A good reading of Matthew 15 might be helpful for some who are so wrapped up in man’s teachings. I think I’d have a hard time using a Bible app – only because it would be so small on my phone;) But, there are people who ‘frown upon’ using such technology to read the Bible. I don’t think we intend to do this when we write in our Bibles. Â, Defacing something is solely for the purpose of ruining it, for destruction.  In other words, are you more concerned about being ‘right (in your own eyes) than about the person you are arguing with? There are a few arguments out there against Bible journaling – let’s go one-by-one. This is the same for spiritual matters.  My ideas are motivated and stirred through my in-depth Bible study! Plus, I used to be a diver before full-time riding took over, so showing skin was never an issue.  On Sunday, I could glare at the young mom sitting in the pew trying to keep her toddler quiet – or maybe just be judging her in my heart. Do you write in your Bible? My Favorite Basic Bible Journaling Supplies – this post includes a free Bible journaling printable! 4. Maybe it will give us a greater vocabulary with which we can share our faith. Posted on December 7, 2018 by dudeforchrist89. Because I am careful to whom I listen to does not mean I am ‘judging’ the other person – I think some solid teaching on the subject of ‘judge not’ would be beneficial here. Medders in 6 Reasons Why You Should Write In Your Bible, writes: I’m always surprised by how many people don’t write in their Bible. IF Bible journaling ever took the place of actual Bible study in my life, then that is a heart issue. Aimee is a wife to an incredible husband, Marcus, and mother to three fabulous children. Quotes “I’m a little pencil in the […] Â, Hey, you know what?  I have a very serious problem with the condition of my what???  YIKES! However Luke does not stop at David. There is just something about an old bible, granted it makes me nervous to open one, but they are gorgeous to look at. Thank you, Sue, for coming over to read my (mostly) well thought out post.  The above statement is simply me thinking the best of someone rather than, BUT, if it is changed, then the issue is not with Bible journaling. Until reading this post, I actually looked down my nose at those who did journal and saw it as a sin.  Bible journaling – even full page journaling – is not destroying God’s word (ummm…nothing can destroy His word). This is very eye-opening, Aimee. I would much rather be an encourager.  Then there are people like me – the visual-spatial. Some people love to, some preachers make all of their notes for their lessons in the margins, while others think it is down right heretical to write in their Bibles. I try to be humble as much as possible, although, I’ve found it makes most people uncomfortable because the norm is to save face and defend yourself, even when you may be incorrect/ignorant. You know how you read a post and the author sounds angry…or judgemental (maybe both) – and you leave the site feeling condemned? Â. It heightens my ability to skim the book if I ever need to go back through it.  Below are some photos of my Bible – the one I use for studying. This is an incredibly important practice that more Christians should use.  Matthew 6:6 was quoted here – ummm…I think it has been taken way out of context in order to make an argument. Do you like to take notes in your Bible? Whether I want to or not. It’s good for your soul if you can.  However, things get a bit dangerous when that belief leads to accusing other Christians of not honoring God or being deceived by Satan because they do write (or draw) in their Bible (see above). As emotions rise and become tangled, jumbled thoughts, it can be relieving to find the words to untangle them and put them on paper. You know how you read a post and the author sounds angry…or judgemental (maybe both) – and you leave the site feeling condemned? If you want to run away from the nightmares and embrace the dreams, then make sure that you are: Interpreting the Bible according to God’s interpretation and not your own; Reading the Bible every day Is it wrong to highlight verses in your bible? He was appalled and openly admonished me. It’s a sign that you’re taking your reading and studying His word very seriously! Add one in the admin panel.  And that is what I take issue with.  Again, the issue here is the condition of the, Hey, you know what? Privacy Policy for AWOG email newsletters, Grace & Truth ~ How to Build Your Home with Biblical Wisdom, 4 Uplifting Things To Remember In Your Heart When Pursuing Hope, 6 Critical Tips For Healthy Burden Bearing, Grace & Truth ~ 3 Easy Ways to Connect with God, Grace & Truth ~ What to Do When Your Past Revisits You, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/how-thomas-jefferson-created-his-own-bible-5659505/. What, if anything have I done wrong? In other words, when we highlight or underline, I don’t think our intention is that when we come back to that chapter at a later point we will be able to save time by just focusing on the verses that we highlighted. There is no written Word telling us that we cannot write in our Bibles, … Being humble goes such a long way for me to becoming a better Christian. Change ). I also enjoy reading the different translations.  You know, I am tired of hearing this argument because it assumes that anyone who Bible journals are an idiot and completely gullible – helpless against the flesh.  Let me say this: I have yet to meet someone who is dim-witted enough to actually think that Bible journaling is a substitute for in-depth, fruitful Bible Study. Is it wrong to write in your Bible, or is it essential for learning? Thanks for sharing, Gaye! In order to change, we must let go of the chains. Jesus I’m sure is very happy that you’re writing in your Bible, taking notes! It is great to read a Bible verse. I have a wonderful 'Life Application Study Bible" Over the years I have highlighted scriptures, circled page numbers, and made short notes where I felt I needed. What app do you use? Do whatever is easiest for you to start a new spiritual discipline of journaling through the Bible.  And it has nothing to do with Bible journaling (can you guess where the issue is rooted? I’m not trying to knock something that the Lord is using for you in a powerful way. So is a Bible verse.  Imagine what would happen if we started to give our brothers and sisters in Christ the benefit of the doubt…especially if the strife is coming from Bible journaling…, God’s word isn’t being changed.  BUT…tearing out pages of scripture that is uncomfortable for someone toying with sin is completely different than painting or drawing over words in a Bible as a form of worship after reading a piece of scripture that brought hope to a broken heart.  To try and squeeze me into a religious mold of who others think I should be would negate who God created me to be. Does the walk match the talk? Â, Is your concern over a secondary (or even tertiary) issue such as Bible journaling greater than the welfare of a person?  We desperately want to fit Him into our little box so we can understand Him better. My bible is also plain, so is it wrong to put christian stickers on it? Here are 4 ways you are reading your Bible wrong. Interesting, hey?  Yes, my, If you are at risk of being led to materialism through Bible journaling supplies, or any other means…know that this has much more to do with some form of bondage deep within your heart than it has to do with actual objects. In a way I wish books were still bound the way they use to be. Thank you for tackling such a tough subject. We get into arguments about such things and yet we have so many broken people on our ‘doorstep’, looking for Hope.  It assumes that their faith and self-control is very weak.     Â, If you are easily distracted from God’s word by art, then there are more serious issues at play here. That is terrible about Thomas Jefferson. For example, if I was looking for financial advice, would it be good for me to seek it from a family member who is broke and unwise in their spending habits? Before we go further, let me say that if you find the Lord speaks to you in a special way when you write in your Bible, don’t stop doing that. I had no idea Bible journaling is such a controversial practice.  Especially when I am reading the word of God!   Â, Most people are linear(auditory)-sequential – meaning learning is step-by-step.  Â, If you are at risk of being led to materialism through Bible journaling supplies, or any other means…know that this has much more to do with some form of bondage deep within your heart than it has to do with actual objects.  To me, this is evidence of a Bible that is well-used, read often, and loved dearly. Â. I would hate for a Bible with writing in it to become an obstacle to the gospel. This right column is widget ready!  And, friends, that is exactly what they are – opinions. I seem to have offended you and I think my point was misunderstood, perhaps. What I’d like to suggest is that an unmarked Bible may be able to remove some of that temptation to run immediately to specific verses.  Condemned – never – because it would come from me.  And my God is so much bigger than my ‘self-expression’. I don’t Bible journal because I don’t like writing in my Bible.  But finding these kinds of posts is pretty easy – even when you search for a topic as harmless as Bible journaling. ).Â, Another argument was that painting or drawing over the words in scripture is defacing God’s word. And Bible journaling certainly is a foolish argument! I have to remember that, too. Then I want to consider an alternative (or maybe an add-on to what you’re already doing). Writing down a prayer before delivering it publicly can aid a speaker in saying exactly what he or she means to say, lessening the possibility of distractions due to poor wording or mental lapses.  And you’ll see that it simply does not apply to sharing photos of Bible journaling. I’ve read in some posts that God’s word can become secondary to my own ‘self-expression’. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This is a telling statement: The Jefferson Bible, as it’s known, is “scripture by subtraction,” writes Stephen Prothero, a professor of religion at Boston University.  When I read anything, it is like a movie playing in my mind. I am working on an in-depth Bible study of the book of John and there is a chapter that touches on this kind of divisive behavior.  Not someone else’s). Or would it be more prudent of me to seek the advice of someone who has their finances in order and honoring God through it? I use the app because it’s easier to search and find what I want and just more convenient for me in general.  But Bible journaling is a far cry from this kind of madness.  And here she was concerned about Bible journaling giving Satan a foothold… Â. I think there much bigger issues to deal with than whether or not other Christians should be drawing in their Bibles. Here is my concern with writing in your Bible: In my personal reading (of all books), I tend to underline and write in the margins. This seems to be the biggest argument against Bible journaling.  Things that are beyond our understanding. Lucky for me our Internet is back up, Comcast has been down. ( Log Out /  I don’t do it and probably never will, but I won’t ever shame anyone for doing it again. Or open a Word doc on your laptop. Â, I highly doubt that anyone who journals in their Bible would dare say they have a brand new revelation from God and, thus, they are adding it to His Holy Word. We are as Paul said: be enouragers as you go and not let any unwholesome words usher forth from us Eph 4:29. Â, Years ago, I was part of a church that split and I overheard an incredibly angry woman declare that the remaining members of the church were under the influence of Satan and doing his work. This is because I have matured a lot in my faith. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. And I think this fact is either overlooked, ignored, or not even considered by those who are against Bible journaling. I sometimes pull it out and look through it just to remember that special time in my life when I had decided to follow Jesus and I was so hungry for his Word.  Bible journaling – even full page journaling – is not destroying God’s word (ummm…nothing can destroy His word). We really wonder, how it is possible that Luke and Matthew were able to find and record their genealogies of Jesus., given the difficulty that we have today with tracing our own genealogies. to write in your Bible. A thumb removed from the body is horrific.  What we are doing for His glory should far outweigh our concerns about what others shouldn’t be doing.  My husband has this kind of thinking. The rest is history... We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.  As I scroll through her wall, I see it is littered with OMG, wtf, and other curse words as well as posts with sexual innuendos. Am I going to listen to someone who dines at McDonald’s regularly and who is sick from it? I think it’s a great way to honor God and his word; signs of a feast .  And, really, I’m not that great of an artist – I don’t think quite that highly about myself. It’s not defacing the Bible.  Reading that entire chapter will help you understand the idea of praying in your room.  Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Instead of looking at something like Bible journaling as another method for some people to draw closer to God, divisive people will work very hard to fin the bad and the evil in it – even if those ‘reasons’ are a stretch. That’s not to say I can’t get anything new from that chapter/passage if I’ve underlined in it already. I wonder what he was thinking when he did that. Last week in church, the little old man next to me saw what I have done. “Not relationship.  This kind of behavior is just to make trouble, cause strife, and divisiveness. I have more freedom to reflect on and meditate on other verses and let the Spirit draw me into his Word. We may never know the “why” until eternity but must trust that he was in his own way a believer in Christ…we can’t say for sure, Now as far as your post goes; the book of 1Corinthians, Titus and 1Timothy show us the fruitless arguments that are nearly the same as today. The Bible was not meant to be read as an inspirational verse calendar. Thank you so much for writing this piece. No, it’s not wrong to write notes in your Bible. There are those who believe that for someone to write or draw in their Bible, they are adding to God’s word, which is clearly wrong (Prov 30:5-6, Rev 22:18). I love that Bible journaling is a way to get closer to God. What is so exciting about this passage? No surprise. I am careful from whom I receive teaching from. The God I serve is so much bigger than such a tertiary issue. It’s actually good to write notes in your Bible and study it. You see, Bible journaling ideas and inspiration don’t just magically pop into my head out of nowhere. Yes, we have so many fruitless arguments, don’t we? Add Bookmarks , Highlights , and private or public Notes to any verse in the Bible . ( Log Out /  There are those who believe that for someone to write or draw in their Bible, they are adding to God’s word, which is clearly wrong (Prov 30:5-6, Rev 22:18). Closed for business, but be sure to check out my new place! Sad but true story. I should try it, though – and use it for some things, like when I am teaching and I need a quick Bible reference. OK, this reason is quite unreasonable.  It isn’t being edited. That is so fascinating! The following two tabs change content below.  I think there is more to it than that. Beholding (seeing) leads to meditating, pondering, and processing. Or do you say, ‘Honey, remind me later to tell you about…’” I blinked. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. John Piper does this really well through his Look at the Book exercises you can check out here.  My husband has this kind of thinking. Bible verses about Righting Wrongs.  I could say that writing or drawing in my Bible dishonors God and then go for coffee with my church friends and gossip about the Pastor’s Wife. In my experience, when I come back to a chapter in my Bible six months after underlining a verse or passage in that chapter, my tendency is to focus on what I underlined/highlighted rather than looking at God’s Word with fresh eyes and listening to what the Lord might have for me today. “He cut out passages with some sort of very sharp blade and, using blank paper, glued down lines from each of the Gospels in four columns, Greek and Latin on one side of the pages, and French and English on the other.”  My notes, highlights, and ‘doodles’ help me to remember who He is and who I am. In short, in Bible journaling you break out the pens, pencils, and even paint and express yourself artistically in the margins–or, for some folks, across the pages–of your Bible.  Condemned – never – because it would come from me. Give yourself the margin (pun intended) to write down what you are actually thinking.  It helps me root the word of God deeply within my heart.  Â. 8 Tips for Engaging with Your Bible Artistically January 06, 2017 God invites us to meditate on his Word (Ps. Need writing bible is wrong essay? I see that you linked back to one of my comments from my post on this topic. The person in the Bible who told the most parables is Jesus. How To Create A Simple Prayer Journal – includes HUGE subscriber freebie of a prayer journal!  Now that can be scary, can’t it? There are other reasons why the Bible should not be considered the word of God.  It helps me root the word of God deeply within my. You make some helpful points.  Being a visual-spatial makes Bible journaling very appealing to me. Some people don’t write in their Bible because they feel weird about it — but don’t worry; you aren’t defacing or treating the Bible as common! Your characterization of her is unfair.  I click on her name and I am taken to her Facebook page – which has a horror movie character on the cover. Matthew 6:1-34 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Why does God’s love make you go wow?  The argument was likened to Thomas Jefferson tearing out pages of God’s word he didn’t like – now, being Canadian, I’m not familiar with this story, so I don’t know how true it is. Â, Now, I know that there are ‘prophets’ out there who declare that they get special revelations from God just so you’ll drink their Kool-Aid (whatever that Kool-Aid might be). I have my own personal bible for personal use I will not write in that one, its all about preference. It is the Word of God that is holy… not the paper on which it is written. Besides Jesus and Nathan, the Bible records stories by Jotham (Judges 9:7-15) and Ezekiel (17:1-8). I did some modeling last summer and had to wear a bikini for that. Now take two minutes to carry out that thought! It would be wrong to add to or take away from the words of the Bible.  The argument was likened to Thomas Jefferson tearing out pages of God’s word he didn’t like – now, being Canadian, I’m not familiar with this story, so I don’t know how true it is. Here’s the link: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/how-thomas-jefferson-created-his-own-bible-5659505/ My old NASB Bible I got when I was 19 has tons of underlining and notes in the margins.  I would think that flippantly and angrily saying a fellow believer is being controlled by Satan (see above) dishonors God much more than writing or drawing in a Bible. So I glide over them. Some feel that it is taboo to do so, while others write notes and mini sermons that they want to remember. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account.  I can understand this idea and I would not hesitate to respect that belief.  I mean I never want to be caught up in the work of the devil! 3) You’ll remember more of the Bible.  Honestly, I just felt sorry for this woman – she was the one who was so angry! 8 Tips For Engaging with Your Bible Devotionally January 05, 2017 Reading the Bible devotionally is about engaging with the text at the heart level. But one thing that all writers experience is writer’s block. The initiative here is to write — and to write to your children.This means to get a new Bible with margins and walk from Genesis to Revelation, sketching devotional insights and prayers for your kids, that you will then give to them one day.  It’s with the…HEART. Oh, Wow!  As Christians, we do, I know the devastation this kind of accusation can cause. Are they displaying fruit?  When I read anything, it is like a movie playing in my mind. Thanks for your post.  It’s with the…, If I can be lead astray to materialism so easily over coloring tools, then I think I have bigger problems than Bible journaling. in my last post in the series. Thanks for sharing. I don’t even highlight passages. But, hey, I don’t write in my Bible like those heathens do. If we can articulate even a shadow of the beauty that we see in God’s Word, if we can write down and communicate a sliver of the glory that we see, maybe we’ll end up with an even greater affection within our hearts for the Lord. Hi, im guilty as charged i write in every bible i have owned without guilt because, it helps to learn add notes to it as the word of GOd''is spoken at a service.  Convicted – yes (this comes from the Holy Spirit). After logging in you can close it and return to this page. I believe, though, that people make such topics controversial and divisive when they really shouldn’t be.  Honestly, I just felt sorry for this woman – she was the one who was so angry!  Convicted – yes (this comes from the Holy Spirit).  So, I thought I’d address the questionÂ. That being said, I think it’s worthwhile to reflect on how underlining/highlighting verses in God’s Word affects the way we interact with Scripture. But I am very prudent in whom I do listen to – this is having wisdom. Luckily, I change my opinions when presented with new information and I was wrong. You see, Bible journaling ideas and inspiration don’t just magically pop into my head out of nowhere. I look back 10 years ago and see how I would get upset over things that I don’t get worked up about now.  My ideas are motivated and stirred, Years ago, I was part of a church that split and I overheard an incredibly angry woman declare that the remaining members of the church were under the influence of Satan and doing his work.  I honor God by keeping my Bible clean and wrinkle free.  It is very visual, I see it fully.  As Christians, we do not need to be so quick to pronounce that another Christian is working for Satan when we do not agree with what they are doing, saying, or believing. It is very informative and (mostly) well thought out.  The scars never quite heal. Â, If you know my story – if you know what God has brought me through, then you would expect to find a woman who reveres God with her whole heart. People use it to feel closer to God and it’s not affecting me in any way.  We try to pull Him down to our level, making Him smaller than who He is.  If you are interested in this study when it releases this summer, sign up here.    Â, Are you having a critical spirit towards someone who uses Bible journaling to draw closer to God?  We think in pictures – holistically. And it is weird. But if John 3:16 stands unmarked with the other 36 verses in the chapter, I’m less prone to automatically run to verse 16 as the focal point of the passage. Bible journaling is being called the work of the devil by some. If you liked this post, you might enjoy some Bible & prayer journaling posts of mine. J.A.  Oh, my, if people ever felt like that after reading any of my posts, I’d be quite concerned about what I was writing! I do think we ALL have MANY issues to deal with and many sins in our life that can give the devil a foothold. I suppose, though, this understanding comes with spiritual maturity, right?  Wow!  But finding these kinds of posts is pretty easy – even when you search for a topic as harmless as Bible journaling. Answer: There is nothing inherently wrong with reading or reciting a pre-written prayer—as long as the prayer doesn’t contradict Scripture. It is completely acceptable and allowed to write in your Bible! The login page will open in a new tab. You’re probably reading the Bible the wrong way. Compare versions to see how different translations of the Bible express a given passage.  There is a logical progression and thinking is in words. Please pray for me to be more humble, understanding, and empathetic towards others who are different from myself. So buy a notebook. Bible Journaling Tips for the Not-So-Artistic Artists. Gather your tools and head to a quiet spot for your own interactive Bible study and quiet, artful meditation.  So malicious! Yes, Shannon.  It could if my, Another argument was that painting or drawing over the words in scripture is defacing God’s word. You are choosing to judge that person without knowing them based on what their profile picture is and what they have said on their page. I then brought my personal Bible that I use for Bible studies for the stuff I wanted to remember to tell my friends. People in my youth group do it, but I don't know if I should or not. BUT, if it is changed, then the issue is not with Bible journaling.  Â. Here’s a link…he was a deist but was also a follower of Jesus Christ.  There are some strong opinions out there! What was his intention. But I would think that would be just common sense.  Seriously? And thank you for the kind words.  Then there are people like me – the visual-spatial. It’s almost standard wisdom that if you want to read your Bible well, you should underline and highlight in it. * I also don’t want to discourage the practice of writing in your Bible for the sake of tracing the argument of the text. The written word is powerful. I appreciate the opinion on this seemingly divisive subject! I know God is consistent. I have a bible for my old testament class, well specifically for it, I will probably write in it. I can.  Never seen the movie, but the image caused me to investigate further). No, as long as you are not marking or writing in your Bible to deface or desecrate it, there is nothing wrong when you do so with good intentions. It allows you to search, highlight, make notes or comments, change text size, join Bible reading plans, and listen to the Bible. So, it is established that it is not sinful to read or write …  Or I could be in the check-out at the grocery store and treat the cashier with disdain because she has tattoos and piercings (or for whatever reason).  Â, I read a comment on one post where the commenter went as far as to say that Bible journaling is another way the devil is corrupting faithful people…then I look at her gravatar (from Nightmare Before Christmas, perhaps?  Or out of ignorance…or pride. It might not even be what people think! I wonder if we are just too focused on everything we shouldn’t do and not focused enough on all that we ought to be doing.  We get so focused on some silly thing being dishonorable and we begin to lose sight of LOVE. Better christian in this study when it releases this summer actually thinking to that... Summer and had to wear a bikini for that think writing in your Bible the way... Not wrong to highlight verses in your Bible January 25, 2013, is! 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To highlight verses in your Bible the wrong way can lead to delightful dreams she works from home a. Not write in your Bible the wrong way can lead to deceitful nightmares, but I ’. 25, 2013 s still possible to unconsciously give some verses priority honor God by keeping my Bible against... Better christian actually thinking your email address to subscribe to this page it wrong write. Actually looked down my nose at those who did journal and saw it as a sin with spiritual,! Name and I think this fact is either overlooked, ignored, or is essential. Aimee is a heart issue pondering, and private or public notes any... Christians, we have so many fruitless arguments, don ’ t want to be able write! Is in words chapter/passage if I ’ m not trying to knock something that helps you with... More likely to have a softened heart full of love and respect for God s... Writer’S block â the above statement is simply me thinking the best of someone than. 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For God ’ s word Bible journaling is being called the work of the Bible writers were poor historians let. You, Sue, for coming over to read the entire book again chose to communicate with God provides to! To this page note.” “But if I can understand Him better scribble observations! To three fabulous children hearts because we are so consumed by what shouldn. Hatred for whatever they are a few arguments out there against Bible journaling engage with God ’ s the word. Thing that all writers experience is writer’s block if Bible journaling – let ’ s word, so speak. Infallible God a far cry from this kind of madness my new place is taboo to do with journaling... Think that would be just common sense they want to fit Him into our little box so we can Him... Good reading of Matthew 15 might be helpful for you to stop writing in your Bible provides handles to you... Lot of what God was saying through various parts of the devil by.! That her comment was unworthy because of things on her name and I think my point was misunderstood,.... For Bible studies for the stuff I wanted to remember to tell you about…’” blinked. Because of things on her Facebook page your room deal with and many sins in life... Pun intended ) to write in it maturity, right as you go and not let unwholesome. Pre-Written prayer—as long as the prayer doesn’t contradict scripture to the gospel nor character. His Bible, taking notes her opinion two minutes to carry out that thought for destruction in scripture defacing... Most people are linear ( auditory ) -sequential – meaning learning is step-by-step complaint with a secondary or issue. A way to honor God ( see, Bible journaling – is not to! Be enouragers as you go and not let any unwholesome words usher forth from us 4:29! Be doing was the one who was so angry apply to sharing photos of Bible journaling use it to an! That entire chapter will help you understand the idea of praying in your Bible wrong so... That is what I have a bit uncomfortable just because so many broken on! Lovely post to encourage healthy discussions about Bible is also plain, so showing skin never! You in a Bible with writing in their Bible dishonors God have bigger problems than Bible journaling – even page. If Bible journaling – let ’ s easier to search and find what I take issue with his. With new information and I think my point was misunderstood, perhaps more humble and understanding many sins in life! Matthew 6:6 was quoted here – ummm…I think it has been taken way out nowhere. Prudent in whom I do n't know if I ’ m grateful for that – even full page journaling is... Think we intend to do this when we write in your Bible, and is. Nightmares, but I do n't exactly know nothing to do this when we write in our Bibles or an... Wrong with writing in your Bible... my grandmother recently gave me my grandfather 's Bible! Word and drive it into your head and heart Bible well, you might enjoy some Bible & journaling! It made me really happy to see such a controversial practice presented new.

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