Focus. The process parameters examined were: laser power, range of cutting speed, type of focusing lens, pressure and flow of the covering gas, thickness of the samples. Like CNC routers, lasers produce very fine finishes to polycarbonate materials. The Right Settings . Watch for smoking/burning Delrin (POM) thin ABS does not cut well in a laser cutter. Send. Two passes may produce better results and allow for cutting through thicker materials. The following guide settings may need to be adjusted on your machine depending on the optics fitted, the air assist gas being used, and the laser power. Virtual Customer Visit - eurolaser demo. Explore outstretching collections of over-the-top laser cutting polycarbonate with remarkable discounts. There is a neat video posted by on how to apply these settings and how to find the correct settings when you are using a new material you haven’t used before. When working with new materials there is always a question of where to start in regards to settings with your laser cutter or engraving. Cutting template. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Epilog Laser recommended settings for 1/8″ acrylic, Epilog Laser recommended settings for 1/4″ acrylic, Epilog Laser recommended settings for 3/8″ Acrylic (two passes may produce better results). When laser marking polycarbonate a laser operating at 1µm or lower is required. The following article provides an overview of the correct laser settings for cutting PETG sheet, as well as how PETG sheet and laser cutting can contribute to a fabricator’s total operational efficiency. Material: White polycarbonate/ABS blend. It allows you to save pre-settings or predefined parameters. The publisher apologises for the omission. Laser parameters are a combination of the following settings: Power; Speed; Resolution ppi/Frequency Hz; Passes; Air Assist; z-Offset (controlled defocusing) * The recommended settings might not apply to all situations. The following are suggested laser cutter configuration settings for various materials. They have been very accurate nearly every-time for the result I usually look for in timber and other materials. When laser cutting acrylic, the laser power needed depends on the thickness of the acrylic and the desired productivity. Suggested Laser Cutter Settings. Epilog Laser recommended settings for 3/8″ Acrylic (two passes may produce better results) In general, as the thickness of the acrylic you cut increases, the cutting speed must decrease. PETG sheet is an excellent material to work with in regards to laser cutting. Laser Micromachining Ltd. the complete facility for laser micro-parts. If needing to cut acrylic thicker than 3/8″, use a machine with a higher laser wattage. The air assist is essential to help push the acrylic fumes through your cut, and the honeycomb table helps reduce flashback and aids in pulling the flammable fumes out of your laser. Cutting 1/4” (6 mm) 5000 f 5s 100p 6s 100p 8s 100p 12s 100p 15s 100p Cutting 3/8” (9.5 mm) 5000 f - - 3s 100p 4s 100p 5s 100p Cutting Note: Adjusting the standard focus distance so it is closer to the lens by about .030” (.762 mm) will produce better edge quality on 1/4” acrylic and thicker. Polycarbonate Material Polycarbonate tends to discolor with laser cutting. When determining your laser cutting settings, the best place to start is with the laser manufacturer’s recommended settings, then adjust from there to optimize your cuts. Polycarbonate sheet can be cut with industrial cutting lasers however, edges may become amber or brown when laser cut and a clean edge is difficult to obtain. At Induflex it is removed from production with powerful suction in the laser machines. Extremely thin sheets (0.5mm and less) may cut with yellowed/discolored edges. GET A FREE QUOTE The laser can cut until a 20mm-thick material, depending on the type of laser. Our flexx lens works great with both our CO2 and fiber laser sources (both are in our machine) as we wanted to cut the polycarb using our Austrian industrial laser using our CO2 laser source after the fiber had done its work. If laser cutting plastic parts on a table of metal the laser beam will reflect from the table and make marks on the underside of the plastic parts. What you are looking in the above image is our CNC fiber laser marking polycarbonate using our flexx lens. By using the acrylic cutting bed, the bed will absorb the laser energy and not bounce it back towards your work piece. Theoretically, if you engrave huge fill areas on your material, you will end up with horizontal raster lines that make your engraving coarse and unpleasant. Janka Hardness. CO2 laser machine settings. Machines for laser cutting and engrave of polycarbonate, Makrolon®, Lexan® Release Time:2016/06/08 Materials all Browsing Times:2095 A popular synthetic – easily to process with the laser cutting system Epilog also recommends two passes for the thicker 3/8″ acrylic. The user can even set and save their own cutting parameters for a worry free project. Reformulate innovation with radical laser cutting polycarbonate available at The laser cutting equipment we have for sale at OR Laser is capable of cutting even the toughest materials, including polycarbonate. Laser cutting of acrylic sheets (Plexiglas) is a widely-used process for the production of POP displays, signage, aquariums, greenhouses, electronic instruments. By leaving it on, you reduce the amount of smoke that can land on the surface of the acrylic, potentially causing a haze, and protect the acrylic from scratches. The rule of thumb is: 10 watt laser power per 1 mm sheet thickness for a high cutting quality (Up to a thickness of 20-25 mm) Selecting the correct lens Now that you have a CTR laser machine, you are likely looking to explore the different materials that you can process for cutting and engraving. The laser can cut or etch. TroGlass Mirror is the perfect alternative for glass. The varied offer of eurolaser is in particular suitable for the laser cutting of polycarbonate foils. Home; Materials; Facilities; About Us; Information; Contact Us; Home → Materials → Polymers → POLYCARBONATE Cutting. If you have other settings you’d like to suggest, please send an email to with the details. … We commonly use all of the materials that you see available here for laser cutting and engraving (typically working with jewellery makers and designers). Material Max thickness Notes WARNINGS! Engraving. If you would like us to test your sheet of polycarbonate, please contact our Applications Lab. As if it gets tired or something knowing its going to cut a big job. • Laser power, focal plane position and cutting speed considered for the DOE analysis. The process from sheet stock to finished award is a long one, but with the right settings on your equipment, you can create beautiful finished acrylic pieces that are perfect for various applications. I used Proofgrade settings for 1/8″ acrylic. If I cut out a smallish shape (30mmx50mm), its cuts very nicely at 100% power and 100mm/min with two passes. If you have other settings you’d like to suggest, please send an email to with the details. The laser cut produces polished cutting edges and inner contours, no additional post-processing of the material is required. Rotary Engraving Polycarbonate. Marking. Also, this method is suitable for the production of identical mass scales. When laser cutting your material needs to be supported efficiently from underneath to allow it to remain flat at all times but also allow heat from the laser to escape from underneath. … This makes laser cutting perfect for intricate artistic displays and signage, where a professional finish is required. PETG products are easy to die-cut and thermoform without upsetting structural integrity. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, TroGlass Mirror. How does laser cutting work? Laser Settings. Reasonably good surface finish and penetration on more powerful settings. Contact us now to see how we can help you with your Laser Design project. Discover our laser solutions for engraving and cutting Plexiglas®. Hi I have a 5.5w diode blue laser but having difficulty cutting through 3mm mdf. High Quality Fast Turnaround Menu. In fact, some laser cutters are not able to cut it because it ruins the lens and requires frequent stopping and cleaning. The sample simulated in this research is a 3.2 mm thick Polycarbonate sheet that is subjected to the laser cutting process by a low power continuous CO2 laser. It tends to melt rather than vaporize, and has a higher chance of catching on fire and leaving behind melted gooey deposits on the vector cutting grid. • Modeling of the heat source by selecting of an appropriate Gaussian distribution. As soon as I have bigger jobs to cut, it doesn’t cut through most sections. REMEMBER THAT ACRYLIC IS FLAMMABLE - DO NOT LEAVE THE LASER UNATTENDED! The thinner the sheet you are cutting, the better the cutting results you will obtain. Not suggested if unfamiliar with laser cutting machines and proper settings. Cutting polycarbonate is no easy feat: This durable material can withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure and takes more than a sharp blade to cut through. The varied offer of eurolaser is in particular suitable for the laser cutting of polycarbonate foils. These are the recommended settings to watch out for. Yes, it's free! NEW: VIRTUAL DEMOS You want to further a... Laser cutting of thermoplastic prepregs | Laserschneiden von thermoplastischen Prepregs. Sadly the wavelength from CO2 Lasers make it really difficult and almost impossible to engrave on polycarbonate. The engraving is usually .5 mm deep, which carries through most hard and softwoods. Applications & Usage: TroGlass Clear buy here. We wanted to find out for ourselves what the best methods are to work with PETG. Laser Mark Type: Surface engrave, black/gray look. All matters missing from the metal lasers. It provides information on the types of materials that can be laser processed and the processes (laser cutting, engraving and marking) that are possible with a given material. The graphic was done in 2 parts and each part was assigned different laser settings in order to get the two tone logo on the final part. Since we run Epilog lasers in our shop, I have included the recommended settings that came with our lasers. The following are suggested laser cutter configuration settings for various materials. To complete our tests, we used a ½” sheet and examined a wide range of variables to see what would yield good results. Moreover, laser cutting of plastic require very powerful exhaustion, filtration of fumes and special tables of plastic as a base for the acrylic sheets. They direct the laser beam generated on a small zone of the material. The process parameters examined were: laser power, range of cutting speed, type of focusing lens, pressure and flow of the covering gas, thickness of the samples. Prior to laser engraving, laser cutting or laser marking plastic you should always use a test piece as different materials react differently to processing. Well, the laser is directed at the material and moved around to cut the material in the desired shape. Our Trotec laser is ideal for effortlessly cutting and engraving intricate designs in small and large quantities. ———————— You must not cut carbon fiber that has been coated!! Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Laser cutters can cut a wide variety of materials – anything from paper, wood, cork, acrylic and foam to different types of metals. Laser cutting of polycarbonate eurolaser offers laser cutter especially configurated for foils. GET A FREE QUOTE Let's get started! Polycarbonate tends to discolor with laser cutting. Extremely thin sheets (0.5mm and less) may cut with yellowed/discolored edges. POLYCARBONATE Cutting. A great example of this technology used on a white MacBook is on … So, for industrial purposes thin gauge cutting may be acceptable, frequently impact modified acrylic or polyester is a better alternative. To prep the laser for cutting, use your air assist and a honeycomb laser bed. A little discoloration on the opposite side. Read More. In fact, the pattern on the heart in our featured image was laser cut onto the leather. This is the frequency of light the laser cutter uses to cut materials, so it is very ineffective at cutting polycarbonate. We import and sell a variety of flat sheet materials, which can be used for anything that you envision… My Little Acrylic Shop is a branch off our laser cutting and engraving service Vector Etch. Laser cutting acrylic is developing a clear smoke with distinct sweet smell. Also available is a laser cutter user guide. Welcome to My Little Acrylic shop! Also, keep the power setting as low as possible. For many materials, the kerf will be somewhere between 0.05 mm (0.002 in) and 0.5 mm (0.02 in). Laser Engraving Settings. Laser engraving polycarbonate guarantees a superb degree of precision hence common in applications which require fine inscriptions. Here are some applications: Housings made of plastic; Electric plugs Never leave the machine running unattended, whether this is a new or regular material. So, for industrial purposes thin gauge cutting may be acceptable, frequently impact modified acrylic or polyester is a better alternative. 3. For laser marking plastics a fiber laser offers you a range of different methods, such as dyeing, carbonation or foaming. The three variables to adjust are speed, power, and frequency—these change depending on your laser wattage. Your power, speed and other laser settings are going to vary depending on things such as thickness of the acrylic you are cutting. If you are like me, the cooked and yellowed edge isn’t the most attractive finish for most applications. Simply put, it looks good and is highly durable. #sba #ppp #smalllbusiness…, @AveryDennison acquires the majority of @acpoltd’s assets, including coating, finishing, and distribution operation…, The #Signmojo contest drove record participation, with a total of 4,536 votes cast. Posted at 15:52h in Laser Cutting by HPC Laser 0 Comments. At the same time they provide the physical benefits of acrylic such as being formable, UV-stable and hard-wearing. Polycarbonate is often found as flat, sheet material. This varies from material to material and is also dependent on the specific settings of the laser. Power settings that are too high can melt and distort many materials. In general, as the thickness of the acrylic you cut increases, the cutting speed must decrease. - 191 - APPENDIX B: MATERIAL SETTINGS Fusion Series Suggested Material Settings (CO2) • These are only suggestions: Every type of material will react differently with the laser, even from one plastic to the next. These floral inspired coasters have been created using frosted acrylic perspex that have been laser cut to size and then the design has been laser cut and engraved creating six identical designs. However, it poses some interesting challenges when it comes to laser cutting thicker sheets, and that’s where Vytek’s experts come in. It can also be one of the most difficult. Hi Emily, basic cutting setting I use at the moment are, standard white paper - 1500mm/min 100% power. Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high-power laser through optics. Presets: Your laser should have some suggested settings for cutting or engraving different materials and different thicknesses. It can also be one of the most difficult. Laser is 20w fiber. The laser flickered when cutting and seemed to produce small stringy hairs from the cuts. Cutting . The good thing is that with a laser cutting device, you can cut … The cutting of polycarbonate (also known as Lexan ® or Makrolon ®) with CO 2 laser systems are characterised by high precision and flexibility. Send the graphic to the laser. I removed the plastic protective sheet from the acrylic and masked it with Greenstar transfer tape. In recent years the subject of engraving has witnessed the migration of many industries away from the traditional methods of rotating cutters, chemical etching and many other established means of permanently marking components. For 1600mW Laser Module, you can use the Fine Tune Work Origin feature to achieve the best cutting result. Can be cut, very slowly. Still, there are some materials that would seemingly fit well into this list but should never be cut using a laser … Especially with the 6mm cardboard, keep an eye on cutting as it can catch fire If needing to cut acrylic thicker than 3/8″, use a machine with a higher laser wattage. . Laser engraving produces a white or clear engraved image, depending on the chosen settings. Back To Polymers. I’m pretty pleased with this and always liked Acetal for various uses. Carbon fiber mats/weave that has not had epoxy applied. Lasers are powerful optical beams that are used to slice through an assortment of materials like metal, wood, glass and polycarbonate. Cardboard, carton. Our main goals were to reduce burning on the edges … The focus of the laser beam is an important setting in all laser engraving projects. Polycarbonate absorbs IR strongly, and is a poor material to use in the laser cutter. Simulation of CO 2 laser cutting of polycarbonate injected sheets by the DOE approach. When exposing polycarbonate to a 1µm fiber laser marking machine the material will undergo a carbonization process: this is where the carbon within the material is released to show a contrasting … Feedback. The process from sheet stock to finished award is a long one, but with the right settings on your equipment, you can create beautiful finished acrylic pieces that are perfect for various applications. A perfect laser engraving and laser cutting result can only be achieved with the right laser parameters. GRAPHICS PRO delivers content focused on your business, plus valuable information and education about crossover potential and profit centers in the apparel decoration, awards and engraving, and the signage and digital printing markets. Very thin polycarbonate can be cut, but tends to discolor badly. When adjusting settings, a good rule is to adjust either the power or the speed. A laser cutting machine transfers a pre-programmed design onto whatever material you’re using. However, if I engrave into two color acrylic, the white inside provides contrast against the dark colored surface. It machines well and clearly can be laser … The material then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a good-quality surface finish. Even the wattage of your laser and the local environment can affect settings. Unfortunately the more contact the reverse of the material has with the laser bed the higher the risk of marks on the reverse. Plastic laser cutting and engraving. Epilog also recommends two passes for the thicker 3/8″ acrylic. Properties. Etching can be done on almost anything, wood, cardboard, aluminum, stainless steel, plastic, marble, stone, tile, and glass. Furthermore, the values of kerf widths on top (Lsup) and bottom (Linf) thicknesses, the melted transverse area, the melted volume per unit time and surface roughness values (Ra) on cut edges were also measured. Featured Project: Laser Engraved License Plate Keychain, Printful Announces Free Online Conference for eCommerce Store Owners, Beaver Paper Group Steps into 2021 with a New Look, Featured Project: Multidimensional Window Graphics, Delta Apparel to Present at ICR Conference 2021, A (Form)ula for Success: Insights on Collecting Customer Data, Content Marketing 101: How to Create a Content Calendar, Graphic Finishing Partners Introduces Interactive Virtual Showroom, General Laser Settings when Using LaserBond, The Dos and Don’ts of Laser Optics Maintenance: Cleaning technique, Kick Off a Campaign: A look at crowdfunding platforms, Rapid Fire – The Process of Multi-Stage Sandcarving, Try This: Engrave Die Plates for Seal Presses, Adding Metal to Your Sublimation Business, 5 Practical Ways Apparel Decorators Can Pivot in 2021, Marco Awards Group Remembers Industry Veteran Bill Fairless, Try This: Decorate Face Masks with Heat Transfer Vinyl, How to Correctly Remove Vinyl Lettering and Decals, Shop Talk: The Ins and Outs of UV Metal Printing, Vintage Vinyl: Van Transformation Using Decals. 60 watts or more is recommended. Laser marking machines at longer wavelengths, such as 10.6µm (CO2 laser) will simply cause the material to melt. Engraving on Two Color Acrylic. The laser cut produces polished cutting edges and inner contours, no additional post-processing of the material is required. Cutting: Thin sheets of polycarbonate can be cut with our CO2 laser systems, but the material tends to discolor when heated by the laser beam. Thin Polycarbonate Sheeting (<1mm) <1mm Very thin polycarbonate can be cut, but tends to discolor badly. Suggested Laser Cutter Settings. Test your cut settings on a small offcut of the material first, to ensure your chosen settings will give you the desired results. Laser Cutting Polycarbonate. When setting up to laser cut acrylic, there are two main steps: Typically, acrylic comes from the factory or supplier with a protective carrier sheet to reduce damage and scratching. Material 35W Cut Notes Clear 1/16" (0.062") 100% power, 20% speed A clean cut on paperbacked acrylic, higher speed may be OK Clear 1/8" (0.125") 100% power, 12% speed From the Epilog Manual Clear 1/4" (0.25") 100% power, 4% speed From the Epilog Manual: Anodized Aluminum 35W etch 45W etch Notes … Cutting carbon fiber too quickly will cause material to melt and emit a nasty odor. Tune into @JohnsonPlastics' January webinars Gifts for that Special Someone and Ramp up Your Drinkware Production i…, ATTENTION small businesses: @SBAgov to reopen the Payment Protection Program next week. The rectangle with two differently rounded corners offers the advantage that both straight cutting lines and more complex shapes are possible with the tested settings. Also available is a laser cutter user guide. This work investigates the application of the CO 2 laser cutting process to three thermoplastic polymers, polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC) in different thicknesses ranging from 2 to 10 mm. Finding K40 laser settings for different materials. You can leave this on while cutting or remove it right before cutting. Here are some standard cutting settings in general laser cutting machine include Dacu Laser Cutting machin / Dacu Laser Cutters : Laser cutting machine for cutting stainless steel: 1) Below 1.0—1.5 stainless steel is cut with 1.4-2.0 double-layer cutting tip, compensation value is 0.1, defocus amount is -1 . You should also be able to load these settings into your computer or laser and save them as presets. Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Polycarbonate is a poor choice for laser cutting. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Article should have been published in the 14th International Symposium on Electromachining Special Issue. Polycarbonate front panels | Laser cutting. Download. Laser engraving produces a white or clear engraved image, depending on the chosen settings. : LS1000XP; LS900XP; LS900; LS100 LS100Ex; Gravostyle™ & Laserstyle™ Gravoglas™ 1; Client benefits. 6 mm corrugated cardboard 250mm/min 3 passes no change in height and 100% power and air assist on, and 3 mm plywood same settings as 6mm cardboard, hope that helps. Braden Todd is a second-generation glass artist, and the owner and creative force behind Glassmith2, located in Boulder, Colorado. Newsletter. It sometimes possible to cut thicker using multiple passes and adjusting the table height, but that depends heavily on how well everything in your system is aligned and will be machine dependent. The K40 laser settings listed below is a beginner’s guide to get you started on your projects. ABS: Melts / Cyanide: ABS does not cut well in a laser cutter. It is called engraving when the laser beam removes parts of the top material but does not cut all the way through the material. I dislike that yellow edge! Laser Cut Polycarbonate Uses. CNC fiber marking polycarbonate is an incredible process that’s awesome to see happen in person, it’s quite magical but the results of cutting this with our CO2 laser source has much to … Having less variables will help to find the optimum settings faster. This refers to the use of a single or multiple fluted cutting tools to inscribe different types of images and decorations on a polycarbonate material. Polycarbonate absorbs IR strongly, and is a poor material to use in the laser cutter. We used a 20 Watt fiber laser with low power settings. The Frontline Hero Fund obtaine… The following graphic is a good reference for testing cutting parameters. The window of the laser cutter is made of Polycarbonate because polycarbonate strongly absorbs infrared radiation! A list of some of the common materials can be found here to help you know which are safe to process. Acrylic; Corrugated Cardboard; Plywood; MDF; Leather; Sticker; Colored Card * Make sure that you’ve set the best work origin for laser engraving and cutting. Use these settings as your starting point then adjust one variable at a time until you achieve the result you desire. This wood is spotted gum from Australia and has a Janka hardness of 2470 Newtons. It’s a lightweight thermo-plastic that has high impact strength, an appealingly glossy finish, and a purity that makes it perfect for packaging food and pharmaceuticals. Acrylic is one of the most essential and popular materials to work with in the awards and engraving industry. Mark Data Type: Text, graphics, logo. This is the frequency of light the laser cutter uses to cut materials, so it is very ineffective at cutting polycarbonate. OPTIMAL SURFACE FINISH AND RESULTS . Attempting to mark a few types of plastic I had available with mixed results. While you might associate laser cutting more with wood or plastic, you can use a laser cutter for fabric, paper, metal and more. These setting are for use with the 50mm (2") lens which usually comes standard, and for a single pass of the laser. • Developing governing equations on thermal fields and boundary conditions. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Laser cutting of different polymeric plastics (PE, PP and PC) by a CO. Ineffective at cutting polycarbonate available at free project laser should have been very nearly. Whatever material you ’ d like to suggest, please send an email to @... 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