Utterly unique in Final Fantasy VII, the Save Crystal allows you to create a one-time save point wherever you like in the Northern Cave. Talk to each of your team members and if you followed the steps listed above you should receive the items in the table at the top of the page. Jump down off the first ledge and then walk to the right. Here you'll encounter creatures called Magic Pots. I beat the game and everything a while ago, so now I load my file which is the very last save point all the way at the bottom of the cave. so my save point is at the beginning of the northern cave. L5 Death: Northern Cave 22. Head left to drop down below and open the chest on the right to find a HERO DRINK. This Materia is similar to Counter Attack Materia and Magic Counter Materia except that it counters with a paired Command Materia whenever damage is incurred. Any party members that are sent to the left will be given another option of either taking either the upper or lower pathway. You might have to do some save scumming as the enemy will only use this skill upon death, but only if it has enough MP to use it. Open the chest on the left to find a MIND SOURCE, jump up to the next level, and head all the way left. Sephiroth is by no means the most difficult boss to fight so if you want more Final Fantasy VII action there are a ton of additional quests to complete. Exit on the bottom-right side of the screen to proceed into the next area. Yuffie - Up Yuffie - Left Some graphics property of Square Enix. Only one character can ever learn an enemy skill through an Enemy Skill Materia at a time, which means that in order to get Pandora’s Box on all four of your Enemy Skill Materia you have to make sure that they are all equipped on your characters. What's more, if you head back through the opposite path after you reach the bottom of the cave and grab all the items before meeting the others at the edge of the pit, you'll still get the items from your allies. Instead, now you should travel all the way back up to the split pathway. If the chocobo's level is a multiple of 4 it will cast Chocobobuckle as a counter on the character that used L4Suicide. You'll also encounter Movers in groups of three. There are now a set of split pathways and you can choose which party members are sent which direction. Use this knowledge to choose which way you send each group. Make your way to the center of the area and open the chests along the way to find a VACCINE and a TURBO ETHER. Open it to receive another Mind Source. I saved down there and I don't know how to get out. This is essentially as far as you can go so backtrack all the way back to where the team first split between the left and right pathways. That’s his … I have read that you fly the highwind there, go 'out on the deck' and 'climb down the ladder', but I cannot land near the crater and if I go to the deck while hovering around or over the crater, there is no ladder to climb down. The more people you send down the opposite path, the more items you'll get. The first time you reach the path below, you'll be prompted to split into two groups. There is only one real visit that you will make to the Northern Cave through the story mode of the game, but you can visit the Northern Cave and leave after obtaining all of the items. At the very bottom-right side of the screen is another treasure chest which contains a Tetra Elemental accessory. Jump down and head to the right, jump up to the rock, and open the chest at the left to find a MAGIC SOURCE. Fortunately, a resistance organization known as Avalanche has vowed to put an end to Shinra's destructive practices in the blockbuster RPG Final Fantasy VII. Command Materia are the yellow ones. Cid, Red XIII and Yuffie all give very nice items if you send them down the left / upper pathway ( Imperial Guard, Shield Materia and Counter Materia). Climb down the rock formation to meet up with them and they will decide that it is time to split up into two groups. Nibel, Rocket Town area This area has walls composed of Materia, and is the resting place for Sephiroth, and where Jenova, being controlled by Sephiroth, leads the Sephiroth Clones for the Reunion. So I'm just entering Northern Cave right now, but I'd like to know what's a comfortable level to fight the final boss at? At the second fork in the road, split up your party as follows: Cloud - Down Disc 3: The Northern cave to the end of the game. Ultimate? Head left and open the chest to find an X-POTION, jump to the far platform and open the chest to find a REMEDY, and head right and open the chest in the far-right corner to find an ELIXIR. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Kyuvilduns Location: Mt. Go down one more ledge to pick up another treasure chest that contains an Elixir. Continuing beyond this point leads straight through to the end of the game and there are no Save Points from here on out. Use the screenshot below to make sure that you have entered the appropriate cave. Red XIII: Shield Materia Even an attack that does 0 points of damage will kill him. There is also an Elixir sitting on the pathway on the right side of the screen. NEXT: The 5 Best Things About The Final Fantasy 7 Remake On PS4 (& The 5 Worst) Barret - It does not matter but send him Down and you can add him in as a party member I can't get into the Northern Cave. The treasure chest contains a Power Source. Vincent - Left Enter the cave and grab the treasure chest in the middle of the screen that contains another Guard Source. Before you make your decision, there are a few things you should know. The first area to explore now is the lower pathway. The Right Path:Proceed to the end of the spiraling path and climb down the stalactite to the path below. You can learn L5 DEATH from the Parasite, DRAGON FORCE from a Dark Dragon, ANGEL WHISPER from the Pollensalta, ROULETTE from the Death Dealer and PANDORA'S BOX from the Dragon Zombie. Register yourself as a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy in order to post, have less ads, be able to read more thread replies per page, and much much more. Follow the bones around and down and you will reach the bottom of the Northern Cave. You have now reached the “point of no return” in the Northern Cave. Dragon Force: Northern Cave 21. After feeding the chocobo a Mimet cast L4 Suicide on it. The first cave on the north side of the screen is the direction you would take when trying to exit the Northern Crater. Sephiroth and the level Northern Cave from Final Fantasy VII are coming to Super Smash Bros. Open the treasure chest to find a Save Crystal. It is not worth sacrificing the extra Imperial Guard, Shield Materia and Counter Materia just to get another Mega All Materia. I haven't powerleveled, nor have I been running from battles (unless neccessary to avoid a game over). Note: If your only goal is to get to the end and complete the game you can choose whichever pathway you want your party to go down. Jump to the right and open the chest to find a TURBO ETHER. Cait Sith - It does not matter but send him Down and you can add him in as a party member Now travel all the way back up to the top and take the pathway down the right side of the screen. Your remaining unused party members will be visible at the bottom of this next screen. The next section of the Northern Cave contains a split pathway going left or right. There is a treasure chest that contains a Mind Source and one that contains a Guard Source. Thanks! At the very center of this bright glowing area is a tiny blue Counter Materia. Angel Whisper: Northern Cave 24. The Highwind's ladder is mi. Don’t use this lightly, as you can’t change the position of the save point once it has been used. Battle. To save space I have abbreviated the names of the games to 64, Melee, Brawl, 3DS, Wii U, and Ultimate. The problem is that only the first Dragon Zombie you encounter will ever use Pandora’s Box and it will only use Pandora’s Box one time at the end of the fight (this is the way Dragon Zombies were programmed into the game for some reason). For this reason, the recommendation is that you do not use the Save Crystal while in the Northern Crater. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. If you enter this room any further than just the doorway at the entrance you will not be able to get duplicates of the items listed above. (If you wish to explore the right path, take the farthest path to return to the spot where the team split and head right to make your way back to the bottom of the cave.). Red XIII - Left Open the chest on your left to find a SPEED SOURCE, open the chest on your right to find a TETRA ELEMENTAL, and open the two chests containing MEGALIXIRS in the upper-left and upper-right corners. okay, i made a huge mistake when starting out the northern cave. Head back the way you came and jump up to the path on the far left of the screen. Head left and grab the MEGA ALL MATERIA as Cloud bounds past it (you may need to make several attempts) and open the chest to find a SPEED SOURCE. This is one of the better areas to level up in the game with enemies that give a lot of AP when defeated. Equip your new party members with Materia and some of your strongest armor ( Escort Guard, Ziedrich, Dragon Armlet, etc.). However, some items and especially key items need to be found in battle through other means. If you save your game or return to the Highwind before you meet up with your team members you will not receive the proper duplicated items. **Pandora's Box: Northern Cave** As for the second list, I have provided pictures of each enemy that gives you a certain enemy skill so … You'll also have plenty of opportunities to add some of the older favorites. If you are leveling to fight the optional weapons (Ruby, Emerald, Ultima) then i would just progress until you can level here. Safer∙Sephiroth's base stats are listed in the table as the low value (except for HP which has a base of 80,000), but they change depending on many variables: . Final Fantasy VII enemy skills. You automatically counterattack if he … They are immune to damage and do not do anything except say “Gimmie Elixir!”. The end-game bosses will be much easier if you completed the side quests and continued to level up your characters. Touph Rings are also quite helpful. Go back around and take the upper pathway which automatically makes Cloud go underwater to reach the other side of the room. Take the pathway beside it to grab the green Shield Materia sitting at the top of the ledge. It's possible to get two of all the best items from whichever path Cloud's party doesn't take! Backtrack until you reach the screen shown in the screenshot below where the group split between the upper and lower pathway. In this next screen you cannot get the closest treasure chest just yet. Vincent - It does not matter but send him Down and you can add him in as a party member Dive off the near side of the rock to reach the path in the far-right corner and proceed to the next area. There is a treasure chest on the right side of the room that contains a Luck Source. Cloud will automatically slide down the side of the crater. It is recommended that you turn around and exit the Northern Cave Crater to complete any of the numerous side quests, but before you leave you should travel into the Northern Crater at least for the sake of picking up all of the useful items, weapons, equipment and Materia that can be found throughout. Jump over the hole created by the chunk of rock that falls down the crater. The best place to level up in ff7 is the Swamp area in the Northern Crater, it is in the final dungeon of disc 3, but is by far the best place to level. Choose your new party again one more time out of the remaining party members (Barret, Cait Sith and Vincent). Travel down the left side of the pathway and press the Button to climb up onto the ledge at the top left side of the screen. Continue down into the next area once you have obtained all of the items. Ultimate as paid downloadable content on Dec. 22. Tifa - Right Continue to the next page for more information about the final battles against Sephiroth. Climb up and head into the next area. Pick up the SHIELD MATERIA on top of the nearby rock and dive into the pool to arrive near a chest containing an IMPERIAL GUARD. I am on disc 3 and want to get into the northern cave. This part of the cave is only visited once in Part 2. Cid - Up. You may run into an enemy called a Magic Pot (shown in the screenshot below). For every character at Level 99 (not counting Aeris), 30,000 maximum HP, 2 Attack, 20 Defense, 5 Magic Attack, and 16 Magic Defense are added to Safer∙Sephiroth's stats. So what items can you get? Open the treasure chest to find a Save Crystal. Cid: Imperial Guard For this reas… They cannot be attacked unless you use an Elixir and can steal your items if you attack them. Here you will find a complete listing of the Final Fantasy VII items and key items that can be acquired. ... How to level up at Endgame on Final Fantasy VII. Mild Animated Violence, Mild Language, Fantasy Violence, Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Comic Mischief, Best Movie, TV and Comics of the Year Awards 2020, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Enter the nearby cave and open the first chest you pass to find a GUARD SOURCE. ff7 northern cave ending? The first cave on the north side of the screen is the direction you would take when trying to exit the Northern Crater. *NOTES. Found in the bottom of Northern Cave. Walk past it and grab the treasure chest at the back left side to receive a Vaccine. Inside the Northern Cave, you'll have a golden chance to add new Enemy Skills to your repertoire. level 2. The Left Path:When you take the left path, your party will stop and ask which way they should go. As such, they have a 50/50 chance of giving you either item listed under the left pathway columns in the table above. Enter the cave and follow it around and back out of the cave again. In the next area, jump down the right and open the chests to find a GUARD SOURCE and a MIND SOURCE. Grab it and continue down the pathway until you reach another treasure chest which contains a Speed Source. Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII Version 6 ©1997–2020 Josh Alvies (Rangers51) All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Open the nearby chest and enter the upper-right cave to reach the next area. Tifa, level 51. In the 2012 PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII, in one area in Northern Cave, las2_1, (referred to as "Inside Northern Cave" in the menu) there is an easter egg. i accidentally set down the save diamond, and saved. Walk to the other side of the platform and jump down. … Having one copy of it will suffice. Note: There is an enemy in this section of the Northern Cave that uses a move called Pandora’s Box, one of the more difficult enemy skills to acquire on your Enemy Skill Materia. You can also use your Morph Materia on Master Tonberry enemies to transform them into Ribbons if you need any extras. Tifa will give you a fairly nice piece of armor ( Mystile) if she takes the pathway to the right. There is also a purple W-Magic Materia located towards the top of the screen in behind the leaves. Upon reacing the Northern Cave my top levels were Barrett at … The pathway to the next area is towards the back-right. There is one more treasure chest on the right side of the screen that contains a Hero Drink. Choose to “Go down” when given the option. There is a floating purple Materia on the next platform but Cloud will automatically jump off the platform as soon as he lands. Click on the link below if you would like more information on the side quests that you can still complete if you want to explore more of what Final Fantasy VII has to offer for end game content. You will have to go through the cave located just under the treasure chest in order to reach it. This is the farthest that you can go in the Northern Cave. There is a chest around the pathway that contains a Turbo Ether. Another mistake made by the developers as technically W-Magic Materia is yellow. ... That way you're really flying from just south of the Northern Cave to the Northern Cave when you cross the edge of the map. Climb the stone steps on the left and enter the cave to reach the very first area of the left path. You have now reached the final chapter of the game. Jump down and open the treasure chest to receive an X-Potion. Barret - Left Proceed to the next screen by continuing towards the bottom-right. Exit the cave and walk towards the left and Cloud will automatically fall down a few levels. There is a treasure chest at the bottom of the steps on the left that contains a Remedy. Drop off the left side of this ledge and then continue downward until you reach the bottom. Final Fantasy 7’s big handsome bad guy, Sephiroth, is coming to Super Smash Bros. Cait Sith - Left Head all the way right to drop down again, jump down to the next level, proceed through the cave, and make your way down to the next area. Cid - Left. Touch the glowing wall on the left side of the screen to pick up a Magic Counter Materia. And Barrett, level 52. In the PlayStation 4 version of the game there is a black-colored Materia floating there to better identify where this Materia is located. Open the chest in the far-left corner to find a REMEDY and proceed to the next area. When you reach the path that spirals down into the cave, you'll notice a cave near the top. If you take the right pathway with Cloud you will not be given the option to choose whether the other party members take the upper or lower pathway when they go left. Continue down the spiraled pathway around the cave stalactite until you reach the bottom. Open the chest to find the MYSTILE, grab the ELIXIR, and proceed to the next area. Grant their demands for an Elixir (a pittance if you're using the W-Item cheat) and you'll be able to defeat them to gain 8000 EXP, 1000 AP and 8500 Gil for each one! Yuffie: Counter Materia. Beneath this area of the cave continues a path down towa… This means that you can get two copies of each of the items if you send the right party members to each area and if you go get the treasure chest with Cloud himself. Now that you have gone through each of the areas you can proceed into this room and obtain the duplicated items. As such, you should take precautions to make this new party as strong as possible. Choose “Alright, let’s go!” once you and your team are ready to proceed. On the right side of the screen is a treasure chest that contains an Elixir. You won't receive any EXP when you defeat them, but you'll get 2400 AP and 90000 Gil! Ribbons make the final battles against Sephiroth much easier. Make your way to the left and pick up the W-MAGIC MATERIA lying under the vegetation, grab the COUNTER MATERIA near the center of the glowing light, and go through the passage at the left to reach the bottom of the cave. Roulette: Northern Cave 23. Is is likely that you are now left using party members that were not part of your core team. All of the Materia that your other party members were carrying will have returned to your inventory. Ultimate on Dec. 22, as revealed by Masahiro Sakurai during today’s showcase stream. Proceed towards the light to reach the next screen. This is the farthest you can proceed without completing the game’s conclusion which will result in you reaching the “The End” screen and you will only be able to continue from your last saved game. Click the register link above to proceed. Vincent would give a fairly useful item too if he were to take the left / lower pathway ( Mega All Materia) however, when compared to the other items you can receive, the Mega All Materia is of limited value at the later stages of the game. There are three different directions total. Follow the pathway that leads to the lower-right side of the screen and jump over to the treasure chest which contains a Magic Source. Enter the cave to find a treasure chest that contains a Megalixir. This will cause Cloud to jump up one level. Enemy Skill Materia Locations; ... First Choice). Once you go down the into the northern cave where sephiroth is, is it possible to get out? At the bottom of the cave you will find a treasure chest that contains a Mystile armor. Instead of going down the hole, go through the cave entrance on the top right and just climb back up a few screens until you reach the top of the crater. Red XIII - Up Dive into the pool and you'll surface at the far-right path. There are several enemies in the Northern Crater that use Sudden Death attacks, such as L4 Death, which will not be prevented by any of your Ribbon accessories.Equip one of your characters with the Safety Bit accessory that you picked up in the Great Glacier. Make your way to the far-right corner and open the chest to find an X-POTION before proceeding to the next area. Head left and open the chest in the far-left corner to find a VACCINE. (Enter the far-right cave if you want to explore the left path and you'll end up back at the bottom of the cave.). Climb up and open the chest in the upper-left corner to find a POWER SOURCE, pass behind the rock to the right to pick up an HP ABSORB MATERIA, and jump down to the next area. The Save Crystal item allows you to create a Save Point anywhere in the Northern Cave, but be very careful using it as there are a host of glitches and errors that can be caused if you use it in the wrong location that can ruin the game. With EXP Plus and Gil Plus equipped as you run through this area, you'll inflate those figures even further. My current party is Cloud, level 52. Keeping in mind the items above and the justifications provided, split up your party as follows: Cloud - Left Choose your new party members out of the six who have gone left with Cloud and then travel down into the next screen. There is a Hero Drink in the treasure chest to the right on this platform. However, at this point in the game you can backtrack and turn around after visiting most sections of the the Northern Cave Crater. Press the Button as soon as Cloud lands to pick up the Mega All Materia. The chest at the bottom of the screen contains an X-Potion. 3 years ago. Proceed to the next area and climb down the skeleton path to reach the bottom of the cave. Grab the treasure chest at the back of the room which contains a Remedy and then proceed into the next area through the doorway at the top-right of the screen. 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