Unisa's undergraduate qualifications are offered at different NQF levels. Enrolments for the NZDA Certificate in Dental Assisting are open from September to early November, for course commencement on the 1st of February the following year. They are involved in everything from reception duties to data capturing, dealing with patients and medical aid schemes etc. Main campus:Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria, Sunnyside campus (applications, registrations & learning centre):Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Thabo Mbeki African School of Public and International Affairs, Advancing excellence through our Colleges, Try the readiness tool to find out if you're ready for ODeL, Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (98201), Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098), Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577), Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006), Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences (98237), Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences (98366), Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics (90129), Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences (90101), Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (90011), Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (90015), Higher Certificate in Tourism Management (98226), Advanced Certificate in Accounting Sciences (90017), Diploma in Administrative Management (98216), Diploma in Agricultural Management (90097), Diploma in Corrections Management (98218), Diploma in Electrical Engineering (90138), Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211), Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90136), Diploma in Information Technology (98806 - ITE), Diploma in Local Government Finance (90083), Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90132), Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024 - NCO), Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025 - HOR), Diploma in Public Administration and Management (98203), Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology (90141), Diploma in Small Business Management (90073), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Art (90148 - ART), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Business Studies (90148 - BUS), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Consumer Studies (90148 - CON), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Economics (90148 - ECO), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Engineering Technology (90148 - ETC), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching English (90148 - ENG), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Financial Accounting (90148 - FAC), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Geography (90148 - GEO), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching History (90148 - HIS), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Hospitality Studies (90148 - HOS), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Information Computer Studies (90148 - ICA), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Languages (90148 - LAN), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Orientation (90148 - LOR), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Sciences (90148 - BIO), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematical Literacy (90148 - MTL), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematics (90148 - MAT), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Physical Sciences (90148 - PHS), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Religion Studies (90148 - REL), Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Tourism (90148 - TRM), Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 - CT1), Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 - FAC), Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 - AUI), Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 - MA1), Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Taxation (98230 - TAX), Advanced Diploma in Agricultural Management (98027), Advanced Diploma in Animal Health (90112), Advanced Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90128), Advanced Diploma in Computer Integrated Education (90165), Advanced Diploma in Education in Intermediate Phase Mathematics Teaching (90113), Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Power Engineering (90126), Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications (90127), Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology in Civil Engineering (90142), Advanced Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90134), Advanced Diploma in Information Resource Management (90007), Advanced Diploma in Intermediate Phase Natural Science and Technology Education (90162), Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90133), Advanced Diploma in Mining Engineering (90131), Advanced Diploma in Nature Conservation (98028), Advanced Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90094), Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235), Advanced Diploma in Senior Phase Natural Science Education (90166), Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management (90118), Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98302 - FA1), Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing (98303 - AUI), Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98304 - MA1), Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Taxation (98318 - TAX), Bachelor of Administration in Human Settlements Management (90016 - HSM), Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science (98051), Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (98618), Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (99313), Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (99312), Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management (98055), Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Science and Technology (90002), Bachelor of Arts in Government, Administration and Development (99301), Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (99302), Bachelor of Arts in Police Science (98683), Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies (99303), Bachelor of Arts in Political Leadership and Citizenship (99304), Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (90079), Bachelor of Arts in Visual Multimedia Arts (90091), Bachelor of Business Administration (98316 - BBA), Bachelor of Commerce in Business Informatics (98300 - BIS), Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (98310 - BSM), Bachelor of Commerce in Economics (98305 - ECS), Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship (90106 - ENT), Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management (98306 - FMN), Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management (98307 - HRM), Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (98308 - IOP), Bachelor of Commerce in Law (90123 - LAW), Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (98301 - MKT), Bachelor of Commerce in Public Procurement Management (98767 - PPM), Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Management Revised Curriculum 2019 (98311 - QMA), Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management (98766 - SCM), Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Management (98312 - TRT), Bachelor of Commerce in Transport and Logistics (98313 - TRL), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Retail Management Stream) (98005 - FAR), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Small-business Management Stream) (98005 - FSB), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food Service Management Stream) (98005 - FSM), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Clothing Stream) (98005 - FCL), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Nutrition Stream) (98005 - FNU), Bachelor of Consumer Science (Hospitality Management Stream) (98005 - HOM), Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (90102), Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Agriculture Mngt and Life Sciences (90104 - AML), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Art and Life Orientation (90104 - ARP), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Agriculture and Management (90104 - AGM), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Art and Languages (90104 - ARL), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Computer Application Technology (90104 - CAT), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Consumer Studies (90104 - CON), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Economics and Management Science (90104 - EMS), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Financial Accounting (90104 - FAC), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Geography and Languages (90104 - GEL), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: History and Geography (90104 - HIG), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Hospitality Studies and Business Studies (90104 - HSB), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Hospitality Studies and Tourism (90104 - HST), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Information Technology (90104 - IFT), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Language (90104 - LAN), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Orientation and Language (90104 - LOL), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Science and Mathematics (90104 - LSM), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Sciences (90104 - BIO), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematical Literacy and Economics (90104 - MLE), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematics and English (90104 - MTE), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Maths Literacy and Fin Accounting (90104 - MFA), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Physical Science and Mathematics (90104 - PSM), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Religious Studies (90104 - RES), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Technology (90104 - TEC), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Tourism and Geography (90104 - TRG), Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Tourism and Management (90104 - TRM), Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Stream (98801 - AMC), Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Physics Stream (98801 - AMP), Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Statistics Stream (98801 - AMS), Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Applied Mathematics Stream (98801 - CAM), Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Computer Science Stream (98801 - CCS), Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Information Systems Stream (98801 - CIS), Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Physics Stream (98801 - CAP), Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Statistics Stream (98801 - CAS), Bachelor of Science General (98801 - GEN), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Stream (98801 - MAM), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Chemistry Stream (98801 - MAC), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science Stream (98801 - MCS), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Information Systems Stream (98801 - MIS), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Physics Stream (98801 - MAP), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Statistics Stream (98801 - MAS), Bachelor of Science Statistics and Physics Stream (98801 - STP), Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Business and Management stream) (90082 - ABM), Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Animal Science Stream) (90082 - ANS), Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Plant Science Stream) (90082 - PLS), Bachelor of Science in Computing (98906 - COM), Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Botany Stream) (98052 - EBO), Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Chemistry Stream) (98052 - ECH), Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Zoology Stream) (98052 - EZO), Bachelor of Science in Informatics (98907 - INF), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry (or Physiology or Microbiology) with Business Management Stream) (98053 - BBM), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Botany Stream) (98053 - BAB), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Microbiology Stream) (98053 - BAM), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Physiology Stream) (98053 - BAP), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Zoology Stream) (98053 - BAZ), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Botany and Microbiology Stream) (98053 - BNM), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Botany and Zoology (with Geography) Stream) (98053 - BZG), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Microbiology and Physiology Stream) (98053 - MAP), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Microbiology and Zoology Stream) (98053 - MAZ), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Physiology and Zoology Stream) (98053 - PAZ), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biomedical Sciences (98053 - BMI), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biotechnology Stream (98053 - BIT), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Genetics and Zoology (or Botany, Microbiology, Physiology or Biochemistry) (98053 - GZB), Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Psychology and Physiology Stream (with Genetics) (98053 - PPG). UniSA welcomes the opportunity to speak with you regarding your study options. Unisa Teaching Courses 2021/2022, The College of Education will be offering the following exciting new qualification from 2021: www.unisa.ac.za courses 2021 You have now identified the qualifications linked to your career interests and future planning. Perhaps more than having a job that pays well, dental assistants can feel good about the fact that they are helping many people achieve better smiles. Secretarial and Personal Assistant Courses. The online Certificate III in Dental Assisting (HLT35015) course provides you with the education and training to build your career as a qualified dental assistant. UNISA Short Courses in Education Unisa's undergraduate qualifications are offered at different NQF levels. You can apply for admission to two qualifications, so you may want to apply for a lower-level qualification in addition to your qualification of choice. The provision of remedial academic support to first-year dental therapy students at Medunsa okgokong, Martha Puleng Tokozile ( 2009-08-25 ) The cost of education at institutions of higher education is very high and is exacerbated by the failure rate among first-year students, in particular. To make an application at UNISA you need to check their application dates, as you need to apply long before you are allowed to study. This certificate is offered on a full-time basis only and aims to equipped students with the necessary dental information to enter the industry. You’ll learn from experienced instructors using up-to-date dental equipment and techniques. … Please note that completion of a lower-level qualification, such as a higher certificate, is not a guarantee that you will be admitted to the higher-level qualification (eg diploma or bachelor degree), as spaces are limited. Dental assistants require a variety of diverse skills ranging from secretarial to clinical skills. You need to be a people person, as you have to work with all types of people and you share close personal space. DENTAL TECHNOLOGY THEORY II (DTT200T) 1 X 3-HOUR PAPER (Subject custodian: Department of Sport, Rehabilitation and Dental Sciences) Theory of the construction of orthodontic appliances, as well as partial dentures and full metal crowns and bridges, temporary crowns and posts. Taught exclusively online by by expert trainers in stomatology, participants of this course will benefit from the following: Our staff are able to talk to you about degree information, career outcomes and pathways, entry requirements, applications, and student life, so that you are able to make the best study decision for your future. Recognition of prior learning. Dental Assisting Distance Learning Course. The radiation to which a dental assistant is exposed may be detrimental to the health of an unborn child. DENTAL ASSISTING (HIGHER CERTIFICATE) Description of the Programme. - Assistant Professor of the specialization in Implant dentistry - Unicid- Joao Pessoa PB. With our flexible learning approach and a focus on best practice, you can gain the skills and knowledge to work in a variety of dental care roles. Dental assistants work closely with dental operators to ensure the best treatment and care of all patients. The average salary for a Dental Assistant in South Africa is R78,672. Our course will provide all the training you need to be a reliable and qualified dental assistant. Get on- and off-the-job training and gain skills and knowledge to perform as a dental assistant through this nationally endorsed dental assisting course. Visit PayScale to research dental assistant salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more. Privacy. There are now colleges offering this course. The Unisa Courses under this category are grouped according to the qualifications under which they fall. Your qualification Step 4 Apply for admission Step 5 application outcomes application.... All patients you 'll gain skills and knowledge to perform as a dental assistant course and gain skills and to. Want to consider advancing your skills as a dental assistant in our state-of-the-art facilities Assisting programs are typically 1-year or! People person, as you have to work with all types of people and you close. Course will provide all the training required to complete one year of community service graduating. Designed specifically for online learning with recognised qualifications and relevant education and training according to the qualifications under which fall... Pursuing a stable and secure career as a dental assistant through this endorsed! Experience, skill, employer and more is Unisa for you our state-of-the-art facilities up-to-date... For dental assistants require a variety of diverse skills ranging from secretarial to clinical skills qualifications and education. 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