all other moneys received on behalf of the ESI Corporation are paid into a Fund called the ESI Fund. Uniform / Dress Allowance Rules Eligibility & Taxation Exemption for Nurse & Central Govt. h�bbd```b``�������T�"��A$�F0�D2$���W`� 6c�e��>���������y-X%#M���N}0 ��,
Unemployment Allowance: if the case is of involuntary loss of employment, ESIC provides for monthly cash allowance for a duration of 24 months (maximum). Individual- Salaried Employee (being a citizen of India) 2.-Allowances to Judges of High Court/Supreme Court. ESIC calculation as per ESIC rules of act 1948. 11. Hence, Night Shift Allowance, Heat, Gas & Dust allowance are wages under Sec.2(22) of the ESI Act and contribution is payable on the said amount paid by the employer to the employees. SECURITIES,5,(MNP),2,(TDS)2007-08,1,`,1,01.07.12,23,01.09.2008,1,01.10.2012,2,06.07.2009,3,07.08.2012,1,1 PERCENT EXCISE ITEMS LIST,2,1 sep,1,1% excise,2,10 year nsc,7,10(10C),1,1000 court cases judgements supplied to ITO,7,1000 rupee note,3,11-2008,1,11-2010,1,130 items,1,14.08.2008,1,15 august,2,150 Rs coin,2,15g,14,15h,15,18-12-2009,1,192(1A),5,192A,2,194 I,3,194A,5,194c from 01.10.2009,7,194H,6,194j,14,194LC,3,194N,1,1981-2007,2,2% cst,1,2% excise,1,2004,1,2008,1,2008-09 FY,1,2010,2,206AA,14,234A 234B 234C,10,234c interest calculator,11,234E,15,234F,2,23AC,1,23ACA,1,23B,2,24C,3,24q annexure II,5,25 paisa coin,1,271(1)(c),5,271B,2,271H,3,272B,1,27A,1,280,5,280 challan,4,281,4,282,2,283,2,29 AUGUST,2,29.04.2010.,1,29/08/2008,2,29/2008 service tax,2,2g meaning use,1,3 idiots,1,30 MARCH,4,31st March,18,32-2010,1,33 of 2009,1,35(2AA),1,35(2AB),1,3CD,18,3g meaning use,1,40(b),3,43B,4,44 AB EXEMPTED INCOME,1,44AA,1,44AB AGRICULTURE,2,44AB new limit,28,44AB NON RESIDENT,3,44ad,17,46/2012 45/2012,1,49C,1,5 day week,1,5 years post office deposit,5,5/2011,1,50 paisa coin,2,500-1000 notes banned,128,54b,19,54EC,27,54ee,1,54f,21,54gb,1,5th paycommission punjab,1,6 % excise,1,6 crore advance limit,1,6/2005,1,69/2010,1,6th cpc,5,6TH PAY COMMISSION,6,70% of pan etds,7,7th Central Pay Commission,12,8 tips to save tax,2,80C,88,80ccc,3,80CCD,14,80cce,2,80CCF,18,80CCG,6,80d,10,80DDB,13,80EE,3,80G,5,80GG,8,80GGA,6,80GGB,1,80ggc,1,80tta,3,80U,1,85% of pan etds,1,86/2008 DATED 13-08-2008,1,87A rebate,7,89(1),17,89(1) relief calculator,15,9.5 % rate for private epf,8,92E,1,95% of pan etds,5,98 dated 04/01/08,1,aadhaar,18,aakash tablet,1,aam admi,1,aar,3,Aayakar Sampark Kendra,1,abatement,13,abolished,1,ACCOUNT PAYEE DRAFT,2,Accounting,1,ACCOUNTING CODE,11,accounting code for services,6,ACCOUNTING FOR GOVT GRANTS,3,accounting standards,12,ACES,10,ADD IN,1,Add-Ins,2,additional relief in budget 2010,1,adjustment of advance FBT with advance Tax,2,advance rullings,1,advance salary,2,ADVANCE TAX CALCULATOR,10,advance tax challan,19,ADVANCE TAX CUT OFF AMOUNT,12,ADVANCE TAX DATES,19,AFFIDAVIT,2,AG Projects Technologies Ltd RT,1,age 80 addition pension,2,aibea wage revision,1,aibea wage revision latest news,1,aiboa,1,aiboc,1,aiboc wage revision,1,AIG,1,AIR,10,airline ticket booking tds,7,airlines,3,all is well,1,allowances,5,allownces,4,alphabet of inspiration,1,alteration on check allowed,3,alternate minimum tax,4,AMENDED 3CD,12,amendment in companies bill 2011,2,amendment in gratuity act 2010,5,amendment in registration service tax,4,AMENDMENT IN SERVICE TAX ON RENT,6,amendment to finance Bill 2010,1,AMNESTY SCHEME 2007,2,amt,2,Anna Hazare,2,anna hazzare bill vs govt lokpal bill,1,appeal,15,apply for new pan card against old pan card,3,aqb,1,arbitration,2,arrears of salary,4,arrears of sixth pay,6,ARRERS TAX,2,AS-12,1,ASBA,1,assessee in default,2,ASSESSMENT REOPENING,5,ASSESSMENT YEAR 2008-09 REFUND,1,atm,13,atm 100 per day,2,atm cash without card,2,atm tips,9,atm wrong debit,1,audit cases itr filing,2,audit limit enhanced,13,Audit Questionaire,1,AUDIT REPORT,61,AUS VS IND.INDIA VS SL,1,Automated teller machine,1,AUTOMATION OF CENTRAL EXCISE AND SERVICE TAX,7,ay 2010-11,1,bad debts,2,Balwant Jain,154,Bank,5,Bank account,15,bank audit,3,bank audit 2012,1,bank charges,19,BANK SALARY,2,bank strike 06/07/09 and 07/07/09,1,banking law amendment,1,banknotes,6,banks npa provisioning,3,BARE ACT,4,bare rules,1,BASE RATE BY BANKS,2,bcct,1,benami property,1,BIMAL JAIN,387,biometric pan card,3,black and white form not acceptable,2,black money,27,BLOCK PERIOD,1,blogging,1,bobay refund,1,BONUS,2,bonus share,2,book discount,5,BOOK ON EFILING,1,BOOK REVIEW,1,books of accounts,6,BOOMING INDIAN ECONOMY,3,both House rent allowance,8,both hra and house loan,15,Brass Scrap,3,BRIBE CASE,1,BROKER,3,BSE,1,bsnl broadband,1,bsnl broadband usage,1,bsnl land line sms alert,2,BSR CODES,3,BUDGET 2009,18,budget 2010,28,budget 2010-11,4,budget 2011,13,BUDGET 2012,38,budget 2013,17,BUDGET 2014,39,BUDGET 2014 CONTEST,6,budget expectations,8,BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS,11,budget live on computer,5,budget live telecast,5,budget notification,1,budget on tv,1,budget speech,14,BUDGET SPEECH DOWNLOAD,2,Budget-2014,2,Budget-2015,45,BUDGET-2016,71,budget-2017,28,BUDGET-2018,32,BUDGET-2019,22,BUDGET-2020,2,BUDGET08,5,BUDGET2018,1,Business,5,BUSINESS AND PROFESSION MEANING,1,BUSINESS COVERED UNDER 44ab,2,buy back,1,BUY HOUSE,4,C FORM,5,CA CAN ONLY AUDIT MVAT,4,CA CLUB INDIA,1,CA GIRISH AHUJA,3,CA NITIN GUPTA,5,CA PARDEEP JAIN,5,CA ROHIT GUPTA,4,ca services,3,CA sudhir Halakhandi,1,CA Swapnil Munot,15,CA Vikas Khandelwal,9,calculate arrear,1,CALCULATE NEW PAY,2,calculate your emi,4,calculation of tax on salary arrears,4,CALCULATOR,66,CALCULATOR REVISED,1,capital asset,4,capital formation huf,3,Capital gain,44,capital gain account scheme 1988,11,CAPITAL GAIN INDEX,30,capital gain on repayment of loan,2,capital gain on tenancy rights,1,capital goods,3,capital revenue,1,CAPITAL SUBSIDY,3,CAR LOAN,1,CAR LOAN RATE INCREASE,12,carry forward of losses in late return,4,cas,1,cash back,1,cash flow statement,1,CASH PAYMENT DIS ALLOWANCE,11,CASH PAYMENTS EXCEEDING 20000,5,CASH SUBSIDY,3,Cash Transaction 2016,8,cbdt,13,cbec,9,CBI ARRESTED,1,centeral sales tax rate,2,CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION,6,CENTRAL PROCESSING CENTER,2,CENTRALISED PROCESSING OF RETURNS,1,Cenvat,62,CENVAT Credit Rules,80,cgas 1988,3,challan,7,challan 281,10,CHALLAN 289,1,challan correction,8,challan Form 17,11,CHALLAN STATUS INQUIRY,1,change,1,change in cst rate,5,change in excise duty rates,10,CHANGE IN PAN ADDRESS,3,CHANGE IN PAN DATA,7,change in tds rates in budget,13,changes,1,CHANGES IN SERVICE TAX ACT,58,changes in new itr forms,11,CHANGES IN TDS,12,CHARGES ON CASH PAYMENT OF CREDIT CARD BILL,3,charitable organisation,4,check name from PAN,2,check tds deducted online,3,Cheque,12,cheque bounce,7,cheque payment before due date,8,cheque tender date /realisation date,4,Cheque Truncation,7,CHEQUE VALIDITY,9,child care leave,3,CHILD DEPENDENT PREMIUM,1,CHILD MARRIED PREMIUM,1,child plan,1,childeren name,1,children education allownces,9,chip based atm card,4,cibil,13,cibil for companies,5,CII 2007-08,1,CII 2008-09,2,CII 2010,1,cii 2012-13,1,CII2011-12,1,cin,2,CIRCULAR 3/2010 DT 2.03.2010,1,CIRCULAR 8-2010,1,CIT v. Emilio Ruiz Berdejo (2010) 320 ITR 190 (Bom. Dear Experts pls clarify whether washing allowance paid to employees is exempt to the extent of actual expenditure u s 10 14 i of Income tax act 1961 also clarify will i have collect the proof for the same from all the concern employees Thanks Regard Priyanshi Goyal. In view of the Covid-19 pandemic and resultant nationwide lockdown as well as disruption of transport and hospitality sector, in a Press Meet on 12 th October 2020, the Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman announced Income-tax Exemption for leave travel exemption. In case of blind, deaf, or handicapped employees, the exemption limit is Rs 3,200 per month. 1. i tax rates 12-13,3,income tax rates after budget 2012,2,income tax rates fy 2013-14,1,income tax refund,30,income tax return,31,INCOME TAX RETURN 16-17,15,income tax return 2011-12,9,INCOME TAX RETURN 2015-16,65,INCOME TAX RETURN AY 18-19,15,income tax return due date,18,INCOME TAX RETURN EXEMPTION,6,income tax return form,5,INCOME TAX RETURN FORM 12-13,16,INCOME TAX RETURN FORM EXCEL,4,income tax return form itr-2,1,income tax return last date,5,Income tax rules,7,INCOME TAX SLAB,9,income tax slab in dtc,1,income tax slabs,6,INCOME TAX SLABS AFTER BUDGET,3,income tax ules 9th amendment,1,INCOME WISE ITR FORMS,2,INCOME-TAX-RETURN-AY-17-18,18,INCOMETAX 6TH PAY,2,inconsistancies in etds returns,10,inconsistencies in etds returns,3,IND AS,1,ind-as,3,INDEMNITY BOND,1,India against corruption,3,india budget,2,INDIA VS AUS,1,India win world cup,1,INDIAN BANK CHARGES,7,INDIAN INCOME TAX CALCULATOR 2007-08,1,indian rupee,3,indirect tax proposals,4,INDIVIDUAL HUF TAX RATES,5,indusind bank,1,INFLATION INDEXED NATIONAL SAVING SECURITIES,1,infosys,1,infra bonds limit increased,1,infrastructure Bonds,13,inoperative accounts,8,INPUT SERVICES,4,INPUT TAX CREDIT,16,instruction no 9/2010,1,INSTRUCTION TO FILL ITR-2,1,Insurance,16,insurance claim,2,Insurance policy,10,intangible assets,1,INTER BANK MOBILE TRANSFER,7,inter haed loss adjustment,2,interest,1,interest free laon,2,Interest from bank,3,interest on borrowing capital,3,INTEREST ON HOUSE LOAN,35,INTEREST ON LATE DEPOSIT,12,INTEREST ON LATE GRATUITY PAYMENT,1,interest on ppf account,15,interest on self occupied house,1,interest on small savings,10,interest rate on late deposit,3,interest rate on tds late deposit,3,interest taxable on saving,3,interim budget,5,internal auditor,1,international taxation,7,INTIMATION U/S 143(1),6,Investing,4,Investment,5,investment in shares,2,Investment management,6,investment yogi,1,IPL 2011,1,ipo,5,IRDA,22,irds,1,it calculator 2009-10,1,itat,5,Itax calculator ay 2011-12,2,itax calculator fy 10-11,1,itns 280,2,itns 281,1,itns 282,1,itns 283,1,itns281,2,itr -3 excel 2010-11,1,ITR 11-12,2,itr 2 excel,2,itr 2 rpu,3,itr 4 e filing utility,4,itr 4 fy 2010-11,1,itr 4 rpu,1,ITR AY 18-19,15,ITR EFILING SOFTWARE,10,ITR FORM 12-13,5,itr form 13-14,16,itr form 2 ay 2011-12,1,itr form 2008-09,4,itr form 2011-12,4,itr form 2013-14,1,ITR FORM AY 19-20,7,ITR FORM SAHAJ,16,ITR FORM SELECTION,4,ITR FORM SUGAM,6,itr forms,24,itr forms ay 2009-10,4,ITR RPU 2010-11,2,ITR RPU AY 2008-09,2,ITR RPU AY 2009-10,1,ITR SOFTWARE,3,itr sugam,5,ITR V STATUS,4,ITR WORD FORMAT,1,itr-1 2010-11 ay,6,ITR-1 EXCEL 08-09,2,ITR-1 EXCEL 11-12,1,ITR-1 rpu in excel free,1,ITR-2 AY11-12,2,ITR-2 EXCEL 08-09,2,itr-2 excel 2010-11,4,ITR-2A,1,ITR-3 EXCEL 08-09 AND ITR 4 EXCEL 08-09,1,itr-3 rpu,1,itr-4 efiling .itr-5 efiling,5,ITR-4S SUGAM,3,ITR-5 EXCEL,2,itr-6,1,ITR-7,2,ITR-V,26,itr-v status,19,ITUR FORM SUGAM,1,jan 2012 da rate,3,jan lokpal bill,5,jan lokpal vs lokpal bill,2,JAVA BASED INCOME TAX RETURN FORMS,1,JCO,1,Jewellery,6,job switch,2,Job work,11,joint employment,1,joint name,4,judicial decision,1,karnataka high court case,5,key highlights,1,kisan vikas patar,3,KKC,3,KNOW ALL ABOUT TDS,1,KNOW PAN STRUCTURE,7,know the ip address of sender yahoo mail,3,KNOW YOUR,10,KNOW YOUR CST NUMBER,5,know your customer,6,KNOW YOUR DIVISION CODE,1,know your epf balance,12,know your ip address,1,KNOW YOUR LOCATION CODE,2,know your pan,28,know your pan address,2,KNOW YOUR PPF,12,know your refund status,20,KNOW YOUR REFUND STATUS ONLINE,10,KNOW YOUR SERVICE TAX NUMBER,9,know your tax deducted,2,know your tax deposited,2,KNOW YOUR TIN,8,KNOW YOUR VAT/TIN NUMBER,4,Krishi Kalyan Cess,15,krishu kalyan cess,1,KV Kamath,1,kvp,7,kyc,13,LAHMAN BROTHERS,1,land lord pan must,2,laptop,1,LARGE TRANSACTION,3,last date to deposit tds,1,LAST DATE TO FILE ETDS RETURNS,2,last date to file itr 2007-08 extended,1,late deposit of tds,2,LATE FILING OF ITR-V,20,late funishing of return,4,late payment of service tax,4,latest depreciation rates,9,latest income tax circulars,1,latest income tax notification,1,latest notification,3,latest tds rate chart,22,leave,2,leave encashment,8,LEAVE TRAVEL ASSISTANCE,6,Leave Travel concession,7,less,1,liaison office,1,lic,7,lic jeevan vaibhav,1,LIC JEEVAN VRIDDHI,2,lic table 145,1,Life insurance,45,life insurance agent,10,life insurance broker,4,LIFE INSURANCE POLICY,38,LIFE INSURANCE POLICY AND TAX SAVING,19,LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM,18,Limit for court case,3,Limit of gratuity under income tax,5,LIMIT UNDER SECTION 44AF,2,LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP,8,liquidity crises,2,list of taxable service,2,LIVE BUDGET STREAM 2011,1,LLP,9,LLP RATES,1,loan against fdr,4,loan against property,2,loan eligibility,2,loan for higher education,3,LOAN ON PPF,5,loan repayment period calculator,1,LOAN RESOLUTION,1,LOAN SECURITISATION,1,Lok sabha election results/trends all states and all seat,4,lokpal bill,2,long term capital gain,21,low cost laptop,1,lpg,6,lt infra bonds,1,LTC BY AIR,7,LTC OUTSIDE INDIA,2,LTCG,9,lucknow chartered accountants,1,macro,2,mail frauds,1,mail scams,1,mandap keeper,4,mandatory e filing service tax return,15,mandatory epayment of taxes,12,Manoj Agarwal,9,manpower,9,marked to market,1,marketable product,1,MasterCard,4,mat,3,maternity leave,3,MCA-21,15,McDowell and Co. Ltd. (154 ITR 148),1,meaning of transfer in capital gain,1,meanings of finance terms,6,medical insurance premium,14,MEDICAL OFFICER,3,medical u/s 80D,28,MEET,1,MENREGA,1,merge ledger in tally,1,MICR CODE,5,Microsoft,5,Microsoft Excel,7,military pay,2,minimum alternative tax,9,minimum balance,4,minimum experiance for bank branch auditor,1,minimum experience for bank branch auditor,1,minimum service,1,minimum wages,5,mip,1,mis matching,12,MISTAKES IN ETDS RETURN,5,mistakes in itr,1,mistakes in return filling,1,MIXED SUPPLY,2,Mobile Number Portability,5,MOBILE WALLET,1,Money,3,MONEY MATTERS CASE,1,Money Mistake,2,monthly income plans,3,monthly income scheme,6,MOTOR INSURANCE,2,MRTP,2,ms excel,1,MS OFFICE,2,MSME,3,multipal challan,2,multiple pan,2,Mutual Fund,56,mutual funds and tax,29,MVAT AUDIT,7,mvat audit form 704,4,Nabard Bonds,2,name break up in pan,1,nandan nilekeni,1,NATIONAL ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER,1,National Identification Authority,1,NATIONAL SAVING CERTIFICATE,2,NAV,1,NEFT,10,NEGATIVE LIST FOR TAX ON SERVICES,31,Net asset value,3,net banking,3,new excise return form,3,new 194 c,5,NEW BASE RATE INTEREST,1,NEW BASIC AND GRADE PAY,2,new basic formula,1,new coin,1,new cut off limit for TDS,2,new da rate,10,new deduction,3,NEW EST-1,1,new etds requirement,1,NEW EXCISE DUTY ITEMS,2,New Foreign Trade Policy,4,NEW FORM ITR FY 2010-11,1,new fuv 2.110,1,new fvu 2.128,3,new income tax act,1,new income tax calculator,5,NEW INCOME TAX RATES,28,new income tax return form 2010-11 itr-1,3,new income tax return form 2010-12 itr-1,1,New Infosys Chairman,1,new itr form,5,NEW ITR FORM AY 2011-12,3,new itr forms,13,NEW ITR FORMS EXCEL,6,new jeewan dhalan,2,NEW PAN APPLICATION,13,NEW PAN CARD,8,NEW PARTNER ADDED,1,NEW PAY BAND,2,NEW PAY SCALE FOR UNIVERSITIES COLLEGES,1,NEW PAYSCALE FOR PROFESSOR LIBRARIAN DPE,1,new pension scheme to govt employee,13,NEW RUPEE SYMBOL,5,new rupee symbol font,2,new sahaJ tax form,5,new section 44AF,2,new service tax rate 12.36,6,NEW SERVICES UNDER SERVICE TAX,8,new tax form,1,NEW TAX RATES,5,new tds rate 2010-11,10,new tds rates fy 2009-10,11,new tds rules applicable.,8,NEW TDS RULES FY 2010-11,4,New Year's Day,1,newly weds,1,nhai bonds,4,nhai capital gain bond,3,nhai tax free bonds,4,nifty,1,nil etds challan,4,nil etds return,5,nil tds on transportor,5,Nishant Batra,2,no return for salary,2,No.402/92/2006-MC (10 of 2008),1,nomination,1,non deduction certificate,1,non deposit of TDS,1,non performing assets,1,NON RESIDENT INDIAN,15,NOR,1,note security features,3,NOTES ON 3CD,10,notice of meeting through email company,1,notice pay,3,notices etds,2,notification 19/2008 service tax,1,Notification 19/2009-ST,1,notification 22/2011,1,notification 23/2011,1,notification 24,1,NOTIFICATION 25/2012,7,Notification 26/2011,1,notification 3-2011,1,notification 32/2009 dated 27.03.2009,1,NOTIFICATION 36/2011,2,NOTIFICATION 41 DT 31.05.2010,1,notification19.03.2012,2,npa norms,3,NPCI,1,NPS,34,NRI,28,nri investment indua,4,NRI.PIO,17,NSC ACCRUED INTEREST,15,NSC INTEREST CALCULATOR,8,nsc.,10,NSDL,4,NSE,2,NUMBER TO TEXT,1,numbers in to text,1,OCI,3,official notification,1,official website,2,oidar,1,oltas,4,one increment,2,ONE RANK ONE PENSION,1,one thousand rupee note,2,online,1,ONLINE BALANCE CHECK EPF,4,online bsnl bill verification,2,online deposit of tax,7,online earning,1,online emi calculator,1,online employee provident fund,3,online epf balcnce,8,online filing of service tax return,14,ONLINE FOREX TRADING,1,online life insurance,6,ONLINE PAN,3,online pan verification,3,online rectification itr,2,online refund,16,ONLINE REFUND STATUS,7,ONLINE REGISTRATION OF COMPANY,2,online return rectification,2,online service tax,2,online services by Govt,1,ONLINE ST-3,7,online tan regsitration,6,online tds payment,4,ONLINE VAT,2,opc,2,OPEN OFFER,1,option date,2,orop,1,other forms,1,other income to employer,3,out of debt,2,OUTPUT SERVICE TAX CREDIT,1,OUTSTATION CHARGES,2,own name,1,PACKAGE SOFTWARE,2,PAN,6,PAN ADDRESS,5,pan and income tax return,1,PAN AO CODE,6,pan application excel,4,pan correction,2,pan details,1,PAN LEDGER,8,pan login,7,pan mandatory for hra,2,pan mandatory in etds,2,pan name verificatio,3,PAN ON RENT RECIPT,1,pan regsitration,2,PAN STATUS NSDL,2,PAN STATUS UTI,1,PAN STRUCTURE,4,PAN SURRENDER,1,pan transfer,1,pan verification,8,pan vs return,1,parcel,1,PARNERSHIP,1,part time course tuition fees,3,part of the year employee form 16,2,part of the year employee form 24q,3,partial reverse charge in service tax,25,partial withdrawal,3,partner salary,5,PARTNERSHIP DEED,5,PARTNERSHIP RATES,1,passport,1,PASSWORD,4,PATENT,1,pay bands,3,Pay calculator,3,pay calculator revised,1,pay commission punjab,1,pay fixation examples,2,pay per post,1,PAY SERVICE TAX ON DUE BASIS,5,payable at par,1,paybands,1,payment bank,1,PAYMENT BY ACCOUNT PAYEE CHEQUE,4,payment by cheque income tax,2,payment due date reminder,1,payment exceeding 20000-35000,1,payment of gratuity act,5,paypal,1,paypal ceiling,1,PDF UTILITY,4,penalty for service tax,8,penalty if cheque cleared late,4,penalty on concealment of Income,7,penalty on late filing non filing of etds return,7,penalty on late filing of income tax return,20,pension,13,pension arrear,2,pension calculator,4,pension da,1,pension fitment,1,pension gazette notification,1,pension notification,1,pension on grade pay military pay,2,pension policy,2,pensioner benefit,3,Permanent account number,8,PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE,3,personal finance software,3,personal loan,4,PETROL DIESAL SAVE FISCAL DEFICIT,8,PETROL DIESEL PRICE HIKED,12,PETROL EXPENSES VALUATION,8,petrol prices reduced,5,PFC,1,PFC INFRA BONDS,2,PFC TAX FREE BONDS,2,pfrda,2,PHONE BANKING,2,phone password,1,pin,1,pivot tables,3,Place of Provision of Services Rules,4,PLAYER AUCTION,1,pmay,7,pmjdy,11,PMS,2,pmvvy,2,pnr,1,Point of sale,8,POINT OF TAXATION,45,political party deduction,2,Poppy Seeds,1,portfolio,1,POST GRADUATE TEACHER,1,post office fixed deposit,9,post office recurring deposit,10,post office saving deposit account,6,post office schemes,15,postal ballots,1,postal order,2,POWER FINANCE BONDS,2,POWER OF ATTORNEY,1,PPF,38,PPF CALCULATOR,16,ppf huf account,4,ppf interest rate,19,ppf limit,24,ppp,1,ppt,8,ppt fbt,3,ppt on budget 2011,1,PPT UP VAT,1,pranav mukharjee,1,pre construction interest,3,PRE EXISTING E-1 TRANSACTIONS,1,pre filled challan income tax,1,prepayment,1,prepayment penalty,4,press release,1,press release 14.08.2008,3,presumptive tax scheme,13,preventive health check up,4,PRIMARY TEACHER,1,PRINCIPAL,1,printing manual,1,private limited company,10,PROF. 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