On the other side of that wall, the next court was reserved for Jewish women. Paul makes three points here, which I can only touch on: This overlaps what he said in verse 15, but the focus shifts from our reconciliation to one another to our reconciliation with God. Paul has just rehearsed the sad plight of the Gentiles before Christ (2:11-12). Epistles: Ephesians 2:11-22 – The Divine Reconciliation in Christ. He uses the word “peace” four times (2:14, 15, 17 [twice]). Who inhabits this place? Through the cross, Christ fulfilled and thereby nullified or abolished the old covenant law (this harmonizes Eph. ... Then racial reconciliation is further encouraged by the proclamation of the gospel. 14-16). Peace with God comes only through the cross of Jesus Christ. Pride and selfishness account for everything from wars between nations to conflicts in our families. Sin always causes alienation towards God and between people. Our word for “reconcile” in Ephesians 2:16 – (apokatallasso): reconcile completely Used 3x in NT (E2.16 + 2x in Col 1) Colossians 1:19-22 : For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile [ apokatallasso ] all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace [ eirēnopoieō ] through the blood of His cross. Home. Wyatt Ciesielka There are real walls, and there are symbolic walls. Yet through Christ they have been "brought near" (Ephesians 2:13). While the Jews were God’s chosen people because of His grace alone, not because of anything meritorious in them, they had become proud and had developed an intense hatred for the Gentiles. It is a personal relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Greek word translated “make” (NASB, 2:15) is literally, “create.” What Adam and Eve lost through sin in the original creation, Christ is recovering through the new man, the church, which is His new creation. SOLI DEO GLORIA! d. Through what means alone can reconciliation take place? The Peace and Reconciliation of Ephesians 2:14 July / August 2018 . And you He made alive: The words He made alive are in italics, which indicates that they … However, in God’s eternal plan and wisdom he made a way to eventually remove these barriers and allow full access to himself, not only for Jews but for Gentiles as well (vv. In the parable of the prodigal son, the young man impudently rejected the love of his father and chose instead the company of his fast-living, fickle friends. Eph. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace” (Ephesians 2:14-15). Colossians 1:19-23 and Romans 5:10,11 spell out precisely why man needs to be reconciled to God - because man is at odds with God. See 2 Corinthians 3:3, 7, 11; Galatians 3:19-25. c. What was God’s purpose in annulling the law (Torah)? It is a reality that we must walk in, but it has already been accomplished in Christ. 5. “Access” means “introduction,” much as a common person would be introduced to the king through the king’s representative. Peace can be found only in one place, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, because He alone can deal with our inherent sin problem. But since the cross of Calvary, both groups are objectively reconciled into a third group, the new humanity in Christ. What law is Paul referring to? Paul addresses this vital subject in our text. Worship Service for Harpeth Baptist Church in Kingston Springs, TN. Ephesians 1 – The Work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in God’s Eternal... Ephesians 3 – The Fellowship of the Mystery 22:37-39). Ephesians 2:14-16 – 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. Paul has just rehearsed the sad plight of the Gentiles before Christ (2:11-12). v. 13. There are considerable notes from a previous owner on most pages and considerable underlining but there is nothing that interferes with the reading of the text. Of the glorious change that was wrought in them by converting grace and again . Who made the peace? The father’s broken heart longed for the return of his wayward son. When he finally saw him coming in the distance, the father felt compassion for him, ran to him, embraced him, kissed him, and joyously welcomed him back into the family. Ephesians 2:11-12 The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation Noted international evangelist Billy Graham stated: “Racial and ethnic hostility is the foremost social problem facing our world today.” This startling observation suggests that racism is more than just one of many problems in the world. The law shut up everyone under sin. What steps can the local church take to improve relationships among its own ranks? The law was given exclusively to Israel as God’s covenant people. What two have been made one, and how is this done? As such, both the content and the manner in which he handles the text are superb. This is the great purpose of God in redeeming the world to himself. “Christ Alone Is the World’s Reconciliation and Peace” Rev. Two stories in the Bible evoke strong feelings in me every time I read them. He talks about Christ making the two groups into one, breaking down the wall between them, and creating the two into one new man. The greater the social and cultural differences between people, the more likely it is that conflict will increase. What do you say? What are the implications of this name for the Gentiles? That powerful story shows the tremendous joy both of reconciled human relationships and also of sinners being reconciled to the heavenly Father. Another barrier kept them from going any further in. What is the barrier called? It is a reality that we must walk in, but it has already been accomplished in Christ. Jesus Christ is the way! So the law created a barrier between the Jews and the Gentiles. But the point of verse 17 is, it is not only the pagan Gentiles who need to hear the good news of peace with God through the blood of Christ. v. 21. Who is the one keeping it together? Jesus Christ perfectly kept God’s law, not only externally, but also on the heart level. c. Who or what is this building that is being addressed? Key text: “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. A well-maintained wall surrounding a beautifully manicured garden is valuable and beneficial. 11 Therefore, ... (Ephesians 2:11-22, New International Version) Introduction. 3. What does the Bible say to the church, and to the individual Christian, about the role of politics in the church? Teenagers think that their parents don’t understand the younger generation. Introduction: In the ancient world there were many schemes in which to classify people. Q. Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (NASB: Lockman). Through the cross, Christ reconciled us all to one another and to God. Ephesians 2 ESV - By Grace Through Faith - And you were - Bible Gateway. But even then, a final barrier existed where only the high priest could enter the sanctuary of the holy of holies, and that only once a year! To underestimate the sinfulness of the human heart only leads to disaster later. And so the great problem of the human race is, how can we be reconciled to a holy God from whom we are estranged because of our sin and rebellion? Hallelujah! c. What is their second state of affairs? The inner circle in 2:11-22 begins with a “therefore” (dio), suggesting that everything said issues from 2:1-10. But, how? Why not? Rulers want greater power and more territory because it feeds their pride. As Paul puts it (Rom. But, remember, we at one time were also on the outside, humanly speaking, not knowing how to find our way in. They shook the dust off their feet aft… Here Paul says (2:18), “through Him [Christ], we both [Jew and Gentile] have our access in one Spirit to the Father.” At the heart of the gospel is that we now have access to God, whom Paul here calls, “the Father.” This means that Christianity is not a religion of rituals. When God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, he grew angry and murdered his brother. Mr. The testimony of the cross before a strife-torn world depends on it. A well-maintained wall surrounding a beautifully manicured garden is valuable and beneficial. The race riots which followed Rodney King’s arrest and beating by police in Los Angeles in 1992 produced burning, looting, and destruction. Even Paul and Barnabas had a sharp dispute that led them to part ways in their missionary endeavors (Acts 15:36-40). The division and hostility that exists between a holy God and a sinful people can only be reconciled in one way. 4:2-3). In my opinion, the relationship between the Law and the believer is one of the most difficult subjects in the Bible, and I can only be brief! v. 22. 1. Selfish pride is at the root of most of the anger that divides families. And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, a. This chapter contains an account, I. 3:28). First, and foremost, do you have a personal relationship with the Father because you have trusted in the blood of His Son Jesus to cover all of your sins? Religious people (the Jews), those who know about the covenants of God’s promise of salvation, also need to hear the good news. And, we need peace in our immediate and extended families. Yet that’s not all God does in the gospel. On the wall at intervals was placed a warning for a Gentile not to enter further on the penalty of death. 5:17-19). A Simple Bible Study Resource Reconciliation (2:16) Normal Word for “Reconcile” (katallasso): to change from one condition to another; a change of attitude or relationship the word used of bringing together friends who have been estranged // William Barclay, The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, The New Daily Study Bible (Louisville, KY; London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002), 134. Ephesians 2 - NIV: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. If the church is God’s instrument in Christ for reconciliation between peoples of all kinds, how can it prove itself to the world when reconciliation is difficult even among its own members? Only Jews who had properly gone through the cleansing rituals could approach the altar with their sacrifices. 3:5-6), “circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless.” But, keep reading (3:7), “But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” He goes on to emphasize that he did not stand before God in a righteousness of his own derived from the Law, but rather through the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith (3:9). What was abolished in Christ’s “flesh” or his death? Perhaps his heart was burdened with the very real danger of the Jewish and Gentile wings of the church splitting into factions. There are two obvious applications of these verses. Epistles: Ephesians 2:11-22 – The Divine Reconciliation in Christ. Why? We need peace in our communities. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Discipleship, Spiritual Growth, and Christian Living. f. What is the implication of the fifth in regards to salvation? Why? Paul goes on to say that the gospel includes the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles into one new humanity. (Ephesians 2:5-7) The past, present and future of God’s work of individual reconciliation. Lesson objective: To understand that the former world was divided into two hostile groups of Jews and Gentiles. v. 19. Note three things from these verses: The source of the hostility between the Jews and Gentiles was sinful pride. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. v. 18. There are helpful walls, and there are harmful walls. 5:1), “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” So the basis for being reconciled to God is not anything that you do, but only by trusting in what Jesus did for you on the cross. If Christ is our peace, why couldn’t two godly men, like Paul and Barnabas, get along in the ministry? How about the Jews? v. 16. e. To whom was peace (the gospel) preached? 10:32), the last embracing former Jews and Gentiles.” Thus the church is a new humanity or new race. See 1 Samuel 17:26. What an indescribable privilege, to be able to come into the presence of the Father, through the Son, in dependence on the Holy Spirit! See Leviticus 12:1-3. b. v. 15a. Ephesians 2.13-22. The "enmity" between man is put to death through the cross of Christ. making a reconciliation of the two in a body reconciled to God. Sunday, January 10, 2021. Outside the Temple there was a yard, called the court of the Gentiles, and a wall. We might compare it to the divide between whites and blacks in the South in our country, or to the conflict between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. What is Christ’s role in the redemptive task of reconciling all people unto himself? Here, he wants us to see that we as Gentiles were once separated from God, alienated but because of Christ we are reconciled to God. Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh; who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands; that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But not beyond a good preacher’s ability to utilize in a communal setting. So he begins with the problem at hand and then goes deeper to the foundational reconciliation with God that results in reconciliation between formerly hostile groups. Ephesians 2 - NIV: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. At the root of those hostilities was religious and ethnic pride on the part of the Jews. He further explains that the source of this enmity was “the Law of commandments contained in ordinances.” The word “abolished” means “nullified” or “rendered inoperative.” “In His flesh” refers to Christ’s death on the cross. Children rebel against their parents because they want their way. This is a copy of "God's Way of Reconciliation, Studies in Ephesians Chapter 2" by D.M. On this wall were inscriptions that have been discovered by archaeologists, which warn that if a Gentile goes beyond the barrier, he will have himself to blame for his death which follows. They shook the dust off their feet after traveling in Gentile territory before coming back to the Holy Land, so as not to defile the land. What are the results of reconciliation as opposed to our previous condition as Gentiles? Good works won’t gain access to the holy God. Rich are greedy say that Jesus was just a man or at best a misunderstood prophet, by... Goes on to say ( 2:16 ) that through the cross of Christ which created! Only leads to disaster later Service for Harpeth Baptist church in Kingston Springs, TN, suggesting everything. The colossians, to Philemon, and there are harmful walls for his Divine in... God 's way of reconciliation … the reconciliation of Gentile and Jew: the! 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